16 research outputs found

    Olgu sunumu: 83 yaşındaki bir hastada primer varisella enfeksiyonu

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Varisella enfeksiyonu Varicella zoster virus'un (VZV) etken olduğu, tüm dünyada yaygın olarak görülen çocukluk çağının bulaşıcı hastalıklarından biridir. Primer enfeksiyonu geçiren olguların %90'ı 10 yaşın altındadır. Hastalığın şiddeti yaşla birlikte artar. Yetişkinler, immunsuprese bireyler ve gebeler visseral tutulum ve komplikasyonlar açısından risk altındadır (1,2). Yoğun bakım ünitesinde izlenen ve kritik hastalıkları olanlar immunolojik olarak zayıf olma eğilimindedirler ve bu hastalarda çeşitli fırsatçı enfeksiyonlar sık görülür. Sistemik VZV enfeksiyonu bu grup hastalarda beklenen ve sık görülen fırsatçı enfeksiyonlardan biri değildir. Ancak enfeksiyonun akla getirilip tanının erken konulması ve gerekli tedavinin düzenlenmesi komplikasyon riskini azaltır (3). Burada birçok sistemik hastalığı bulunan 83 yaşındaki bir hastada gelişen sistemik VZV enfeksiyonu sunulmaktadır

    Turkey psoriasis treatment guide-2016

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Psoriasis; kronik, tekrarlayıcı, etiyolojisi kesin olarak bilinmeyen, enflamatuvar, hiperproliferatif bir deri hastalığıdır. Deri tutulumu yanında sıklıkla eklem tutulumu ile seyretmekte ancak metabolik sendrom, kardiyovasküler hastalık, psikolojik/psikiyatrik bozukluklar, enflamatuvar barsak hastalığı gibi komorbiditelerin psoriasise eşlik etmesi, altta yatan enflamatuvar sürecin birçok organa zarar verdiğini göstermektedir. Bunun yanı sıra psoriasis, hastaların yaşam kalitelerini de önemli derecede etkilemektedir. Psoriasis hastalarında yaşam kalitesi, fiziksel psikolojik değerlendirmelerde kanser ve diyabet gibi diğer temel kronik hastalıklar kadar etkilenmektedir.Psoriasis is a common, chronic, recurrent, inflammatory disease of the skin with unknown etiology. In addition to skin involvement, joint involvement is often seen in psoriasis; however as comorbidities including metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, psychological/psychiatric disorders and inflammatory bowel disease accompany psoriasis, the inflammatory process underlying has been shown to damage several organs. It is also known that the risk of mortality is increased in patients with severe psoriasis. What’s more, psoriasis significantly affects the patients quality of life

    Emerin expression in well differentiated epithelial lesions of thyroid: implications in papillary thyroid carcinoma diagnosis and predicting malignant behavior

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Recently, it has been reported that identifying nuclear membrane irregularities with anti-emerin antibody is useful for papillary thyroid carcinoma diagnosis. However, literature regarding the significance of emerin immunohistochemistry in thyroid is limited. We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of the well-established nuclear alterations, nuclear protrusions and recently described nuclear shapes (garlands and star-like shapes) with emerin immunohistochemistry and hematoxylin- eosin stain in thyroid lesions. We further evaluated the diagnostic accuracy measures of tissue microarrays evaluated with both stains, to detect whether emerin immunohistochemistry improves the diagnostic accuracy for papillary thyroid carcinoma

    Patch Test Results to European Baseline Series in Turkey

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    Background Patch testing with the European Baseline Series (EBS) is an essential diagnostic tool for the assessment of allergic contact dermatitis. Objective The aims of the study were to describe the most common contact allergens identified with patch testing in Turkey and to establish the distribution of contact allergens among different regions in Turkey. Patients and Methods Twelve centers consisting of tertiary health care institutions were included in the study. A total of 1169 patients were patch tested with the EBS from 2015 to 2017. Results A total of 596 patients (51.0%) had 1 or more positive patch test reactions to the EBS. A total of 30.2% (n = 353) of those tested had clinical relevance. Contact sensitivity was more common in young patients. The most common 10 allergens were nickel sulfate (20.4%), followed by textile dye mix (8.6%), cobalt chloride (8.3%), potassium dichromate (8.0%), p-phenylenediamine base (4.5%), balsam of Peru (4.3%), methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone (3.8%), thiuram mix (3.6%), fragrance mix I (3.0%), and methylisothiazolinone (2.9%). Conclusions This study provides a comprehensive profile of patch test results with the EBS in Turkey. An ongoing decrease in contact allergy to methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone was observed. Textile dye mix and p-phenylenediamine are beginning to pose a new risk in Turkey

    Patch Test Results to European Baseline Series in Turkey: A Prospective and Multicenter Study

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    Background Patch testing with the European Baseline Series (EBS) is an essential diagnostic tool for the assessment of allergic contact dermatitis. Objective The aims of the study were to describe the most common contact allergens identified with patch testing in Turkey and to establish the distribution of contact allergens among different regions in Turkey. Patients and Methods Twelve centers consisting of tertiary health care institutions were included in the study. A total of 1169 patients were patch tested with the EBS from 2015 to 2017. Results A total of 596 patients (51.0%) had 1 or more positive patch test reactions to the EBS. A total of 30.2% (n = 353) of those tested had clinical relevance. Contact sensitivity was more common in young patients. The most common 10 allergens were nickel sulfate (20.4%), followed by textile dye mix (8.6%), cobalt chloride (8.3%), potassium dichromate (8.0%), p-phenylenediamine base (4.5%), balsam of Peru (4.3%), methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone (3.8%), thiuram mix (3.6%), fragrance mix I (3.0%), and methylisothiazolinone (2.9%). Conclusions This study provides a comprehensive profile of patch test results with the EBS in Turkey. An ongoing decrease in contact allergy to methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone was observed. Textile dye mix and p-phenylenediamine are beginning to pose a new risk in Turkey