13 research outputs found

    Cowpea symbiotic efficiency, pH and aluminum tolerance in nitrogen-fixing bacteria

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    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cultivation in northern and northeastern Brazil provides an excellent source of nutrients and carbohydrates for the poor and underprivileged. Production surplus leads to its consumption in other regions of Brazil and also as an export commodity. Its capacity to establish relationships with atmospheric nitrogen-fixing bacteria is crucial to the reduction of production costs and the environmental impact of nitrogen fertilizers. This study assessed the symbiotic efficiency of new strains of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria with cowpea and their tolerance to pH and aluminum. Twenty-seven strains of bacteria from different soils were evaluated under axenic conditions. These strains were compared to the following inoculant strains: INPA03-11B, UFLA03-84 and BR3267 and two controls that were not inoculated (with and without mineral nitrogen). Six strains and the three strains approved as inoculants were selected to increase the dry weight production of the aerial part (DWAP) and were tested in pots with soil that had a high-density of nitrogen-fixing native rhizobia. In this experiment, three strains (UFLA03-164, UFLA03-153, and UFLA03-154) yielded higher DWAP values. These strains grow at pH levels of 5.0, 6.0, 6.8 and at high aluminum concentration levels, reaching 10(9) CFU mL-1. In particular UFLA03-84, UFLA03-153, and UFLA03-164 tolerate up to 20 mmol c dm-3 of Al+3. Inoculation with rhizobial strains, that had been carefully selected according to their ability to nodulate and fix N2, combined with their ability to compete in soils that are acidic and contain high levels of Al, is a cheaper and more sustainable alternative that can be made available to farmers than mineral fertilizers

    Os três porquinhos e as temporalidades da infância

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    Tendo como alegoria de análise das temporalidades da infância uma edição atual da clássica história Os três porquinhos, articulada com os dados coletados em minha pesquisa de doutorado sobre as relações etárias entre crianças pequenas em uma instituição de educação infantil pública, proponho a reflexão sobre a construção social das idades da infância no capitalismo em contraponto com as capacidades de sociabilidade e de produção das culturas infantis pelas meninas e meninos, menores e maiores no coletivo educativo

    Morphostructural characterization of soil conventionally tilled with mechanized and animal traction with and without cover crop

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    The structural stability and restructuring ability of a soil are related to the methods of crop management and soil preparation. A recommended strategy to reduce the effects of soil preparation is to use crop rotation and cover crops that help conserve and restore the soil structure. The aim of this study was to evaluate and quantify the homogeneous morphological units in soil under conventional mechanized tillage and animal traction, as well as to assess the effect on the soil structure of intercropping with jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis L.). Profiles were analyzed in April of 2006, in five counties in the Southern-Central region of Paraná State (Brazil), on family farms producing maize (Zea mays L.), sometimes intercropped with jack bean. The current structures in the crop profile were analyzed using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and subsequently principal component analysis (PCA) to generate statistics. Morphostructural soil analysis showed a predominance of compact units in areas of high-intensity cultivation under mechanized traction. The cover crop did not improve the structure of the soil with low porosity and compact units that hamper the root system growth. In areas exposed to animal traction, a predominance of cracked units was observed, where roots grew around the clods and along the gaps between them

    Medidas objetivas das carcaças e composição química do lombo de cordeiros alimentados e terminados com três níveis de proteína bruta em creep feeding Measurements of carcass and chemical composition of loin of suffolk lambs fed three crude protein levels in creep feeding

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de três níveis de proteína (15, 20 e 25% PB) na ração sobre as medidas objetivas das carcaças e do músculo Longissimus dorsi, os pesos e rendimentos dos cortes, além da composição química e maciez da carne de cordeiros Suffolk alimentados e terminados em creep feeding. Foram utilizados 15 cordeiros inteiros, originados de partos simples, abatidos ao atingirem peso vivo final de 28 kg. As carcaças foram mantidas em câmara de refrigeração a 5ºC, durante 24 horas, para registro das medidas objetivas, realizado após separação dos cortes comerciais, na meia-carcaça esquerda. A área do músculo Longissimus dorsi foi mensurada para determinação da área de olho de lombo (AOL cm²). No lombo esquerdo congelado, realizou-se a análise de composição química e, no direito, também congelado, o teste de maciez peloWarner Bratzler Shear Force. Os níveis de proteína bruta não influenciaram as medidas objetivas de carcaça nem as do músculo Longissimus dorsi. Houve efeito significativo para peso e rendimento da paleta, com superioridade para o tratamento contendo 25% de proteína bruta. Nas análises químicas do músculo Longissimus dorsi, observou-se efeito significativo para extrato etéreo, cinzas e maciez. No sistema de alimentação e terminação de cordeiros Suffolk em creep feeding, a ração formulada com farelo de soja como fonte protéica deve ser balanceada com 25% de proteína bruta por diminuir o teor de gordura e melhorar a maciez da carne e o peso e rendimento da paleta, sem afetar as medidas objetivas da carcaça, os demais pesos e os rendimentos dos cortes.<br>The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effects of three concentrate protein levels (15, 20 or 25% CP) on measurements of carcass and Longissimus dorsi muscle, weights and yields of cuts, and chemical composition and tenderness of meat of Suffolk lambs in creep feeding. Fifteen single birth lambs were used in this study. Lambs were slaughtered when they reached a final body weight of 28 kg. After slaughter, carcasses were maintained in a refrigerator at 5ºC for 24 hours followed by measurements on the left half carcass done after separation of the commercial cuts. The Longissimus dorsi area was measured to obtain the loin eye area (LEA, cm2). Both left and right loins were frozen; the left was used for determination of chemical composition while the right for a tenderness test ("Warner Bratzler Shear Force"). Different concentrate crude protein levels did not affect carcass measurements as well as measurements on the Longissimus dorsi. However, significant differences among treatments were observed for weight and yield of shoulder clod with the highest values found on the 25% crude protein concentrate. Chemical analyses of Longissimus dorsi showed significant differences across treatments for ether extract, ash, and tenderness. It can be concluded that the diet containing soybean meal must be formulated to yield 25% of crude protein because it reduced the fat content and improved the tenderness of the meat. In addition, it also increased both weight and yield of shoulder clod with no changes on carcass measurements and weight and yields of the remaining cuts