31 research outputs found
The Lives of Girls and Women in Bahrain and Qatar: Dress, Marriage, Health and Education in the Pearl Fishing and Early Oil Era
Drawing from data on Bahrain and Qatar, this dissertation is a study of
women’s lived experiences during the pearl trade era and the transition to an oil
economy. It explores how intersections in women’s identities influenced their
positionalities and opportunities for productive labor within different socioeconomic
institutions, namely: dress, education, marriage, and health. This
dissertation embeds its analysis of women’s lived experiences within the emic
concept of ‛ʿayb’ and the theoretical frameworks of postcolonial and feminist
historiography. ‛ʿayb’ is the emic label given to behavior that obstructs the fantasy
of a flawless society.
Overall, this dissertation draws information from 32 interviews with 30
interlocutors. To collect data for this research project, I conducted 17 interviews
with 18 interlocutors from Bahrain and Qatar. I also considered 29 interviews
conducted by Msheireb Museums and reproduced relevant excerpts for my data
from 15 interviews with 12 interlocutors. This dissertation's research questions are:
1. How did women live in the past?
2. What economic and social roles did women in Bahrain and Qatar play
during the pearl trade and early oil eras?
3. How do the possibilities of production, through both waged and unwaged
labor, influence the parameters of ʿayb? Conversely, how do the
parameters of ʿayb influence women’s possibilities of production?
Intersections of my identities affected my positionality against the
interlocutors I interviewed and allowed me to synthesize data with the cultural
sensitivity required in postcolonial and gender studies. As a Sunni Muslim woman
from the Arabian littoral of the Gulf, I have a particular analytical insight into ʿayb’s
operation in rapidly changing, yet conservative, societies
Preparation, Characterization and Biological Study of New Derivatives of 1, 3, 4 - Thiadiazoleand Its Complexes with Some Transitional Element Ions.
The current study involved preparation of ligand [2,5-bis-(2-(diphenyl methylene) hydrazineyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole] (L1) from reacting between thiadiazole derivative [ (2,5-dihydrazineyl-1,3,4 -thiadiazol) and Benzphenone by the ratio (1:2) . Attended the transitional elements ions complexes [Cr+3, Fe+3, Co+3, Ni+2, Cu+2] with ligand (L1) Complexes were diagnosed using the precision analysis of elements (C.H.N), Infrared spectrum (FTIR), Spectrum of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance proton (1H-NMR), Mass spectroscopy, measurement magnetic sensitivity and measurement molar conductivity the results were practical exactly matching with the molecular and structural formulas of the proposed compound .Hyperchem was used to draw ligand (L1) and its complexes and to show the distribution of electronic density. Data obtained indicates that the stereochemistry figure of the complexes [Cr+3, Fe+3, Co+3] was octahedral , the proposed stereochemistry figure of the complexes [Ni+2, Cu+2] is square planer. A study was conducted testing the biological activity for the prepared ligand (L1) and its complexes against two types of bacteria staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli compared to the standard inhibitor (Cipro.), the results obtained confirmed that ligand(L1) and their complexes did not show any biological activity towards the bacteria aureus staphylococcus aureus, while the ligand(L1) and their complexes showed different activity twards the second type of bacteria Escherichia coli, some showed greater activity than the standard inhibitor and some showed less activity than the standard inhibito
Preparation, Characterization and Biological Study of New Derivatives of 1, 3, 4 - Thiadiazoleand Its Complexes with Some Transitional Element Ions.
The current study involved preparation of ligand [2,5-bis-(2-(diphenyl methylene) hydrazineyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole] (L1) from reacting between thiadiazole derivative [ (2,5-dihydrazineyl-1,3,4 -thiadiazol) and Benzphenone by the ratio (1:2) . Attended the transitional elements ions complexes [Cr+3, Fe+3, Co+3, Ni+2, Cu+2] with ligand (L1) Complexes were diagnosed using the precision analysis of elements (C.H.N), Infrared spectrum (FTIR), Spectrum of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance proton (1H-NMR), Mass spectroscopy, measurement magnetic sensitivity and measurement molar conductivity the results were practical exactly matching with the molecular and structural formulas of the proposed compound .Hyperchem was used to draw ligand (L1) and its complexes and to show the distribution of electronic density. Data obtained indicates that the stereochemistry figure of the complexes [Cr+3, Fe+3, Co+3] was octahedral , the proposed stereochemistry figure of the complexes [Ni+2, Cu+2] is square planer. A study was conducted testing the biological activity for the prepared ligand (L1) and its complexes against two types of bacteria staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli compared to the standard inhibitor (Cipro.), the results obtained confirmed that ligand(L1) and their complexes did not show any biological activity towards the bacteria aureus staphylococcus aureus, while the ligand(L1) and their complexes showed different activity twards the second type of bacteria Escherichia coli, some showed greater activity than the standard inhibitor and some showed less activity than the standard inhibito
Soluble PD-L1 is a promising disease biomarker but does not reflect tissue expression in classic Hodgkin lymphoma
Individually, tissue and soluble markers involved in the programmed cell death protein 1/programmed death-ligand (PD-1/PD-L) axis have been described as biomarkers with clinical value in classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL). In the context of the success of immune checkpoint blockade therapy in cHL, it is interesting to discover whether plasma levels of proteins in the PD-1/PD-L axis are a reflection of expression by the corresponding tissue. Paired tissue and plasma samples of cHL patients were collected and analysed for PD-1, PD-L1 and PD-L2 levels. In addition, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and CD83, molecules regarded to influence the expression of PD-1, PD-L1 and/or PD-L2, were included. PD-L1 was upregulated in the plasma of cHL patients compared to healthy controls and correlated well with several clinical parameters. Strong PD-L1 expression in the tumour microenvironment contributed to high soluble (s)PD-L1 levels, although there was no direct correlation between plasma PD-L1 levels and total expression of PD-L1 in corresponding cHL tissue. Interestingly, we observed a positive correlation between VEGF and PD-1 levels in both tissue and plasma. In conclusion, although PD-L1 is a promising soluble biomarker in cHL, its levels do not reflect the total tissue expression. Future studies focusing on PD-L1 as a predictor for immune checkpoint treatment response, should include both biopsy and plasma samples
Coronary Artery Bypass grafting (CABG) versus Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) in the treatment of multivessel coronary disease
BackgroundRevascularization for patients who suffer multivessel coronary artery disease is a common procedure around the world. Taking United about 700,000 patients have multivessel coronary revascularization per year ¼ of these patients are diagnosed with diabetes. AimsTo summarize the current evidence that compare CABG to PCI in multivessel coronary disease in form of cardiac death, stroke, MI and unplanned devascularization.Methods This is a systematic review was carried out, including PubMed, Google Scholar, and EBSCO that examining randomized trials of treatment of multivessel coronary disease to summarize the major RCT concerning this topic.Results The review included five randomized studies that compare coronary artery bypass grafting and percutaneous coronary intervention. The findings showed that CABG show better result with less mortality rate.ConclusionThis review concluded that there revascularization in treating coronary artery disease could be conducted either by CABG or PCI, CABG show better result as it cause less death, MI and revascularization rates, but the usage of new additions such as second generation DES, can also improve the safety and efficacy of PCI when added to it
The impact of performance measurement systems on organisational culture
EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
Pemodelan Perbandingan Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Kendaraan Roda Dua Listrik vs Konvensional di Indonesia dengan Pendekatan Probabilistik
Penurunan emisi di Indonesia dapat ditunjang dari sektor energi konsumsi bahan bakar mesin, utamanya berasal dari transportasi roda dua yang mendominasi 82% kendaraan pribadi di Indonesia. Diperlukan beberapa pendekatan hingga kebijakan agar adopsi kendaraan listrik berjalan optimal. Pendekatan TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) yang terbagi menjadi tiga segmentasi dipilih untuk memberikan informasi komparatif biaya siklus produk secara utuh pada masyarakat guna meningkatkan daya tarik adopsi E2W (Electric 2-Wheeler) dan memberikan informasi hasil komparasi antar keduanya secara probabilistik berupa NPV (Net Present Value) dan EUAC (Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost), meliputi harga beli, skenario jarak tempuh harian, biaya operasional, serta regulasi insentif yang berjalan. Pemodelan resale value dan pengujian lapangan tingkat konsumsi setiap kendaraan dilakukan berdasarkan SNI yang berlaku untuk mendapatkan nilai prediktif yang akurat baik ICE dan E2W. Hasilnya, persentase komposisi biaya terbesar ICE dan E2W terletak pada fuel cost (52%) dan major replacement cost (54%) secara berturut-turut. Kemudian, pengaruh terbesar dalam komparasi TCO antara ICE dan E2W terletak pada nilai resale value, maintenance cost, dan skema penggantian baterai E2W. Secara garis besar, E2W memiliki keunggulan hingga 97% dari seluruh skenario jarak tempuh harian dan tahun kepemilikan. Hasil ini juga diikuti dengan informasi mengenai umur ekonomis produk yang dipengaruhi oleh harga jual, skema penggantian baterai, dan variabel lainnya. Selanjutnya, adanya kebijakan insentif pembelian E2W meningkatkan keunggulan E2W hingga Rp191.78 dalam satuan EUAC per km. Kebijakan insentif dapat meningkatkan keunggulan E2W pada setiap segmentasi hingga 100%, baik secara deterministik maupun probabilistik. Rekomendasi kebijakan lain yang juga dinilai efektif, mencakup subsidi harga listrik pada charging facility dan mengganti konsumsi BBM pertalite menjadi pertamax
The emissions reduction in Indonesia can be supported by the energy sector, especially in fuel consumption for engines, mainly from two-wheeled transportation which dominates 82% of private vehicles in Indonesia. Several approaches and policies are needed for optimizing the adoption of electric vehicles. The TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) approach, which is divided into three segments, was chosen to provide comparative information on the cost of the complete product cycle to the public in order to increase the attractiveness of E2W and provide comparative information probabilistically in the form of NPV (Net Present Value) and EUAC ( Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost), including purchase price, daily mileage scenario, operational costs, as well as current incentive regulations. Resale value modeling and field testing of consumption levels for each vehicle are carried out based on the current SNI to obtain accurate predictive values for both ICE and E2W. As a result, the largest percentage of the cost composition of ICE and E2W lies in fuel costs (52%) and major replacement costs (54%) respectively. Then, the biggest influence on the TCO comparison between ICE and E2W lies in the resale value, maintenance costs, and the E2W battery replacement scheme. Overall, the E2W has an advantage of up to 97% over all daily mileage scenarios and years of ownership. These results are also followed by information about the product’s economic life which is affected by the selling price, battery replacement scheme, and other variables. Furthermore, the existence of an incentive policy to purchase E2W increases the advantages of E2W up to IDR 191.78 in EUAC units per km. Incentive policies can increase E2W's advantage in each segment up to 100%, both deterministically and probabilistically. Other policy recommendations that were also considered effective include subsidizing electricity prices at charging facilities and shifting Pertalite fuel consumption to Pertama
Analysis of the opinions against rules to shafi sect on the "El-Envâr li A'mâli̇'l-Ebrâr" of Yusuf Ardabili (D.779/1377)
Yüksek Lisans TeziŞafiî mezhebi müteahhir alimlerin kitapları incelendiğinde genellikle "el-Envar'ın hilafına" ifadesiyle karşılaşılır. Bahsedilen bu lafız ile ne kastedildiğini araştırmak üzere hazırlanan bu yüksek lisans tezi, Yusuf b. İbrahim Erdebilî'nin Şafiî mezhebinin yerleşik esaslarına muhalif olarak yaptığı ictihadların, hangi açılardan müteahhir alimleri tarafından zayıf olarak değerlendirildiğini tespit için yapılmıştır. Öncelikle Erdebilî'nin yaşadığı dönem, hayatı ve ilmî kişiliği hakkında bilgi verildi. Ardından, Şafiî mezhebine mensup bölgelerde hâlâ ilmî bakımdan değerli bir çalışma sayılan ve Şafiîlerin yaşadığı Kuzey Irak'tan Azerbaycan sınırındaki Erdebil'e kadar olan bölgede ders kitabı olarak okutulan el-Envar li Amali'l-Ebrar adlı eser hakkında bilgi verildi. İmam Şafiî'nin talebeleri ve içtihatlarının çeşitliliği mezhepte farklı görüşlerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Ancak bu durum âlimler nezdinde İmam Şafiî'nin Mısır'da kesinleştirdiği, usulu ve kaidelerine göre belirtilen, Nevevî ve Rafiî'nin ittifak ettiği meseleler ile ikisinin ihtilaf ettikleri durumda ise Nevevî'nin görüşünün öne alındığı ve son olarak müteahhir Şafiî muhakkiklerinin görüşü olan mutemed görüşün sabit hale gelmesine kadar devam etmedi. Erdebilî'nin Nevevî ve müteahhir Şafiî âlimleri dönemi arasında yaşaması, özellikle de bu dönemde Şafiî mezhebinin prensiplerinin netleşmesi sebebiyle onun mezhepte ittifak edilen usullere muhalif bazı içtihatları müteahhir Şafiî fakihleri tarafından zayıf kabul edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Şafiî mezhebi müteahhir fıkıh kitaplarında yer alan "el-Envar'ın hilafına" ifadesiyle müellifin mezhebe muhalif 38 görüşünü tespit edilmiş, öncelikle meseleyle ilgili Erdebilî'nin görüşü zikredilerek, aslında Şafiî mezhebinde mutemed görüşün ne olduğu izah edilerek, metinde zor anlaşılan bazı ifadeler açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca Erdebilî'nin bazı örnek içtihatları zikredilerek diğer dört mezheple karşılaştırmasını yapılmış mezhebe muvafık veya muhalif olma oranı tespit edilmiştir.When the books of the recent scholars of the Shafii sect are examined, the expression "contrary to al-Envar" is usually encountered. In the study, first of all, information was given about the period, life and scientific personality of Ardabilî. Afterwards, information was given about the work titled al-Envar li Amali'l-Ebrar, which is still considered a valuable scientific study in the regions belonging to the Shafii sect and which is used as a textbook in the region from Northern Iraq where Shafiis live to Ardabil on the border of Azerbaijan. The diversity of Imam Shafii's students and ijtihad resulted in the emergence of different views in the sect. However, in the case of scholars' disagreement with the issues determined by Imam Shafii in Egypt, which are stated according to the rules and principles of Imam Shafii, and the al-Nawawi and Rafi alliance, the opinion of Nawawi is put forward and finally the view of the muthaf, which is the opinion of the contractor Shafii. It did not continue until it became stable. Due to the fact that Ardabilî lived between the Nawawi and the last Shafii scholars period, and especially the principles of the Shafii sect became clear in this period, some of his ijtihads opposed to the methods agreed in the sect were considered weak by the contractor Shafii scholars. In this study, 38 views of the author opposing the sect were determined with the expression "contrary to al-Envar" in the Shafii sect contractor fiqh books, firstly mentioning the opinion of Ardabili about the issue, explaining what is the main view of the Shafii madhhab, and it is difficult to understand in the text. some expressions are explained. In addition, some sample ijtihads of Ardabili were mentioned and compared with the other four sects
Low salinity water flooding possible mechanisms and the impact of injected sulphate variation on oil recovery in carbonate reservoirs:Compositional modelling approach
Carbonate reservoirs store more than 50% of the earth hydrocarbon reserves with mostly mixed wettability. Water injection in these reservoirs likely results in low recovery due to uneven water movement.
In the past years, it has been noticed that Low Salinity Water Flooding (LSWF) regularly led to incremental recovery. Some of the possible Enhanced Oil Recovery LSWF mechanisms on the relation of the injected fluid composition and orginal reservoir fluids.In this study the effects of altering the concentration of the injected Sulphate ions on pH, CO2, calcite dissolution and its impact on oil recovery in carbonates are investigated.
Ca2+, Mg2+ and SO-4 2are determining ions to the carbonate surface which impact the surface charge of the rock (Zhang, 2006). The adsorption of the determining ions having conflicting charges Ca2+ and SO4 -2 on the carbonate rock surface is dependent on the relative concentration and equilibrium. An increase in pH causes a reaction with the acidic components of the oil which improves reservoir in-situ surfactants.
This study describes LSWF five spots simulation model with 4 producers and one injector. A 3D homogeneous reservoir was built using CMG simulators specifically the compositional simulator GEM. The basic data used to build the model like PVT data, crude composition, injected and connate water geochemical compositions were collected from several case studies conducted in a carbonate reservoir.
From the simulation results, pH was found to increase during the interaction between low salinity brine and reservoir rocks. The results show that dissolution of carbonate minerals can occur and this will alter the composition of the injected low salinity brine, the concentration of divalent ions on rock surface and hence the potential of low salinity to improve recovery. Calcite dissolution and indirectly Anhydrite Precipitation is being accelerated and controlled by the CO2 within the residual oil.
The study indicates strong bond between pH and CO2 and their effect on oil recovery while preforming LSWF. Enhancements on the injected water composition on a LSWF project based on the recommended chemical reaction controlling factors will enhance the understating of the driving mechanism of the LSWF and improve the oil recovery.</jats:p