31 research outputs found

    Byzantines can also Learn from History: Fall of Centered Clipping in Federated Learning

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    The increasing popularity of the federated learning (FL) framework due to its success in a wide range of collaborative learning tasks also induces certain security concerns. Among many vulnerabilities, the risk of Byzantine attacks is of particular concern, which refers to the possibility of malicious clients participating in the learning process. Hence, a crucial objective in FL is to neutralize the potential impact of Byzantine attacks and to ensure that the final model is trustable. It has been observed that the higher the variance among the clients' models/updates, the more space there is for Byzantine attacks to be hidden. As a consequence, by utilizing momentum, and thus, reducing the variance, it is possible to weaken the strength of known Byzantine attacks. The centered clipping (CC) framework has further shown that the momentum term from the previous iteration, besides reducing the variance, can be used as a reference point to neutralize Byzantine attacks better. In this work, we first expose vulnerabilities of the CC framework, and introduce a novel attack strategy that can circumvent the defences of CC and other robust aggregators and reduce their test accuracy up to %33 on best-case scenarios in image classification tasks. Then, we propose a new robust and fast defence mechanism that is effective against the proposed and other existing Byzantine attacks.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 202

    Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy Images using Deep Learning and Bootstrap Aggregation

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    Computer-aided polyp detection is playing an increasingly more important role in the colonoscopy procedure. Although many methods have been proposed to tackle the polyp detection problem, their out-of-distribution test results, which is an important indicator of their clinical readiness, are not demonstrated. In this study, we propose an ensemble-based polyp detection pipeline for detecting polyps in colonoscopy images. We train various models from EfficientDet family on both the EndoCV2021 and the Kvasir-SEG datasets, and evaluate their performances on these datasets both in- and out-of-distribution manner. The proposed architecture works in near real-time due to the efficiency of the EfficientDet architectures even when used in an ensemble setting

    Effect of Waste Titanium Chips Addition Into the Aluminum Alloys on Their Microstructure

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    In the present study, turning chips were preferred to add titanium into liquid aluminum. Although being easy to reach and cheap, the chips were thought to be effective in minor titanium addition with their large surface area. Experimental studies have been carried out with A356 casting alloy and commercial purity aluminum. The effects of different process parameters were investigated on titanium transfer efficiency, microstructural and microhardness properties of the formed phases. The processes were carried out between 740 - 820 °C, for 2, 4, and 6 h, with the amount of added chips 5 and 10 wt.% (3 and 6 vol.%). The experiments were conducted with both commercially pure Al and A356 alloy. The microstructural investigations and microhardness measurements were carried out on the formed Al3Ti and (Al, Si)3Ti phases. The first noticeable result was that titanium transfer was more efficient in pure aluminum than in the A356 alloy. Also, it was observed that this difference became more significant with an increase in wt.% addition. The measured microhardness values were also differentiated depending on the Si content of the formed Al3Ti compound. Due to the presence of high Si content in A356 alloy, transference efficiencies of Ti were found highly limited compared to pure aluminum as the silicon enrichment in the Al3Ti compound reduces the diffusion of titanium and the growth rate of Al3Ti particles. Maximum transference efficiency was found 47.05% with 10 %wt. chip addition in commercially pure aluminum at the processing conditions of 780 °C for 4 h


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    Background: In our study, it was aimed to research the effect of kinesiological tape on pain, shoulder movement angles, and daily life activities. Methods: The control group (n:15) was applied with classical physiotherapy program including ultrasound, tens and exercise. The experiment group (n:15) was applied kinesiological-tape for seven days in addition to classical physiotherapy and rehabilitation program. Pretreatment and post-treatment pains of the patients were measured by using Visual Analog Scale (VAS), the goniometer was used to measure the shoulder ranges, Constant-Murley measured daily life activity levels, and DASH-T measured shoulder disability level. Results: As the VAS scores of the control group inactivity reduced by 11,21 points, the scores of the experiment group decreased by 24,53 points. The difference in scores between the two groups is significant statistically (p0,05). For shoulder movement opening, all records of the experiment group are significantly better than that of the control group, except the flexion increase. Conclusion: Kinesiological tape application ensuring a reduction in pain for rotator cuff injury in a shorter period is a treatment also providing significantly better results in shoulder movement recovery, increase in functionality, and a decrease in disability

    Wirksamkeit der lumbosakralen Manipulation mit „high velocity low amplitude“ (HVLA) auf Laufzeit und Sprungweite: Vergleich mit der Scheinmanipulation bei Amateurfußballspielern

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of chiropractic high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) sacroiliac and lumbosacral manipulation on the sprint, jump racing and jumping performance of amateur soccer players with asymptomatic dysfunction of the sacroiliac and lumbosacral joints. The 20-m sprint, 20-m jump racing and horizontal jumping distance of the soccer players analyzed in this study were measured before and after the applications. Sprint and obstacle course racing time were measured by stopwatch and video recordings. In total, 30 patients were included in the study. The participants were divided into 2 groups each with 15 members and were randomly selected. A sham manipulation was applied to the control group and chiropractic HVLA lumbosacral and sacroiliac manipulation was applied to the experimental group. The 20-m sprint time of the control group decreased from 3.49 & x202f;s to 3.46 & x202f;s. In the experimental group the 20-m sprint time decreased from 3.44 & x202f;s to 3.22 & x202f;s. The sprint values of the experimental group were statistically significantly faster than the control group (p & x202f; 0.05). In the control group the horizontal jump distance increased from 266.93 & x202f;cm to 268.80 & x202f;cm. This score increased from 261.13 & x202f;cm to 267.80 & x202f;cm in the experimental group. Comparison of the horizontal jumping distance revealed that the experimental group had a statistically significant better performance than the control group (p & x202f;0,05). In der Kontrollgruppe erhöhte sich die horizontale Sprungweite von 266,93 auf 268,80 cm. In der Versuchsgruppe stieg dieser Wert von 261,13 auf 267,80 cm. Der Vergleich der horizontalen Sprungwerte ergab, dass die Versuchsgruppe eine statistisch signifikant bessere Leistung als die Kontrollgruppe aufwies (p<0,05)

    Chronic Nutritional Polyneuropathy After Bariatric Surgery: A Rare Case With A Common Presentation

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    With rising frequency of bariatric surgery, the common adverse effects of that procedure is more frequently encountered. Our patient unluckily developed pulmonary embolism after 3 months of bariatric surgery and that clinic picture was aggravated with proximal lower extremity weakness and numbness. Electromyography performed on admission revealed asymmetric polyradiculopathy with axonal degeneration, whereas somatosensory evoked potentials showed no tibial peripheric and cortical responses. Although we found no sign of malabsorption (except 25 OH vitamin D deficiency), the history of weight loss of 70 kg within 3 months after the surgery led us to the diagnosis of nutritional polyneuropathy. On the other hand, neuropathic pain in our patient responded well to pregabalin and, after strengthening of muscles via rehabilitation, the patient gained independent mobility again. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2072;58:757-3

    Bariatrik cerrahi sonrası gelişen nütrisyonel polinöropati: Alışılmış bir klinikle ortaya çıkan nadir bir olgu

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    Bariatrik cerrahilerin daha sık uygulanması sonucunda bu prosedürün yan etkilerine daha çok rastlanılmaktadır. Hastamızda talihsiz bir şekilde bariatrik cerrahiden 3 ay sonra pulmoner emboli gelişmiş ve bu klinik tablo proksimal alt ektstremitede güçsüzlük ve hissizlik ile ağırlaşmıştır. Yapılan elektromyografik inceleme sonucunda aksonal dejenerasyonun hakim olduğu asimetrik polinöropati tanısı konmuş, duysal uyandırılmış potansiyallerde tibial periferik ve kortikal cevaplar alınamamıştır. İncelemeler sonucunda 25 OH Vitamin D eksikliği dışında bir vitamin ya da mineral eksikliği saptanmazken, hastanın operasyon sonrası 3 ay içerisinde 70 kg kaybetmesi bizi nütrisyonel polinöropati tanısına yönlendirmiştir. Diğer yandan hastamızın nöropatik karakterdeki ağrısı pregabaline iyi yanıt vermiş ve kas güçlendirme eğitimi sonrasında hastamız mobilitede bağımsızlığa kavuşmuştur.With rising frequency of bariatric surgery, the common adverse effects of that procedure is more frequently encountered. Our patient unluckily developed pulmonary embolism after 3 months of bariatric surgery and that clinic picture was aggravated with proximal lower extremity weakness and numbness. Electromyography performed on admission revealed asymmetric polyradiculopathy with axonal degeneration, whereas somatosensory evoked potentials showed no tibial peripheric and cortical responses. Although we found no sign of malabsorption (except 25 OH vitamin D deficiency), the history of weight loss of 70 kg within 3 months after the surgery led us to the diagnosis of nutritional polyneuropathy. On the other hand, neuropathic pain in our patient responded well to pregabalin and, after strengthening of muscles via rehabilitation, the patient gained independent mobility again

    The Impact of Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Pain and Life Quality in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of auricular vagus nerve stimulation, applied in conjunction with an exercise treatment program, on pain and life quality in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). To achieve the study objectives, 60 female patients between the ages 18 and 50, with diagnosed FMS according to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 2010 diagnostic criteria, were randomly divided into 2 groups of 30. The first group was assigned 20 sessions of a home-based exercise program, while the second group was assigned 20 sessions of auricular vagus nerve stimulation and 20 sessions of a home-based exercise program. Patients were assessed before and after the treatments using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for pain, Beck Depression Scale for depression, Beck Anxiety Scale for anxiety, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) for functional evaluation, and Short Form-36 (SF-36) for life quality. In this randomized controlled trial, comparisons within the groups revealed that both groups had statistically significant improvements in pain, depression, anxiety, functionality, and life quality scores (p<0.05), while comparisons across the groups revealed that the group experiencing the vagus nerve stimulation had no statistically significant differences between the baseline scores, except for those of SF-36’s subparameters of physical function, social functionality, and pain. In fact, comparisons across the groups after the interventions revealed that the group experiencing the vagus nerve stimulation had better scores but not statistically significant. From analysis of this data, we observed that vagus nerve stimulation in FMS treatment did not give additional benefit together with exercise, except for three subparameters of SF-36. It was identified that further studies which separately investigate the effects of vagus nerve stimulation and exercise on FMS with longer follow-up periods and an increased number of patients are needed

    Correction to: P-12 Assessment of Symmetrigraph and Global Postural System Results for the Posture Analysis of the Healthy Individuals

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    After publication of the below abstract in supplement [1] it was bought to our attention that in abstract P-12, author Kerem Alptekin’s surname name had been published incorrectly as Alptekim. The authors also wished to add the below information to the abstrac


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    Concerning the development of spine we have to realize the importance of back pain in children. Sex related factors may play a role in spinal deformities and injuries. Lomber disc herniation (LDH) at childhood is observed in dumbbell sport or after lifting heavy loads where forces in direction of flexion are experienced. LDH at childhood may not present with symptoms. In treatment bed rest, bracing, exercise with physical agents and in unresponsive cases use of epidural corticosteroid injections are preferred. Cases with neurologic deficit and cauda equina syndromes should be treated surgically