14 research outputs found

    Futebol e ferrovia: a história de um trem da industrialização que parte para o noroeste paulista

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    O artigo busca desenvolver a relação entre a expansão da rede ferroviária no interior paulista e a evolução das práticas esportivas, mais especificamente o futebol. A ideia central é que o movimento ocorre do meio urbano para o interior, percebido agora não mais como um espaço tradicionalmente rural, mas no bojo do surgimento e expansão de vilas e cidades. Procura apontar as principais características da realidade política, econômica e social do Brasil na primeira metade do século XX e contribuir para a discussão sobre o desenvolvimento das práticas esportivas no períodoThe article seeks to develop the relationship between the expansion of railway network in São Paulo and the evolution of sports, especially the soccer. The central idea is that movement occurs in urban areas to the interior, not as a traditionally rural area, but in the midst of the emergence and expansion of towns and cities. It identifies the main features of political scenario, economic and social in Brazil in the first half of the twentieth century and contribute to the discussion on the development of sports in the perio

    Engagement of multifocal neural circuits during recall of autobiographical happy events

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    Happy emotional states have not been extensively explored in functional magnetic resonance imaging studies using autobiographic recall paradigms. We investigated the brain circuitry engaged during induction of happiness by standardized script-driven autobiographical recall in 11 healthy subjects (6 males), aged 32.4 ± 7.2 years, without physical or psychiatric disorders, selected according to their ability to vividly recall personal experiences. Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) changes were recorded during auditory presentation of personal scripts of happiness, neutral content and negative emotional content (irritability). The same uniform structure was used for the cueing narratives of both emotionally salient and neutral conditions, in order to decrease the variability of findings. In the happiness relative to the neutral condition, there was an increased BOLD signal in the left dorsal prefrontal cortex and anterior insula, thalamus bilaterally, left hypothalamus, left anterior cingulate gyrus, and midportions of the left middle temporal gyrus (P < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). Relative to the irritability condition, the happiness condition showed increased activity in the left insula, thalamus and hypothalamus, and in anterior and midportions of the inferior and middle temporal gyri bilaterally (P < 0.05, corrected), varying in size between 13 and 64 voxels. Findings of happiness-related increased activity in prefrontal and subcortical regions extend the results of previous functional imaging studies of autobiographical recall. The BOLD signal changes identified reflect general aspects of emotional processing, emotional control, and the processing of sensory and bodily signals associated with internally generated feelings of happiness. These results reinforce the notion that happiness induction engages a wide network of brain regions

    Late-life depression, heart failure and frontal white matter hyperintensity: a structural magnetic resonance imaging study

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    The relevance of the relationship between cardiac disease and depressive symptoms is well established. White matter hyperintensity, a bright signal area in the brain on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scans, has been separately associated with cardiovascular risk factors, cardiac disease and late-life depression. However, no study has directly investigated the association between heart failure, major depressive symptoms and the presence of hyperintensities. Using a visual assessment scale, we have investigated the frequency and severity of white matter hyperintensities identified by magnetic resonance imaging in eight patients with late-life depression and heart failure, ten patients with heart failure without depression, and fourteen healthy elderly volunteers. Since the frontal lobe has been the proposed site for the preferential location of white matter hyperintensities in patients with late-life depression, we focused our investigation specifically on this brain region. Although there were no significant group differences in white matter hyperintensities in the frontal region, a significant direct correlation emerged between the severity of frontal periventricular white matter hyperintensity and scores on the Hamilton scale for depression in the group with heart failure and depression (P = 0.016, controlled for the confounding influence of age). There were no significant findings in any other areas of the brain. This pattern of results adds support to a relationship between cardiovascular risk factors and depressive symptoms, and provides preliminary evidence that the presence of white matter hyperintensities specifically in frontal regions may contribute to the severity of depressive symptoms in cardiac disease

    Relation between bacterial activity in the surface microlayer and estuarine hydrodynamics

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    Bacterial communities of the surface microlayer (SML) of the estuary Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) were characterized in terms of abundance and activity during a 2-year survey at two sites with distinct hydrodynamic properties (marine and brackish water zones). The hydrodynamic conditions were simulated using a bidimensional numerical model and related to the microbiological observations. The pattern of variation of bacterial biomass productivity (BBP) was distinct between the two sampling sites. At the outer site, BBP was significantly lower at the SML, whereas at the inner site, it was significantly enhanced at the SML. Although the total bacterial abundance was similar in the SML and underlying water (UW), the fraction of cells attached to particles was significantly higher at the SML (two to three times). The integration of microbiological results with environmental and hydrological variables shows that strong currents in the marine zone promote the vertical mixing, inhibiting the establishment of an SML bacterial community distinct from that of UW. In contrast, in the brackish water zone, lower current velocities provide conditions for enhancing the bacterial activity in the enriched SML. Estuarine dynamics influence the distribution and activity of microorganisms at the SML and in the water column, with anticipated impacts for the carbon cycle in the estuarine environment

    O enfoque qualitativo na avaliação do consumo alimentar: fundamentos, aplicações e considerações operacionais The qualitative approach in the evaluation of food consumption: fundamentals, applications and operational considerations

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    Disputas grosso modo infundadas entre defensores dos enfoques qualitativo e quantitativo têm impedido o reconhecimento dos benefícios das aplicações combinadas de ambos os métodos em um mesmo estudo, ou seja, de uma abordagem multidimensional e integrada. Não obstante, em anos recentes, o campo da Nutrição em Saúde Coletiva vem vivenciando um aumento na condução de estudos orientados não apenas pela mensuração, mas pela combinação de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos. Com efeito, o enfoque qualitativo tem muito a contribuir para a investigação do consumo alimentar, dentre vários outros objetos e temáticas, nas quais sobressai a importância do aprofundamento da compreensão da produção subjetiva, expressa em crenças, atitudes e comportamentos. Este artigo resume a natureza, os fundamentos e a utilidade do enfoque qualitativo em pesquisas no âmbito da alimentação e nutrição, esclarecendo como esses métodos têm sido ou podem ser usados para estudar os complexos problemas que se apresentam nesse campo, circunscrevendo a discussão ao âmbito dos estudos sobre consumo alimentar. A integração de ambos os métodos, qualitativo e quantitativo, mediante a complementaridade metodológica, pode minimizar os limites do emprego de cada enfoque de forma isolada.<br>Unfounded disputes between advocates of qualitative and quantitative approaches have hindered the recognition of the benefits of combined application of both methods in the same study, ie, a multidimensional and integrated approach. Nevertheless, in recent years, the field of Nutrition in Public Health has experienced an increase in conducting studies guided not only by measurement, but by the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Indeed, the qualitative approach has much to contribute to research in food consumption, among many other objects and themes, in which stands the importance of deepening the understanding of subjective production, expressed in beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. This paper summarizes the nature, rationale and usefulness of the qualitative research approach in Food and Nutrition, explaining how these methods have been or may be used to study the complex problems that arise in this field, limiting the discussion to the scope of the studies on food consumption. The integration of both methods, qualitative and quantitative, by the methodological complementarity, can minimize the limits of use of each approach in isolation