935 research outputs found

    La simulación clínica en la enseñanza sanitaria: una revisión sistemática

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    Objective. To summarize the most recent scientific evidence on the usefulness and implementation of simulation training programs for health science students. Methods. A search and systematic review were conducted of the literature through the use of the PRISMA guidelines using the terms MESH Simulation AND healthcare AND Professional Training, including 42 articles. Results. The bibliometric analysis revealed that most of the studies were local in nature, that is, conducted in a single center, or in a few centers in the same region, from the Englishspeaking world, and using a mixed methodology with pre/post-test measurements. As for the educational aspects, most of the studies were conducted at universities or in the area of continuous education, used multidisciplinary teams as the student target, and used role-playing games as the simulation method. Also, these programs were especially successful in the acquisition of competencies, such as teamwork, communication, and trust. Conclusion. Clinical simulation is a teaching methodology implemented in the last twenty years, mainly in Englishspeaking countries; it utilizes techniques for its execution and assessment that have been validated in contrasted in many scientific studies, and lastly, it was also observed that it is useful for providing training on general competencies for multidisciplinary groups.Objetivo. Resumir la evidencia científica más reciente sobre la utilidad e implementación de programas de formación mediante simulación en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud. Métodos. Se ha desarrollado una búsqueda y revisión sistemática de la literatura mediante la guía PRISMA empleando los términos MESH Simulation AND healthcare AND Professional Training, incluyéndose 42 artículos. Resultados. El análisis bibliométrico reveló que la mayoría de estudios eran de ámbito local, es decir, desarrollados en un único centro o en unos pocos centros de una misma localidad, procedentes del mundo anglosajón, y utilizaban una metodología mixta con pre/post-test. En cuanto a los aspectos educativos, la mayoría de estudios se desarrollaron a nivel universitario o en el ámbito de la formación continua, tuvieron como alumnado objetivo equipos multidisciplinares y utilizaron el juego de rol como método de simulación. Además, estos programas fueron especialmente exitosos en la adquisición de competencias como el trabajo en equipo, la comunicación y la confianza. Conclusión. La simulación clínica es una metodología docente que se ha ido implantando progresivamente durante las últimas dos décadas, mayoritariamente en países anglosajones, que utiliza técnicas para su ejecución y evaluación validadas y contrastadas en múltiples estudios científicos, y que resulta útil para el entrenamiento de competencias genéricas y equipos multidisciplinares

    (Kraków 2020) Dzieła literackie i teatralne. Tom. 2: Utwory poetyckie (1946- 2003). Pod redakcią Zofii Zarębianki. Zespól redakcyjny Marta Burghardt, Krzysztof Dybciak, Stanislaw Dziedzic, Anna Karón-Ostrowska, Jacek Popiel, Pawel Ptasznik. Znak. 323 pp

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    El Centenario del nacimiento de Karol Wojtyła, celebrado en el año 2020, supuso una ocasión importante para reimpulsar los estudios sobre la vida y obra de este gran autor, que antes de llegar a ser Papa, fue actor y director de teatro, guionista, poeta, obrero, filósofo, teólogo, además de gran aficionado a la música, al canto y a la pintura. Conocedor de las variadas tendencias literarias y artísticas que dominaban la vida cultural vanguardista de Polonia, durante el período de entreguerras, Karol Wojtyła se entregó con verdadera pasión a su vocación artística, participando intensamente en los más destacados círculos culturales de Cracovia. A pesar de que el estallido de la II Guerra Mundial, en septiembre de 1939, interrumpió sus estudios de polonística, Wojtyła siguió cultivando su pasión poética y teatral en la clandestinidad. La situación bélica no logró apagar su fuerte vocación artística y literaria, en cuyo seno nació su inclinación al sacerdocio y su posterior itinerario intelectual y magisterial


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    ¿Puede un hombre cambiar el destino de una nación y el decurso de la historia? La cuestión de la libertad del hombre, situado ante su propio destino y el destino de la nación, es central en este drama teatral, uno de los primeros que escribió Karol Wojtyła, cuando tenía apenas veinte años. El hombre que reflexiona sobre la historia y la identidad de su patria resulta ser el propio autor, que protagoniza como un personaje más su propia obra. A través de sus personales y de la sucinta trama de la obra, Wojtyła dialoga con los mitos nacionales de su época, como el mesianismo y el sarmatismo, y con las grandes tradiciones culturales: la Antigüedad clásica, la tradición bíblica, el Romanticismo, el misticismo español de san Juan de la Cruz, o el hispanismo polaco, representado sobre todo en Calderón de la Barca y en la tradición quijotesca.2022-2

    The Senegalese Sole Mx gene promoter contains a variable microsatellite region involved in the transcriptional

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    Interferons (IFNs) play a key role against viral infections by stimulating the expression of IFN stimulated genes, such as Mx. The transcriptional regulation of these genes in fish are poorly understood. The sequencing of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) Mx gene promoter revealed the presence of a guanosine-citosine rich region that contains a microsatellite, sited close to the translation start codon. The aim of the current study has been to determine the functional role of this region and to study its variability.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) ISG15: molecular characterization and in vivo interplay with viral infections

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    The interferon-stimulated gene 15 (Isg15) is strongly induced by type I interferon (IFN I), viral infection, and double-stranded RNA (poly I:C) in several fish species, suggesting that Isg15 protein could play a key role in fish innate immunity against viral diseases. Thus, the aim of the present study was to characterize the molecular structure and transcription pattern of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) Isg15 gene in response to viral infections. The molecular characterization shows that the Senegalese sole Isg15 gene codes for a typical Isg15 protein of 165 aa, containing two ubiquitin-like domains and one conserved LRLRGG conjugating motif at the C-terminal end. The untranslated 5´-end region exhibited the structure of an IFN-stimulated gene promoter, with two interferon stimulated response elements (ISRE). Pairwise alignments based on deduced amino acid sequences showed homologous relationships (72.5-74.2%) between the Isg15 of Senegalese sole and other pleuronectiforms. The Isg15 transcription has been studied in head kidneys of Senegalese sole inoculated with poly I:C and with different fish viruses: two Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus (VHSV) isolates (highly pathogenic and non-pathogenic to sole), and one reassortant Viral Nervous Necrosis Virus (VNNV) isolate, composed of a RGNNV-type RNA1 and a SJNNV-type RNA2 (pathogenic to sole). These challenges showed that poly I:C induces Isg15 transcription from 3 to 72 h post-injection (p.i.), whereas the induction in response to viral infections started at 24-48 h p.i. The fast induction of Isg15 indicates the potential implication of this ISG in the antiviral state stablished by the IFN I system. On the other hand, the interaction between each virus and the IFN I system was evaluated in fish inoculated with poly I:C and subsequently (24 h later) challenged with the different viruses. This challenge showed a viral multiplication decrease in poly I:C treated animals compared with untreated fish. Besides, results showed that only both pathogenic isolates interfered negatively with the Isg15 stimulation triggered by poly I:C. These results suggest that the Isg15 might play an important role in host defense against RNA virus infection, and the pathogenic isolates used in this study may have mechanisms to evade or limit the Senegalese sole innate host defenses.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Automatised on-line SPE-chiral LC-MS/MS method for the enantiomeric determination of main fluoroquinolones and their metabolites in environmental water samples

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    Fluoroquinolones are antibiotics of significant environmental concern their extended use not only in human medicine but also in veterinary medicine and not only as therapeutic agents but also to promote livestock growth and in aquaculture. Some fluoroquinolones and their metabolites are chiral compounds. Therefore, for a proper environmental risk assessment, enantioselective analytical methods are required. In this work, an analytical method has been developed and validated for the first time automatised enantioselective determination of environmental significant fluoroquinolones and their metabolites in wastewater and surface water samples. Target fluoroquinolones were selected by considering their extended use in human (ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin) and veterinary (flumequine) medicine. The analytical method was based on on-line solid-phase extraction-chiral liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analysis, including sample extraction and chiral LC-MS/MS determination, was carried out in just 14 min. The method was validated for its application to surface water and effluent and influent wastewater. Accuracy values were in the range from 61.4 to 122 % in wastewater and from 73.4 to 119 % in surface water. Precision, expressed as relative standard deviation, was lower than 13.6 % for all the compounds and sample matrices. Method quantification limits were in the range from 0.2 to 50 ng/L for all the compounds in wastewater and surface water. Method application to wastewater and surface water samples revealed the enantioselective transformation of LEV into (R)-OFL in surface water and the prevalence of OH-FLU D2 with respect to OH-FLU D1 in influent wastewater

    Estimulación del sistema mediado por interferón tipo I de lenguado senegalés (Solea senegalensis) en respuesta a infecciones por nodavirus

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    El lenguado senegalés es susceptible a la infección por el Virus de la Necrosis Nerviosa Viral (VNNV). Los betanodavirus se clasifican en cuatro genotipos, siendo los genotiposSJNNV, RGNNV y virus recombinantes RGNNV-SJNNV los que causan mortalidad en lenguado. En condiciones experimentales es el recombinante el que provoca mayor mortalidad. Las diferencias en la tasa de mortalidad pueden indicar variaciones en la interacción entre los distintos genotipos y el sistema inmune de lenguado. El sistema del interferón tipo I es un componente esencial de la respuesta inmune frente a infecciones virales, induciendo la expresión de genes que codifican proteínas antivíricas, tales como la Mx, la ISG15 y la PKR. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido cuantificar la transcripción de Mx, ISG15 y PKR en respuesta a infecciones por SJNNV, RGNNV y un recombinante RG-SJ.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Validation of two pmx-luciferase reporter systems to study virus - host interaction.

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    Viral diseases represent an important threat in aquaculture. Therefore, the development of strategies and tools to understand fish susceptibility, virus-host interaction, or to identify viral virulence markers is a priority. Fish possess an effective antiviral response mediated by type I interferon, IFN I, a cytokine that induces the expression of a set of genes, called IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs), which generate an antiviral state in infected and surrounding cells. Among ISGs, mx genes are considered markers of the IFN I response, since Mx proteins show direct antiviral activity and mx genes display strong and quick induction, which varies according to viral virulence. In addition, mx transcription is blocked by several viruses. Therefore, the level and time-course of mx induction reflect virus-host interaction. This idea prompted the development of in vitro experimental systems consisting of RTG-2 cells stably expressing luciferase under the control of mx promoters to study virus-host interplay. Specifically, Senegalese sole and sea bream mx promoters have been evaluated in this study. Both systems were inoculated with different doses of viral isolates relevant in aquaculture: Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus, IPNV, Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus, VHSV, and Nervous Necrosis Virus, NNV. Each isolate triggered a characteristic profile in each experimental system. The sensitivity of both experimental systems in detecting two NNV isolates in infected tissues was tested, and the NNV antagonistic activity was also characterized. The minimal viral dose required to detect pmx induction and/or blocking is a possible virulence marker for these isolates. Thus, both experimental systems have been validated and can be used to get more insight on virus-host interaction and contribute to fight viral infections in aquaculture. Acknowledgments This study has been supported by the Project UMA20-FEDERJA-020 (Regional Government).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Guía para el estudiante extranjero en Zaragoza.

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    Para mi trabajo de Fin de Grado he creado una novedosa página web, una Guía para el estudiante extranjero en Zaragoza, dirigida a estudiantes y coordinadores erasmus y adaptada en varios idiomas

    Guía para el estudiante extranjero en Zaragoza

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    Para mi trabajo de Fin de Grado he creado una novedosa página web, una Guía para el estudiante extranjero en Zaragoza, dirigida a estudiantes y coordinadores erasmus y adaptada en varios idiomas