133 research outputs found

    Contribution to the Cuban flora catalogue: endemics in the ophiolites derivate soils

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    Las regiones cubanas donde predominan las ofiolitas son conocidas por tener más endemismos vegetales que regiones aledañas. La riquezaconjunta de esas floras es tal que para entender los patrones de distribución de la flora cubana hay que conocer esos patrones en regiones ofiolíticas.Buenos indicadores de la riqueza total son los componentes endémicos. Con ese fin aquí se publica un esquema cartográfico de regionescubanas donde predominan las rocas mencionadas y una lista de taxones endémicos cubanos allí colectados. En los territorios identificados sehan reconocido1603 taxones infra genéricos endémicos cubanos de 106 familias y 420 géneros. Del total, 741 son exclusivos de regiones ofiolíticas.La mayor parte de los endemismos mencionados son arbustos, seguidos por las hierbas. En los suelos derivados de ofiolitas predominanprincipalmente los taxones del grupo evolutivo norandino.The Cuban regions with predominance of ophiolites are known to have more endemics plants than bordering regions. The combined wealthof those floras is such that to understand the patterns of distribution of the Cuban flora is necessary to know those patterns in ofilitic regions. Goodindicators of the total wealth are the endemic components. With that objective here is published a cartographic diagram of Cuban regions whereit prevail the mentioned rocks, and a list of Cuban endemic taxa collected there. In the identified territories has been recognized 1603 infra genericendemic taxa of 106 families and 420 genus. Of those total, 741 are exclusive of ophiolitic regions. In the soils derivate from ophioliticsrocks mainly taxa from the North Andean evolutionary group are predominate

    El endemismo en la flora de las montañas cubanas

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    Cuban flora is characterized by the large number of endemic species. These taxa do not have a uniform distribution throughout the archipelago, but rather the major centers of accumulation are in the mountains. Hence the importance of knowing these distribution patterns to understand the flora as a whole. In this work an analysis of the plant diversity in the orographic groups is made. Together with this, an analysis of the distribution and taxonomic categories of these taxa and their relationship with continental evolutionary centers is made. For completeness, the intensity of total speciation and by phytogeographic district is reviewed.La flora cubana se caracteriza por la gran cantidad de endemismos que tiene. Estos taxones no tienen una distribución uniforme por todo el Archipiélago, sino que los mayores centros de acumulación están en las montañas. De ahí la importancia de conocer esos patrones de distribución para entender la flora en su conjunto. En este trabajo se hace un análisis de la diversidad vegetal en los grupos orográficos. Conjuntamente se hace un análisis sobre las categorías de distribución, taxonómicas de esos taxones y su relación con centros evolutivos continentales. Para completar se revisa la intensidad de especiación total y por distrito fitogeográfico

    Culinary and sensory traits diversity in the Spanish Core Collection of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    The Spanish National Plant Genetic Resource Center's core collection of bean germplasm includes 202 accessions selected from more than 3000 accessions in function of passport data, seed phenotype, genetic background, and agronomic traits. To acquire more useful information about these accessions, we cultivated and characterized them for sensory and culinary traits. We found considerable variation for culinary and sensory traits of the cooked beans (mean coefficients of variation: 41% for the sensory traits and 40% for the culinary traits). The large dataset enabled us to study correlations between sensory and culinary traits and among these traits and geographic origin, seed color, and growth habit. Greater proportion of white in the seed coat correlated positively with brightness and negatively with mealiness (r=0.60, r=-0.60, p<0.001, respectively). Mealiness correlated negatively with seed-coat roughness and rate of water absorption (r=-0.60, r=-0.53, p<0.001, respectively). Materials of Andean origin had lower seed-coat brightness (p<0.01) and seed-coat roughness, and greater seed-coat perceptibility, mealiness, flavor, and aroma (p<0.001) than materials of Mesoamerican origin. Growth habit failed to correlate with culinary or sensory traits.Postprint (published version

    Culinary and sensory traits diversity in the Spanish Core Collection of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    The Spanish National Plant Genetic Resource Center’s core collection of bean germplasm includes 202 accessions selected from more than 3000 accessions in function of passport data, seed phenotype, genetic background, and agronomic traits. To acquire more useful information about these accessions, we cultivated and characterized them for sensory and culinary traits. We found considerable variation for culinary and sensory traits of the cooked beans (mean coefficients of variation: 41% for the sensory traits and 40% for the culinary traits). The large dataset enabled us to study correlations between sensory and culinary traits and among these traits and geographic origin, seed color, and growth habit. Greater proportion of white in the seed coat correlated positively with brightness and negatively with mealiness (r=0.60, r=-0.60, p&lt;0.001, respectively). Mealiness correlated negatively with seed-coat roughness and rate of water absorption (r=-0.60, r=-0.53, p&lt;0.001, respectively). Materials of Andean origin had lower seed-coat brightness (p&lt;0.01) and seed-coat roughness, and greater seed-coat perceptibility, mealiness, flavor, and aroma (p&lt;0.001) than materials of Mesoamerican origin. Growth habit failed to correlate with culinary or sensory traits. Breeders can benefit from the information about this core collection available at www.crf.inia.es/crfesp/paginaprincipaljudia.asp

    The Conners Continuous Performance Test CPT3â„¢: Is it a reliable marker to predict neurocognitive dysfunction in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome?

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    Chronic fatigue syndrome; Continuous performance test; Neurocognitive dysfunctionSíndrome de fatiga crónica; Prueba de rendimiento continuo; Disfunción neurocognitivaSíndrome de fatiga crònica; Prova de rendiment contínua; Disfunció neurocognitivaIntroduction: The main objective is to delimit the cognitive dysfunction associated with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) in adult patients by applying the Continuous Performance Test (CPT3™). Additionally, provide empirical evidence on the usefulness of this computerized neuropsychological test to assess ME/CFS. Method: The final sample (n = 225; 158 Patients/67 Healthy controls) were recruited in a Central Sensitization Syndromes (CSS) specialized unit in a tertiary hospital. All participants were administered this neuropsychological test. Results: There were significant differences between ME/CFS and healthy controls in all the main measures of CPT3™. Mainly, patients had a worse indicator of inattentiveness, sustained attention, vigilance, impulsivity, slow reaction time, and more atypical T-scores, which is associated with a likelihood of having a disorder characterized by attention deficits, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In addition, relevant correlations were obtained between the CPT3™ variables in the patient's group. The most discriminative indicators of ME/CFS patients were Variability and Hit Reaction Time, both measures of response speed. Conclusion: The CPT3™ is a helpful tool to discriminate neurocognitive impairments from attention and response speed in ME/CFS patients, and it could be used as a marker of ME/CFS severity for diagnosing or monitoring this disease

    Memòria Digital de Catalunya

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    Localització: Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, ms. 1072/1 (f. 1-32)Núm. 802, a la coberta ms.A port.: "estrenada en la nit del 24 de agosto 1880 en lo Teatre del Bon Retiro"Lloc deduït de la menció d'estrena de l'obraFuente de ingreso: Compra a Elisa Castells, Vda. de Joan Almirall i Forast

    Memòria Digital de Catalunya

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    Localització: Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, ms. 1072/3 (f. 81-179)Núm. 848, a la coberta ms.Fuente de ingreso: Compra a Elisa Castells, Vda. de Joan Almirall i Forast

    Tallers d’ús Atenea-Moodle realitzats per professorat proper

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    Durant el curs 2008-9, membres del grup GIUM-A-RIMA de l'Escola Superior d'Agricultura de Barcelona (ESAB) van realitzar tallers sobre Atenea-Moodle, amb l'objectiu de generalitzar i homogeneïtzar l'ús d'Atenea a l'ESAB. Es va  realitzar un taller d'introducció i una altre sobre l'activitat de qüestionaris, amb el suport de l'ICE-UPC. Es van recollir les estadístiques d'ús d'Atenea, abans i després de realitzar els tallers, i es recollir l'opinió dels alumnes mitjançant enquestes. Les estadístiques van mostrar un increment en l'ús d'Atenea de prop del 30% en general i de més de 150% en l'ús de qüestionaris. Els estudiants van mostrar la seva satisfacció respecte als qüestionaris, per la ràpida correcció i retroacció. Durant aquest curs continuarem amb nous tallers.Peer Reviewe
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