7 research outputs found

    Study of the seroprevalence, associated risk factors and the haematological values of infected Chlamydia abortus small ruminants in Benin Republic

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    Chlamydia abortus is one of the causative agents. The aim of this study was to determine for the first time the serological prevalence and hematological parameters in small ruminants positive for Chlamydia abortus in Benin, mainly in the department of OuĂ©mĂ©. It covered five sites, namely Akpro-MissĂ©rĂ©tĂ©, Avrankou, Adjarra, SĂšmĂš-Kpodji and Dangbo in the OuĂ©mĂ© department. A total of 385 sera (200 sheep and 185 goats) from subjects showing signs of reproductive loss were tested using the indirect Elisa method. Of the 385 sera tested, 30 (7,79%) were positive for Chlamydia abortus. Similarly, the blood of animals tested positive was analyzed for hematological parameters using Sysmex XN-Series automated blood analyzer. Different variations with significant differences in some hematological parameters of the red line and those of the white line, depending on the study sites, species, age and physiological stage of the animals (hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume for the red line at the sites, lymphocytes and basophils for the white line at the sites; hemoglobin for the red lineage and lymphocytes for the white lineage at species level; lymphocytes at age level; lymphocytes, monocytes and basophils for the white lineage at physiological stage level) were observed in animals suffering from C. abortus.En la RepĂșblica de BenĂ­n, el aborto es uno de los problemas reproductivos de las explotaciones de pequeños rumiantes, y Chlamydia abortus es uno de los agentes causales. El objetivo de este estudio era determinar por primera vez la prevalencia serolĂłgica y los parĂĄmetros hematolĂłgicos en pequeños rumiantes positivos a Chlamydia abortus en BenĂ­n, principalmente en el departamento de OuĂ©mĂ©. AbarcĂł cinco emplazamientos, a saber, Akpro-MissĂ©rĂ©tĂ©, Avrankou, Adjarra, SĂšmĂš-Kpodji y Dangbo, en el departamento de OuĂ©mĂ©. Se analizaron 385 sueros (200 ovejas y 185 cabras) de sujetos que presentaban signos de pĂ©rdida reproductiva mediante el mĂ©todo Elisa indirecto. De los 385 sueros analizados, 30 (7,79%) resultaron positivos para Chlamydia abortus. Del mismo modo, se analizĂł la sangre de los animales con resultados positivos para determinar los parĂĄmetros hematolĂłgicos utilizando el analizador de sangre automatizado Sysmex XN-Series. Se observaron variaciones con diferencias significativas en algunos parĂĄmetros hematolĂłgicos de la lĂ­nea roja y los de la lĂ­nea blanca, en funciĂłn de los lugares de estudio, la especie, la edad y el estadio fisiolĂłgico de los animales (hemoglobina, volumen corpuscular medio para la lĂ­nea roja en los lugares, linfocitos y basĂłfilos para la lĂ­nea blanca en los lugares; hemoglobina para la lĂ­nea roja y linfocitos para la lĂ­nea blanca a nivel de especie; linfocitos a nivel de edad; linfocitos, monocitos y basĂłfilos para la lĂ­nea blanca a nivel de estadio fisiolĂłgico) se observaron en los animales afectados por C. abortus

    Grazing Behavior of the Endemic Lagune Cattle in the Sub-Humid Savannahs of Benin

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    The indigenous Lagune, a breed tolerant to trypanosomiasis, is an excellent candidate to meet the ongoing environmental changes sustainably. This cattle breed could be kept like small ruminants, tethered in grasslands, or free grazing. A study was conducted to assess the grazing behavior of Lagune cattle under the two grazing systems to identify the best systems for sustainable production and conservation of the breed. For this study, four Lagune cattle farms, 02 under free-roaming and 02 others in the tethered system, were selected in the original belt of the Lagune cattle, the agro-ecological (AEZ) zones of Valley and Pobe. The step-point method was used to assess plant species diversity in grazing lands. Three (03) cows per farm were monitored while grazing for 03 consecutive days. The grazing itinerary and grazing activities were registered to allow the calculation of grazing length and duration. The most consumed plant species were identified. Results showed that 133 plant species belonging to 27 families were recorded in the grazing lands in both studied AEZs. Animals walked longer per day (p \u3c 0.0001) in the free grazing system (7.07±1.26 km) than in the tethered system (1.77±0.59 km). On the contrary, grazing duration was higher (p\u3c0.0001) in the tethered system (7.88±1.31h). The Lagune diet consisted mainly of herbs; 23 forage species from 14 families were grazed. Most of the species belong to the families of Poaceaes (34.78%), Convolvulaceaes (8.7%), and Euphorbiaceaes (8.7%). The study suggests free grazing allows better utilization of the forage species available in grasslands. Further studies could investigate diet selection by the indigenous Lagune cattle and the nutritional balance of the animals

    A comparison of Mini-FLOTAC and McMaster techniques in detecting gastrointestinal parasites in West Africa Dwarf sheep and goats and crossbreed rabbits

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    McMaster (McM) method is one of the most widely used techniques for the assessment of faecal parasites shedding in veterinary practices because of its simplicity. However, due to its light sensitivity, recently, the Mini-FLOTAC (MF) has been introduced as a possible alternative for faecal worm egg counts. This study aims to compare the diagnosis performance of MF to McM technique. Faecal samples from 40 animals randomly selected in sheep, goats and rabbits' farms were collected and examined individually using MF and McM techniques. A statistical difference (p 0.05). MF showed better diagnostic performance in term of the prevalence (MF: 32.5-100% vs McM: 7.5-70%) and the precision values (MF: 85.52-90.44% vs McM: 49.52-63.07%). This study demonstrated that MF appears to be the more reliable alternative technique for veterinary practices

    Healthcare and SDGs Governance in Light of the Sustainability Helix Model: Evidence from the African Continent

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    This work is based on a view of healthcare as a fundamental Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to share globally to be effective at local level. On this basis, the paper analyzes the health programs in less-favored areas with the aim of understanding why the United Nations SDGs are so difficult to reach in some countries. A brief review of the main literature and research on the health governance systems in three countries of the African continent have been conducted to this aim. The results are interpreted through the sustainability helix model (SHM). Key roles and conditions of effectiveness of the health sustainable development governance approach in the investigated countries are discussed. The main findings reveal that the analyzed governance systems lack implementation plans. By discussing the observed problem in the light of the sustainability helix model, fundamental elements of a health sustainable development helix model have been identified in less favored countries where key actors and roles are identified. The study highlights, in particular, the relevance of ‘interface’ roles played by non-governmental actors (NGA) and international actors (IA) in the health governance system of less-favored countries. These actors and roles allow connections between the global and the local levels of action favoring interaction among actors institutionally devoted to governing development

    A comparison of Mini-FLOTAC and McMaster techniques in detecting gastrointestinal parasites in West Africa Dwarf sheep and goats and crossbreed rabbits

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    McMaster (McM) method is one of the most widely used techniques for the assessment of faecal parasites shedding in veterinary practices because of its simplicity. However, due to its light sensitivity, recently, the Mini-FLOTAC (MF) has been introduced as a possible alternative for faecal worm egg counts. This study aims to compare the diagnosis performance of MF to McM technique. Faecal samples from 40 animals randomly selected in sheep, goats and rabbits’ farms were collected and examined individually using MF and McM techniques. A statistical difference (p 0.05). MF showed better diagnostic performance in term of the prevalence (MF: 32.5–100% vs McM: 7.5–70%) and the precision values (MF: 85.52–90.44% vs McM: 49.52–63.07%). This study demonstrated that MF appears to be the more reliable alternative technique for veterinary practices

    UPLC-QToF-ESI-MS identification and anthelmintic activity of Mitragyna inermis (Willd.) Kuntze (Rubiaceae)

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    Medicinal plants attract the attention of many researchers to find natural and safe remedies for various resistant diseases. Leaves of Mitragyna inermis are widely used in traditional veterinary medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal strongyles of small ruminants. The aim of the current study is to estimate the antioxidant, anthelmintic and the larval toxicity of the aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts of this plant in addition to the hexane, dichloromethane and ethanol fractions of the hydroethanolic extract. Investigation of the most active extract using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-QToF-ESI-MS). Both plant extracts showed good antioxidant activity by scavenging the 2,2â€Č-diphĂ©nyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical and reducing the ferric ion. Similarly, they were no-toxic to Artemia salina larvae (CL50 > 0.1 Όg/mL). Also, they significantly reduced larval migration and motility of Haemonchus contortus adult worms (p < 0.001). The hexane, dichloromethane and ethanolic fractions of the hydroethanolic extract showed low activity compared to crude extracts except for the hexane fraction on H. contortus adult worms (p < 0.001) while it showed a poor result on larvae. It thus appears that the anthelmintic activity of the extract may be linked to the synergistic action of these compounds. The UPLC-QToF-ESI-MS analysis revealed the tentative identification of 15 compounds including 7 alkaloids. The results of the present study confirm the anthelmintic activity of M. inermis in traditional veterinary medicine