16 research outputs found

    Seqüência Latossolo Amarelo - Podzólico Amarelo - Areias Quartzosas sob material da formação barreiras na região de Tucuruí, estado do Pará

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    The objective of this work was to study the genesis of an Oxisol-Ultisol-Entisol sequence, developed from sediments of the Barreiras Formation in the Tucurui region. The area is located about 65 km from Tucurui. In this area a soil topo sequence was selected, represented by a clayey oxisol in the higher parts, a clayey ultisol in the middle part, ending in an ample valley of sandy botton, with strong hidromorphism. The temperature regimes are isohyperthermic and hyperthermic and the moisture regimes are udic and aquic, in the higher parts and valley botton, respectively. Four profiles were examined and auger samples were taken in eight representative sites. The parent material is represented by clayey sediments from the Barreiras Formation. Chemically, the soils are leached with high aluminum saturation, dominated by kaolinite clay minerals. In the higher parts of the sequence the textura! gradient is similar and the iron oxides are mainly in crystalline forms. Downslope the textural gradient increases and the iron forms are less crystalline. At the valley botton the process of the fine fraction loss (also due to the hydromorphism) is completed remaining a sandy deep mantle. The iron oxides dissapear, remaining the kaolinite in smaller proportion. The soil sequence evolution may probably be developed by the degradation of the latossolic clayey material of the higher portions of the landscape.Estudou-se uma seqüência de Latossolo Amarelo-Podzólico Amarelo-Areia Quartzosa desenvolvida em sedimentos da Formação Barreiras. A área se localiza no sul do Pará, nas proximidades entre Tucuruí e o Rio Moju, distando 65km da Usina Hidroelétrica de Tucuruí. Foi escolhida uma encosta de aproximadamente 1500 metros formada por Latossolo na parte alta e Podzólico Amarelo na encosta, ambos argilosos, terminando em amplo vale de fundo arenoso, com forte hidromorfísmo. Os regimes de temperatura são isohipertérmico e hipertérmico e os de umidade ústico e áquico, nas partes elevadas e fundo do vale, respectivamente. Foram abertas quatro trincheiras ao longo da encosta e feitas oito tradagens para apoio. O material de origem é representado pela caolinita. Verificou-se que a diferenciação lateral dos solos: Latossolo Amarelo na parte alta, Podzólico Latossólico na encosta e Areia Quartzosa no fundo do vale, pode ser devida principalmente a processos de remoção e/ou destruição de finos (argila silicatada + óxidos). O encharcamento temporário e a gleização acentuada, exerceram papel preponderante na diferenciação da seqüência estudada

    Matointerferência em arroz de sequeiro. I: efeitos do espaçamento e da adubação nitrogenada nas concentrações de nutrientes no arroz e nas plantas daninhas

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    O trabalho insere-se num estudo global sobre os efeitos do espaçamento entre sulcos de semeadura e da dose de adubação nitrogenada sobre as relações competitivas entre a cultura do arroz de sequeiro (Oryza sativa L.) e uma comunidade de plantas daninhas. Para tanto, os tratamentos foram dispostos num esquema fatorial 2x2x3, onde constituiram variáveis: duas condições de manejo da comunidade infestante - sem controle e com controle do mato durante todo o ciclo do arroz - dois espaçamentos entre sulcos de semeadura - 0,40 e 0,60 m - e três doses de nitrogênio - 2,4, e 7,2 de N/m de sulco. O experimento foi montado sobre solo Latossolo Vermelho Escuro fase arenosa e obedeceu o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com 4repetições. Foram realizadas duas avaliações: por ocasião do perfilhamento e por ocasião do florescimento da cultura. em comparação com as plantas daninhas, os teores de N, P, Fe, Mn e Zn foram mais elevados no arroz; os de Ca e Mg foram menos elevados e os teores de K e Cu foram inferiores aos de D. horizontalis e superiores aos de 7. hirsuta. Por ocasião do florescimento, o arroz apresentou teores mais elevados de P, Cu, Mn e Zn, enquanto que a comunidade infestante apresentou maiores teores de N, K, Ca, Mg e Fe. Os efeitos do espaçamento e da fertilização nitrogenada apresentaram aspectos distintos de acordo com o nutriente, a espécie envolvida e a época da avaliação. de um modo geral, os efeitos das plantas daninhas foram mais acentuados no espaçamento de 0,60 m.The essay insered in a global study about the spacing and nitrogen rate effects on the competitive relationship between weeds and upland rice crop. The treatments were located in a factorial desing 2x2x3 , when the variables were: two weed managment conditions - weeded and not weeded during all rice cycle - two row spacing - 0.40 and 0.60, e three nitrogen rate - 2.4 , 2.8 and 7.2 g de N/m of row. The essay was installed on Latossolo Vermelho Escuro sandy phase soil. Two valuations were realized: the first in the crop tillerinq and the second in the crop flowering. In the tillering phase the most important weed were Digitaria horizontalis and Indigofera hirsuta. The first weed showed higher contents of K, Mg, Fe and Mn and lower contents of N and Ca than the legumonosous weed. In comparison with the weeds, the rice contents of N, P, Fe, Mn and Zn were higher, the contents of Ca and Mg were lower. The K and Cu rice contents were lower than in D.horizontal in and higher than in l.hirsuta. In the flowering phase, the rice showed higher contents of P, Cu, Mn and Zn and lower contents of N, K, Ca, Mg and Fe, than the weed community. The row spacing and nitrogen rate effects showed different aspects, in according with the nutrient, weed especie and valuation period. In general, the weed effects were more drastics on the 0.60 m row spacing

    Life in cold seeps. A synthesis of biogeochemical and ecological data from Kazan mud volcano, eastern Mediterranean sea

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    Recent field observations have identified the widespread occurrence of fluid seepage through the eastern Mediterranean Sea floor in association with mud volcanism or along deep faults. Gas hydrates and methane seeps are frequently found in cold seep areas and were anticipated targets of the MEDINAUT/MEDINETH initiatives. The study presented herein has utilized a multi-disciplinary approach incorporating observations and sampling of visually selected sites by the manned submersible Nautile and by ship-based sediment coring and geophysical surveys. The study focuses on the biogeochemical and ecological processes and conditions related to methane seepage, especially the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), associated with ascending fluids on Kazan mud volcano in the eastern Mediterranean. Sampling of adjacent box cores for studies on the microbiology, biomarkers, pore water and solid phase geochemistry allowed us to integrate different biogeochemical data within a spatially highly heterogeneous system. Geophysical results clearly indicate the spatial heterogeneity of mud volcano environments. Results from pore water geochemistry and modeling efforts indicate that the rate of AOM is ~6 mol m−2 year−1, which is lower than at active seep sites associated with conditions of focused flow, but greater than diffusion-dominated sites. Furthermore, under the non-focused flow conditions at Kazan mud volcano advective flow velocities are of the order of a few centimeters per year and gas hydrate formation is predicted to occur at a sediment depth of about 2 m and below. The methane flux through these sediments supports a large and diverse community of micro- and macrobiota, as demonstrated by carbon isotopic measurements on bulk organic matter, authigenic carbonates, specific biomarker compounds, and macrofaunal tissues. Because the AOM community appears to be able to completely oxidize methane at the rate it is seeping through the sediments, ultimate sinks for methane in this environment are authigenic carbonates and biomass. Significant differences in organic geochemical data between this site and those of other cold seep environments, even within the eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes, indicate that the microbiological communities carrying out AOM varies depending on specific conditions such as methane flux and salinity

    Seqüência Latossolo Amarelo - Podzólico Amarelo - Areias Quartzosas sob material da formação barreiras na região de Tucuruí, estado do Pará Oxisol-Ultisol-Entisol sequence developed from clayey material near Tucuruí region, Pará state, Brazil

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    Estudou-se uma seqüência de Latossolo Amarelo-Podzólico Amarelo-Areia Quartzosa desenvolvida em sedimentos da Formação Barreiras. A área se localiza no sul do Pará, nas proximidades entre Tucuruí e o Rio Moju, distando 65km da Usina Hidroelétrica de Tucuruí. Foi escolhida uma encosta de aproximadamente 1500 metros formada por Latossolo na parte alta e Podzólico Amarelo na encosta, ambos argilosos, terminando em amplo vale de fundo arenoso, com forte hidromorfísmo. Os regimes de temperatura são isohipertérmico e hipertérmico e os de umidade ústico e áquico, nas partes elevadas e fundo do vale, respectivamente. Foram abertas quatro trincheiras ao longo da encosta e feitas oito tradagens para apoio. O material de origem é representado pela caolinita. Verificou-se que a diferenciação lateral dos solos: Latossolo Amarelo na parte alta, Podzólico Latossólico na encosta e Areia Quartzosa no fundo do vale, pode ser devida principalmente a processos de remoção e/ou destruição de finos (argila silicatada + óxidos). O encharcamento temporário e a gleização acentuada, exerceram papel preponderante na diferenciação da seqüência estudada.<br>The objective of this work was to study the genesis of an Oxisol-Ultisol-Entisol sequence, developed from sediments of the Barreiras Formation in the Tucurui region. The area is located about 65 km from Tucurui. In this area a soil topo sequence was selected, represented by a clayey oxisol in the higher parts, a clayey ultisol in the middle part, ending in an ample valley of sandy botton, with strong hidromorphism. The temperature regimes are isohyperthermic and hyperthermic and the moisture regimes are udic and aquic, in the higher parts and valley botton, respectively. Four profiles were examined and auger samples were taken in eight representative sites. The parent material is represented by clayey sediments from the Barreiras Formation. Chemically, the soils are leached with high aluminum saturation, dominated by kaolinite clay minerals. In the higher parts of the sequence the textura! gradient is similar and the iron oxides are mainly in crystalline forms. Downslope the textural gradient increases and the iron forms are less crystalline. At the valley botton the process of the fine fraction loss (also due to the hydromorphism) is completed remaining a sandy deep mantle. The iron oxides dissapear, remaining the kaolinite in smaller proportion. The soil sequence evolution may probably be developed by the degradation of the latossolic clayey material of the higher portions of the landscape

    Efeito do manejo sobre a produção e composição química de perfilhos do capim-colonião (Panicum maximum Jacq.) Effect of management on the chemical composition and tillers production of colonião grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.)

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    O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos das freqüências de corte de 28, 35 e 42 dias, obtidas em dezembro, janeiro e fevereiro, cortadas rente a 15 cm e a 30 cm do solo, sobre a produção e composição química de perfilhos do capim-colonião. A área experimental foi adubada na semeadura e por ocasião dos cortes de uniformização. Verificou-se que a produção de MS foi o principal fator da produção de nutrientes por área. Os teores de PB dos perfilhos apresentaram comportamento não-linear com o avanço da idade e diminuíram sensivelmente a baixas alturas e altas freqüências de corte. Os teores de FDA dos perfilhos variaram pouco entre as idades de 28 e 42 dias. Concluiu-se que o melhor manejo do capim-colonião seria o corte a cada 42 dias e a 15 cm do solo.<br>The effects of cutting frequency of 28, 35 and 42 days, performed in December, January and February at 0 cm, 15 cm and 30 cm from the ground on the chemical composition and tiller production of Panicum maximum Jacq were assayed. The experimental area was fertilized during the sowing, at uniform cuttings. Dry matter yield was the main factor affecting the nutrients production by area. The crude protein content of tillers showed no linear response to the cutting interval and sensitively decrease at low cutting height and high cutting frequency. The ADF concentrations of tillers exhibited small variation within the interval of growth period studied of 28 to 42 days. The best management for Panicum maximum could be at 42 days cutting frequency at 15 cm from the ground