156 research outputs found

    El futuro de la infancia en Europa

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    El bienestar psicológico de los preadolescentes

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    El estudio del bienestar psicológico, como componente de la calidad de vida, ha sido un campo de notables desarrollos durante las dos últimas décadas. No obstante, existen todavía pocos instrumentos aplicables al estudio de dicho bienestar en la adolescencia. En este articulo se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de uno de dichos instrumentos ya adaptado a la población infantil española (Alsinet, 1998), la escala SLSS de Huebner (1991a, 1994), a una muestra de 1.590 adolescentes catalanes entre 12 y 14 años. Los resultados se contrastan con 1os obtenidos al administrar escalas de afecto positivo y afecto negativo a la misma muestra y con 1os originalmente obtenidos por Huebner con una muestra norteamericana. Dichos resultados muestran una buena validez interna, una estructura factorial consistente, un buen funcionamiento de la escala con la población española y unas pautas de respuesta coherentes con las originalmente obtenidas por Huebner con muestras norteamericanas

    Changes in the network structure of mental health after a multicomponent positive psychology intervention in adolescents: A moderated network analysis

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    The effectiveness of multicomponent positive psychology interventions (MPPIs) on adolescents' mental health has been studied with the use of standard procedures throughout the scientific literature. However, little is known about the potential mechanisms underlying the network structure of mental health following the dual-factor model after an MPPI. We relied on network analysis to explore the reorganization of the connections between mental health indicators after a school-based MPPI. Adolescents from two high schools in Spain were randomly allocated to the 6-week intervention group (n = 85) or to the control group (n = 135). Network analysis showed that the relations between the two differentiated network dimensions of mental health (i.e. well-being and psychological distress) changed after the intervention. Unlike control participants, emotional well-being was negatively associated with depression and stress, while psychological well-being was positively related to stress after the intervention. The present study supports the viability of the network approach in analyzing the connections between mental health indicators as defined by the dual-factor model and the contribution of MPPIs to change the complex pattern of relations between the dimensions of well-being and psychological distress
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