86 research outputs found

    The effect of discussion programs in the process of social consent generation and the concept of "Quick Thinker"

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    *Bu çalışmada “Yükseköğretim Kurumları Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Yönergesi” kapsamında uyulması belirtilen kurallara uyulmuştur.Medyadaki tekelleşme tek biçimciliği, rekabet ortamının olması ise çoksesliliği getirmektedir. Ancak, rekabeti teşvik eden liberal anlayış, bu şekilde yayınların daha nitelikli olacağını varsaysa da uygulamada durum bu şekilde gerçekleşmemektedir. Temel amacı kar elde etmek olan holdingler, daha fazla izlenebilmek adına toplumun en alt beğeni düzeyini gözeterek yayınlar yapmakta ve bu da kitle medyasının belli klişe yayınların dışına çıkamamasına neden olmaktadır. Farklı özgün fikirler, yazılar medyada kendisine yer bulamamakta, yer bulabilmesi için medyatik ya da ünlü bir kişinin altına imza atması gerekmektedir. Makalemiz kapsamında; CNN Türk haber kanalında yer alan Akıl Çemberi isimli tartışma programının konuk profilleri ve konuları analiz edilecektir. Ayrıca medyadaki teksesliliğin ortaya çıkmasında önemli rol oynayan yeni medya aktörleri “fasthinkerler” eleştirel analize tabi tutulacaktır.Monopolization in the media brings uniformity, and the existence of a competitive environment brings polyphony. However, although the liberal understanding that encourages competition assumes that publications will be more qualified in this way, in practice this is not the case. Holdings, whose main purpose is to make a profit, make broadcasts by considering the lowest level of appreciation of the society in order to be watched more, and this causes the mass media to not go beyond certain cliché publications. Different original ideas and articles cannot find a place in the media, and a media or famous person needs to sign it in order to find a place. Within the scope of our article; The guest profiles and topics of the discussion program called Mind Circle on CNN Türk news channel will be critically analyzed through fasthinkler, the new media actors who play an important role in the emergence of univocity in the media

    Development of a new nano material based on terbium complex and reduced graphene oxide: Design and synthesis

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    Bu tez çalışmasında terbiyum (III) kompleksi içeren grafen esaslı bir nano malzemenin tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu amaçla öncelikle grafitten grafen oksit ve indirgenmiş grafen oksit uygun yöntemler üzerinden elde edilmiştir. Tasarlanan terbiyum (III) kompleksinin sentezinin ardından indirgenmiş grafen oksit ile birleştirilerek hedeflenen nano malzeme elde edilmiştir. Bu yeni malzemenin karakterizasyonu FT-IR, SEM, TEM ve Zeta potansiyeli yöntemleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Son aşamada ise nano malzemenin biyolojik olarak önem arz eden bazı iyon ve/ya moleküllerin tayin ve tespitinde lüminesans sensör/belirteç olarak kullanılıp kullanılamayacağı test edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar malzemenin en önemli reaktif oksijen türlerinden biri olan hidroksil radikalinin tayin ve tespitinde kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir.In this thesis, the design and synthesis of a new nano material based on reduced graphene oxide, which contains an organo terbium (III) complex is investigated. To this purpose, firstly, graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide were obtained from graphite by appropriate methods. Following the synthesis of the designed terbium (III) complex, the targeted nano material was obtained by combining with the reduced graphene oxide. Next, this new material was characterized by FT-IR, SEM, TEM, and Zeta potential. Finally, it has been tested whether this nano material can be used as a luminescence sensor / probe in the detection of some biologically important ions and / or molecules. The results show that this new nano material can be used in the detection of hydroxyl radical which is one of the most significant reactive oxygen species

    Surface Analysis of Magnesium AZ31 Samples Immersed in Various Aqueous Solutions

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    Rapid degradation in body fluids is known to be the main shortcoming of the AZ31 magnesium alloy that is aimed to be controlled in this study by chemical conversion of its surface in various phosphate and chloride solutions. Deposited layers on the surface of bare alloy plates were subjected to compositional and morphological analyses to assess their performance as barriers to degradation. Also changes in the mass of the samples and pH of the solutions were monitored during 21 day immersion periods. Formations of prismatic, platelike, needlelike crystals of various compositions including calcium phosphates, magnesium phosphates, magnesium chlorides were observed by scanning electron microscopy and their atomic compositions were determined by EDX and quantitative XRD analyses. The results indicate that a layer of ceramic of various thicknesses can stably form on the base alloy by simple adsorption of the particles suspended in the solution or by nucleation and growth of the products of reactions between dissolved ions and the metal ions released from the surface. These deposition layers that are solely induced by the electrochemical potential of the species in the solution offer facile surface modification methods and novel phases to control the degradation of magnesium alloys in aggressive environments such as body fluids or marine environments

    Quantitative analysis of the software change process applied for a large-scale banking application

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    The testing phase of a software product can be costly and time-consuming due to the effort required to fix the problems and newly introduced problems during the process of fixing. Although achieving a quantitative understanding of the software change process is important for cost-effectiveness, the quantitative analysis of a software process is not straightforward. In this paper, we explain details related to measurement and analysis of the software change process of a large-scale, web-based banking application. A pre-defined, systematic and practical assessment approach was taken as a guide for quantitative measurement and analysis

    Tb(III)-DO3A and BODIPY dyad as multimode responsive hypochlorite probe

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    A multimode responsive hypochlorite probe 1, based on Terbium (III)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7-triacetic acid (Tb(III)-DO3A) and 4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene (BODIPY), is described. We have shown that probe 1 can detect ClO- by absorption, fluorescence, and phosphorescence simultaneously. The multimode response makes probe 1 a versatile ClO- probe for practical applications. We have found that probe 1 can be used in naked-eye colorimetric and fluorogenic detection of NaOCl in solution. Also, we have constructed a colorimetric test paper for visual sensing of NaOCl. Furthermore, fluorescence imaging studies indicated that probe 1 was a versatile tool for in vitro imaging of NaOCl in living cells. Thus, to the best of our knowledge, probe 1 represents one of the rare examples of multimode responsive ClO- probes

    Eu(III)-DO3A and BODIPY dyad as a chemosensor for anthrax biomarker

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    The sensitive and selective determination of Bacillus anthracis spores before the infection is vital for human health and safety. Dipicolinic acid (DPA) is an excellent biomarker due to its presence in the nucleus of bacterial spores at high concentrations (up to 1 M, about 15% dry weight). In the present work, a new molecular chemosensor 1, based on europium(III)-DO3A and BODIPY dyad, is developed to detect DPA in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) buffered solution and tap water samples. Also, 1 can be used as a ratiometric optical chemosensor to track DPA

    In Vitro Evaluation of Adhesion of Candida albicans on CAD/CAM PMMA-Based Polymers

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    Purpose To compare the amount of adherent Candida albicans to different CAD/CAM poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-based polymers and conventional heat-polymerized PMMA after long-term thermal cycling. Materials and Methods The specimens were subjected to 10,000 thermal cycles (5-55 degrees C) and divided into two groups, uncoated and pellicle-coated. Surface roughness and contact angles of the specimens were measured. The surface morphology was observed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). An adhesion test was performed by incubating the disk specimens in C. albicans suspensions at 37 degrees C for 2 hours, and the adherent cells were counted under an optical microscope. The data were analyzed statistically using a variance analysis and Tukey HSD post hoc comparison test. The correlation between measurements was tested using a Pearson correlation analysis (alpha = 0.05). Results CAD/CAM polymers generally showed statistically significant lowest Ra and contact angle values, whereas conventional PMMA showed the highest Ra and contact angle values in the uncoated group (p 0.05). Conclusions CAD/CAM PMMA-based polymers may be preferable to reduce Candida-associated denture stomatitis in long-term use