8 research outputs found

    Theoretical study of the influence of the morphology in polymer-based devices functioning

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    It is well known that the morphology of polymer-based optoelectronic devices can influence their efficiency, since the ways that polymer chains pack inside the active layer can influence not only the charge transport but also the optic properties of the device. By using a mesoscopic model we carried out computer experiments to study the influence of the polymer morphology on the processes of charge injection, transport, recombination and collection by the electrodes opposite to those where the injection of bipolar charge carriers take place. Our results show that for polymer layers where the conjugated segments have perpendicular and random orientation relative to the electrodes surface, the competition between charge collection and charge recombination is affected when the average conjugation length of the polymer strands increase. This effect is more pronounced with the increase of the potential barrier at polymer/electrode interfaces that limit charge injection and increase charge collection. For these molecular arrangements the intra-molecular charge transport plays a major role in device performance, being this effect negligible when the polymer molecules have their axis parallel to the electrodes. Although the polymer morphology modelled in this work is far from real, we believe that our model can give some insights on the role of the microstructure on the functioning of polymer-based devices.European Community Fund (FEDER)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) – Programa Operacional “Ciência , Tecnologia, Inovação” – POCTI/CTM/41574/2001, CONC-REEQ/443/EEI/2005 e SFRH/BD/22143/200

    Mesoscopic modelling of 2-CN-PPV/PPV polymer LED

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    Although optoelectronic devices made of polymers are very attractive ones (low cost, easy to make), problems related to charge transport, exciton quenching, among others, can be an obstacle for their performance. The use of heterojunctions made of two polymers can be a strategy for improving the efficiency of polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs) at low bias. Here we present a theoretical study of the influence of bilayer structure in a PLED made of PPV and 2-CN-PPV, by adopting a mesoscopic approach. Our results show that the presence of the polymer/polymer interface improves charge injection and leads to a confinement of charges near it, which will increase the number recombination events in the middle of the device compared to the equivalent single-layer PLEDs.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) Programa Operacional “Ciência , Tecnologia, Inovação” POCTI/CTM/41574/2001, CONC-REEQ/443/EEI/2001 e SFRH/BD/22143/200

    Minor segmental wall motion abnormalities detected in patients with Chagas' disease have adverse prognostic implications

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    Recent data from our laboratory have shown that patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas' disease can have impairment of left ventricular contractility, as evaluated by the slope of the left ventricle end-systolic pressure-dimension relationship. We also showed that Chagas' disease patients with minimal baseline wall motion abnormalities detected by two-dimensional echocardiography have more intense contractility impairment when compared to patients with the indeterminate form of the disease without this abnormality. The prognostic implications of these findings have not been established. We evaluated 59 patients (37-76 years, mean = 55 years) with different clinical forms of Chagas' disease, who had normal left ventricular global systolic function at baseline (57.6 ± 6.9%) and who had at least one additional echo during clinical follow-up (0.4-17.6; mean 4.6 years). Group 1 consisted of 14 patients with minor baseline left ventricle wall motion abnormalities and group 2 consisted of 45 patients without these abnormalities. During follow-up, global left ventricle systolic function deterioration was observed in 10 group 1 patients (71.4%) and in only 10 group 2 patients (22.2%; P < 0.005). Age and duration of follow-up were not independent determinants of left ventricular function deterioration in these patients. The present data indicate that mild segmental left ventricular wall motion abnormalities are associated with worsening of systolic function in Chagas' disease patients who have normal baseline global systolic performance

    Minor segmental wall motion abnormalities detected in patients with Chagas' disease have adverse prognostic implications

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    Recent data from our laboratory have shown that patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas' disease can have impairment of left ventricular contractility, as evaluated by the slope of the left ventricle end-systolic pressure-dimension relationship. We also showed that Chagas' disease patients with minimal baseline wall motion abnormalities detected by two-dimensional echocardiography have more intense contractility impairment when compared to patients with the indeterminate form of the disease without this abnormality. The prognostic implications of these findings have not been established. We evaluated 59 patients (37-76 years, mean = 55 years) with different clinical forms of Chagas' disease, who had normal left ventricular global systolic function at baseline (57.6 ± 6.9%) and who had at least one additional echo during clinical follow-up (0.4-17.6; mean 4.6 years). Group 1 consisted of 14 patients with minor baseline left ventricle wall motion abnormalities and group 2 consisted of 45 patients without these abnormalities. During follow-up, global left ventricle systolic function deterioration was observed in 10 group 1 patients (71.4%) and in only 10 group 2 patients (22.2%; P < 0.005). Age and duration of follow-up were not independent determinants of left ventricular function deterioration in these patients. The present data indicate that mild segmental left ventricular wall motion abnormalities are associated with worsening of systolic function in Chagas' disease patients who have normal baseline global systolic performance

    As múltiplas notabilidades de Afonso Arinos: biografias, memórias e a condição de elite no Brasil do século XX

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    Resumo No artigo são analisadas as bases sociais e os suportes institucionais que constituem as multinotabilidades de Afonso Arinos, protagonista de disputas políticas e intelectuais ao longo do século XX no Brasil. O foco recai, por um lado, nos amálgamas entre notoriedade social (genealógica, familiar, profissional e intelectual) e reputação política (atribuições, cargos, lideranças, atributos e feitos), por outro, nas tensões decorrentes das responsabilidades herdadas, da divisão do trabalho político familiar, da inscrição em domínios diversos, da compatibilidade de gramáticas divergentes, entre outras. A partir da produção biográfica e autobiográfica relativa ao personagem são exploradas: (i) as articulações entre a “vocação” para representar (nos mais variados sentidos que a expressão pode adquirir) e a “arte” de escrever; (ii) os usos sociais, ideológicos e políticos do trabalho coletivo de produção de créditos sobre uma personalidade política; (iii) a gestão da própria imagem e as teorizações nativas sobre a profissão política presentes nas memórias de um político. O tratamento dessas dimensões revela os contornos de um mosaico de competências legítimas para a consagração política e intelectual: habilidades, saberes e trunfos não necessariamente conciliáveis ou livres de processos traumáticos originários da justaposição ou redefinição de papeis, ocasionados, por sua vez, pela reconfiguração do espaço político e por exigências de readequação das estratégias de reprodução familiar. Do mesmo modo, mediante a análise de um conjunto de tomadas de posição do personagem e sobre ele vêm à tona distintos mecanismos edificadores da “multinotabilidade” do agente e de certos domínios de inserção, que aparecem como produtos e produtores da multiposicionalidade desfrutada por uma elite letrada e votada que comandou, simultaneamente, diferentes esferas de atuação política e cultural. Conjuga-se a isso, a possibilidade de compreender como o volume dos capitais possuídos e a combinação entre eles conferem a Afonso Arinos não somente a autoridade para produzir, manipular e impor definições sobre o exercício do métier do político e do “homem de letras”, como também o potencial sem equivalentes acumulado para a gestão de identidades estratégicas

    Measurements with silicon photomultipliers of dose-rate effects in the radiation damage of plastic scintillator tiles in the CMS hadron endcap calorimeter

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    Measurements are presented of the reduction of signal output due to radiation damage for two types of plastic scintillator tiles used in the hadron endcap (HE) calorimeter of the CMS detector. The tiles were exposed to particles produced in proton-proton (pp) collisions at the CERN LHC with a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to a delivered luminosity of 50 fb-1. The measurements are based on readout channels of the HE that were instrumented with silicon photomultipliers, and are derived using data from several sources: A laser calibration system, a movable radioactive source, as well as hadrons and muons produced in pp collisions. Results from several irradiation campaigns using 60Co sources are also discussed. The damage is presented as a function of dose rate. Within the range of these measurements, for a fixed dose the damage increases with decreasing dose rate