7,595 research outputs found

    Social Security and Retirement across OECD Countries

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    There are large differences in the employment to population ratio relative to the US across OECD countries, and these differences are even larger for the old age (55-69 years). There are also large differences in various features of social security, such as the replacement rate, the entitlement age or whether it is allowed to collect social security and working. These observations suggest that they might be an important factor. I assess quantitatively this hypothesis using a life cycle general equilibrium model of retirement. I find that the differences in social security can indeed account for the differences in employment to population ratio at old age in the OECD. I also evaluate which features of social security are most important in this context and find that generosity and whether it allows collecting social security while working are the most important contributors

    Social Security and Retirement across OECD Countries

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    There are large differences in the employment to population ratio relative to the US across OECD countries, and these differences are even larger for the old age (55-69 years). There are also large differences in various features of social security, such as the replacement rate, the entitlement age or whether it is allowed to collect social security and working. These observations suggest that they might be an important factor. I assess quantitatively this hypothesis using a life cycle general equilibrium model of retirement. I find that the differences in social security can indeed account for the differences in employment to population ratio at old age in the OECD. I also evaluate which features of social security are most important in this context and find that generosity and whether it allows collecting social security while working are the most important contributors.Social security, retirement, idiosyncratic labor income risk

    Social security and retirement across OECD countries

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    There are large differences in the employment to population ratio relative to the US across OECD countries, and these differences are even larger for the old age (55-69 years). There are also large differences in various features of social security, such as the replacement rate, the entitlement age or whether it is allowed to collect social security while working. These observations suggest that they might be an important contributing factor in accounting for differences in retirement. I assess quantitatively the importance of these features using a life cycle general equilibrium model of retirement. I find that the differences in social security account for 90% of the differences in employment to population ratio at ages 60-64 in the OECD. The differences in the replacement rates and whether the system allows for collecting social security while working are the most important contributing factors to account for the differences in retirement.Social security, retirement, idiosyncratic labor income risk

    New Physics in suνˉs\to u\ell^-\bar\nu: Interplay between semileptonic kaon and hyperon decays

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    We review a novel model-independent approach to the analysis of new-physics effects in the suνˉs\to u\ell^-\bar\nu transitions. We apply it to (semi)leptonic kaon decays and study their complementarity with pion and hyperon β\beta decays or with collider searches of new physics.Comment: Contribution to the NA62 Physics Handbook. It summarizes the analysis presented in arXiv:1605.07114 and discusses in more detail the interplay between Kμ3K_{\mu3} and semileptonic hyperon decays as new-physics probe

    Para no resignarse a la condena de la exclusión

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    Texto sobre el libro “Poder y desarrollo regional” de Xochitl Leyva. Se incluye obra visual del artista Alejandro Colunga, reproducida en blanco y negro.ITESO, A.C

    Non-standard semileptonic hyperon decays

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    We investigate the discovery potential of semileptonic hyperon decays in terms of searches of new physics at teraelectronvolt scales. These decays are controlled by a small SU(3)SU(3)-flavor breaking parameter that allows for systematic expansions and accurate predictions in terms of a reduced dependence on hadronic form factors. We find that muonic modes are very sensitive to non-standard scalar and tensor contributions and demonstrate that these could provide a powerful synergy with direct searches of new physics at the LHC.Comment: v2. Comparison with direct searches of new physics at the LHC presente

    Análisis del comportamiento dinámico de vehículos comerciales ligeros y diseño de una metodología de ensayo

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    El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo estudiar las condiciones de carga reales de los camiones comerciales ligeros en el mercado, con la finalidad de mejorar la definición de los ensayos en pista de pruebas. Se analiza la variabilidad del centro de gravedad en función de las características del vehículo y de las configuraciones de carrozado que puede incorporar, para posteriormente compararla con la posición prácticamente constante y poco elevada de los camiones que son sometidos a ensayos. Con los valores obtenidos en las dos situaciones de carga, se analiza la influencia en la dinámica de frenado y la altura máxima del centro de masas del camión para evitar el vuelco. Dado el diferente comportamiento del camión en función de la altura del centro de gravedad, se plantea diseñar y desarrollar un procedimiento de carga para realizar pruebas más acordes con la metodología con la que se cargan los vehículos. De esta manera se podrán ensayar en condiciones semejantes a la situación de un camión en carretera y poder obtener resultados fiables de la estabilidad y de la dinámica de frenos

    Advanced ceramic in structural engineering

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    The work deals with "Advanced Ceramics in Structural Engineering”. Throughout this work we present the different types of ceramic that are currently in wider use, and the main research lines that are being followed. Ceramics have very interesting properties, both mechanical and electrical and refractory where we can find some of the most interesting points of inquiry. Through this work we try tounderstand this complex world, analyzing both general and specific properties of differenttypes of advanced ceramics. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of their use compared to other materials, and we will make some conclusions about all the work.Ingeniería Industria

    Development of a SW suite for Space Mission Analysis

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    The space industry is characterized by long term projects and low adaptability, which usually leads to partial-failures and delays. Therefore, the existence of a tool that minimizes these two issues would become inestimable for the sector. The objective pursued throughout this bachelor thesis is the development of a useful tool to enhance the initial phases of the current spacecraft mission design, particularly focus on the preliminary mission analysis stage. The problem was decided to be approached by implementing the traditional models into a software suite looking for developing a fast, effective and easy to handle interface. The software suite developed has proven to accomplish the objective successfully as demonstrated by noticeable improving the evaluation of possible alternatives available for the FireSat mission. Although the project was forced to be scaled according to the thesis restrictions and hence the implications are in some extent limited, it has demonstrated the potential of a future fully-scaled software development project and the impact that it would have on the sector.Ingeniería Aeroespacia