1,233 research outputs found

    Heuristic-free Optimization of Force-Controlled Robot Search Strategies in Stochastic Environments

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    In both industrial and service domains, a central benefit of the use of robots is their ability to quickly and reliably execute repetitive tasks. However, even relatively simple peg-in-hole tasks are typically subject to stochastic variations, requiring search motions to find relevant features such as holes. While search improves robustness, it comes at the cost of increased runtime: More exhaustive search will maximize the probability of successfully executing a given task, but will significantly delay any downstream tasks. This trade-off is typically resolved by human experts according to simple heuristics, which are rarely optimal. This paper introduces an automatic, data-driven and heuristic-free approach to optimize robot search strategies. By training a neural model of the search strategy on a large set of simulated stochastic environments, conditioning it on few real-world examples and inverting the model, we can infer search strategies which adapt to the time-variant characteristics of the underlying probability distributions, while requiring very few real-world measurements. We evaluate our approach on two different industrial robots in the context of spiral and probe search for THT electronics assembly.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted to the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), Kyoto, Japan For code and data, see https://github.com/benjaminalt/dps

    Energy dependence of transverse mass spectra of kaons produced in p+p and p+pbar interactions.A compilation

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    The data on m_T spectra of K0S K+ and K- mesons produced in all inelastic p+p and p+pbar interactions in the energy range sqrt(s)NN=4.7-1800GeV are compiled and analyzed. The spectra are parameterized by a single exponential function, dN/(m_T*dm_T)=C exp(-m_T/T), and the inverse slope parameter T is the main object of study. The T parameter is found to be similar for K0S, K+ and K- mesons. It increases monotonically with collision energy from T~30MeV at sqrt(s)NN=4.7GeV to T~220MeV at sqrt(s)NN=1800GeV. The T parameter measured in p+p and p+pbar interactions is significantly lower than the corresponding parameter obtained for central Pb+Pb collisions at all studied energies. Also the shape of the energy dependence of TT is different for central Pb+Pb collisions and p+p(pbar) interactions.Comment: more differential analysis adde

    EfficientPPS: Part-aware Panoptic Segmentation of Transparent Objects for Robotic Manipulation

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    The use of autonomous robots for assistance tasks in hospitals has the potential to free up qualified staff and im-prove patient care. However, the ubiquity of deformable and transparent objects in hospital settings poses signif-icant challenges to vision-based perception systems. We present EfficientPPS, a neural architecture for part-aware panoptic segmentation that provides robots with semantically rich visual information for grasping and ma-nipulation tasks. We also present an unsupervised data collection and labelling method to reduce the need for human involvement in the training process. EfficientPPS is evaluated on a dataset containing real-world hospital objects and demonstrated to be robust and efficient in grasping transparent transfusion bags with a collaborative robot arm

    LapSeg3D: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Representing Laparoscopic Scenes

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    The semantic segmentation of surgical scenes is a prerequisite for task automation in robot assisted interventions. We propose LapSeg3D, a novel DNN-based approach for the voxel-wise annotation of point clouds representing surgical scenes. As the manual annotation of training data is highly time consuming, we introduce a semi-autonomous clustering-based pipeline for the annotation of the gallbladder, which is used to generate segmented labels for the DNN. When evaluated against manually annotated data, LapSeg3D achieves an F1 score of 0.94 for gallbladder segmentation on various datasets of ex-vivo porcine livers. We show LapSeg3D to generalize accurately across different gallbladders and datasets recorded with different RGB-D camera systems

    Undergraduate education in palliative medicine in Germany: a longitudinal perspective on curricular and infrastructural development

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    Background: In 2009, palliative medicine became an integrated and compulsory part of undergraduate training in Germany by legislation. After a transitional period, all medical faculties were required to provide adequate teaching with an according examination and certification procedure. In parallel, we conducted bi-annual surveys on all medical faculties in Germany to examine for potential discrepancies between the implementation process and their intended consequences on teaching time and content. Methods: Four consecutive bi-annual surveys (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012) of all 36 medical faculties in Germany were performed, using purposively for this study developed questionnaires. Likert scales and closed questions were analyzed descriptively. Results: Medical Faculty response rate increased from 50 % in 2006 to 88.9 % in 2012. Teaching coordinators in palliative medicine primarily had an anesthesiology or internal medicine background. There was a noted increase over time of the involvement of specialized palliative care units (PCUs) as providing the setting for education. The number of faculties that were able to offer a complete 16 weeks of training in palliative medicine during the "final year" rose steadily. In addition, increased patient-centered teaching formats have been implemented over time. The faculties which offered innovative teaching formats with actors as patients (standardized patient interaction) increased, as did the total number of mandatory examinations. The number of faculties that provided compulsory teaching in a condensed manner within a single academic year increased sharply from 3 of 31 responding faculties in 2010 to 19 of 32 responding faculties in 2012. Conclusions: Until now, teaching conditions and structures in palliative medicine in Germany have proven to be extraordinarily heterogeneous. Although professorships ("Chairs") in palliative medicine proved to be particularly beneficial and supportive in curricular and structural development, only a minority of faculties provide leading academic positions in palliative medicine

    LapSeg3D: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Representing Laparoscopic Scenes

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    The semantic segmentation of surgical scenes is a prerequisite for task automation in robot assisted interventions. We propose LapSeg3D, a novel DNN-based approach for the voxel-wise annotation of point clouds representing surgical scenes. As the manual annotation of training data is highly time consuming, we introduce a semi-autonomous clustering-based pipeline for the annotation of the gallbladder, which is used to generate segmented labels for the DNN. When evaluated against manually annotated data, LapSeg3D achieves an F1 score of 0.94 for gallbladder segmentation on various datasets of ex-vivo porcine livers. We show LapSeg3D to generalize accurately across different gallbladders and datasets recorded with different RGB-D camera systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted at the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), Kyoto, Japa

    DJI-Kinderbetreuungsreport 2018. Inanspruchnahme und Bedarfe bei Kindern bis 14 Jahre aus Elternperspektive – ein Bundesländervergleich

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    Mit der DJI-Kinderbetreuungsstudie U15 (KiBS) wurde eine repräsentative Studie aufgelegt, die jährlich im Rahmen der Sozialberichterstattung die Betreuungsbedarfe der Eltern mit Kindern unter 15 Jahren aufzeigt. Das Altersspektrum, über das kontinuierlich berichtet wird, reicht von unter einjährigen Kindern bis hin zu den Schülerinnen und Schülern der Sekundarstufe I. Die Datenbasis für den Kinderbetreuungsreport 2018 bildet die Elternbefragung aus dem Jahr 2017. (DIPF/Orig.

    RoboGrind: Intuitive and Interactive Surface Treatment with Industrial Robots

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    Surface treatment tasks such as grinding, sanding or polishing are a vital step of the value chain in many industries, but are notoriously challenging to automate. We present RoboGrind, an integrated system for the intuitive, interactive automation of surface treatment tasks with industrial robots. It combines a sophisticated 3D perception pipeline for surface scanning and automatic defect identification, an interactive voice-controlled wizard system for the AI-assisted bootstrapping and parameterization of robot programs, and an automatic planning and execution pipeline for force-controlled robotic surface treatment. RoboGrind is evaluated both under laboratory and real-world conditions in the context of refabricating fiberglass wind turbine blades.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted to the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024

    DJI-Kinderbetreuungsreport 2019. Inanspruchnahme und Bedarf aus Elternperspektive im Bundesländervergleich. Bericht

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    Der Report stellt wesentliche Befunde der DJI-Kinderbetreuungsstudie (KiBS) des Deutschen Jugendinstituts vor. KiBS ist eine durch das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) finanzierte bundeslandrepräsentative Studie, die jährlich im Rahmen der Sozialberichterstattung die Betreuungsbedarfe der Eltern von Kindern ab Geburt und bis zum Ende des Grundschulalters erhebt. [...] Der DJI-Kinderbetreuungsreport greift jedes Jahr ein aktuelles Thema vertiefend auf. In diesem Jahr liegt der Schwerpunkt - mit Blick auf das sogenannte "Gute-Kita-Gesetz" - auf der elterlichen Einschätzung der Qualität der Betreuung. Dabei geht es bei den kleineren Kindern z. B. um das Vorhandensein pädagogisch qualifizierter Fachkräfte und einer festen Bezugsperson für das Kind. Bei den Schulkindern steht eher im Vordergrund, ob es eine Unterstützung bei der Erledigung der Hausaufgaben gibt und Bildungsangebote jenseits des Schulstoffs existieren. Daneben interessiert aber auch, inwiefern die Integration von Kindern unterschiedlicher Herkunft gefördert wird. (Verlag

    NA49 results on hadron production: indications of the onset of deconfinement ?

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    The NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS measured the energy and system size dependence of particle production in A+A collisions. A change of the energy dependence of several hadron production properties at low SPS energies is observed which suggests a scenario requiring the onset of deconfinement.Comment: XXXV International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics 200
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