12 research outputs found

    Hypoxia adaptation in fish of the Amazon: a never-ending task

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    In addition to seasonal long-term changes in dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide, water bodies of the Amazon present periodic short-term episodes of hypoxia and even anoxia. To preserve gas exchange and acid base balance, fish of the Amazon have developed multiple adaptive solutions which occur at all biological levels. These solutions are thought to represent adaptive convergence rather than phylogenetic relatedness. Fish of the Amazon exposed to different experimental conditions adjust, for example, several parameters to improve oxygen transfer from the gas-exchange site to the tissues. These parameters include morphological changes such as the development of the lower lip in Colossoma, changes in ventilation rates, changes in circulatory parameters, increased circulating red blood cells, decreased levels of intraerythrocytic phosphates, and adjustments of intraerythrocytic pH (pHi). These adjustments that allow fish to survive both short- and long-term hypoxia occur in different degrees in different fish species and may or may not occur simultaneously. In addition, these adjustments in oxygen transfer affect many other parameters, particularly acid-base status. We suggest that these adjustments are initiated as soon as the animal detects the environmental change in oxygen availability and are mediated by a single factor, possibly one of the catecholamines. In this paper we aim to show that adaptation to hypoxia is a never-ending task for the fish of the Amazon

    Karyological, biochemical, and physiological aspects of Callophysus macropterus (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) from the Solimões and Negro Rivers (Central Amazon)

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    Karyological characteristics, i.e., diploid number, chromosome morphology and nucleolus organizer regions (NORs), biochemical characteristics, i.e., electrophoretic analysis of blood hemoglobin and the tissue enzymes lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), and phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI), and physiological characteristics, i.e., relative concentration of hemoglobin and intraerythrocytic concentrations of organic phosphates were analyzed for the species Callophysus macropterus collected from Marchantaria Island (white water system - Solimões River) and Anavilhanas Archipelago (black water system - Negro River). Karyological and biochemical data did not reveal significant differences between specimens collected at the two sites. However, the relative distribution of hemoglobin bands I and III (I = 16.33 ± 1.05 and III = 37.20 ± 1.32 for Marchantaria specimens and I = 6.33 ± 1.32 and III = 48.05 ± 1.55 for Anavilhanas specimens) and levels of intraerythrocytic GTP (1.32 ± 0.16 and 2.76 ± 0.18 for Marchantaria and Anavilhanas specimens, respectively), but not ATP or total phosphate, were significantly different, indicating a physiological adaptation to the environmental conditions of these habitats. It is suggested that C. macropterus specimens from the two collecting sites belong to a single population, and that they adjusted some physiological characteristics to adapt to local environmental conditions

    The role of size in synchronous air breathing of <i>Hoplosternum littorale</i>

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    Synchronized air breathing may have evolved as a way of minimizing the predation risk known to be associated with air breathing in fish. Little is known about how the size of individuals affects synchronized air breathing and whether some individuals are required to surface earlier than necessary in support of conspecifics, while others delay air intake. Here, the air-breathing behavior of Hoplosternum littorale held in groups or in isolation was investigated in relation to body mass, oxygen tensions, and a variety of other physiological parameters (plasma lactate, hepatic glycogen, hematocrit, hemoglobin, and size of heart, branchial basket, liver, and air-breathing organ [ABO]). A mass-specific relationship with oxygen tension of first surfacing was seen when fish were held in isolation; smaller individuals surfaced at higher oxygen tensions. However, this relationship was lost when the same individuals were held in social groups of four, where synchronous air breathing was observed. In isolation, 62% of fish first surfaced at an oxygen tension lower than the calculated Pcrit (8.13 kPa), but in the group environment this was reduced to 38% of individuals. Higher oxygen tensions at first surfacing in the group environment were related to higher levels of activity rather than any of the physiological parameters measured. In fish held in isolation but denied access to the water surface for 12 h before behavioral testing, there was no mass-specific relationship with oxygen tension at first surfacing. Larger individuals with a greater capacity to store air in their ABOs may, therefore, remain in hypoxic waters for longer periods than smaller individuals when held in isolation unless prior access to the air is prevented. This study highlights how social interaction can affect air-breathing behaviors and the importance of considering both behavioral and physiological responses of fish to hypoxia to understand the survival mechanisms they employ

    Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of mitochondria-rich, pavement, and mucous cells in the Amazonian oscar (<i>Astronotus ocellatus</i>) and the rainbow trout (<i>Oncorhynchus mykiss</i>), two species with very different approaches to the osmo-respiratory compromise

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    The hypoxia-intolerant rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)) exhibits increased branchial ion permeability and Na+ influx during acute exposure to moderate hypoxia (Po2 = 80 torr; 1 torr = 133.3224 Pa), manifesting the usual trade-off between gas exchange and electrolyte conservation. In contrast, the hypoxia-tolerant oscar (Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz, 1831)) is unusual in exhibiting decreased branchial ion permeability to ions and Na+ influx during acute exposure to severe hypoxia (Po2 = 10–20 torr). These different physiological approaches to the osmo-respiratory compromise correlate with rapid, oppositely directed changes in gill morphology. In oscar, pavement cells (PVCs) expanded, partially covering neighboring mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs), which were recessed and reduced in size. Those remaining open were transformed from “shallow-basin” to “deep-hole” forms with smaller openings, deeper apical crypts, and smaller numbers of subapical microvesicles, changes that were largely reversed during normoxic recovery. In contrast, moderate hypoxia caused outward bulging of MRCs in rainbow trout with increases in size, surface exposure, and number of subapical microvesicles, accompanied by PVC retraction. These changes were partially reversed during normoxic recovery. In both rainbow trout and oscar, hypoxia caused discharge of mucus from enlarged mucous cells (MCs). Rapid, divergent morphological changes play an important role in explaining two very different physiological approaches to the osmo-respiratory compromise

    LDH gene responses to hypoxia and anoxia in Astronotus crassipinis.

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