1,137 research outputs found
Security and Price Arbitrage
We examine the effect of international price arbitrage on the effectiveness of unilateral export controls. The restriction on the quality of exports of security sensitive products limits the outside option of domestic customers: if the product available on the international market is of low quality the firm can charge a high price to domestic customers for its latest technology. This effect leads the government to set looser export controls on security sensitive products
Arms export controls, subsidies and the WTO exemption
Owing to the WTO exemption that allows governments to subsidise arms exports, the arms trade is one of the few remaining areas of trade where we observe lump-sum and per unit transfers to exports. This paper examines the effect of arms controls, in the form of licensing delays, on the incentives to subsidise arms exports and conversely the effect of the WTO arms trade exemption on the incentives to break arms control agreements. Our main result is that arms controls and free trade commitments re-enforce each other. Licensing delays reduce the incentive to subsidise and free trade without subsidies reduces the benefits of a unilateral abrogation of arms controls. Transparency actually worsens the Nash inefficiencies at play in that incomplete information leads to lower subsidies and lower arms exports
Income redistribution and access to innovations in health care
We study the impact a redistribution of income has on the decisions of a health care innovator and the utility of consumers. We find that income redistribution from rich to poor increases the quality of the medical innovation, reduces its price and increases the utility of some of the consumers whose income is reduced through the redistribution
Weak IPR and imitation in the south and international exhaustion of patent rights in the north for innovated drugs: A policy game
We consider a policy game between a high-income country hosting a drug innovator and a low-income country hosting a drug imitator. The low-income country chooses whether to enforce an International Patent Regime (strict IPR) or not (weak IPR) and the high-income country chooses whether to allow parallel imports (PI) of on-patent drugs or market based discrimination (MBD). We show that, for a moderately high imitation cost, both (Strict IPR, Parallel Imports) and (Weak IPR, MBD) emerge as the Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium (SPNE) policy choices. For relatively smaller imitation costs, (Weak IPR, MBD) is the unique SPNE policy choice. The welfare properties reveal that although innovation may be higher at the (Strict IPR, PI), the market coverage and national welfare of the low-income country, and the total welfare are all lower. This opens up the efficiency issue of implementing TRIPS and at the same time allowing international exhaustion of patent rights
Strategic procurement, openness and market structure
We examine strategic procurement behaviour by governments and its effect on market structure in sectors, such as defence, where the government is the dominant consumer. In a world economy with trade between producers, and between producers and non-producers, we use a modified Dixit-Stiglitz utility function with an independent taste for variety. Governments can, in effect, choose the number of domestic firms and their size by adjusting the procurement price. Unlike the standard model with no independent taste for variety and no external sector of non-producers, there are incentives for subsidies, openness impacts on industrial structure and there are potential gains from procurement coordination between producer countries
La participación de los jóvenes en las redes sociales : finalidad, oportunidades y gratificaciones
Entre la multitud d'eines i aplicacions que ofereix Internet, les xarxes socials s'han convertit en un element de referència per a la participació ciutadana, atès que afavoreixen la possibilitat de ser informats i d'informar de forma fàcil, ràpida i massiva, a més de tenir la capacitat de cridar a la mobilització social, cívica i/o política. Enfront d'aquells detractors que consideren a les xarxes com un lloc ple de perills, hi ha estudis que plantegen com les xarxes socials es constitueixen, en realitat, com un espai de trobada, de debat, de negoci, en definitiva, de participació. En aquest article es presenten les possibilitats reals de les xarxes socials per als joves, centrades principalment en la percepció de les mateixes com un mitjà per estendre les seves relacions socials offline així com per a la participació en esdeveniments socials i/o cívics. Es busca conèixer els usos que fan els joves de les xarxes socials, les opcions i oportunitats que els ofereixen, així com les gratificacions que aquest sector de la població, com a principal usuari, obté de la seva participació amb aquestes eines d'Internet. Segons estableix Livingston, les xarxes socials són una font de risc però també d'oportunitats, relacionades fonamentalment amb la participació social, cívica i fins i tot política dels joves tant a través del món virtual com en la vida real. L'entorn digital en el qual vivim i les xarxes socials online en concret poden facilitar noves oportunitats per a l'aprenentatge, la participació, la creativitat i la comunicació (Livinsgtone i Haddon, 2009: 15).Entre la multitud de herramientas y aplicaciones que ofrece internet, las redes sociales se han convertido en un elemento de referencia para la participación ciudadana, ya que favorecen la posibilidad de ser informados y de informar de forma fácil, rápida y masiva, además de tener la capacidad de llamar a la movilización social, cívica y/o política. Frente a aquellos detractores que consideran las redes como un lugar lleno de peligros, hay estudios que plantean cómo las redes sociales se constituyen, en realidad, como un espacio de encuentro, de debate, de negocio, en definitiva, de participación. En este artículo se presentan las posibilidades reales de las redes sociales para los jóvenes, centradas principalmente en la percepción de las mismas como un medio para extender sus relaciones sociales offline así como para la participación en eventos sociales y/o cívicos. Se busca conocer los usos que hacen los jóvenes de las redes sociales, las opciones y oportunidades que les ofrecen, así como las gratificaciones que este sector de la población, como principal usuario, obtiene de su participación con estas herramientas de internet. Según establece Livinsgtone, las redes sociales son una fuente de riesgo pero también de oportunidades, relacionadas fundamentalmente con la participación social, cívica e incluso política de los jóvenes tanto a través del mundo virtual como en la vida real. El entorno digital en el que vivimos y las redes sociales online en concreto pueden facilitar nuevas oportunidades para el aprendizaje, la participación, la creatividad y la comunicación (Livinsgtone y Haddon, 2009: 15).Among the multiple applications and tools provided by the Internet, social networks have become a reference point for citizen participation since they enhance the possibility of being informed and to inform in an easy, fast and massive way. These tools also have the capacity to drive social, civic and/or political mobilization. Against those critics who consider social networks as a place full of dangers, there are studies that explain how social networks are in fact a meeting place, a space for debate, for business, and ultimately, for participation. This article presents the real possibilities of social networks for young people, mainly focusing on the perception of them as a platform to extend their offline social relationships as well as for their participation on social and/or civic events. It seeks to understand the different uses young people do of social networks, the options and opportunities offered to them, as well as the rewards that this sector of the population, as primary users, get for their participation in social networks. According to Livingston, social networks are a potential source of risk but also of opportunities mainly related to social, civic and even political participation of youth through both the virtual world and real live. The digital environment in which we live and particularly, the online social networks, can provide new opportunities for learning, participation, creativity and communication. (Livinsgtone y Haddon, 2009: 15
Managing asymmetric conflict
We consider conflicts between an incumbent, e.g. government or dominant firm, and potential challengers, e.g. guerilla movement or entrants. It is not uncommon for challengers to win such conflicts despite their lack of resources. They can do this by exploiting a second mover advantage: choosing to attack the incumbent in ways that it had not prepared for, because it was locked in by past investments. To model such asymmetric conflict we use a three stage game. In the first stage the incumbent chooses effort; in the second stage the challengers choose the degree of differentiation from the incumbent and in the third stage each decide whether to attack or defend and collect their payoffs. This simple model has a number of interesting predicitions, which may apply in certain types of legal, commercial and military conflicts
El trabajo se basa en un encargo real que Words Servicios Lingüísticos S.L. precisa para WaterLex (Organización no gubernamental que comenzó su labor en 2010, cuando un grupo de profesionales pensó que era preciso un esfuerzo colectivo de expertos, académicos y diplómaticos para los retos en relación con la actual gestión del agua). Consiste en la traducción conjunta (varios voluntarios) de la Memoria Anual de esta empresa con inglés como lengua origen y español como lengua meta. Los apartados de este informe encargados por Words y objeto de este TFM han sido: 1-La opinión de nuestra presidenta 2-Estructura de WaterLex 3-2012 Hechos clave-4-Recopilación e intercambio de información 5- Intercambio de experiencia jurídica 9- Informe financiero 10- Nuevos proyectos para 2013 11- Testimonios El trabajo realiza un informe intra y extra-textual; etudia problemas y soluciones, aporta la documentación utilizada y compara el trabajo realizado por la traductora y la versión final entregada por el revisor
Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) ISG15: molecular characterization and in vivo interplay with viral infections
The interferon-stimulated gene 15 (Isg15) is strongly induced by type I interferon (IFN I), viral infection, and double-stranded RNA (poly I:C) in several fish species, suggesting that Isg15 protein could play a key role in fish innate immunity against viral diseases. Thus, the aim of the present study was to characterize the molecular structure and transcription pattern of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) Isg15 gene in response to viral infections.
The molecular characterization shows that the Senegalese sole Isg15 gene codes for a typical Isg15 protein of 165 aa, containing two ubiquitin-like domains and one conserved LRLRGG conjugating motif at the C-terminal end. The untranslated 5´-end region exhibited the structure of an IFN-stimulated gene promoter, with two interferon stimulated response elements (ISRE). Pairwise alignments based on deduced amino acid sequences showed homologous relationships (72.5-74.2%) between the Isg15 of Senegalese sole and other pleuronectiforms.
The Isg15 transcription has been studied in head kidneys of Senegalese sole inoculated with poly I:C and with different fish viruses: two Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus (VHSV) isolates (highly pathogenic and non-pathogenic to sole), and one reassortant Viral Nervous Necrosis Virus (VNNV) isolate, composed of a RGNNV-type RNA1 and a SJNNV-type RNA2 (pathogenic to sole). These challenges showed that poly I:C induces Isg15 transcription from 3 to 72 h post-injection (p.i.), whereas the induction in response to viral infections started at 24-48 h p.i. The fast induction of Isg15 indicates the potential implication of this ISG in the antiviral state stablished by the IFN I system. On the other hand, the interaction between each virus and the IFN I system was evaluated in fish inoculated with poly I:C and subsequently (24 h later) challenged with the different viruses. This challenge showed a viral multiplication decrease in poly I:C treated animals compared with untreated fish. Besides, results showed that only both pathogenic isolates interfered negatively with the Isg15 stimulation triggered by poly I:C. These results suggest that the Isg15 might play an important role in host defense against RNA virus infection, and the pathogenic isolates used in this study may have mechanisms to evade or limit the Senegalese sole innate host defenses.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 extracts protect against betanodavirus infection.
Viral nervous necrosis is caused by the nervous necrosis virus (Betanodavirus genus), a naked virus with two positive-sense RNA segments. Betanodaviruses are classified into four species, being RGNNV predominant in the Mediterranean area. RGNNV causes high mortality in several fish species, including European seabass. There are two vaccines to protect seabass against RGNNV infection. In this regard, the development of strategies to protect different fish species against different viruses, such as the use of probiotics, is a key issue for the aquaculture industry. Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11, SpPdp11, is a fish probiotic with proven positive effects on seabream and Senegalese sole, protecting those species against bacterial pathogens; however, its antiviral activity is unknown. This study evaluates the anti-RGNNV activity of sonicated-SpPdp11 extracts in vitro and in vivo.
The in vitro evaluation was performed on E11 cells following 3 assays: (i) neutralization, (ii) 6-h pre-adsorption, (iii) post-adsorption, determining the inhibition of RGNNV-induced CPEs and quantifying viral replication. The immunostimulatory activity of SpPdp11 extracts was also examined, analysing the transcription of mx, hsp70, tnfα, e3 and tlr3 in E11 cells.
For the in vivo evaluation, two European seabass groups were established: (i) control group, (ii) experimental group, fed with commercial pellet supplemented with SpPdp11 extracts. Animals were fed for 30 days and subsequently challenged by intramuscular injection.
SpPdp11 extracts compromised RGNNV replication in E11 cells (67.3% and 55% CPE inhibition in pre-adsorption and post-adsorption assays, respectively), and modulated the transcription of all the immune-related genes examined. The highest induction was obtained for mx gene.
Regarding the in vivo results, 82% of fish fed with the SpPdp11-supplemented diet survived to RGNNV infection, whereas the survival rate of fish fed with the control diet was 64%.P18-RT-1067 (Proyecto de Excelencia, Junta de Andalucia), PID2020-113637RB-C22 (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE). Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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