8 research outputs found

    Lokalize alveoler defektlerin intraoral otojen onley kemik greftleri ile onarımında tünel ve krestal insizyon tekniklerinin karşılaştırılması

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    u çalışmanın amacı; krestal ve tünel olmak üzere iki farklı insizyon tekniği kullanılarak hazırlanan alıcı bölgelerde meydana gelen komplikasyon oranlarının karşılaştırılmasıdır. u amaçla 2013 şubat -2014 ocak tarihleri arasında aşkent Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ağız Diş ve Çene Cerrahisi kliniğine implant yaptırmak için başvuran ve alveoler kret atrofisi olan, 24-65 yaş aralığındaki gönüllü hastalar, cinsiyet ayırımı gözetilmeksizin çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Çalışmaya dahil edilecek hastalar, ardışık olarak krestal insizyon tekniği ve tünel insizyon tekniği kullanılarak opere edilmiştir. Verici saha olarak mandibuler ramus veya simfiz bölgeleri kullanılmıştır. Kemik greftinin alınacağı bölgenin seçiminde; alıcı bölgenin lokalizasyonu, ihtiyaç olunan kemiğin kalite-kantititesi ve oluşabilecek cerrahi komplikasyonlar göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Krestal ve Tünel gruplarında gerçekleştirilen ogmentasyon prosedürlerinin tamamında verici saha olarak mandibular ramus veya simfiz tercih edilmiştir. Otojen blok kemik greftleri, piezoelektrik cerrahi cihazı ile elde edilmiş ve alıcı sahaya iki vida (Syntess) ile fikse edilmiştir. lok kemik greftlerinin üzerinde trombositten zengin fibrin (TZF) membran olarak kullanılmıştır. 6 aylık bekleme süreci sonunda implant cerrahileri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Her iki grupta gerçekleştirilen operasyonlarda ve takip seanslarında minor komplikasyonlar (geçici parestezi, ılımlı enfeksiyon, greftte minor açılma), major komplikasyonlar (greftte major açılma, kalıcı parestezi, greft kaybına neden olan enfeksiyon), ameliyat süresi, Visual Analog Scala (VAS) parametreleri değerlendirilmiştir. vi Tünel grubunda; 33 hastada 5‟i bilateral olmak üzere 27 horizontal ve 11 vertikal ogmentasyon yapılmıştır. 38 ogmentasyon prosedürünün 16‟sında ramus, 22‟sinde simfiz verici saha olarak kullanılmıştır. Ogmentasyon yapılan 37 bölgeye, çapları 3.3, 4.1 ve 4.8 mm, uzunlukları 10 ve 12 mm olan toplam 59 implant (Straumann) yerleştirilmiştir Krestal grubunda; 35 hastada 2‟si bilateral olmak üzere 27 horizontal ve 10 vertikal ogmentasyon yapılmıştır. Ogmentasyon yapılan 34 bölgeye çapları 3.3, 4.1 ve 4.8 mm, uzunlukları 8, 10 ve 12 mm olan toplam 61 implant yerleştirilmiştir. Tünel grubunda; ogmente edilen 38 alıcı sahadan 4‟ünde minor açıklık meydana gelmiştir. Alıcı sahalardan 1‟inde meydana gelen major açıklık ve enfeksiyona bağlı olarak greft kaybedilmiştir. Krestal grubunda; ogmente edilen 37 alıcı sahadan 12‟sinde minör, 3‟ünde major açıklık meydana gelmiştir. 6 aylık izlem sonucunda, Tünel grubuna göre Krestal grubunda minör açılma sıklığı istatistiksel anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0,001). 6 aylık izlem sonucunda, Krestal ve Tunel grupları arasında; ılımlı enfeksiyon, major açılma, greft kaybına neden olan enfeksiyon, ciltte ve mukozada parestezi, komşu dişte dişeti çekilmesi görülme sıklıkları istatistiksel olarak benzer bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak; tünel insizyon tekniği ile hazırlanan alıcı sahalarda, otojen kemik greftleri ile ogmentasyon prosedürlerinin en sık karşılaşılan komplikasyonu olarak bildirilen insizyon hattındaki açıklık oranının anlamlı olarak daha az meydana gelmiş olması, minimal invaziv tünel tekniğinin sık kullanılan krestal insizyon tekniğine alternatif olarak kullanılabileceği görülmüştür

    Alveolar ridge splitting versus autogenous onlay bone grafting: Complications and implant survival rates

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    WOS: 000398802400017PubMed ID: 28114264Purpose:To compare the complications and implant survival rates of localized alveolar ridge deficiencies in the horizontal dimension reconstructed by alveolar ridge splitting (ARS) or autogenous onlay bone grafting (OBG).Materials and Methods:Twenty-eight ARS and 28 OBG were performed. The survival rate of the all included implants was evaluated using the clinical and radiographical evaluation criteria of Misch et al. Temporary exposure of graft, mild infection, temporary paresthesia, and bad split were defined as minor complications; permanent exposure of graft, loss of graft, and permanent paresthesia were defined as major complications. Major and minor complications of ARS and OBG groups were statistically compared.Results:When the minor and major complication rates are considered, there was not any statistically significant difference between OBG (P = 0.099) and ARS (P = 0.241) groups. The satisfactory survival rate of OBG group was 92% and was 100% in the ARS group, and the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.116).Conclusion:When reconstructing vertically sufficient but horizontally insufficient alveolar ridges, ridge splitting technique could shorten the treatment period, decrease postoperative swelling and pain, eliminate the need for a second surgical site, reduce the treatment cost, and ease the patient cooperation to the surgery

    The effect of conventional surgery and piezoelectric surgery bone harvesting techniques on the donor site morbidity of the mandibular ramus and symphysis

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    WOS: 000360419000012PubMed ID: 25979191The aim of this study was to evaluate the morbidity following bone harvesting at two different intraoral donor sites, mandibular symphysis and ramus, and to determine the effects of piezoelectric. and conventional surgical graft harvesting techniques on donor site morbidity. Intraoral block bone grafts were harvested from the symphysis (n = 44) and ramus (n = 31). The two donor site groups were divided into two subgroups according to the surgical graft harvesting method used (conventional or piezoelectric surgery). Intraoperative and postoperative pain was assessed using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Donor site morbidity and the harvesting techniques were compared statistically. Of 290 teeth evaluated in the symphysis group, four needed root canal treatment after surgery. The incidence of transient paresthesia in the mucosa was significantly higher in the symphysis group than in the ramus group (P = 0.004). In the symphysis group, the incidence of temporary skin and mucosa paresthesia was lower in the piezoelectric surgery subgroup than in the conventional surgery subgroup (P = 0.006 and P = 0.001, respectively). No permanent anaesthesia of any region of the skin was reported in either donor site group. VAS scores did not differ between the ramus and symphysis harvesting groups, or between the piezoelectric and conventional surgery subgroups. When the. symphysis was chosen as the donor site, minor sensory disturbances of the mucosa and teeth were recorded. The use of piezoelectric surgery during intraoral harvesting of bone blocks, especially from the symphysis, can reduce these complications

    Changes in the lower lip soft tissue after bone graft harvesting from the mandibular symphysis

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    WOS: 000392039700021PubMed ID: 27688167Following the surgical release of the mentalis muscle, lip incompetence and/or an increase in lower incisor exposure may be seen due to undesirable attachment of the muscle fibres. The aim of this study was to evaluate the extent of lip ptosis, lower incisor exposure, and other soft tissue changes following bone graft harvesting from the mandibular symphysis when the mentalis muscle is reapproximated precisely to its original position. Seventeen consecutive patients who underwent bone graft harvesting from the mandibular symphysis were included in this study. The mentalis muscle was isolated, identified, marked, and reapproximated precisely during the bone harvesting operation. Digital lateral cephalograms obtained preoperatively and at 6 months postoperative were analyzed and compared by paired samples t-test to determine the horizontal and vertical soft tissue changes in the lower lip and chin. Although the soft tissue thickness at soft tissue point B and at soft tissue pogonion had increased significantly at 6 months after chin bone graft harvesting, there were no significant changes in lower incisor exposure or other positional alterations of the lower lip (P < 0.05). Precise reattachment of the mentalis muscle in its original position helps to avoid significant vertical positional changes in the lower lip. Increases in soft tissue thickness can be observed following bone graft harvesting from the mandibular symphysis.Baskent University Institutional Review Board [D-KA15/16]This study was approved by Baskent University Institutional Review Board (Project No. D-KA15/16)

    Comparison of tunnel and crestal incision techniques in alveolar cret deficiency using extraoral autogeneous onley bone grafts

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı alveoler kret yetersizliğinde krestal ve tünel olmak üzere 2 farklı insizyon tekniği kullanılarak ekstraoral donör sahadan alınan otojen kemik greftin yerleştirilmesinden sonra meydana gelen alıcı bölgedeki komplikasyonların karşılaştırılması ve değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada 13 hastadaki iliak greft ile ogmente edilen 14 krestal, 27 tünel yöntemi olmak üzere 41 bölgedeki minör (greftte minör açılma, vida başının açılması, sütur açılması, geçici parestezi, ılımlı ve/veya orta şiddette enfeksiyon) ve majör (greft kaybına neden olan enfeksiyon, majör açıklık, kalıcı parestezi) komplikasyonlar retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmiş ve iki farklı insizyon tekniği karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca donör saha morbiditeleri değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Tünel insizyon tekniği kullanılan grupta minor komplikasyon oranı %29.6 iken majör komplikasyon görülmemiştir. Krestal insizyon yapılan grupta % 50 minör komplikasyon ve %28.6 majör komplikasyon görülmüştür. İki farklı insizyon tekniği kullanılan gruplar arasında minör ve majör komplikasyon oranlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. İlaveten krestal teknikte ogmente edilen bölge sayısı ile minör komplikasyon oluşma riski insidansı arasında anlamlı ters korelasyon görülmüştür. Sonuç: Ekstraoral otojen greftlerde subperiosteal tünel yaklaşımı krestal yaklaşıma göre alıcı saha komplikasyon oranı dikkate alındığında daha başarılı ve alternatif bir yöntem olabilir.Aim: The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate two techniques’, crestal and tunnel incision, complications after extraoral autogenous bone grafting at recipient area, which are used to treat alveol crest insufficiency. Materials and Method: Minor complications (minor openning in graft, opening of screw head, suture opening, temporary paresthesia, mild/moderate infection) and major complications (Infection causing graft loss, major opening, permanent paresthesia) of 41 graft sites (14 crestal and 27 tunnel methods) which were augmented with iliac graft in 13 patients are evaluated and compared with two different techniques retrospectively. Furthermore, donor area morbidities were evaluated. Results: While minor complication rate in the group where tunnel incision technique used is 29.6%, major complication is not encountered. In the crestal incision group, 50% minor complication and 28.6% major complication are encountered. Minor and major complication rates among groups were statistically significant. In addition, significant negative correlation was found between the number of region which is augmented with crestal technique and incidence risk that leads minor complication. Conclusion: When considered recipient graft site complication rate, subperiosteal tunnel approach was found more successful than crestal approach and it can be an alternative method to extraoral autogenous grafting technique

    Comparison of success rate of dental implants placed in autogenous bone graft regenerated areas and pristine bone

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    Autogenous bone grafting still has been considered as the "gold standard" and wildly used in the case of alveolar bone reconstruction. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the success rate of implants placed in autogenous block augmented ridges and implants placed in pristine bone (PB). This study included 113 patients. Fifty-three patients were treated with autogenous block grafts and particulate bone, after 6 months of healing implant placements were performed in autogenous bone augmented (ABA) areas. In 60 patients implant placement was performed, with no need for grafting and implants were placed into the PB. Follow-up data (pain, mobility, exudation from peri-implant space, success rate, marginal bone resorption) were collected after 5 years of prosthetic loading. The cumulative implant success rate at the 5-year examination was 92.45% for the ABA group and 85% for PB group. There were 3 failed implants in the ABA group and 3 in PB group. Average marginal bone loss was 1.47 mm on ABA group and 1.58 mm on PB group. No statistically significant differences for pain, exudation from peri-implant space, implant mobility, implant success, peri-implant bone loss parameters, and patient satisfaction level were found between groups. The obtained data demonstrated that the success rate of implants placed in regenerated areas are very similar to the success rate of implants those placed in PB

    Sesquiterpene Coumarin Ethers with Selective Cytotoxic Activities from the Roots of <i>Ferula huber-morathii</i> Peşmen (Apiaceae) and Unequivocal Determination of the Absolute Stereochemistry of Samarcandin

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    Ancient physicians frequently used the resin of Ferula species to treat cancer. Today, some folkloric recipes used for cancer treatment also contain the resin of Ferula species. The dichloromethane extract of the roots of Ferula huber-morathii exhibited cytotoxic activities against COLO 205 (colon), K-562 (lymphoblast), and MCF-7 (breast) cancer cell lines (IC50 = 52 µg/mL, 72 µg/mL, and 20 µg/mL, respectively). Fifteen sesquiterpene coumarin ethers with cytotoxic activity were isolated from the dichloromethane extract of the roots of F. huber-morathii using bioactivity-directed isolation studies. Extensive spectroscopic analyses and chemical transformations have elucidated the structures of these sesquiterpene coumarin ethers as conferone (1), conferol (2), feselol (3), badrakemone (4), mogoltadone (5), farnesiferol A (6), farnesiferol A acetate (7), gummosin (8), ferukrin (9), ferukrin acetate (10), deacetylkellerin (11), kellerin (12), samarcandone (13), samarcandin (14), and samarcandin acetate (15). The absolute configuration of samarcandin (14) was unequivocally determined by the X-ray crystallographic analysis of the semi-synthetic (R)-MTPA ester of samarcandin (24). Conferol (2) and mogoltadone (5) were found to be the most potent cytotoxic compounds against all three cancer cell lines; furthermore, these compounds exhibit low cytotoxic activity against the non-cancerous human umbilical vein epithelial cells (HUVEC) cell line. Investigation of the biological activity mechanisms of mogoltadone (5) revealed that while suppressing the levels of Bcl-XL and procaspase-3 in the COLO 205 cancer cell line, it did not have a significant effect on the Bcl-XL, caspase-3, and β-catenin protein levels of the HUVEC cell line, which may explain the cytotoxic selectivity of mogoltadone (5) on cancer cell lines