19 research outputs found
Grain yield, efficiency and the allocation of foliar N applied to soybean canopies
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] grain yield is closely associated with the level of optimal nitrogen (N) supply, especially during the reproductive stages. Foliar fertilization with low rates of N have been considered as a strategy for furnishing additional N and enhancing grain yields. Field studies using 15N tracer were conducted over two growing seasons to investigate the impact of foliar N fertilization on grain yield, plant N content, the amount of N derived from fertilizer (NDFF) and N recovery efficiency (NRE). Four foliar N rates (0, 1300, 2600 and 3900 g ha–1) were supplied by two equal split applications at the R1 and R3 stages. Foliar N fertilization of soybean canopies did not affect grain yield, grain N content, shoot N content nor plant N content. Total NDFF was increased from 0.7 to 2.0 kg ha–1 across the N rates. Nonetheless, NRE was unaffected by foliar N fertilization, which averaged 53 %. Soybean plants allocated the same amount of N fertilizer to both grains and shoots. No significant effects of low rate foliar N fertilization were registered on soybean grain yield nor plant N content, despite considerable N fertilizer recovery by plant organs
Optimal plant density and nitrogen rates for improving off-season corn yields in Brazil
Integrating plant density and nitrogen (N) management is a strategy for improving corn yields, especially for off-season corn production in the tropics. This study tested the hypothesis that increasing plant densities and N rates promotes yield gains for off-season corn production in high-yielding environments. The aim of the study was to investigate the yield performances of two hybrid versions (DKB PRO and DKB PRO3) submitted to three plant densities (55,000; 65,000 and 75,000 plants ha−1) and four N rates (control, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha−1 N). Field trials were undertaken at Uberlândia-MG (site1 and 2) and Pedro Afonso-TO (site 3), Brazil from which data on corn yield parameters were collected and analyzed. Multivariate analysis separated the three trial areas into two groups, presenting high (sites 1 and 2) and low yields (site 3), which were related to weather conditions. There was no influence of a hybrid version or plant densities on crop yields at site 1 or 2. In contrast, there was a positive response to increasing plant densities and the use of DKB PRO3 at site 3. A significant response to N was observed at sites 2 and 3, following a plateau model. Our results suggest that N application rates and plant densities do have the potential to increase off-season corn yields in low yielding environments
Produtividade de milho, produção e qualidade de forragem afetadas pelos métodos de consórcio do milho com Panicum maximum
The objective of this work was to evaluate methods of intercropping corn and Panicum spp. forages and their effects on corn yield and forage development. Two experiments with Panicum spp. were conducted, one with 'Tanzania' and other with 'Massai' in the municipality of Piracicaba, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in the 2012/2013 growing season. In both experiments, the treatments were: broadcast seeding of Panicum spp. at the same time of corn sowing; corn with Panicum spp. between rows; Panicum spp. sown with fertilizer; Panicum spp. sown between corn rows after corn establishment; broadcast seeding of Panicum spp. after corn establishment; and sole corn sowing. For corn, leaf nitrogen content, ear height, and grain yield were evaluated. For Panicum spp. cultivars, height, dry mass, tiller density, and leaf:stem ratio were evaluated. The intercropping establishment methods used do not affect corn growth, grain yield, and N leaf content. The seeding of both cultivars of Panicum spp. when corn plants had four expanded leaves reduces forage dry mass production and increases the leaf:stem ratio. The Panicum spp. broadcast method, performed after corn was established, does not allow appropriate establishment, with few plants in the area.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar métodos de implantação do consórcio milho e espécies forrageiras de Panicum spp. e os efeitos na produtividade do milho e no desenvolvimento das forragens. Dois experimentos com Panicum spp. foram conduzidos, um com 'Tanzania' e outro com 'Massai' em Piracicaba, SP, na safra 2012/2013. Em ambos os experimentos, os tratamentos foram: Panicum spp. semeado a lanço no momento da semeadura do milho; milho com Panicum spp. nas entrelinhas; Panicum spp. semeado com fertilizante; Panicum spp. semeado nas entrelinhas depois do estabelecimento do milho; Panicum spp. semeado a lanço depois do estabelecimento do milho; e milho solteiro. Para o milho, avaliaram-se a concentração de nitrogênio foliar, a altura de espigas e a produtividade de grãos. Para as cultivares de Panicum spp., avaliaram-se altura, massa seca, número de perfilhos e relação folha:colmo. Os métodos de implantação do consórcio avaliados não afetam o crescimento, a produtividade de grãos e a concentração foliar de N do milho. A implantação das cultivares de Panicum spp., quando o milho apresenta quatro folhas expandidas, reduz a massa seca e aumenta a relação folha:colmo das plantas forrageiras. A semeadura a lanço de Panicum spp., depois do estabelecimento do milho, não permite o estabelecimento adequado, com poucas plantas na área
Yield losses in off-season corn crop due to stalk rot disease
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as perdas causadas pelas podridões da base do colmo em híbridos de milho (Zea mays), bem como identificar os principais patógenos causadores da doença, durante a safrinha, no Estado do Tocantins, Brasil. Foram realizados dois ensaios, um com cinco híbridos, em 2015, e outro com quatro, em 2016. Espigas de plantas sadias e doentes foram colhidas em cada parcela, por ocasião da colheita. Foram medidos tamanho de espigas, peso de grãos e espigas, e umidade dos grãos. De cada planta doente, foi retirado um fragmento do colmo com dois a três entrenós, utilizado para identificação e quantificação dos patógenos. Os patógenos mais comuns foram: Fusarium graminearum, Stenocarpella maydis e Macrophomina phaseolina. Todas as variáveis de produtividade foram significativamente menores nas plantas doentes, com perdas médias de 30,6%, em 2015, e de 34,3% em 2016. As maiores perdas são observadas em híbridos com maior relação entre pesos de grãos e espigas.The objective of this work was to assess yield losses due to stalk rot in corn (Zea mays) hybrids, as well as to identify the main pathogenic fungi responsible for the disease during the off-season, in the state of Tocantins, Brazil. Two field experiments were carried out, one with five hybrids, in 2015, and another with four, in 2016. Ears of healthy and stalk rot-infected plants were collected from each plot, at harvest. Ear size, grain and ear weights, and grain moisture content were measured. From each diseased plant, a stalk piece with two to three nodes was removed for pathogen identification and quantification. The most common pathogens were: Fusarium graminearum, Stenocarpella maydis, and Macrophomina phaseolina. All yield parameters were significantly lower in stalk rot-infected plants, with average losses of 30.6%, in 2015, and of 34.3% in 2016. The highest yield losses are observed in hybrids with the highest grain/ear weight ratio
Nitrogen fertilization in intercropping corn and palisadegrass at weathered soils in crop-livestock integration system
O sistema integração lavoura pecuária (ILP) atende muitas diretrizes para estabelecer um manejo sustentável de produção agropecuária. Consiste em integrar na mesma área, a produção agrícola e pecuária de forma que haja o cultivo de grãos e estabeleça uma pastagem para a criação de animais. O consórcio de milho com braquiária é uma tecnologia utilizada para se atingir os objetivos da ILP. Trata-se de técnica de cultivo de milho junto com a braquiária sem prejuízo ao milho, e que a braquiária possa se estabelecer na área após a colheita do milho. A eficiência da adubação nitrogenada (EAN) na cultura do milho é discutida na literatura em trabalhos que utilizaram fertilizantes marcados com 15N. Os dados são variados pelo motivo do nitrogênio ter dinâmica complexa no sistema produtivo. Trabalhos que avaliaram a EAN no consórcio de milho com braquiária são escassos na literatura internacional, e não se sabe quanto do fertilizante nitrogenado aplicado é absorvido pela planta forrageira, e se é necessário um aumento da dose para não ocorrer falta de nitrogênio neste sistema de produção. Esta tese foi realizada com os seguintes objetivos (i) avaliar a influência da braquiária no aproveitamento do fertilizante nitrogenado, em razão das formas de implantação do consórcio milho - braquiária utilizadas no Brasil, (ii) avaliar a eficiência do N proveniente de fertilizante de liberação gradual, (iii) verificar a possibilidade da aplicação a lanço de ureia revestida. A primeira pesquisa foi desenvolvida nas cidades de São Desidério-BA e Piracicaba-SP, e foi comprovado que a presença da braquiária não afetou a produtividade de milho nem a recuperação do 15N-fertilizante. As formas recomendadas para implantação do consórcio de milho com braquiária são: (i) braquiária semeada a lanço antes da semeadura do milho; (ii) braquiária no centro das entrelinhas de milho; (iii) braquiária junto com o fertilizante de semeadura do milho, (iv) braquiária junto com o fertilizante de cobertura incorporado nas entrelinhas. Não é necessário aumentar a dose do fertilizante nitrogenado em sistema de milho consorciado com braquiária, uma vez que a braquiária absorve no máximo 4,3 kg ha-1 do N-fertilizante. A segunda pesquisa foi realizada nas cidades de Taquarituba-SP e Uberlândia-MG, e demonstrou que a produtividade de milho e o acúmulo de N não variam com o uso de ureia de liberação controlada aplicadas a lanço e incorporada em relação à ureia comum. As ureias de liberação controlada não promovem maior recuperação do 15N-fertilizante pelo milho e pela braquiária em relação à ureia comum, nem a produção de biomassa da braquiária. O N do fertilizante absorvido pela braquiária consorciada com milho é menos de 1% de todo N acumulado no sistema, e no máximo 2% do N-fertilizante aplicado. As ureias de liberação controlada não viabilizam a aplicação a lanço, e dependem das mesmas condições climáticas que a ureia comum para obterem bom desempenho.Crop-livestock integration system (CLI) attends many guidelines for establishing a sustainable agricultural production. CLI consists in integrating agricultural and livestock production in the same area, in order to establish a pasture for grazing animals after a grain production. Intercropping corn and palisadegrass is a technology used to obtain CLI objectives. In this technique the palisadegrass is cropped together with corn without affecting corn yield, and after harvest the palisadegrass grows in the area in order to form a pasture. Studies that evaluated nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in maize in crop systems with labeled 15N-fertilizer shows varied data. This is due to nitrogen\'s complex dynamics in the production system. However, studies that evaluated NUE in corn intercropped with palisadegrass are scarce in the literature, and it is unknown how much of nitrogen fertilizer applied is uptake by the palisadegrass, and if an increase in nitrogen rate is necessary to avoid lack of nitrogen in production system. The aims of this thesis was to evaluate: (i) the influence of palisadegrass in the use of nitrogen fertilizer, according to forms of implantation of palisade grass used in Brazil, (ii) the efficiency of N from gradual release fertilizer,(iii) the viability of broadcast application of coated urea on intercropping system. The first study was conducted in the sites of Sao Desidério-BA and Piracicaba-SP, and it demonstrated that the presence of palisadegrass did not affect corn yield neither 15N-fertilizer recovery. Intercropping system can be established by the followings forms: (i) palisadegrass broadcasted before maize sown, (ii) placed between the rows of maize, (iii) palisadegrass applied together with corn fertilizer, (iv) with topdressing fertilizer in furrows. It is not necessary increase N rate in the intercropping system because palisadegrass uptakes at most of 4.3 kg ha-1 of N-fertilizer. The second research was conducted in two sites, Taquarituba-SP and Uberlândia-MG, and demonstrated that the use of coated urea did not differ in corn yield and N uptake in relation to the common urea, either when it was incorporated or broadcast applied. The coated urea neither promotes better recovery of the 15N-fertilizer by corn and braquiária in relation to the common urea, nor increases the palisadegrass biomass production. Nitrogen fertilizer uptake by palisadegrass represents less than 1% of total N uptake in the intercropping system, and a maximum of 2% of N-fertilizer applied The slow release urea does not enable the broadcast placement, and its efficiency depends upon the same climatic conditions of the common urea
15N balance in maize production systems for no-till in the west State of Bahia
No Cerrado do Oeste baiano o clima dificulta a formação de palhada para o plantio direto. O consórcio de culturas é uma alternativa à limitação do clima, por produzir biomassa ao sistema. Os cotonicultores dessa região utilizam o milho para rotação e, em alguns casos, para formação de palha, com adubação exclusiva na semeadura em solos arenosos, baixo teor de matéria orgânica e precipitação média de 1.500 mm. Realizaram-se duas pesquisas: (i) produtividade de milho e de resíduos em razão do sistema de produção e da dose de nitrogênio e (ii) balanço de nitrogênio (15N) em sistemas de cultivo de milho solteiro e consorciado com braquiária. O objetivo da primeira foi avaliar o uso de doses de N na semeadura, em milho solteiro e consorciado com braquiária, em São Desidério, BA; para implantar o plantio direto. Adotou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com dez tratamentos e quatro repetições; T1: milho sem nitrogênio; T2: milho-braquiária sem N; T3: milho com 50 kg ha-1 N; T4: milhobraquiária com 50 kg ha-1 N; T5: milho com 100 kg ha-1 N; T6: milho-braquiária com 100 kg ha-1 N; T7: milho com 150 kg ha-1 N; T8: milho-braquiária com 150 kg ha-1 N; T9: milho com 200 kg ha-1 N; T10: milho-braquiária com 200 kg ha-1 N. Avaliou-se produtividade, extração e exportação de nitrogênio, produção de biomassa e extração de N pela forrageira e a correlação ente a quantidade determinada e estimada de N nos grãos. O consórcio foi eficiente para a formação de palhada (5.056 kg ha-1) para adoção do plantio direto; o milho respondeu ao uso de 50 kg ha-1 nitrogênio, independentemente do sistema de cultivo e a braquiária não respondeu a adubação; a extração de nitrogênio nos sistemas de cultivo foi prejudicada apenas na ausência do nutriente, enquanto a exportação reduziu no cultivo consorciado, somente sem N; a estimativa de exportação de N pode ser obtida pela expressão: NGE = PG x 0,09 x 0,16. A segunda pesquisa objetivou avaliar a dinâmica do N com a aplicação de 150 kg ha-1 de 15N-uréia na semeadura do milho solteiro e consorciado com braquiária no mesmo local. Adotou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com dois tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram; T1: milho solteiro e T2: milho-braquiária, com 150 kg ha-1 de 15N - uréia na semeadura. Avaliou-se o acúmulo de 15N na parte aérea e raízes; a EUFN pelo milho e braquiária e a quantidade residual no solo proveniente do fertilizante. A braquiária em consórcio com o milho não restringiu a disponibilidade de N. A EUFN variou entre 60,4% no consórcio e 64,8% no milho solteiro. A braquiária recuperou 1,4% do 15N aplicado. A RFNS foi de 18% e 25% para milho solteiro e consorciado. O 15N não recuperado foi de 25,5 kg ha-1 de N no milho solteiro e 19,5 kg ha-1 no consórcio com braquiária.In Cerrado of the west of Bahia state the climate difficulties the formation of vegetable residue for no-tillage. Intercropping cultures is an alternative for climate limitation, for producing biomass to the system. Cotton producers from this region use maize culture for rotation and, in some cases, for formation of straw, with fertilization done exclusively during sowing in sandy soils, with low level of organic matter and an average precipitation of 1500 mm. Two researches were performed: (i) maize productivity and remaining residues due to production system and nitrogen dosage and (ii) nitrogen (15N) balance in maize single crop systems and intercropped with Brachiaria ruziziensis. The objective of the first research was to evaluate the use N doses, in sowing, in maize single crop and intercropped at São Desidério, BA; to establish no-till. It was adopted the randomized block design, with 10 treatments and four repetitions: T1 maize without nitrogen; T2 maize-brachiaria without N; T3 maize with 50 kg ha-1 of N; T4 maize- brachiaria with 50 kg ha-1 of N; T5 maize with 100 kg ha-1 of N; T6 maize- brachiaria with 100 kg ha-1 of N; T7 maize with 150 kg ha-1 of N; T8 maizebrachiaria with 150 kg ha-1 of N; T9 maize with 200 kg ha-1 of N; T10 maizebrachiaria with 200 kg ha-1 of N. Productivity was evaluated, nitrogen extraction and exportation, biomass production and N extraction by the brachiaria and the correlation between determined and estimated N grain quantity. Intercropping was efficient for formation of straw (5.056 kg ha-1) intending to adopt of no-till; maize responded to 50 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, independently of cropping system and brachiaria did not respond to fertilization; nitrogen extraction in the cropping systems was harmed only in the absence of N; while the exportation was reduced in the intercropped system, only in the absence of nitrogen; the estimative of N exportation can be obtained by the expression: NGE = PG x 0,09 x 0,16. The second research had objective of evaluate dynamics of N with 150 kg ha-1 of 15N-urea application in the sowing of maize single crop and intercropped with brachiaria in the same place. The randomized blocks design was adopted, with two treatments and four repetitions. Treatments were: T1 single crop maize and T2 maize- brachiaria, with 150 kg ha-1 of 15N urea at sowing. It was evaluated the accumulation of 15N by aboveground and roots; the EUFN by maize crop and brachiaria and the residual amount in the soil derived from the fertilizer. The brachiaria intercropped with maize did not restrict N avaibility. The EUFN varied between 60,4 % for intercropped and 64,8 % for single crop. Brachiaria recovered 1,4 % of the 15N applied. The RFNS were of 18% and 25% for single crop and intercropped maize. The 15N not recovered from urea was 25,5 kg ha-1 of N in the maize single crop and 19,5 kg ha-1 in the intercropped maize
A DEPENDÊNCIA DO AGRONEGÓCIO BRASILEIRO EM RELAÇÃO AOS FERTILIZANTES IMPORTADOS / The dependence of Brazilian agribusiness on imported fertilizers
Em vista dos confrontos armados na Ucrânia e as suas consequências negativas para o agronegócio brasileiro, analisou-se o seu nível de dependência com os fertilizantes importados. Justificou-se o estudo devido à elevação nos custos de produção agrícola e às limitações internas no fornecimento de insumos a montante. Para tanto, empregaram-se dados secundários oficiais e análises gráficas e econométricas que identificaram quais os elementos com maior nível de prioridade para os plantadores de soja e milho do Brasil. Os resultados apontaram que todos os componentes da formulação NPK (nitrogenados, fosfatados e potássios) importados se correlacionam com a produção e produtividade dos grãos em estudo. Nesse contexto, destacou-se a ureia, da qual a Petrobras era um dos fornecedores até 2015. Portanto, a mitigação da subordinação estrangeira no agronegócio brasileiro, passa, a princípio, pela reformulação do setor petroquímico nacional.
Abstract: Recent armed conflicts in Ukraine have caused negative effects on Brazilian agribusiness. Fertilizer supply has been strongly dependent on imported products, focus of this research. Increased costs of national food production due to shortage of national fertilizer production were the main motives for this paper. Data was obtained by governmental institutions and submitted to visual and econometric analysis. It was intended to identify which fertilizer inputs have been crucial for soy and maize producers in Brazil. The results suggested that all elements of NPK (nitrogenous, phosphate, and potassium) were correlated to production and profitability. Furthermore, urea is a core input which Petrobras produced until 2015. In conclusion, the mitigation of external dependence on Brazilian agribusiness requires a reframing of national petrochemical industry.
In flood plains, cover crops are able to alter soil properties and significantly affect rice nutrition and yield. The aims of this study were to determine soil properties, plant nutrition, and yield of tropical rice cultivated on flood plains after cover crop cultivation with conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage system (NTS) at low and high nitrogen (N) fertilization levels. The experimental design was a randomized block in a split-split-plot scheme with four replications. In the main plots were cover crops sunhemp (Crotalaria juncea and C. spectabilis), velvet bean (Mucuna aterrima), jackbean (Canavalia ensiformis), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), Japanese radish (Raphanus sativus), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and a fallow field. In the subplots were the tillage systems (CT or NTS). The nitrogen fertilization levels in the sub-subplots were (10 kg N ha-1 and 45 kg N ha-1). All cover crops except Japanese radish significantly increased mineral soil nitrogen and nitrate concentrations. Sunhemp, velvet bean, and cowpea significantly increased soil ammonium content. The NTS provides higher mineral nitrogen and ammonium content than that by CT. Overall, cover crops provided higher levels of nutrients to rice plants in NTS than in CT. Cover crops provide greater yield than fallow treatments. Rice yield was higher in NTS than in CT, and greater at a higher rather than lower nitrogen fertilization level
Grain yield, efficiency and the allocation of foliar N applied to soybean canopies
ABSTRACT: Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] grain yield is closely associated with the level of optimal nitrogen (N) supply, especially during the reproductive stages. Foliar fertilization with low rates of N have been considered as a strategy for furnishing additional N and enhancing grain yields. Field studies using 15N tracer were conducted over two growing seasons to investigate the impact of foliar N fertilization on grain yield, plant N content, the amount of N derived from fertilizer (NDFF) and N recovery efficiency (NRE). Four foliar N rates (0, 1300, 2600 and 3900 g ha−1) were supplied by two equal split applications at the R1 and R3 stages. Foliar N fertilization of soybean canopies did not affect grain yield, grain N content, shoot N content nor plant N content. Total NDFF was increased from 0.7 to 2.0 kg ha−1 across the N rates. Nonetheless, NRE was unaffected by foliar N fertilization, which averaged 53 %. Soybean plants allocated the same amount of N fertilizer to both grains and shoots. No significant effects of low rate foliar N fertilization were registered on soybean grain yield nor plant N content, despite considerable N fertilizer recovery by plant organs
Depth assessed and up-scaling of single case studies might overestimate the role of C sequestration by pastures in the commitments of Brazil’s low-carbon agriculture plan
The reclamation of degraded pastures has a prominent role in the Brazilian climate policy and is one of the main strategies of Brazil's Low-Carbon Agriculture Plan (ABC Plan). Here, we aimed to evaluate the changes in soil C and N stocks in livestock areas under pasture reclamation and contribute to the empirical basis for evaluating the ABC Plan. Based on the assessment of six chronosequences across Brazilian Cerrado, we observed that the effects of management practices for pasture reclamation on soil C and N stocks in livestock areas were quite variable. Any general tendencies depend on the depth evaluated. At the 0–30 cm soil layer, pasture areas under reclamation in Brazilian Cerrado showed an average soil C change rate of 0.47 Mg C ha−1 yr−1. However, for the more in-depth assessment (0–100 cm), the adoption of management practices for pasture reclamation did not affect the average rate of soil C changes for these areas. In this sense, we suggest that an up-scaling from single case studies may lead to overestimations of soil C inventories. Thefore, ABC Plan must review some of its approaches based on general values and extrapolations regarding C sequestration in pasture areas