880 research outputs found
Quistes de colédoco, una causa inusual de ictericia en pediatría. Presentación de serie de casos
ResumenIntroducciónLos quistes de la vía biliar o quistes de colédoco (QC) son una patología rara en nuestro medio. La etiología es desconocida, siendo la hipótesis más aceptada las anomalías en la unión biliopancreática.ObjetivoAnalizar los datos clínicos, diagnóstico y tratamiento de una serie de pacientes diagnosticados de QC y realizar una actualización sobre el tema.MetodoSe revisaron retrospectivamente los diagnósticos de QC en 20 años en un hospital terciario.Casos clínicosSe identificaron 4 casos, con predominio del sexo femenino. Rango de edad 16 meses a 4 años. Los signos y síntomas fueron ictericia y coluria (100%), vómitos (75%), dolor abdominal y acolia (50%). Ninguno tuvo masa palpable. La ecografía abdominal orientó el diagnóstico que se confirmó con colangio-resonancia magnética (colangio-RM). Se clasificaron como QC tipo I tres de los casos y uno como tipo IVa. El tratamiento fue quirúrgico, ningún paciente presentó complicaciones hasta la fecha.ConclusionesLos quistes de las vías biliares son de baja prevalencia. El tratamiento de elección es quirúrgico, requiriendo seguimiento estrecho, dado el riesgo de colangiocarcinoma.AbstractIntroductionCysts of the bile duct or choledochal cysts are rare diseases in our area. The aetiology is unknown, with the most accepted hypothesis being a pancreatobiliary maljunction anomaly.ObjectiveTo analyse the clinical data, diagnosis and treatment of a number of patients with choledochal cyst, as well as presenting an update on this condition.MethodA retrospective descriptive study was performed on paediatric patients diagnosed with choledochal cyst in the last 20 years in a tertiary hospital.Case reportsA total of 4 choledochal cyst cases in childhood, predominantly female, are pre- sented. The most frequent reason for consultation was vomiting, and presenting with jaundice and choluria in all cases. Patients with choledochal cyst were classified as type I in 3 cases, and one case of type IVa. In all cases surgical treatment was performed; any patient had complications to date.ConclusionsCysts of the bile ducts have a low prevalence. The treatment of choice is surgical, requiring close monitoring due to the risk of cholangiocarcinoma
The Irregular Ribbed Vault of the Sacristy of the Cathedral of Saint-Jean Baptiste in Perpignan
The vault of the sacristy of the Cathedral of Saint-Jean Baptiste in Perpignan (France), constructed by the Majorcan architect Guillem Sagrera between 1433 and 1447, is an outstanding, yet strikingly unknown, example of rib vaulting. This paper analyzes the overall construction of the form of the vault, characterized by its highly irregular perimeter, with particular attention to an isolated decorated corbel which solves the problem of the wall support of a group of six ribs and is in stark contrast with the rest of the supports, which are completely unadorned. Given the extreme rigour of Sagrera in all his works (and this one in particular), this apparent “capriccio” must be justified not only by decorative or formal requirements, but also by the constructive logic of Gothic vaulting syste
Stress assessment based on EEG univariate features and functional connectivity measures
The biological response to stress originates in the brain but involves different biochemical and physiological effects. Many common clinical methods to assess stress are based on the presence of specific hormones and on features extracted from different signals, including electrocardiogram, blood pressure, skin temperature, or galvanic skin response. The aim of this paper was to assess stress using EEG-based variables obtained from univariate analysis and functional connectivity evaluation. Two different stressors, the Stroop test and sleep deprivation, were applied to 30 volunteers to find common EEG patterns related to stress effects. Results showed a decrease of the high alpha power (11 to 12 Hz), an increase in the high beta band (23 to 36 Hz, considered a busy brain indicator), and a decrease in the approximate entropy. Moreover, connectivity showed that the high beta coherence and the interhemispheric nonlinear couplings, measured by the cross mutual information function, increased significantly for both stressors, suggesting that useful stress indexes may be obtained from EEG-based features.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft
Citizen debates in social networks about didactic resources for mathematics
Citizens are increasingly turning to social media to open up debates on issues of utmost importance, such as health or education. When analyzing citizens' social media interactions on COVID-19, research has underlined the importance of sharing and spreading information based on scientific evidence rather than on fake news. However, whether and how citizens' interactions in the field of education, particularly in mathematics, are based on scientific evidence remains underexplored. To contribute to filling this gap, this article presents an analysis of citizen debates in social networks about didactic resources for mathematics. Through social media analytics, 136,964 posts were extracted from Reddit, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, of which 1755 were analyzed. Results show that out of the 213 posts of citizen debates on didactic resources for mathematics, only two contained scientific evidence and eight claimed to contain scientific evidence. These findings highlight the importance of promoting actions to encourage citizen debates around didactic resources for mathematics based on scientific evidence
Software tool for simulation of aircraft trajectories
New concepts in air navigation have been introduced recently. Among others, are the concepts of trajectory optimization, 4D trajectories, RBT (Reference Business Trajectory), TBO (trajectory based operations), CDA (Continuous Descent Approach) and ACDA (Advanced CDA), conflict resolution, arrival time (AMAN), introduction of new aircraft (UAVs, UASs) in air space, etc. Although some of these concepts are new, the future Air Traffic Management will maintain the four ATM key performance areas such as Safety, Capacity, Efficiency, and Environmental impact. So much, the performance of the ATM system is directly related to the accuracy with which the future evolution of the traffic can be predicted. In this sense, future air traffic management will require a variety of support tools to provide suitable help to users and engineers involved in the air space management. Most of these tools are based on an appropriate trajectory prediction module as main component. Therefore, the purposes of these tools are related with testing and evaluation of any air navigation concept before they become fully operative. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview to the design of a software tool useful to estimate aircraft trajectories adapted to air navigation concepts. Other usage of the tool, like controller design, vertical navigation assessment, procedures validation and hardware and software in the loop are available in the software tool. The paper will show the process followed to design the tool, the software modules needed to perform accurately and the process followed to validate the output data
Proteins involved in plateled activation by GPVI and ALPHAIIBBETA3 receptors are differentially regulated in acute coronary symdrome: a platelet proteomics study
Comunicaciones a congreso
Introduction: Voluntary abortion is a topic in constant debate because it invades the public and parliamentary spheres, bringing with it discussions that go towards the political and ethical, for Ecuador it becomes relevant due to the restrictions derived from the norms that regulate the procedure. In this sense, it is important to make motherhood visible from the perspective of the women who decided to terminate the pregnancy, in a social context that shows contrary edges to what it has been culturally believed to be a mother. Objective: Understand the way motherhood is understood from the trajectories of women who have decided to abort in Ecuador. Methods: Narrative biographical study in which 19 women of legal age who decided to abort at some point in their lives participated. The sample was made up of 19 women between 18 and 62 years old. The information was collected through in-depth interviews, mostly virtual. Bertaux's proposal was used for data treatment and analysis. Endorsement was obtained from the Ethics Committee. Results: The being and duty to be as mothers confronts women with tensions between a positive and satisfactory motherhood and another as dispossession of themselves. Trends that are not necessarily exclusive emerge, which take the form of sacrificial, omnipotent, burdensome, imperfect and/or bad motherhoods. Conclusions: The meaning that motherhood has for women is fundamental in their decision to abort, to the extent that its social and cultural mandates become additional pressure to the sanction and criminalization of their decision to abort. This requires proposing a perspective of sexual and reproductive health rights that allows nurses, and other health actors, to recognize these complexities and tensions to assume their care task from a guarantee perspective, placing women at the center. Introducción: El aborto voluntario es un tema en constante debate porque invade lo público y parlamentario, trayendo con ello discusiones que van hacia lo político y ético, para el Ecuador toma relevancia por las restricciones derivadas de las normas que regulan el procedimiento. En este sentido, es importante visibilizar la maternidad desde la perspectiva de las mujeres que decidieron interrumpir el embarazo, en un contexto social que muestra aristas contrarias a lo que culturalmente se ha creído que es ser madre. Objetivo: Comprender la manera cómo es entendida la maternidad desde las trayectorias de mujeres que han decidido abortar en Ecuador. Métodos: Estudio biográfico narrativo en el que participaron 19 mujeres mayores de edad que decidieron abortar en algún momento de sus vidas. La muestra estuvo conformada por 19 mujeres con edades entre 18 y 62 años. La información se recolecto a través de entrevistas a profundidad en su mayoría por medio virtual. Para el tratamiento y análisis de los datos se utilizó la propuesta de Bertaux. Se obtuvo aval del Comité de ética. Resultados: El ser y el deber ser como madres enfrenta a las mujeres a tensiones entre una maternidad positiva y satisfactoria y otra como despojo de sí mismas. Surgen tendencias no necesariamente excluyentes, que se concretan en maternidades sacrificiales, omnipotentes, como carga, imperfectas y/o unas malas maternidades. Conclusiones: El sentido que tiene la maternidad para las mujeres es fundamental en su decisión de abortar, en la medida en que los mandatos sociales y culturales de la misma se tornan en una presión adicional a la sanción y la criminalización de su decisión de abortar. Esto exige plantear una perspectiva de derechos de la salud sexual y reproductiva que les permita a las y los enfermeros, y a otros actores sanitarios, reconocer estas complejidades y tensiones para asumir su tarea de cuidado bajo una perspectiva garantista, poniendo como centro a las mujeres
Neurohipofisis y Diabetes insípida. Presentación de un caso
Se describen las características morfofuncionales de la neurohipófisis y su relación con hipotálamo. Una de las hormonas elaboradas en el hipotálamo y llevadas por el Haz Hipotalámico Hipofisario hasta su sitio de almacenamiento y liberación en la neurohipófisis es la hormona antidiurética o ADH que permite la reabsorción de agua a nivel de los tubulos distales y colectores del riñón para concentrar la orina. El déficit de hormona antidiurética provoca la eliminación de un gran volumen de orina hipertónica, diluida e insabora; esta entidad recibe el nombre de Diabetes Insípida. (DI). Constituye el objeto de nuestro trabajo describir las relaciones hipotalámicas neurohipofisarias y su relación con la diabetes insípida presentando un caso de una diabetes Insípida en una paciente portadora de esta patología. La paciente de 30 años de edad se encontraba en fase Terminal de una leucemia mielocítica crónica. Se le midió diuresis y densidad de la orina ( 3 a 7 lts en 24 horas) indicando además otros exámenes de laboratorio, diagnosticando un síndrome poliúrico-polidipsico, de baja densidad. Se le puso tratamiento con vasopresina oleosa 3 veces por semana, y mejoró el cuadro clínico de DI, aunque fallece por el avanzado estado de la leucemia
Inhibition of alpha oscillations through serotonin-2A receptor activation underlies the visual effects of ayahuasca in humans
Ayahuasca is an Amazonian psychotropic plant tea typically obtained from two plants, Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis. It contains the psychedelic 5-HT2A and sigma-1 agonist N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) plus ß-carboline alkaloids with monoamine-oxidase (MAO)-inhibiting properties. Although the psychoactive effects of ayahuasca have commonly been attributed solely to agonism at the 5-HT2A receptor, the molecular target of classical psychedelics, this has not been tested experimentally. Here we wished to study the contribution of the 5-HT2A receptor to the neurophysiological and psychological effects of ayahuasca in humans. We measured drug-induced changes in spontaneous brain oscillations and subjective effects in a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study involving the oral administration of ayahuasca (0.75 mg DMT/kg body weight) and the 5-HT2A antagonist ketanserin (40 mg). Twelve healthy, experienced psychedelic users (5 females) participated in four experimental sessions in which they received the following drug combinations: placebo+placebo, placebo+ayahuasca, ketanserin+placebo and ketanserin+ayahuasca. Ayahuasca induced EEG power decreases in the delta, theta and alpha frequency bands. Current density in alpha-band oscillations in parietal and occipital cortex was inversely correlated with the intensity of visual imagery induced by ayahuasca. Pretreatment with ketanserin inhibited neurophysiological modifications, reduced the correlation between alpha and visual effects, and attenuated the intensity of the subjective experience. These findings suggest that despite the chemical complexity of ayahuasca, 5-HT2A activation plays a key role in the neurophysiological and visual effects of ayahuasca in humans.Postprint (published version
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