6 research outputs found

    Informative prior distribution applied to linseed for the estimation of genetic parameters using a small sample size

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar um procedimento para elicitação de distribuição a priori informativa, comparada à distribuição a priori não informativa, em tamanho amostral reduzido, com uso de 14 caracteres de três genótipos de linhaça (Linum usitatissimum), em sete épocas de semeadura. Os valores dos hiperparâmetros regulam a informatividade da distribuição a priori; portanto, para cada época, foram calculados os hiperparâmetros a serem utilizados na próxima época. As duas distribuições a priori, não informativa e informativa, foram comparadas pelo comprimento dos intervalos de credibilidade e pela variância da distribuição a posteriori. Em geral, quando a distribuição a priori informativa é adotada, os parâmetros genéticos apresentam menor comprimento do intervalo de credibilidade e estimativas mais precisas. O mecanismo de elicitação a priori informativa com uso de informações prévias de programas de melhoramento é eficiente para estimativa de parâmetros genéticos, incluindo herdabilidade e variância genética, mesmo quando o tamanho da amostra é pequeno. Na avaliação genética, o uso da distribuição a priori informativa é melhor do que o da distribuição não informativa para tamanho amostral pequeno. Em geral, os resultados das distribuições a priori informativas indicam que os valores genéticos da primeira época de semeadura são maiores para os seguintes caracteres: comprimento do ciclo, altura da planta, e número de cápsulas não granuladas e de ramos produtivos.The objective of this work was to evaluate a procedure for the elicitation of informative prior distribution, compared with non-informative prior distribution, in a small sample size, using 14 traits of three linseed (Linum usitatissimum) genotypes in seven sowing seasons. The values of the hyperparameters regulate the informativeness of the prior distribution; therefore, for each season, the hyperparameters to be used in the next season were calculated. The two prior distributions, non-informative and informative, were compared by the length of the credible interval and variance of the posterior distribution. In general, when the informative prior distribution is adopted, the genetic parameters present a shorter length of the credible interval and more precise estimates. The mechanism for informative prior elicitation using previous information from breeding programs is efficient for the estimation of genetic parameters, including heritability and genetic variance, even when the sample size is small. In genetic evaluation, the use of informative prior distribution is better than that of non-informative distribution for a small sample size. In general, the results of the informative prior distributions are indicative that the genetic values of the first sowing season are greater for the following traits: cycle length, plant height, and number of non-grained capsules and of productive branches

    Heterosis and genetic parameters for grain quality in oat segregating populations

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    Improvement of quality-related traits of grains is a constant concern in white oat breeding programs, which challenges breeders to understand their dynamics. The performance of different genetic combinations must be thoroughly evaluated to make high nutritional quality cultivars available. This study aimed to estimate the heterosis on F1 and F2 generations, vigor loss, due to inbreeding, and correlation between the grain chemical components to understand the dynamics of these traits, considering two segregating oat progenies. The populations Albasul × UPF 15 (population 1) and IAC 7 × UFRGS 19 (population 2) were developed. Both populations showed transgressive segregant individuals. The combination Albasul × UPF 15 provided significant heterosis for traits β-glucan total and soluble fiber contents, while the population obtained by crossing IAC 7 × UFRGS 19 generated significant gain by heterosis for total fiber, insoluble fibers and non-structural carbohydrate contents. Considering the F2 average for each population, one can observe that population 1 presents higher β-glucan and lipid contents than population 2. On the other hand, population 2 has higher protein content than population 1. In both populations, the non-structural carbohydrate content is strongly and negatively correlated whith protein, total and insoluble fibers. Correlations between total fibers and lipids and between total fibers and insoluble fibers were both positive and high in both populations

    Heterosis and genetic parameters for grain quality in oat segregating populations

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    ABSTRACT Improvement of quality-related traits of grains is a constant concern in white oat breeding programs, which challenges breeders to understand their dynamics. The performance of different genetic combinations must be thoroughly evaluated to make high nutritional quality cultivars available. This study aimed to estimate the heterosis on F1 and F2 generations, vigor loss, due to inbreeding, and correlation between the grain chemical components to understand the dynamics of these traits, considering two segregating oat progenies. The populations Albasul × UPF 15 (population 1) and IAC 7 × UFRGS 19 (population 2) were developed. Both populations showed transgressive segregant individuals. The combination Albasul × UPF 15 provided significant heterosis for traits β-glucan total and soluble fiber contents, while the population obtained by crossing IAC 7 × UFRGS 19 generated significant gain by heterosis for total fiber, insoluble fibers and non-structural carbohydrate contents. Considering the F2 average for each population, one can observe that population 1 presents higher β-glucan and lipid contents than population 2. On the other hand, population 2 has higher protein content than population 1. In both populations, the non-structural carbohydrate content is strongly and negatively correlated whith protein, total and insoluble fibers. Correlations between total fibers and lipids and between total fibers and insoluble fibers were both positive and high in both populations

    Peróxido de hidrogênio na redução da sensibilidade ao alumínio em sementes de Crotalaria ochroleuca / Hydrogen peroxide in reducing sensitivity to aluminum in Crotalaria ochroleuca seeds

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    O alumínio é um elemento que esta presente nos solos brasileiros principalmente no bioma Cerrado e sua presença é resposável pela formação espécies reativas ao oxigênio o que resulta em danos na membrana plasmática. O peróxido de hidrogênio tem sido estudado como indutor de aclimatação sendo possível obter uma planta com maior tolerância ao ambiente adverso. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo submeter sementes de Crotalaria ochroleuca tratadas previamente com peróxido de hidrogênio ao estresse causado por alumínio. A qualidade fisiológica das sementes foi avaliada por meio de teste de germinação e vigor determinado por primeira contagem, índice de velocidade de germinação, teste de comprimento de parte aérea e raiz, e massa seca de parte aérea e raiz. As sementes de Crotalária ochroleuca são sensíveis ao alumínio e altas concentrações de peróxido de hidrogênio prejudicou o desenvolvimento das plântulas

    Heterosis and genetic parameters for grain quality in oat segregating populations

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    ABSTRACT Improvement of quality-related traits of grains is a constant concern in white oat breeding programs, which challenges breeders to understand their dynamics. The performance of different genetic combinations must be thoroughly evaluated to make high nutritional quality cultivars available. This study aimed to estimate the heterosis on F1 and F2 generations, vigor loss, due to inbreeding, and correlation between the grain chemical components to understand the dynamics of these traits, considering two segregating oat progenies. The populations Albasul × UPF 15 (population 1) and IAC 7 × UFRGS 19 (population 2) were developed. Both populations showed transgressive segregant individuals. The combination Albasul × UPF 15 provided significant heterosis for traits β-glucan total and soluble fiber contents, while the population obtained by crossing IAC 7 × UFRGS 19 generated significant gain by heterosis for total fiber, insoluble fibers and non-structural carbohydrate contents. Considering the F2 average for each population, one can observe that population 1 presents higher β-glucan and lipid contents than population 2. On the other hand, population 2 has higher protein content than population 1. In both populations, the non-structural carbohydrate content is strongly and negatively correlated whith protein, total and insoluble fibers. Correlations between total fibers and lipids and between total fibers and insoluble fibers were both positive and high in both populations