93 research outputs found

    The causality analysis of relationship between financial development and economic growth in Turkey

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    Türkiye ekonomisi için büyüme ve finansal gelişme arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisinin yönünü tespit etmeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada 1989-2011 dönemine ait yıllık veriler kullanılarak Toda-Yamamoto testi uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca, temel bileşenler analizi yöntemi ile Türkiye ekonomisinin özgün koşullarını yansıtan ve finansal gelişmişlik düzeyini en kapsamlı biçiminde ölçmeyi mümkün kılacak bir finansal gelişme endeksi oluşturulmuştur. Ampirik bulgular, ‘89 sonrası dönemde ağırlıklı olarak ‘büyüme’den ‘finansal gelişme’ye doğru işleyen tek yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi söz konusu olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bir başka ifadeyle finansal gelişme ve ekonomik büyüme arasında ‘talep takipli’ bir nedensellik ilişkisi söz konusudur.In this study Toda-Yamamoto test was applied by using annual data between 1989-2011 to determine the direction of causality relationship between growth and financial development for the Turkish economy. Also, by principal components analysis a financial development index which reflects original conditions of Turkish economy and makes it possible to measure financial development level widely was constituted. Empirical evidence has shown that there is a unidirectional causal relationship from economic growth to financial development in the period after 1989. In other words, there is a causal relationship called 'demand following' between financial development and economic growth

    Oral bifosfonat tedavisi görmüş olan bir hastanın dental implant destekli protez ile rehabilitasyonu: Olgu sunumu

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    Bifosfonatlar kemik metabolizmasında osteoklastik inhibitör etkileri nedeniyle birçok kemik ile ilgili hastalıkta yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Son yıllarda intravenöz (İV) ve oral yolla alınan bifosfonatların, ciddi bir yan etkisi olan bifosfonata bağlı çenelerde görülen osteonekroz (BRONJ) hakkında bir çok vaka rapor edilmiştir. BRONJ oluşturma riski yüksek olması nedeniyle İV bifosfonat kullanımı, dental implant uygulamalarında kesin kontraendikasyon olduğu bildirilmiştir. Ancak oral bifosfonat kullanan hastalarda dental implant yapılması ile ilgili öneriler sınırlı verilere dayanmaktadır. Bu olgu raporunda, osteoporoz nedeniyle 3 yıl bifosfonat tedavisi görmüş olan hastanın dental implant destekli protez ile rehabilitasyonu sunulmuştur

    Next-gen traffic surveillance: AI-assisted mobile traffic violation detection system

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    Road traffic accidents pose a significant global public health concern, leading to injuries, fatalities, and vehicle damage. Approximately 1,3 million people lose their lives daily due to traffic accidents [World Health Organization, 2022]. Addressing this issue requires accurate traffic law violation detection systems to ensure adherence to regulations. The integration of Artificial Intelligence algorithms, leveraging machine learning and computer vision, has facilitated the development of precise traffic rule enforcement. This paper illustrates how computer vision and machine learning enable the creation of robust algorithms for detecting various traffic violations. Our model, capable of identifying six common traffic infractions, detects red light violations, illegal use of breakdown lanes, violations of vehicle following distance, breaches of marked crosswalk laws, illegal parking, and parking on marked crosswalks. Utilizing online traffic footage and a self-mounted on-dash camera, we apply the YOLOv5 algorithm's detection module to identify traffic agents such as cars, pedestrians, and traffic signs, and the strongSORT algorithm for continuous interframe tracking. Six discrete algorithms analyze agents' behavior and trajectory to detect violations. Subsequently, an Identification Module extracts vehicle ID information, such as the license plate, to generate violation notices sent to relevant authorities

    Pediatric Forearm Fractures: TEN (Titanium Elastic Nail) versus Plate Screw Fixation for Surgical Treatment

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    Background/Aims: In pediatric forearm fractures, the choice of surgical technique and fixation method can be challenging. Surgically treated pediatric patients younger than 14 years with Titanium Elastic Nails (TEN) or Plate Screw Fixation(PSF) were compared clinically, in cost, and in terms of postoperative outcomes. Method: In the retrospective case-control study, pediatric forearm fractures operated on at a level I trauma center between 2017 and 2022 were examined. Surgically treated forearm fractures in pediatric patients under 14 years of age were included in this study group. Results: A mean age of 10.83 +- 3.28 years was found among the 109 patients. The PSF group (12.87+-2.76 years) was 3.17 (95% CI 2.02 - 4.33) years older than the TEN group (9.7+-3 years) (

    Relationship between vitamin D in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and psoriasis patients

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    Introduction: Although psoriasis and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) are associated with systemic inflammation, studies on their potential bilateral relationship are not sufficient. Aim: To investigate vitamin D levels and receptor gene polymorphisms in patients with OSAS and psoriasis and the associations with these diseases. Material and methods: One hundred thirty-seven patients included in the study consisted of 4 different groups: group 1, those with both diseases; group 2, those with OSAS only; group 3, patients with psoriasis only; and group 4, healthy controls. The patients??? serum calcium, phosphorus, AHI, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Psoriasis Area Severity Index, and VDR TagI, ApaI, BsmI polymorphisms were compared. Results: Vitamin D levels of groups 1, 2 and 3 were found to be lower than in controls. There was no statistically significant correlation between VDR TagI, ApaI, BsmI gene polymorphisms of the groups. Vitamin D levels were significantly higher in patients with heterozygous ApaI genotype (A/C) compared to patients with normal (A/A) or homozygous mutant (C/C) genotype (p < 0.05). No relationship was determined between VDR TagI, ApaI, BsmI, and the other parameters. Conclusions: In our study, 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 levels were significantly lower in all disease groups compared to the control group. Although there is no difference between the groups in terms of VDR gene polymorphism, we think that there may be a bidirectional relationship between these diseases based on the low vitamin D levels.Namik Kemal University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit [NKUBAP.02, 18.188]A this study was supported by Namik Kemal University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (Project Number NKUBAP.02.GA.18.188)

    A necessary condition to keep in mind after blunt trauma: cardiac tamponade

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    Kardiyak travmalar torasik travmaların yaklaşık %1'ini oluşturmaktadır. Kardiyak yaralanmalar künt veya penetran yaralanmalar şeklinde karşımıza çıkabilir. Bu yaralanmalarda tanı ve tedavi süreci ne kadar hızlı olursa, mortalite de o kadar düşük olmaktadır. Bu hastalarda dikkatli fizik muayene ve gerekiyor ise ekokardiyografiden faydalanılarak kardiyak yaralanma tanısının erken koyulması ve cerrahi girişimin planlanması mortalite ve morbidite açısından önemlidir. Aynı zamanda farklı klinikler arasında hasta hakkında doğru bilgilendirme yapılarak hekimler arasında koordinasyon kurulması, buna göre gerekli hazırlıkların yapılarak cerrahiye giden süreçte vakit kaybının önlenmesi, hastanın hayatını kurtaran en önemli davranış olmuştur. Bu olgumuzda motorsiklet kazası sonucu acil servise kabul edilmiş ve kardiyak tamponat tanısı almış 22 yaşında erkek hastayı literature katkı sağlaması açısından sunduk.Cardiac injuries represent 1% of the thoracic traumas. Cardiac injuries can be presented as blunt or penetrating injuries. In these patients, most important factors in determining the mortality are diagnosis and treatment process. Patients with cardiac tamponade due to blunt trauma can benefit from careful physical and echocardiographic examination. In addition; communication between different centers, giving correct data about the patient, establishing coordination among physicians and making necessary preparations for surgery can prevent loss of time. In this case report we present a 22year-old male patient who was brought to emergency service after motorcycle accident and diagnosed with cardiac tamponade

    Determination of vine growers’ tendency, problems and solution offers for agricultural ınsurance applications in viticulture business in Trakya region

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    Bu çalışma ile Tekirdağ, Edirne, Kırklareli ve Çanakkale İlleri üzüm üreticilerinin tarım sigortasından haberdar olma durumları, tarım sigortasına yönelik eğilimleri, sigorta yaptırma ve yaptırmama nedenleri, karşılaşılan sorunlar ve bunlara yönelik çözüm önerileri belirlenerek, tarımda sigorta sektörünün gelişimine ışık tutacak verilerin ortaya konulması amaçlan-mıştır. Çalışma alanında bağını sigorta yaptıran 60 ve yaptırmayan 229 olmak üzere toplam 289 üretici ile anket çalışması yapılmış ve elde edilen veriler analiz edilerek değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma alanında dolu ve don en önemli tarımsal belirsiz-liklerdir. Yapılan saha çalışmasında elde edilen verilere ve gözlemlere göre bitkisel ürün sigortasının yaygınlaşmasında %50'lik devlet desteği önemlidir. Tanıtım ve bilgilendirme toplantılarına katılım az olmakla beraber (% 18 ) üreticilerin bü-yük kısmı devlet destekli tarım sigortasının kapsam ve şartlarını bildiğini (% 75,4) belirtmektedir. Anket yapılan üreticilerin % 88’i tarım sigortasını doğru kabul edilebilecek şekilde tanımlamaktadır. Araştırma alanında bağcılık işletmelerinde tarım sigortası uygulamasının yeterli düzeyde benimsenmemesinin en önemli nedeni işletmelerin gelir ve arazi bakımından küçük işletmeler olmasıdır. Bu önemli nedenin ardından sigorta teminatının kapsamının yetersiz olması, hisseli arazileri işleyenlerin sigorta için zorunlu olan ÇKS kaydını gerçekleştirememeleri ve tazminatın tamamının ödeneceğine dair güvensizlik gelmek-tedir. Tarım sigortası yaptıran işletmelerin ise hasar tespiti işlemlerinin uygun yapılması, tazminat ödemelerinde muafiyet oranın yüksek olması ile sigorta poliçesinin düzenlenmesi döneminde üzüm verimi ve fiyatının belirlenmesinde üretici beya-nının dikkate alınmaması gibi sorunları öne çıkmaktadır.This study was carried out in order to provide informative data for improvement of agricultural insurance sector by determination of awareness of vine-growers in Tekirdağ, Edirne, Kırklareli and Çanakkale provinces about agricultural insurance, their tendencies about the insurance, the reasons for taking out or not taking out an insurance policy and the problems faced and solution offers.. Questionnaire studies were made with a total of 289 growers within the research area, of which 60 had an active insurance policy, and the data obtained were analyzed and evaluated. Hail and frost are the most important agricultural uncertainties in the research area. According to the data and observations, government contribution of 50% appeared to be important for increasing prevalency of agricultural insurance policies. Although attendance to introductory contact meetings was low (18%), majority of the growers (75,4%) reported that they were aware of scope and conditions of partially government subsidized agricultural insurance. Eighty-eight percent of surveyed growers defined agricultural insurance correctly. The most important reason that account for the insufficient adoption of agricultural insurance by growers is the small size and low-income of the vineyards. The other causes are insufficient insurance coverage, the lack of entrances of land shareholders into the farmer registration system and the lack of confidence for payment of a full cover indemnity. The problems of insured growers are inaccurate damage assessment process, high exemption amount in indemnity payments and neglectance of declerations of growers during insurance process about determination of product yield and pric

    Manyetik Yataklı Güneş Motoru Tasarımı ve Aydınlık Düzeyi – Hız Karakteristiğinin Belirlenmesi

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    Günümüzde elektrik motorları günlük hayatın gereksinimlerini karşılamak amacıyla hemen hemen her alanda kullanılmaktadır. Endüstriyel uygulamalara yönelik olarak üretilen birçok elektrik motoru olduğu gibi eğitim ve araştırma amaçlı olarak üretilen elektrik motorları da bulunmaktadır. Manyetik yataklı güneş motoru da bunlardan birisidir. Bu çalışmada manyetik olarak yataklanmış ve enerji ihtiyacını üzerindeki güneş gözeleriyle karşılayan bir elektrik motorunun tasarım ölçütleri açıklanmış, bu ölçütlere göre motor imalatı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Motorun doğal ışık kaynağı olan güneş altındaki performansı değerlendirildikten sonra yapay ışık kaynağı kullanılarak motor üzerindeki aydınlık düzeyi ile motorun hızının değişimi ölçülerek aydınlık düzeyi – hız karakteristiği elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar değerlendirilmiştir

    Clinical and pathological features of adrenal myelolipoma and myelolipomatous metaplasia cases in our hospital over 13 years

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The development and widespread use of abdominal imaging techniques has increased the incidence of unexpected adrenal tumors called adrenal incidentaloma. Adrenal myelolipomas are the second most common incidentalomas. Similar myelolipomatous morphology appears as a secondary degenerative change in other adrenal lesions and is called myelolipomatous metaplasia. This study investigated the adrenal entities of the last 13 years which had myelolipomatous components.MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective observational study, cases diagnosed as adrenal myelolipoma or myelolipomatous metaplasia between January, 2009 and January, 2022 were re-examined regarding their age, gender, localization, lesion size, and secondary histopathological changes, accompanying pathological diagnoses as well as clinical and radiological data.RESULTS: Eleven adrenal myelolipoma cases and 6 myelolipomatous metaplasia cases were detected. In myelolipomas, the mean age was 55.45 years, 73% were female and 82% were located on the right side. The lesions were encapsulated and their mean size was 7 cm. One case had a diagnosis of subclinical Cushing's syndrome and the others were hormonally inactive. Some cases were accompanied with hypertension (27%), type 2 diabetes (18%), and asthma (18%). All myelolipomatous metaplasias, which are non-encapsulated, were detected in adrenocortical adenomas. The mean age was 58 years; nonencapsulated and 67% were located on the right side with no gender predilection. Concomitant hypertension (50%), diabetes /33%, and asthma (33%) were frequent.CONCLUSION: Adrenal myelolipoma and myelolipomatous metaplasia both contain adipose and myeloid components. Myelolipoma is a benign and encapsulated neoplasia which is usually detected incidentally. They frequently coexist with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and asthma

    Tibial torus and toddler's fractures misdiagnosed as transient synovitis: a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The high incidence of transient synovitis in early childhood makes it the first suspected pathology in a limping child. Trauma, which has long been regarded as a causative factor for transient synovitis, may be underestimated in a non-cooperative toddler.</p> <p>After excluding most serious conditions, such as septic arthritis, a speculative diagnosis of transient synovitis can be made, and this can easily mask a subtle musculoskeletal injury.</p> <p>Case presentations</p> <p>We report the cases of three Caucasian patients (two boys, aged 20-months- and three-years-old, and one girl, aged two-years-old), with tibial torus and toddler's fractures which were late-diagnosed due to an initial misdiagnosis of transient synovitis of the hip.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In a non-cooperative child musculoskeletal trauma can be mistaken as a simple causative factor for transient synovitis of the hip and this can easily prevent further investigation for a possible subtle musculoskeletal injury of the lower extremities.</p> <p>Our experience with the presented cases suggests the need to be more vigilant in the differential diagnosis of transient synovitis in young children.</p