29,393 research outputs found
Quantum control of the motional states of trapped ions through fast switching of trapping potentials
We propose a new scheme for supplying voltages to the electrodes of
microfabricated ion traps, enabling access to a regime in which changes to the
trapping potential are made on timescales much shorter than the period of the
secular oscillation frequencies of the trapped ions. This opens up
possibilities for speeding up the transport of ions in segmented ion traps and
also provides access to control of multiple ions in a string faster than the
Coulomb interaction between them. We perform a theoretical study of ion
transport using these methods in a surface-electrode trap, characterizing the
precision required for a number of important control parameters. We also
consider the possibilities and limitations for generating motional state
squeezing using these techniques, which could be used as a basis for
investigations of Gaussian-state entanglement.Comment: Accepted by New Journal of Physic
Infrared Observations of AGN
We present results from an imaging and spectroscopic study of the dust
properties of Seyfert galaxies in the 1-10um range. The data are compared to
state of the art models of torus emission to constrain geometrical and physical
properties of the obscuring medium.Comment: 2 pages, to appear in the IAU Symp.No.222 proceedings:"The Interplay
among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei", Gramado, Brazil, March
1-5, 200
Hyperonic crystallization in hadronic matter
Published in Hadrons, Nuclei and Applications, World Scientific, Singapore,
Proc.of the Conference Bologna2000. Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the
Century, G. Bonsignori, M. Bruno, A. Ventura, D. Vretenar Editors, pag. 319.Comment: 4 pages, 2figure
Journal Staff
Electrical properties and strain gauge factor of Cr/SiOx cermet films with compositions 50/50 and 70/30 wt% were investigated in order to evaluate their use in strain gauge devices. The films were deposited by flash evaporation. The microstructures and resulting phases were characterized by electron diffraction and electron microscopy. The influence of the thickness and deposition rate on the sheet resistance, the temperature coefficient of resistance and the gauge factor were investigated. The results are consistent with a mixed conduction mechanism with metallic and a thermally activated tunneling components, between interconnected and discrete conductive phases, respectively.Se investigaron las propiedades eléctricas y el factor extensométrico de películas del cermet- Cr/SiOx en composiciones 50/50 y 70/30 % en peso, para evaluar su uso en dispositivos "strain gauge". Las películas fueron depositadas por evaporación "flash". Las estructuras y fases resultantes fueron caracterizadas por microscopía y difracción de electrones. Se estudió la influencia del espesor y la velocidad del depósito sobre la resistencia laminar, el coeficiente térmico de resistencia y el factor extensométrico. Los resultados son consistentes con un mecanismo de conducción mixto, con una componente metálica y otra por efecto túnel térmicamente activado, entre fases conductoras interconectadas y discretas, respectivamente
Multi-wavelength Observations of the Giant X-ray Flare Galaxy NGC 5905: signatures of tidal disruption
NGC 5905 is one of the few galaxies with no prior evidence for an AGN in
which an X-ray flare, due to the tidal disruption of a star by the massive
black hole in the center of the galaxy, was detected by the RASS in 1990-91.
Here we present analysis of late-time follow-up observations of NGC 5905 using
Chandra, Spitzer VLA 3 GHz and 8 GHz archival data and GMRT 1.28 GHz radio
observations. The X-ray image shows no compact source that could be associated
with an AGN. Instead, the emission is extended -- likely due to nuclear star
formation and the total measured X-ray luminosity is comparable to the X-ray
luminosity determined from the 2002 Chandra observations. Diffuse X-ray
emission was detected close to the circum-nuclear star forming ring. The
Spitzer 2006 mid-infrared spectrum also shows strong evidence of nuclear star
formation but no clear AGN signatures. The semi-analytical models of Tommasin
et. al. 2010 together with the measured [OIV]/[NeII] line ratio suggest that at
most only 5.6% of the total IR Flux at 19 m is being contributed by the
AGN. The GMRT 1.28 GHz observations reveal a nuclear source. In the much higher
resolution VLA 3 GHz map, the emission has a double lobed structure of size
2.7'' due to the circumnuclear star forming ring. The GMRT 1.28 GHz peak
emission coincides with the center of the circumnuclear ring. We did not detect
any emission in the VLA 8 GHz (1996) archival data. The 3 upper limits
for the radio afterglow of the TDE at 1.28 GHz, 3 GHz and 8 GHz are 0.17 mJy,
0.09 mJy and 0.09 mJy, respectively. Our studies thus show that (i) NGC 5905
has a declining X-ray flux consistent with a TDE, (ii) the IR flux is dominated
by nuclear star formation, (iii) the nuclear radio emission observed from the
galaxy is due to circumnuclear star formation, (iv) no compact radio emission
associated with a radio afterglow from the TDE is detected.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted to be published in Astrophysics and
Space Scienc
On the semiclassical mass of -kinks
One-loop mass shifts to the classical masses of stable kinks arising in a
massive non-linear -sigma model are computed. Ultraviolet
divergences are controlled using the heat kernel/zeta function regularization
method. A comparison between the results achieved from exact and
high-temperature asymptotic heat traces is analyzed in depth.Comment: RevTex file, 15 pages, 2 figures. Version to appear in Journal of
Quicksort with unreliable comparisons: a probabilistic analysis
We provide a probabilistic analysis of the output of Quicksort when
comparisons can err.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure
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