35 research outputs found

    Sensitometric Comparisons Of Insight And Ektaspeed Plus Films: Effects Of Chemical Developer Depletion

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    The aim of this study was to compare the sensitometric properties of Insight and Ektaspeed Plus radiographic films manually and automatically processed using fresh and depleted chemical solutions. Ten sets of each type of film were obtained (1 set = 5 films), 5 sets being manually processed and 5 sets being automatically processed. A total of 100 films (50 Ektaspeed Plus and 50 Insight film) were exposed and developed. The first two sets of each film type were developed in fresh chemicals (one set per each type of processing), on the first day of the experiment. The other sets were processed in the same progressively depleted solutions once a week until the end of experiment, which was completed within 4 weeks. Characteristic curves were constructed to compare the sensitometric properties of the films: contrast, latitude and speed. Processing solution depletion had different effects on manually and automatically developed films, which was confirmed by the changes in the form of the characteristic curves in the third week of the automatic processing and fourth week of the manual processing. Ektaspeed Plus showed 11% reduction in contrast values for manual processing and 53% for automatic processing, while Insight contrast values showed a reduction of 25% and 59%, respectively. Insight film, however, showed lesser loss of speed and lesser increase of latitude than Ektaspeed Plus. In conclusion, chemical depletion in automatic film processing was faster than in manual developing. In depleted chemicals, both types of films had an increase in latitude values and a decrease in speed and contrast. Insight was more resistant than Ektaspeed Plus to decrease in speed and latitude when processed using older chemicals, whereas contrast in Ektaspeed Plus was comparatively more stable.172149154Syriopoulos, K., Velders, X.L., Sanderink, G.C.H., van Ginkel, F.V., van der Selt, P.F., Sensitometric evaluation of four dental x-ray films using five processing solutions (1999) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 28, pp. 73-79Tamburus, J.R., Lavrador, M.A.S., Radiographic contrast. A comparative study of three dental X-ray films (2001) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 26, pp. 201-205Geist, J.R., Brand, J.W., Sensitometric comparison of speed group E and F dental radiographic films (2001) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 30, pp. 147-152ISO 5799. Photography. Direct-exposing medical and dental radiographic film/process systems (1991) Determination of ISO speed and ISO average gradient, , International Organization for Standardization, 2nd ed. Geneva: ISO;Thunthy, K.H., Weinberg, R., Effects of developer exhaustion on Kodak Ektaspeed Plus, Ektaspeed and Ultra-speed dental films (1995) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol, 79, pp. 117-121Syriopoulos, K., Velders, X.L., Sanderink, G.C.H., van der Selt, P.F., Sensitometric and clinical evaluation of a new F-speed dental X-ray film (2001) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 30, pp. 40-44White, S.C., Pharoah, M.J., (2000) Oral radiology, principles and interpretation, , 4th ed. Mosby: St Louis;ISO 3665. Photography. Intra-oral dental radiographic film (1996) Specification, , International Organization for Standardization, 2nd ed. Geneva: ISO;Ludlow, J.B., Platin, E., Densitometric comparisons of Ultraspeed, Ektaspeed, Ektaspeed Plus intraoral films for two processing conditions (1995) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 79, pp. 105-113Syriopoulos, K., Velders, X.L., Sanderink, G.C.H., van Ginkel, F.V., van der Selt, P.F., Effects of developer exhaustion on the sensitometric properties of four dental films (1999) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 28, pp. 80-88Ludlow, J.B., Platin, E., Mol, A., Characteristics of Kodak Insight, an F-speed intraoral film (2001) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 91, pp. 120-129Casanova, M.L.S., Haiter-Neto, F., Effects of developer depletion on image quality of Kodak Insight and Ektaspeed Plus films (2004) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 33, pp. 108-113Fletcher, J.C., A comparison of Ektaspeed and Ultraspeed films using manual and automatic processing solutions (1987) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol, 63, pp. 94-102Sposto, M.R., Tavano, O., Lopes, E.S., Sensitometric study of two developers (Kodak and Silib) for radiographic periapical dental films (1983) Estomatol Cult, 13, pp. 61-67Ribeiro, R.F., Tavano, O., Evaluation of the exhaustion of the Ray developing solution in the portable processing box (1993) Braz Oral Res (formely Rev Odontol Univ São Paulo), 7, pp. 167-171Ribeiro, A., Tavano, O., Iucif Pereira, P.P., Comparative study of Hexa solution and its degradation by sensitometric method (1994) J Appl Oral Sci (formely Rev Fac Odontol Bauru), 2, pp. 68-73Price, C., Sensitometric evaluation of a new F-speed dental radiographic film (2001) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 30, pp. 29-34Sheaffer, J.C., Eleazer, P.D., Scheetz, J.P., Clark, J., Farman, A.G., A comparison of D-, E- and F-speed conventional intraoral radiographic films in endodontic measurement (2002) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 93, pp. 337-34

    Development and bloom in hybrids of wild passion fruit cultivated in different types of pots and shading levels

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    Ornamental hybrids of passion flowers are thoroughly diffused in many countries and used in the decoration of houses and gardens. However, the cultivation of ornamental passion fruits practically unexploited in Brazil. This study aimed at evaluating the growth and blooming of F1 hybrids of Passiflora L. (P. sublanceolata J.M. MacDougal [ex P. palmeri var. sublanceolata Killip] vs. P. foetida var. foetida L.) cultivated in ceramic and concrete pots under different shading levels. The vegetative and flower evaluations were carried out weekly, in clonal cuttings 60 days after rooting. The height, leaf length and width, the number of internodes and leaves and stem diameter were evaluated using a randomized complete design in a factorial scheme which corresponded to two genotypes, two types of pot, three shading levels (25 %, 50 %, 75 %) and seven weeks of evaluation, with four replications. For the variable number of flowers, the same experimental design was adopted. However, the number of evaluations was modified for three periods, but this was not considered for the flower diameter and leaf area. The shading levels of 25 % and 50 % were the most favorable to the growth in height, whereas hybrid genotypes under 25 % shade had greater increase in the number of leaves, internodes and stem diameter, showing tolerance to moderate shade. The higher values for length, width and leaf area were observed at 75 % shade. The greatest number of flowers was verified at 25 % shadow in concrete pots. As for the types of pot, the ceramic ones were more favorable to the growth of hybrid plants during the first weeks of acclimatization to the treatments, and the concrete ones were more propitious to blooming. Thus, the use of hybrid plants in concrete pots for the ornamentation of internal environments is recommended, if they are well illuminated

    Características de carcaça e qualidade da carne de novilhas alimentadas com silagem de capim-marandu

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características de carcaça e da carne de novilhas ¾ Zebu x Holandês submetidas a dieta com substituição da silagem de sorgo por silagem de capim-marandu. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. Os tratamentos consistiram da substituição da fração volumosa da dieta de 100, 70 e 30% de silagem de sorgo por, respectivamente, 100, 70 e 30% de silagem de capim-marandu. Foi adicionado concentrado na proporção de 1,2% de peso corporal, e as dietas foram isoproteicas. A substituição da silagem de sorgo pela silagem de capim-marandu aumentou a perda de água por cozimento até o ponto máximo de 49,98% de substituição, elevou a força de cisalhamento e a capacidade de retenção de água da carne, mas não influenciou os pesos e os rendimentos das carcaças, os percentuais de cortes, as medidas de carcaça, a área de olho de lombo, o pH das carcaças, a espessura de gordura e as características de cor de músculo e gordura. A substituição da silagem de sorgo por silagem de capim-marandu diminui o ganho de peso de corpo vazio e reduz a maciez da carne de novilhas ¾ Zebu x Holandês, mas não afeta as características quantitativas da carcaça

    Positive sequence voltage memory filter for numerical digital relaying applications

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    Immunoglgbulin Levels And Cellular Immune Function In Lead Exposed Workers

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    The immunological status of lead acid batters workers with blood lead levels and urinary delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA-U) concentrations ranging from safe to toxic levels has been examined and compared with those of non-exposed, age and sex matched controls. No differences in the serum concentrations of IgG, IgA and IgM between the populations were observed and there existed no correlation between blood lead level or ALA-U concentrations and serum immunoglobulin levels. In addition assessment was made of the capacity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to respond to the mitogen phytohaemagglutin in (PHA), a correlate of T cell function. As before, there was no difference between exposed and control populations and no correlation between reactivity and blood lead concentration. Our data suggest that chronic exposure to lead fail to compromise lymphocyte function in man. © 1994 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.16111512