61 research outputs found

    PIM-1 membranes containing POSS - graphene oxide for CO2 separation

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    PIM-1 mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) were fabricated with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) and graphene oxide (GO) functionalized with POSS (GO-POSS), and tested for CO2/N2 (single gas) and CO2/CH4 (1:1, v:v gas mixture). The CO2 permeability of the best performing fresh MMM (containing 0.05 wt% GO-POSS) was ~ 12000 Barrer, which is 69% higher than that of the neat PIM-1 membrane, with about the same selectivity (CO2/CH4 selectivity ~ 12 and CO2/N2 selectivity ~ 20). In both cases, the gas separation data surpass the 2008 Robeson upper bound. In addition to the initial CO2 permeability enhancement, the use of GO-POSS is an efficient strategy to slow down physical aging. The MMM at a filler loading of 0.75 wt% showed less than half of the reduction in CO2 permeability than the neat PIM-1 membrane 160 days after preparation (26% for the MMM vs 58% for the purely polymeric one). © 2022 The Author(s

    Cervical spine alignment following surgery for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS): a pre-to-post analysis of 81 patients

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    Background: Several studies have emphasized the importance of restoring thoracic kyphosis (TK) in the setting of AIS, but very few have discussed changes in cervical spine alignment following surgery. Aim of this study was to evaluate reciprocal cervical alignment change after modification of global and regional thoracolumbar alignment with surgery in the setting of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Methods: Baseline and 2-yrs follow-up radiographs of AIS patients (n = 81) were analysed measuring cervical parameters (upper cervical: C2-C0, McGregor Slope; lower cervical: C2-C7, C2-C7 sagittal vertical axis (SVA), C2-T3, C2-T3SVA, C2-T1Harrison (C2-T1Ha), T1 Slope (T1S)), thoracic, lumbar, pelvic and global alignment parameters. Post-operatively, patients were grouped twice; based on changes in TK and SVA. Cervical alignment was compared between groups. Pearson correlation was conducted to examine the relationship between changes in TK, SVA, and cervical alignment. Results: Stratification by change in TK, revealed significant alteration of lower cervical alignment T1S [p < 0.001]), C2-T3 [p = 0.019], C2-T1Ha [p = 0.043]), but there was no reciprocal change in the upper cervical spine. Stratification by SVA revealed a significant coexisting change in the lower cervical spine (T1S [p < 0.001], C2-C7SVA [p = 0.034], C2-T3 [p = 0.023], C2-T3SVA [p = 0.001]). SVA change was not associated to a change in the upper cervical spine. The correlation analysis showed that with a post-operative increase in TK, the cervical spine became more lordotic. Changes in TK were significantly correlated with: ΔT1S, ΔC2-C7, ΔC2-T3, and ΔC2-T3SVA. Similarly, increased cervical kyphosis was found when SVA was decreased post-operatively. Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between change of SVA and both ΔC2-T3 and ΔC2-T3SVA. Conclusions: In surgically treated AIS patients, changes in global and regional alignment of the thoracolumbar and cervical spinal segments exhibit interdependence. Thus, surgical planning with regard to sagittal deformity in AIS patients should account for the post-operative impact on cervical alignment

    Debunking in a world of tribes

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    Social media aggregate people around common interests eliciting collective framing of narratives and worldviews. However, in such a disintermediated environment misinformation is pervasive and attempts to debunk are often undertaken to contrast this trend. In this work, we examine the effectiveness of debunking on Facebook through a quantitative analysis of 54 million users over a time span of five years (Jan 2010, Dec 2014). In particular, we compare how users usually consuming proven (scientific) and unsubstantiated (conspiracy-like) information on Facebook US interact with specific debunking posts. Our findings confirm the existence of echo chambers where users interact primarily with either conspiracy-like or scientific pages. However, both groups interact similarly with the information within their echo chamber. Then, we measure how users from both echo chambers interacted with 50,220 debunking posts accounting for both users consumption patterns and the sentiment expressed in their comments. Sentiment analysis reveals a dominant negativity in the comments to debunking posts. Furthermore, such posts remain mainly confined to the scientific echo chamber. Only few conspiracy users engage with corrections and their liking and commenting rates on conspiracy posts increases after the interaction

    Screening of Apoptosis Pathway-Mediated Anti-Proliferative Activity of the Phytochemical Compound Furanodienone against Human Non-Small Lung Cancer A-549 Cells

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    Furanodienone (FDN), a major bioactive component of sesquiterpenes produced from Rhizoma Curcumae, has been repeatedly acknowledged for its intrinsic anticancer efficacy against different types of cancer. In this study, we aimed to investigate the cytotoxic potential of furanodienone against human lung cancer (NSCLC A549) cells in vitro, as well as its underlying molecular mechanisms in the induction of apoptosis. Herein, we found that FDN significantly inhibited the proliferation of A549 cells in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, treatment with FDN potentially triggered apoptosis in A549 cells via not only disrupting the nuclear morphology, but by activating capsase-9 and caspase-3 with concomitant modulation of the pro- and antiapoptotic gene expression as well. Furthermore, FDN revealed its competence in inducing cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 phase in A549 cells, which was associated with decreased expression of cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4), along with increased expression of CDK inhibitor p21Cip1. Intriguingly, FDN treatment efficiently downregulated the Wnt signaling pathway, which was correlated with increased apoptosis, as well as cell cycle arrest, in A549 cells. Collectively, FDN might represent a promising adjuvant therapy for the management of lung cancer