511 research outputs found

    The Characteristics and Structure of High Pressure (1-42 bars) Gas Tungsten Arcs

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    The last decade has seen a considerable growth in the exploitation of deep sea mineral reserves. Accompanying these developments has come the need for suitable underwater repair and uainten-nce techniques. one such technique involves the use of fusion welding processes in localised dry high pressure environments created around weldments. Pressure chambers at Cranfield have been employed to simulate this sitiu. ation. These have been used to investigate the influence of ambient pressure (1 to 45 bars) on gas-tungsten arcs. The study has been of a basic nature with emphasis on arc characteristics and arc structure. Special attention is given to the argon TIG arc although helium TIG arcs and constricted argon-tungsten arcs have also been examined. Arc characteristics are reported in terms of arc appearance and modes, electrical characteristics and weld bead studies. The investigation of arc structure is concerned with gaining an understanding of observed characteristics. This has involved experimental and theoretical developments. Experimental techniques used include, electrostatic probes, calorimetry and the measurement of total power radiated from an arc. Models developed here have successfully explained many of the experimental findings and special emphasis has been directed at understanding gas flow in the column and arc stability. Much of the work included in this thesis has implications for the development of underwater welding procedures. Results presented should also contribute to gaining a better understanding of arcs operating under normal ambient conditions. However, these aspects are not discussed in any detail as the main emphasis has been placed on documenting and explaining the influence of pressure on gas-tungsten arcs

    The influence of artificially increased hip and trunk stiffness on balance control in man

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    Lightweight corsets were used to produce mid-body stiffening, rendering the hip and trunk joints practically inflexible. To examine the effect of this artificially increased stiffness on balance control, we perturbed the upright stance of young subjects (20-34years of age) while they wore one of two types of corset or no corset at all. One type, the "half-corset”, only increased hip stiffness, and the other, the "full-corset”, increased stiffness of the hips and trunk. The perturbations consisted of combined roll and pitch rotations of the support surface (7.5deg, 60deg/s) in one of six different directions. Outcome measures were biomechanical responses of the legs, trunk, arms and head, and electromyographic (EMG) responses from leg, trunk, and upper arm muscles. With the full-corset, a decrease in forward stabilising trunk pitch rotation compared to the no-corset condition occurred for backward pitch tilts of the support surface. In contrast, the half-corset condition yielded increased forward trunk motion. Trunk backward pitch motion after forwards support-surface perturbations was the same for all corset conditions. Ankle torques and lower leg angle changes in the pitch direction were decreased for both corset conditions for forward pitch tilts of the support-surface but unaltered for backward tilts. Changes in trunk roll motion with increased stiffness were profound. After onset of a roll support-surface perturbation, the trunk rolled in the opposite direction to the support-surface tilt for the no-corset and half-corset conditions, but in the same direction as the tilt for the full-corset condition. Initial head roll angular accelerations (at 100ms) were larger for the full-corset condition but in the same direction (opposite platform tilt) for all conditions. Arm roll movements were initially in the same direction as trunk movements, and were followed by large compensatory arm movements only for the full-corset condition. Leg muscle (soleus, peroneus longus, but not tibialis anterior) balance-correcting responses were reduced for roll and pitch tilts under both corset conditions. Responses in paraspinals were also reduced. These results indicate that young healthy normals cannot rapidly modify movement strategies sufficiently to account for changes in link flexibility following increases in hip and trunk stiffness. The changes in leg and trunk muscle responses failed to achieve a normal roll or pitch trunk end position at 700ms (except for forward tilt rotations), even though head accelerations and trunk joint proprioception seemed to provide information on changed trunk movement profiles over the first 300ms following the perturbation. The major adaptation to stiffness involved increased use of arm movements to regain stability. The major differences in trunk motion for the no-corset, half-corset and full-corset conditions support the concept of a multi-link pendulum with different control dynamics in the pitch and roll planes as a model of human stance. Stiffening of the hip and trunk increases the likelihood of a loss of balance laterally and/or backwards. Thus, these results may have implications for the elderly and others, with and without disease states, who stiffen for a variety of reason

    The effect of voluntary lateral trunk bending on balance recovery following multi-directional stance perturbations

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    Stabilising shifts of the centre of mass (COM) are observed during balance recovery when subjects simultaneously execute voluntary unilateral knee flexion or unilateral arm raising. Here, we examined whether voluntary lateral trunk bending provided more beneficial stabilising effects, and how motor programs of balance corrections are combined with those of the focal voluntary action. The upright balance of 24 healthy young subjects (19-33years of age) was perturbed using multi-directional rotations of the support-surface. The perturbations consisted of combined pitch and roll rotations (7.5° and 60°/s) presented randomly in six different directions. Three conditions were tested: perturbation of stance only (PO); combined balance perturbation and cued uphill bending of the trunk (CONT); and combined perturbation and cued downhill bending of the trunk (IPS). For comparison, subjects were required to perform trunk bending alone (TO). Outcome measures were biomechanical responses and surface EMG activity of several muscles. Calculated predicted outcomes (PO+TO) were compared with combined measures (CONT or IPS). CONT trunk bending uphill showed two phases of benefit in balance recovery for laterally but, in contrast to voluntary knee bending, not for posterior directed components of the perturbations. IPS trunk bending had negative effects on balance. Early balance correcting muscle responses were marginally greater than PO responses. Prominent secondary balance correcting responses, having a similar timing as voluntary responses observed under TO conditions, were seen under CONT only in trunk muscles. These, and later stabilising, responses had amplitudes as expected from PO+TO conditions being significantly greater than PO responses. The ability with which different muscle synergies for balance corrections and voluntary trunk bending were integrated into one indicates a flexible adjustment of the CNS programs to the demands of both task

    Control of roll and pitch motion during multi-directional balance perturbations

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    Does the central nervous system (CNS) independently control roll and pitch movements of the human body during balance corrections? To help provide an answer to this question, we perturbed the balance of 16 young healthy subjects using multi-directional rotations of the support surface. All rotations had pitch and roll components, for which either the roll (DR) or the pitch (DP) component were delayed by 150ms or not at all (ND). The outcome measures were the biomechanical responses of the body and surface EMG activity of several muscles. Across all perturbation directions, DR caused equally delayed shifts (150ms) in peak lateral centre of mass (COM) velocity. Across directions, DP did not cause equally delayed shifts in anterior-posterior COM velocity. After 300ms however, the vector direction of COM velocity was similar to the ND directions. Trunk, arm and knee joint rotations followed this roll compared to pitch pattern, but were different from ND rotation synergies after 300ms, suggesting an intersegmental compensation for the delay effects. Balance correcting responses of muscles demonstrated both roll and pitch directed components regardless of axial alignment. We categorised muscles into three groups: pitch oriented, roll oriented and mixed based on their responses to DR and DP. Lower leg muscles were pitch oriented, trunk muscles were roll oriented, and knee and arm muscles were mixed. The results of this study suggest that roll, but not pitch components, of balance correcting movement strategies and muscle synergies are separately programmed by the CNS. Reliance on differentially activated arm and knee muscles to correct roll perturbations reveals a dependence of the pitch response on that of roll, possibly due to biomechanical constraints, and accounts for the failure of DP to be transmitted equally in time across all limbs segments. Thus it appears the CNS preferentially programs the roll response of the body and then adjusts the pitch response accordingl

    Pathological prognostic factors in the second British Stomach Cancer Group trial of adjuvant therapy in resectable gastric cancer.

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    The second British Stomach Cancer Group trial was a prospective randomised controlled trial of adjuvant radiotherapy or cytotoxic chemotherapy after gastrectomy for adenocarcinoma. It recruited between 1981 and 1986. No survival advantage has been demonstrated for the patients receiving either type of adjuvant therapy compared with those undergoing surgery alone. We report on 436 patients randomised into the trial together with 203 patients, who did not fulfil the trial criteria, referred to the trial. A univariate (log-rank) analysis of pathological factors obtained from the local referring centres showed that tumour size, macroscopic type, number os sites involved, depth of invasion, involvement of resection lines and lymph nodes and histological grade were significant determinants of survival. Histological review by two experienced histopathologists found that the Lauren classification and histological grade, but not the Ming classification, were significant prognostic factors. The degree of lymphocytic and eosinophilic infiltration and presence of dysplasia assessed by one of the pathologists showed a significant correlation with survival. However, inter-observer correlation for these histological parameters and grade was poor. Multivariate analysis identified only depth of invasion, resection line and nodal involvement as significant independent pathological variables influencing survival. This study confirms the need for expert preparation of the resected specimen to obtain the important information on depth of invasion and nodal status and also reveals some variation in histological assessment, particularly grading, in gastric carcinoma

    Characteristics of improvements in balance control using vibro-tactile biofeedback of trunk sway for multiple sclerosis patients

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    Background and aims: Previously, we determined that training with vibrotactile feedback (VTfb) of trunk sway improves MS patients’ balance impairment. Here, we posed 5 questions: 1) How many weeks of VTfb training are required to obtain the best short-term carry over effect (CoE) with VTfb? 2) How long does the CoE last once VTfb training terminates? 3) Is the benefit similar for stance and gait? 4) Is position or velocity based VTfb more effective in reducing trunk sway? 5) Do patients’ subjective assessments of balance control improve? Methods: Balance control of 16 MS patients was measured with gyroscopes at the lower trunk. The gyroscopes drove directionally active VTfb in a head-band. Patients trained twice per week with VTfb for 4 weeks to determine when balance control with and without VTfb stopped improving. Thereafter, weekly assessments without VTfb over 4 weeks and at 6 months determined when CoEs ended. Results: A 20% improvement in balance to normal levels occurred with VTfb. Short term CoEs improved from 15 to 20% (p ≤0.001). Medium term (1–4 weeks) CoEs were constant at 19% (p ≤0.001). At 6 months improvement was not significant, 9%. Most improvement was for lateral sway. Equal improvement occurred when angle position or velocity drove VTfb. Subjectively, balance improvements peaked after 3 weeks of training (32%, p ≤0.05). Conclusions: 3–4 weeks VTfb training yields clinically relevant sway reductions and subjective improvements for MS patients during stance and gait. The CoEs lasted at least 1 month. Velocity-based VTfb was equally effective as position-based VTf

    Periodically-dressed Bose-Einstein condensates: a superfluid with an anisotropic and variable critical velocity

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    Two intersecting laser beams can produce a spatially-periodic coupling between two components of an atomic gas and thereby modify the dispersion relation of the gas according to a dressed-state formalism. Properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate of such a gas are strongly affected by this modification. A Bogoliubov transformation is presented which accounts for interparticle interactions to obtain the quasiparticle excitation spectrum in such a condensate. The Landau critical velocity is found to be anisotropic and can be widely tuned by varying properties of the dressing laser beams.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Genotyping an Emiliania huxleyi (prymnesiophyceae) bloom event in the North Sea reveals evidence of asexual reproduction

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    Due to the unprecedented rate at which our climate is changing, the ultimate consequence for many species is likely to be either extinction or migration to an alternate habitat. Certain species might, however, evolve at a rate that could make them resilient to the effects of a rapidly changing environment. This scenario is most likely to apply to species that have large population sizes and rapid generation times, such that the genetic variation required for adaptive evolution can be readily supplied. Emiliania huxleyi (Lohm.) Hay and Mohler (Prymnesiophyceae) is likely to be such a species, as it is the most conspicuous extant calcareous phytoplankton species in our oceans with growth rates of 1 day−1. Here we report on a validated set of microsatellites, in conjunction with the coccolithophore morphology motif genetic marker, to genotype 93 clonal isolates collected from across the world. Of these, 52 came from a single bloom event in the North Sea collected on the D366 United Kingdom Ocean Acidification cruise in June–July 2011. There were 26 multilocus genotypes (MLGs) encountered only once in the North Sea bloom and 8 MLGs encountered twice or up to six times. Each of these repeated MLGs exhibited Psex values of less than 0.05, indicating each repeated MLG was the product of asexual reproduction and not separate meiotic events. In addition, we show that the two most polymorphic microsatellite loci, EHMS37 and P01E05, are reporting on regions likely undergoing rapid genetic drift during asexual reproduction. Despite the small sample size, there were many more repeated genotypes than previously reported for other bloom-forming phytoplankton species, including a previously genotyped E. huxleyi bloom event. This study challenges the current assumption that sexual reproduction predominates during bloom events. Whilst genetic diversity is high amongst extant populations of E. huxleyi, the root cause for this diversity and ultimate fate of these populations still requires further examination. Nonetheless, we show that certain CMM genotypes are found everywhere, while others appear to have a regional bias

    Pointlike probes of superstring-theoretic superfluids

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    In analogy with an experimental setup used in liquid helium, we use a pointlike probe to study superfluids which have a gravity dual. In the gravity description, the probe is represented by a hanging string. We demonstrate that there is a critical velocity below which the probe particle feels neither drag nor stochastic forces. Above this critical velocity, there is power-law scaling for the drag force, and the stochastic forces are characterized by a finite, velocity-dependent temperature. This temperature participates in two simple and general relations between the drag force and stochastic forces. The formula we derive for the critical velocity indicates that the low-energy excitations are massless, and they demonstrate the power of stringy methods in describing strongly coupled superfluids.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, added a figure, a reference, and moved material to an appendi