10 research outputs found

    Review on the Collection of Scientific Works "Concepted Apparatus of Pedagogy and Education"

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    Представлена рецензия на сборник научных трудов "Понятийный аппарат педагогики и образования". Сборник научных работ посвящен проблемам использования понятийно-терминологического аппарата в педагогике в связи с широким внедрением инклюзии в образовательные педагогические системы (общеобразовательные и специальные) на всех уровнях образования как в отечественной, так и в зарубежной практике образования.A review of the collection of scientific works "Conceptual apparatus of pedagogy and education" is presented. The collection of scientific papers is devoted to the problems of using the conceptual and terminological apparatus in pedagogy in connection with the widespread introduction of inclusion in educational pedagogical systems (general and special) at all levels of education, both in domestic and foreign educational practice

    Cerebrovascular Accident in a Patient with Polycythemia: a Case Report

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    Polycythemia vera is not only a clonal disease that causes hematopoietic stem cells, but also a pathology that often leads to thrombotic complications. Thrombosis can have different localization and is clinically manifested by stroke, myocardial infarction, deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, pulmonary embolism, thrombosis of the veins of internal organs and other conditions. One of the most formidable thrombotic complications is acute cerebrovascular accident. The heterogeneity of the possible causes of acute cerebrovascular accident requires a careful approach to differential diagnosis for timely diagnosis and individual, pathogenetically grounded selection of means of long-term antithrombotic therapy. The presented clinical case of the development of cerebrovascular accident in a patient with polycythemia vera demonstrates the importance of an informal approach to diagnosis, as well as interdisciplinary interaction for finding the true cause of the development of acute cerebrovascular accident and the appointment of pathogenetically based treatment, aimed, among other things, at the prevention of repeated episodes of acute cerebrovascular accident and others. thrombotic complications

    Integration of traditional and digital technologies in training and professional orientation of pupils with intellectual disabilities

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    В статье представлено обоснование необходимости интеграции традиционных педагогических и цифровых технологий в обучении и профессиональной ориентации обучающихся с умственной отсталостью.The article substantiates the need to integrate traditional pedagogical and digital technologies in teaching and professional orientation of pupils with intellectual disability

    Children’s Speech Development at the Age of 5–6 Years Old: A Longitudinal Study

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    Our longitudinal study is devoted to the study of the mutual influence of speech development and regulatory functions in children aged 5–7 years. It has been shown that the relationship between the development of regulatory functions and speech exists, but remains different for various aspects of both regulatory functions and speech. In general, it can be argued that in the case of an improvement in regulatory functions in the period of 5–6 years, the child’s performance of speech tasks improves. The data obtained allow a new approach to the development of children 5–6 years old and create complex methods for both the development of speech and regulatory functions.Представленное лонгитюдное исследование посвящено изучению взаимного влияния развития речи и регуляторных функций у детей в возрасте 5–7 лет. Показано, что связь между развитием регулятор‑ ных функций и речи существует, однако выражена в разной степени для различных аспектов как регуляторных функций, так и речи. В целом можно утверждать, что в случае улучшения регуляторных функций в период 5–6 лет у ребенка улучшается выполнение заданий на развитие речи. Полученные данные позволяют по-новому подойти к проблеме развития детей 5–6 лет и создавать комплексные методики развития речи и регуляторных функций.Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ № 17-29-09112

    Experience of Intra-University Cooperation in the Process of Creating Professionally-Oriented Foreign Language Textbooks

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    The article discusses the creation of professionally-oriented foreign language textbooks in the process of interaction between the department of foreign languages and the specialized departments of a technical university. Inter-departmental cooperation is considered as a university resource for improving the quality of higher education; examples of successful interdepartmental cooperation at the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University are given. It is shown that a characteristic feature of a professionally-oriented textbook of the new generation, created by the joint efforts of the linguistic and specialized departments is the widespread use of the elements of the computer-based learning environment, which contributes to a more effective mastering of the subject content. A list of seven English language textbooks created as a result of inter-departmental cooperation, and a brief analysis of the problems that arose in the process of communication between specialists of linguistic and technical profiles are presented. It is shown that the process of creating foreign language textbooks can be simultaneously used as a practice-oriented interdisciplinary project for master degree students of a linguistic profile who participate in it as developers of the linguistic content of these textbooks. Participation of the postgraduates in this project is supported by the curricular discipline “Interdisciplinary links in higher education” and teaching practice