414 research outputs found

    Sports Tourism Management in Jordan from Tourist Guides Perspective

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    This study aims to identify the Sports Tourism Management in Jordan from Tourist Guides Perspective, the researcher used the descriptive method on a random sample of (285) tourist guides registered in the Tourist Guide Association in Jordan, the questionnaire; it consisted of (36) paragraph with (4) fields (Planning, Organizing, Directing, Controlling), developed by the researcher to collect the data for this study. The Findings indicate that the tourist guides perspective of sports tourism management in Jordan is medium, also the interest in the available capabilities while planning for sports tourism, the availability of accommodation with affordable rates to serve the sports tourism sector, the great role of media in promoting sport tourism activities, and the interest of tourism companies and organizers of sports tourism activities in taking the feedback from tourists, The results also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences from Tourist Guides Perspective in the fields of Planning and Organizing, and there is statistically significant differences from Tourist Guides Perspective in the fields of Directing and Controlling For those with experience from 10 years and more. Study recommendations are: Develop a strategic plan according to scientific foundations for the sports tourism sector, Providing a variety of sports tourism activities in tourist attractions suitable for all age groups and the nature of the tourist attraction

    Theoretical and Experimental Modeling of Removing Contaminants From Soils by an Electric Field.

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    A mathematical model is formulated for multicomponent transport of reactive species under an electric field. A set on differential and algebraic equations is developed for transport of fluid, charge, and species in a saturated soil under coupled hydraulic, electric, and chemical potential gradients. An iterative scheme is chosen in solution of a system of differential and algebraic equations. Six differential equations and four algebraic equations are used to model transport of Pb\sp{2+}, H\sp+, OH\sp-, NO3\sp-, the associated chemical reactions, electric potential and the hydraulic head across the electrodes. Finite Element Method is used in space discretization. Finite difference technique is used in time discretization. Three unenhanced pilot-scale tests, using about one ton soil specimens, are conducted to investigate the effect of up-scaling bench-scale tests, to evaluate the feasibility and cost efficiency of electrokinetic soil remediation at dimensions representative of field conditions, and to assess the hypothesized principles of multicomponent species transport under an electric field. Two of these tests are conducted on kaolinite specimens spiked with lead nitrate solution at lead concentrations of 856 μg/g\mu g/g and 1,533 μg/g\mu g/g. The third test is conducted on kaolinite/sand mixture loaded with lead at a concentration of 5,322 μg/g\mu g/g. A direct current density of 133 \mu A/cm\sp2 is maintained across the soil in all pilot-scale tests. Pilot-scale tests demonstrate significant lead removal from soil, up to 98% except the soil zone in direct contact with the cathode. Energy expenditure in these tests is within the range of 300 to 700 kWh/m\sp3. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using electrokinetics for full-scale in-situ remediation of heavy metals from soil. Model predictions show very good agreement with the pilot-scale test results. This agreement demonstrates the validity of the formalisms offered for multicomponent transport of reactive species under an electric field and reinforces the validity of the hypothesized principles of electrokinetic remediation

    The Impact of Business Intelligence Capabilities on Strategic Agility in commercial banks in Jordan

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    This study aimed to examine the impact of business intelligence capabilities on strategic agility. Accelerated technological progress has pushed organizations to race towards adopting strategies and techniques commensurate with this progress in order to achieve strategic goals effectively and efficiently by anticipating changes and adapting to them quickly. The study population was composed of managers at commercial banks in Jordan, as it is considered one of the economic pillars and a catalyst for increasing investments. A random sample was used in collecting data those consisted of (190) managers who formed a response rate of (89.62%). Structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied for analyzing the data and testing the study hypotheses. The result concluded that business intelligence capabilities have a positive impact on strategic agility. Moreover, it showed that the business intelligence structure and business intelligence technology as dimensions of business intelligence capabilities have a positive impact on strategic agility, while the business intelligence culture has no impact on strategic agility. Consequently, the study recommended managers use technology to discover the business environment and search for organizational methods that enable the integration of the business intelligence culture with the beliefs and values of employees

    An artistic, mythological and documentary study of the Atargatis panel from et-Tannur, Jordan

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    In 1937 and 1938, a group of high-relief and round statues were uncovered during the joint expedition of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem and the Department of Antiquities in Palestine at the Khirbet et-Tannur Temple, located in Jordan. This expedition was headed by Nelson Glueck (Figs 1, 2). The statues uncovered are important in that they offer considerable information about Nabataean art and religion. This paper concentrates on one of the high-relief statues, called the Atargatis Panel by its excavator, Glueck. It was chosen as a case study for its availability in Amman, Jordan. The other Atargatis statues found at the site are now in the Cincinnati Art Museum in the United States of America. This paper also examines the Nabataean religious beliefs concerning Atargatis and her fertility cult, in addition to the art style of the statue. Furthermore, the digital 3D imaging documentation of the Atargatis statue at The Jordan Museum is presented. Dense image matching algorithms presented a flexible, cost-effective approach for this important work. These images not only provide geometric information but also show the surface textures of the depicted objects. This is especially important for the production of virtual 3D models used as a tool for documentary, educational and promotional purposes

    Analysis Of The Cyclability Of Lithium-polymer Batteries

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    Comunicación y póster en congresoLithium ion batteries and similar energy storage devices have an increasing importance for the modern society as they are present in many portable electronic devices and have perspectives in the fields of electric vehicles and renewable energy accumulation. Herein, we present results from charge and discharge cycles on batteries under controlled conditions. The cyclability of commercial lithium-polymer pouch batteries under different charge/discharge rates and temperatures was studied. Based on the results, the relationship between the state of charge and the cell voltage was obtained, as well as degradation of the cells, i.e., the decrease of the energy capacity after a number of cycles. The experimental results were compared with simulations based on Newman's model for Lithium Ion Batteries, carried out using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. The batteries and fuel cell and the heat transfer modules were use to couple between the temperature and the electrochemical interactions. The results show the correlation between temperature, C-rate and degradation in lithium ion batteries. It is specially remarkable the decrease of the apparent capacity of batteries at low temperatures, and the increase of the degradation at higher temperatures. These results are essential for the design of mechanisms that could prevent battery failure.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 778045, and the "Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Málaga", code: PPIT.UMA.B5.2018/17

    Instantaneous Frequency Estimation in Unbalanced Systems Using Affine Differential Geometry

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    The paper discusses the relationships between electrical quantities, namely voltages and frequency, and affine differential geometry ones, namely affine arc length and curvature. Moreover, it establishes a link between frequency and time derivatives of voltage, through the utilization of affine differential geometry invariants. Based on this link, a new instantaneous frequency estimation formula is proposed, which is particularly suited for unbalanced systems. An application of the proposed formula to single-phase systems is also provided. Several numerical examples based on balanced, unbalanced, as well as single-phase systems illustrate the findings of the paper

    Cross-Well Radar I: Experimental Simulation of Cross-Well Tomography and Validation

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    This paper explains and evaluates the potential and limitations of conducting Cross-Well Radar (CWR) in sandy soils. Implementing the experiment and data collection in the absence of any scattering object, and in the presence of an acrylic plate (a representative of dielectric objects, such as DNAPL (dense non-aqueous phase liquid) pools, etc.), as a contrasting object in a water-saturated soil is also studied. To be able to image the signature of any object, more than one pair of receiving and transmitting antennas are required. The paper describes a method to achieve repeatable, reliable, and reproducible laboratory results for different transmitter-receiver combinations. Different practical methods were evaluated for collecting multiple-depth data. Similarity of the corresponding results and problems involved in each method are studied and presented. The data show that the frequency response of a saturated coarse-grained soil is smooth due to the continuous and dominant nature of water in saturated soils. The repeatability and potential symmetry of patterns across some borehole axes provide a valuable tool for validation of experimental results. The potential asymmetry across other borehole axes is used as a tool to evaluate the strength of the perturbation on the electromagnetic field due to hidden objects and to evaluate the feasibility of detecting dielectric objects (such as DNAPL pools, etc.) using CWR. The experimental simulation designed for this paper models a real-life problem in a smaller scale, in a controlled laboratory environment, and within homogenous soils uniformly dry or fully water-saturated, with a uniform dielectric property contrast between the inclusion and background. The soil in the field will not be as homogenous and uniform. The scaling process takes into consideration that as the size is scaled down; the frequency needs to be scaled up. It is noteworthy that this scaling process needs to be extensively studied and validated for future extension of the models to real field applications. For example, to extend the outcome of this work to the real field, the geometry (antennas size, their separation and inclusion size) needs to be scaled up back to the field size, while soil grains will not scale up. Therefore, soil, water and air coupling effects and interactions observed at the laboratory scale do not scale up in the field, and may have different unforeseen effects that require extensive study

    An enthroned Tyche statue from Gadara / Umm Qais, Jordan

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    The round statue of enthroned Tyche was originally displayed in the middle of the front row of seats in the west theatre of Umm Qais. The statue of high quality is made of ivory coloured marble, while the theatre is constructed of black basalt stone. This contrast of colour and material made the statue stand out and intensified the beauty of the theatre. The statue has been moved by the Department of Antiquities of Jordan and displayed at Umm Qais Archaeological Museum, registered as number 13c. The Gadara Tyche appeared with one of the main symbols of the goddess, the cornucopia. Highly realistic and geometric models of cultural heritage objects are attractive tools for documentation, preservation and promotion purposes. 3D imaging, using dense stereo matching techniques, is used for accurate and realistic modeling of the Tyche statue and the theatre of Umm Qais. Acquiring 3D surfaces with image matching solutions has many advantages related to the flexibility, cost effectiveness of, and need for short data collection time on the site without disturbance to the site’s visitors

    An enthroned Tyche statue from Gadara / Umm Qais, Jordan

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    The round statue of enthroned Tyche was originally displayed in the middle of the front row of seats in the west theatre of Umm Qais. The statue of high quality is made of ivory coloured marble, while the theatre is constructed of black basalt stone. This contrast of colour and material made the statue stand out and intensified the beauty of the theatre. The statue has been moved by the Department of Antiquities of Jordan and displayed at Umm Qais Archaeological Museum, registered as number 13c. The Gadara Tyche appeared with one of the main symbols of the goddess, the cornucopia. Highly realistic and geometric models of cultural heritage objects are attractive tools for documentation, preservation and promotion purposes. 3D imaging, using dense stereo matching techniques, is used for accurate and realistic modeling of the Tyche statue and the theatre of Umm Qais. Acquiring 3D surfaces with image matching solutions has many advantages related to the flexibility, cost effectiveness of, and need for short data collection time on the site without disturbance to the site’s visitors

    Electromagnetic Waves in Contaminated Soils

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    Soil is a complex, potentially heterogeneous, lossy, and dispersive medium. Modeling the propagation and scattering of electromagnetic (EM) waves in soil is, hence, more challenging than in air or in other less complex media. This chapter will explain fundamentals of the numerical modeling of EM wave propagation and scattering in soil through solving Maxwell’s equations using a finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. The chapter will explain how: (i) the lossy and dispersive soil medium (in both dry and fully water-saturated conditions), (ii) a fourth phase (anomaly), (iii) two different types of transmitting antennae (a monopole and a dipole), and (iv) required absorbing boundary conditions can numerically be modeled. This is described through two examples that simulate the detection of DNAPL (dense nonaqueous-phase liquid) contamination in soil using Cross-well radar (CWR). CWR —otherwise known as cross-borehole GPR (ground penetrating radar)—modality was selected to eliminate the need for simulation of the roughness of the soil-air interface. The two examples demonstrate the scattering effect of a dielectric anomaly (representing a DNAPL pool) on the EM wave propagation through soil. The objective behind selecting these two examples is twofold: (i) explanation of the details and challenges of numerical modeling of EM wave propagation and scattering through soil for an actual problem (in this case, DNAPL detection), and (ii) demonstration of the feasibility of using EM waves for this actual detection problem
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