1,002 research outputs found

    Generating infinite monoids of cellular automata

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    For a group GG and a set AA, let End(AG)\text{End}(A^G) be the monoid of all cellular automata over AGA^G, and let Aut(AG)\text{Aut}(A^G) be its group of units. By establishing a characterisation of surjunctuve groups in terms of the monoid End(AG)\text{End}(A^G), we prove that the rank of End(AG)\text{End}(A^G) (i.e. the smallest cardinality of a generating set) is equal to the rank of Aut(AG)\text{Aut}(A^G) plus the relative rank of Aut(AG)\text{Aut}(A^G) in End(AG)\text{End}(A^G), and that the latter is infinite when GG has an infinite decreasing chain of normal subgroups of finite index, condition which is satisfied, for example, for any infinite residually finite group. Moreover, when A=VA=V is a vector space over a field F\mathbb{F}, we study the monoid EndF(VG)\text{End}_{\mathbb{F}}(V^G) of all linear cellular automata over VGV^G and its group of units AutF(VG)\text{Aut}_{\mathbb{F}}(V^G). We show that if GG is an indicable group and VV is finite-dimensional, then EndF(VG)\text{End}_{\mathbb{F}}(V^G) is not finitely generated; however, for any finitely generated indicable group GG, the group AutF(FG)\text{Aut}_{\mathbb{F}}(\mathbb{F}^G) is finitely generated if and only if F\mathbb{F} is finite.Comment: 11 page

    Code algebras, axial algebras and VOAs

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    Inspired by code vertex operator algebras (VOAs) and their representation theory, we define code algebras, a new class of commutative non-associative algebras constructed from binary linear codes. Let CC be a binary linear code of length nn. A basis for the code algebra ACA_C consists of nn idempotents and a vector for each non-constant codeword of CC. We show that code algebras are almost always simple and, under mild conditions on their structure constants, admit an associating bilinear form. We determine the Peirce decomposition and the fusion law for the idempotents in the basis, and we give a construction to find additional idempotents, called the ss-map, which comes from the code structure. For a general code algebra, we classify the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the smallest examples of the ss-map construction, and hence show that certain code algebras are axial algebras. We give some examples, including that for a Hamming code H8H_8 where the code algebra AH8A_{H_8} is an axial algebra and embeds in the code VOA VH8V_{H_8}.Comment: 32 pages, including an appendi

    Code algebras which are axial algebras and their Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-gradings

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    A code algebra ACA_C is a non-associative commutative algebra defined via a binary linear code CC. We study certain idempotents in code algebras, which we call small idempotents, that are determined by a single non-zero codeword. For a general code CC, we show that small idempotents are primitive and semisimple and we calculate their fusion law. If CC is a projective code generated by a conjugacy class of codewords, we show that ACA_C is generated by small idempotents and so is, in fact, an axial algebra. Furthermore, we classify when the fusion law is Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-graded. In doing so, we exhibit an infinite family of Z2×Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2-graded axial algebras - these are the first known examples of axial algebras with a non-trivial grading other than a Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-grading.Comment: 29 page

    The number of configurations in the full shift with a given least period

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    For any group GG and any set AA, consider the shift action of GG on the full shift AGA^G. A configuration xAGx \in A^G has \emph{least period} HGH \leq G if the stabiliser of xx is precisely HH. Among other things, the number of such configurations is interesting as it provides an upper bound for the size of the corresponding Aut(AG)\text{Aut}(A^G)-orbit. In this paper we show that if GG is finitely generated and HH is of finite index, then the number of configurations in AGA^G with least period HH may be computed using the M\"obius function of the lattice of subgroups of finite index in GG. Moreover, when HH is a normal subgroup, we classify all situations such that the number of GG-orbits with least period HH is at most 1010.Comment: 8 page

    Complete Simulation of Automata Networks

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    Consider a finite set A and . We study complete simulation of transformations of , also known as automata networks. For , a transformation of is n-complete of size m if it may simulate every transformation of by updating one register at a time. Using tools from memoryless computation, we establish that there is no n-complete transformation of size n, but there is one of size . By studying various constructions, we conjecture that the maximal time of simulation of any n-complete transformation is at least 2n. We also investigate the time and size of sequentially n-complete transformations, which may simulate every finite sequence of transformations of . Finally, we show that there is no n-complete transformation updating all registers in parallel, but there exists one updating all but one register in parallel. This illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of sequential and parallel models of computation