841 research outputs found

    Formation of magnetic minerals at hydrocarbon-generation conditions

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    In this paper, we report the pyrolysis and formation of magnetic minerals in three source rock samples from the Wessex Basin in Dorset, southern England. The experimental conditions in the laboratory recreated the catagenesis environment of oil source rocks. Magnetic analysis of both the heated and the unheated samples at room temperature and at very low-temperatures (5 K), coupled with transmission electron-microscopy imaging and X-ray analysis, revealed the formation of nanometre-sized (<10 nm), magnetic particles that varied across the rock samples analysed, but more importantly across the pyrolysis temperature range. Magnetic measurements demonstrated the formation of these magnetic minerals peaked at 250 °C for all rock samples and then decreased at 300 °C before rising again at 320 °C. The newly formed magnetic minerals are suggested to be primarily pyrrhotite, though magnetite and greigite are also thought to be present. The sizes of the magnetic minerals formed suggest a propensity to migrate together with oil potentially explaining the magnetic anomalies observed above and within oil fields

    Brazilian elections: voting for a scaling democracy

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    The proportional elections held in Brazil in 1998 and 2002 display identical statistical signatures. In particular, the distribution of votes among candidates includes a power-law regimen. We suggest that the rationale behind this robust scaling invariance is a multiplicative process in which the voter's choice for a candidate is governed by a product of probabilities.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetic Field Dependent Behavior of the CDW ground state in Per2M(mnt)2 (M = Au, Pt)

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    The Per2M(mnt)2 class of organic conductors exhibit a charge density wave (CDW) ground state below about 12 K, which may be suppressed in magnetic fields of order 20 to 30 T. However, for both cases of counter ion M(mnt)2 species studied (M = Au (zero spin) and M = Pt (spin 1/2)), new high field ground states evolve for further increases in magnetic field. We report recent investigations where thermopower, Hall effect, high pressure and additional transport measurements have been carried out to explore these new high field phases.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, 27 reference

    Heat Transport through Rough Channels

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    We investigate the two-dimensional transport of heat through viscous flow between two parallel rough interfaces with a given fractal geometry. The flow and heat transport equations are solved through direct numerical simulations, and for different conduction-convection conditions. Compared with the behavior of a channel with smooth interfaces, the results for the rough channel at low and moderate values of the Peclet number indicate that the effect of roughness is almost negligible on the efficiency of the heat transport system. This is explained here in terms of the Makarov's theorem, using the notion of active zone in Laplacian transport. At sufficiently high Peclet numbers, where convection becomes the dominant mechanism of heat transport, the role of the interface roughness is to generally increase both the heat flux across the wall as well as the active length of heat exchange, when compared with the smooth channel. Finally, we show that this last behavior is closely related with the presence of recirculation zones in the reentrant regions of the fractal geometry.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Influência da qualidade dos materiais de reprodução na reflorestação com sobreiro

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    O sobreiro ocupa em Portugal cerca de 721000 ha o que corresponde a 21,5 % da área fl orestal nacional e 33% da área mundial (APCOR, 2005). A sua distribuição no território nacional traduz não só a sua adaptação a determinadas condições edafo-climaticas, mas tem sido condicionada por várias circunstancias, como o arroteamento, o fogo, o abuso do pastoreio, a exploração agrícola intensiva e as plantações fl orestais que contrariaram ou favoreceram a sua existência nesses locais (Natividade, 1950). A distribuição desta espécie é particularmente signifi cativa em zonas onde têm ocorrido acontecimentos climáticos graves e onde os níveis de desertifi cação humana são críticos. A fi leira da cortiça salienta-se por Portugal ocupar o primeiro lugar entre os países produtores, transformadores e exportadores de cortiça, correspondendo-lhe mais de metade da produção mundial desta matéria-prima. O nosso País é a origem de aproximadamente 60% das transacções de cortiça a nível mundial, valor que sobe para 80% quando nos referimos a transacções de produtos transformados. A nível nacional, o valor das exportações de cortiça representam aproximadamente 0,7% do PIB, 2,24% das exportações e correspondem a mais de 33% do conjunto das exportações de produtos fl orestais (APCOR, 2005). Para além da importância económica do sector corticeiro a nível nacional, o aumento da consciência e do interesse da sociedade nas questões ambientais, faz com que o montado de sobro seja reconhecido cada vez mais como um espaço fl orestal, de elevada biodiversidade, paisagísticamente único, que potencia micro-economias locais baseadas numa agricultura e pastorícia extensivas, interessante para outras actividades como o turismo rural e a caça. O sobreiro tem sido a espécie fl orestal que mais tem benefi ciado dos meios fi nanceiros disponibilizados aos proprietários fl orestais para a refl orestação no âmbito da aplicação das medidas de reforma da Política Agrícola Comum da UE, na arborização das terras agrícolas. Contudo, têm-se registado com frequência elevadas taxas de insucesso na arborização sendo a qualidade dos materiais florestais de reprodução (MFR) apontada como uma das causas. Neste trabalho abordaremos a a qualidade dos materiais de reprodução, considerando-a do ponto de vista genético e fisiológicoN/

    Physiological and biochemical responses to low non-freezing temperature of two Eucalyptus globulus clones differing in drought resistance

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    Abstract – We have compared the metabolic responses of leaves and roots of two Eucalyptus globulus L. clones CN5 and ST51 that differ in their sensitivity to water deficits (ST51 is more drought sensitive), with regard to the effect of chilling (10/5 ◦C, day/night). We studied changes in growth, osmotic potential and osmotically active compounds, soluble proteins, leaf pigments, and membrane lipid composition. Our data showed that both clones have the ability to acclimatize to chilling temperatures. As a result of 10 days of acclimation, an increase of soluble sugars in leaves of treated plants of both clones was observed that disappeared later on. Differences between clones were observed in the photosynthetic pigments and soluble protein content which were more stable in CN5 under chilling. It also was apparent that CN5 presented a less negative predawn water potential (ψpd) and a higher leaf turgor than ST51 throughout the chilling treatment. In the case of the CN5, increased total lipids (TFA) and concomitant increase of linolenic acid (C18:3) in leaves after acclimatization may be related to a better clone performance under chilling temperatures. Moreover, a higher constitutive investment in roots in the case of CN5 as compared to ST51 may benefit new root regeneration under low temperatures favoring growth after cold Mediterranean winter