12 research outputs found

    PrĂ©valences des Parasites Intestinaux Humains Chez les Patients du Service de Parasitologie de l’INRSP Bamako de 2010 Ă  2015

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    Introduction: L’invasion de l’appareil digestif humain par les parasites est le motif de consultation de plusieurs patients Ă  l’Institut National de Recherche en SantĂ© Publique (INRSP). Objectifs : Il s’agissait de dĂ©terminer la prĂ©valence des parasites intestinaux humains chez les patients reçus au laboratoire de parasitologie de l’INRSP pendant la pĂ©riode de 2010 Ă  2015. Ce qui permettra de mesurer l’impact de l’amĂ©lioration de la situation sanitaire sur la transmission des parasites intestinaux au sein de la population humaine de la ville de Bamako. MĂ©thodologie : C’était une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective basĂ©e sur les rĂ©sultats portĂ©s dans les registres de laboratoire. RĂ©sultats : Au total, 1833 individus sur 3815 patients Ă©taient positifs aux infections intestinales parasitaires. Une prĂ©valence de 44% a Ă©tĂ© obtenue chez les sujets fĂ©minins contre 42,2% chez les patients masculins. Les tranches d’ñges de 1 Ă  10 ans et ceux de 11 Ă  20 ans Ă©taient plus infectĂ©s avec 46,5%. L’ethnie Bambara avait le plus Ă©levĂ© taux d’infection (46%) et les Tamasheks avaient le plus bas taux (30%), alors que les Ă©lĂšves et Ă©tudiants avec 46,5% Ă©taient la couche socio-professionnelle la plus infectĂ©e. Les douleurs abdominales Ă©taient les plus frĂ©quents signes cliniques. Entamoeba histolytica, 72% et Giardia intestinalis, 15,4% Ă©taient les espĂšces parasitaires les plus frĂ©quentes. Conclusion : Une diminution progressive de la proportion des sujets infectĂ©s allant de 52,2% en 2010 Ă  29,0% en 2015 a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©e. Cela dĂ©montre un effet positif des efforts dĂ©ployĂ©s par le gouvernement pour l’amĂ©lioration des conditions sanitaires Ă  Bamako. Introduction: The invasion of the human digestive tract by parasites is the reason of several patients’ visits at the National Institute for Research in Public Health (INRSP). Objectives: The aim was to determine the prevalence of human intestinal parasites in patients admitted to the INRSP parasitology laboratory during the period from 2010 to 2015. That can enable to measure the impact of health situation improvement on the transmission of intestinal parasites in the human population in Bamako. Methodology: This was a retrospective study based on the information reported in the laboratory note books records. Results: A total of 1,833 individuals out of 3815 patients were detected positive. A prevalence of 44% was obtained in female subjects and 42.2% in male patients. The age groups 1-10 and 11-20 were more infected with 46.5%. Bambara ethnic group had the highest infection rate (46%) and the Tamasheks had the lowest rate (30%), while school kids and students were the most infected socio-professional group with 46.5%. Abdominal pain was the most common clinical signs. Entamoeba histolytica, 72% and Giardia intestinalis, 15.4% were the most common parasite species. Conclusion: A gradual decrease in the proportion of infected people ranging from 52.2% in 2010 to 29.0% in 2015 was found. This demonstrates a positive effect of the efforts made by the government to improve health conditions in Bamako

    EfficacitĂ© d’une prise unique de Praziquantel pour le traitement de la bilharziose urinaire en zones endĂ©miques chez les enfants d'Ăąge scolaire au Mali

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    Au Mali, la schistosomiase est un problĂšme de santĂ© publique comme dans tous les 42 paysafricains sur 76 concernĂ©s dans le monde, avec 230 millions de personnes infectĂ©es sur 800 millions de personnes exposĂ©es et plus de 800 000 dĂ©cĂšs annuels. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de tester l’efficacitĂ© d’une dose unique de Plaziquantel pour traiter les enfants d’ñge scolaire de 11 villages maliens situĂ©s en zones endĂ©miques de la schistosomiase urinaire. AprĂšs assentiment ou consentement, l’enregistrement des volontaires ĂągĂ©s de cinq ans ou plus a Ă©tĂ© fait. AprĂšs dĂ©pistage systĂ©matique de l’ensemble des volontaires pour savoir la prĂ©valence de l’infection avant traitement, une dose unique de Praziquantel a Ă©tĂ© donnĂ©e aux sujets infectĂ©s. Un mois aprĂšs la prise du mĂ©dicament, un second dĂ©pistage a Ă©tĂ© fait chez les mĂȘmes volontaires afin de mesurer l’effet du traitement. La technique de filtration de l'urine pour la dĂ©tection de l'excrĂ©tion des Ɠufs de schistosomiase a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e comme mĂ©thode de diagnostic. Sur 549 volontaires testĂ©s Ă  l’enregistrement (397 fĂ©minins et 152 masculins), 9,1% (51/549) Ă©taient infectĂ©s par S. haematobium. Un mois aprĂšs le traitement Ă  la dose unique de Praziquantel, un taux de rĂ©duction significatif de 3,5% (P= 0,03) a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©. Cette Ă©tude a montrĂ© que le Praziquantel reste toujours efficace pour le traitement de la schistosomiase urinaire. Le maintien de ce produit comme molĂ©cule distribuĂ©e pour le traitement de masse du programme national de lutte contre la schistosomiase est justifiĂ©.   In Mali, schistosomiasis is a public health problem as in all 42 African countries out of 76 affected worldwide, with 230 million people infected in 800 million people exposed and more than 800 000 annual deaths. The objective of this study was to test the efficiency of a single dose of Plaziquantel to treat school-age children in 11 Malian villages located in endemic areas of urinary schistosomiasis. After consent, the enrolment of volunteers greater than 5 years old was done. After systematic screening of all volunteers for the prevalence of infection before treatment, a single dose of Praziquantel was given to infected individuals. One month after drug administration, a second screening was done among the same volunteers to measure the treatment effect. The technique of schistosomiasis eggs detection by urine filtration was used as a diagnostic method. From the screening including 549 volunteers (397 females and 152 males), 9.1% (51/549) were positives to S. haematobiuminfection. One month after treatment with a single dose of Praziquantel, a significant rate reduction (3.5%, P= 0.03) was observed. This study showed that Praziquantel is still effective for the treatment of urinary schistosomiasis. The choice of this drug by the national schistosomiasis control program for community mass treatment was justified

    The contribution of aestivating mosquitoes to the persistence of Anopheles gambiae in the Sahel

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Persistence of African anophelines throughout the long dry season (4-8 months) when no surface waters are available remains one of the enduring mysteries of medical entomology. Recent studies demonstrated that aestivation (summer diapause) is one mechanism that allows the African malaria mosquito, <it>Anopheles gambiae</it>, to persist in the Sahel. However, migration from distant localities - where reproduction continues year-round - might also be involved.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To assess the contribution of aestivating adults to the buildup of populations in the subsequent wet season, two villages subjected to weekly pyrethrum sprays throughout the dry season were compared with two nearby villages, which were only monitored. If aestivating adults are the main source of the subsequent wet-season population, then the subsequent wet-season density in the treated villages will be lower than in the control villages. Moreover, since virtually only M-form <it>An. gambiae </it>are found during the dry season, the reduction should be specific to the M form, whereas no such difference is predicted for S-form <it>An. gambiae </it>or <it>Anopheles arabiensis</it>. On the other hand, if migrants arriving with the first rain are the main source, no differences between treated and control villages are expected across all members of the <it>An. gambiae </it>complex.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The wet-season density of the M form in treated villages was 30% lower than that in the control (P < 10<sup>-4</sup>, permutation test), whereas no significant differences were detected in the S form or <it>An</it>. <it>arabiensis</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results support the hypothesis that the M form persist in the arid Sahel primarily by aestivation, whereas the S form and <it>An. arabiensis </it>rely on migration from distant locations. Implications for malaria control are discussed.</p

    Aestivation of the African Malaria Mosquito, Anopheles gambiae in the Sahel

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    The African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, inhabits diverse environments including dry savannas, where surface waters required for larval development are absent for 4–8 months per year. Under such conditions, An. gambiae virtually disappears. Whether populations survive the long dry season by aestivation (a dormant state promoting extended longevity during the summer) or are reestablished by migrants from distant locations where larval sites persist has remained an enigma for over 60 years. Resolving this question is important, because fragile dry season populations may be more susceptible to control. Here, we show unequivocally that An. gambiae aestivates based on a demographic study and a mark release–recapture experiment spanning the period from the end of one wet season to the beginning of the next. During the dry season, An. gambiae was barely detectable in Sahelian villages of Mali. Five days after the first rain, before a new generation of adults could be produced, mosquito abundance surged 10-fold, implying that most mosquitoes were concealed locally until the rain. Four days after the first rain, a marked female An. gambiae s.s. was recaptured. Initially captured, marked, and released at the end of the previous wet season, she has survived the 7-month-long dry season. These results provide evidence that An. gambiae persists throughout the dry season by aestivation and open new questions for mosquito and parasite research. Improved malaria control by targeting aestivating mosquitoes using existing or novel strategies may be possible

    Influence Des Cultures Intercalaires Et De Bordure De L’oseille De GuinĂ©e Et Du Gombo Sur La Dynamique Des Insectes Ravageurs Et La Production Du Coton Dans Les Conditions Agro-Écologiques De Katibougou, 2019 /Mali

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    La gestion des insectes ravageurs du cotonnier (Gossypium hirsutum) a toujours Ă©tĂ© Ă©maillĂ©e par l’emploi rĂ©pĂ©tĂ© de produits chimiques de synthĂšse, avec des effets nĂ©fastes sur l’environnement. Pour ce faire, une Ă©tude comparative portant sur diffĂ©rents modes d’association&nbsp; a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e en vue d’apporter de nouvelles stratĂ©gies de biocontrĂŽle des insectes ravageurs du cotonnier. L’essai a Ă©tĂ© conduit en plein champ Ă  Katibougou au Mali sur un dispositif en bloc de Fischer avec 3 rĂ©pĂ©titions et 9 traitements. Les paramĂštres agronomiques et entomologiques ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s et les rĂ©sultats suivants ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus : Les insectes ravageurs majeurs ont Ă©tĂ© Dysdercus vᜃlkeri et Aphis gossypii. Les modes de semis en bordure avec les deux plantes piĂšges (oseille de guinĂ©e et le gombo) ont attirĂ© le maximum de D. vᜃlkeri avec 12 individus/4plants pour les traitements en mode d’implantation du gombo en bordure contre 4 individus/4plants sur le traitement tĂ©moin. Concernant A. gossypii, nous avons enregistrĂ© 77,33% individus sur 4 plants de gombo installĂ© en bordure du cotonnier contre 77,67% individus pour 4 plants pour le tĂ©moin. Seul Haritalodes derogata n’a pas Ă©tĂ© attirĂ© par les deux plantes piĂšges quel qu’en soit le mode d’implantation des cultures piĂšges. Le mode semis gombo intercalaire a obtenu le meilleur rendement avec 2264kg/ha contre 1292kg/ha sur le tĂ©moin. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus permettent de conclure que le recours aux plantes piĂšges permet de contrĂŽler les ravageurs majeurs du cotonnier et amĂ©liorer le rendement en coton grain tout en rĂ©duisant l’emploi des produits chimiques. The management of insect pests of cotton has always been marked by the repeated use of synthetic chemicals, with adverse effects on the environment. In order to achieve this, a study on different association modes was compared to provide new strategies for biocontrol of insect pests of cotton. The trial was conducted in the field at Katibougou in Mali on a Fischer block design with 3 replications and 9 treatments. Agronomic and entomological parameters were studied and the following results were obtained: The major insect pests were Dysdercus vᜃlkeri and Aphis gossypii. The border planting modes with the two trap plants (guinea sorrel and okra) attracted the maximum number of D. vᜃlkeri with 12 individuals/4plants for the okra border planting mode treatments versus 4 individuals/4plants on the control treatment. Concerning A. gossypii, we recorded 77.33% individuals on 4 okra plants installed in the cotton border against 77.67% individuals for 4 plants for the control. Only Haritalodes derogata was not attracted by the two trap plants whatever the mode of implantation of the trap crops.&nbsp; The okra intercropping method obtained the best yield with 2264kg/ha against 1292kg/ha on the control. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the use of trap plants can control the major pests of cotton and improve the yield of grain cotton while reducing the use of chemical products

    SusceptibilitĂ© D’adaptation d’Anopheles Coluzzii Aux Conditions Écologiques De Ponte Et De DĂ©veloppements Larvaires Des Culex Et Aedes

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    Introduction: Le paludisme demeure encore un problĂšme majeur de santĂ© public au Mali. Les mĂ©canismes de transmission du paludisme en zones rurales sont bien connus mais restent encore tres mal connus en conditions urbaine. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a pour but de tester la susceptibilitĂ© d’adaptation d’An. coluzzii aux conditions Ă©cologiques de ponte et de dĂ©veloppements larvaires des Culex et Aedes. MĂ©thodes : Trois rĂ©pĂ©titions ont Ă©tĂ© conduites en conditions de laboratoire dans un insectarium ayant 26-27ÂșC comme temperature et 80-95% d’humiditĂ© relative. RĂ©sultats : Les taux d’éclosion Ă©taient d’environ 90% pour le gĂźte tĂ©moins, 73% et 7% respectivement pour les gĂźtes Aedes et Culex avec un apport alimentaire. Mais sans apport de nourriture, ces taux sont de 22% pour les gĂźtes d’Aedes et 2% pour les gĂźtes de Culex. Les larves d’An. coluzzii Ă©taient incapables de survivre dans les gĂźtes de Culex, avec ou sans apport alimentaire. Par contre dans les gĂźtes d’Aedes, leur taux de survie Ă  variĂ© de 53% au 1er&nbsp; jour Ă  seulement 4% au 10e jour sans apport de nourriture. Mais avec un apport alimentaire, le taux de survie dans les gĂźtes d’Aedes a variĂ© de 63% le 4e jour jusqu’à 21% le 10e jour. Les MĂąles et les femelles d’Aedes adultes ont pu survivre jusqu’à 25 jours sans apport alimentaire. Par contre les adultes provenant des gĂźtes d’Aedes avec apport alimentaire peuvent survivre jusqu’à 39 jours. Conclusion : Cette Ă©tude a montrĂ© qu’An. coluzzii n’a pas la capacitĂ© de survivre dans les&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; gĂźtes d’eau de Culex, mais il est susceptible de se dĂ©velopper dans les gĂźtes d’eau d’Aedes.&nbsp; Introduction: Malaria still remains a major public health problem in Mali. The mechanisms of malaria transmission in rural areas are well known but still remain very poorly understood in urban conditions. The current study aims to test the adaptive susceptibility of An. coluzzii to the ecological conditions of egg-laying and larval development of Culex and Aedes. Methods: Three replicates were conducted under laboratory conditions in an insectary with 26-27°C temperature and 80-95% relative humidity. Results: The hatching rates were about 90% for the control breeding site, 73% and 7% respectively for the Aedes and Culex breeding site with food supply. But without food, these rates are 22% for Aedes breeding site and 2% for Culex breeding site. The larvae of An. coluzzii were unable to survive in Culex breeding site, with or without food supply. On the other hand, in Aedes breeding sites, their survival rate varied from 53% on the 1st day to only 4% on the 10th&nbsp; day without food supply. But with a food supply, the survival rate in Aedes breeding site varied from 63% on the 4th&nbsp; day to 21% on the 10th&nbsp; day. Males and females of adult Aedes were able to survive up to 25 days without food supply. On the other hand, adults from Aedes breeding sites with food can survive up to 39 days. Conclusion: This study showed that An. coluzzii does not have the ability to survive in Culex breeding site, but it is likely to grow very well in Aedes breeding site


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    Introduction: Les Arthropodes sont vecteurs de nombreuses maladies chez les hommes, les animaux et les plantes. Cest pourquoi lidentification des vecteurs devient necessaire afin de mener une lutte a travers des programmes nationaux de lutte. Methodes: Cette etude a ete conduite dans trois differentes zones eco-climatiques du Mali afin de voir la variation saisonniere des Arthropodes dinteret medical, veterinaire et Agricole au Mali. La collecte des arthropodes a ete faite a laide de deux types de piege (Piege demergence et piege en T) dans les villages de Bia, de Kenieroba et de Thierola. Les identifications ont ete faites a la loupe pour les Arthropodes, et par PCR pour les moustiques. Limportance des Arthropodes collectes a ete evaluee a travers leur dominance et leur frequence en fonction des zones et des saisons. Resultats: Letude des arthropodes des trois zones a permis davoir un apercu de lensemble de variations qualitatives et quantitatives des differents Arthropodes. Un total de 20 especes dArthropodes appartenant a trois classes a ete identifie (Arachnides, Insectes Myriapodes), 13 ordres (Araneides, Coleopteres, Dermapteres, Dictyopteres, Dipteres, Hemipteres, Hymenopteres, Lepidopteres, Nevropteres, Odonates, Orthopteres, Plecopteres, Trichopteres). Les Dipteres sont mieux representes a Bia et a Thierola et les Coleopteres frequents a Kenieroba. Conclusion: Il ressort de cette etude que les Arthropodes etaient plus frequents pendant la saison des pluies sur les sites. Les Arthropodes dinteret agricole constituaient le groupe dominant sur chacun des sites, suivi de ceux dinteret medical