4,436 research outputs found

    The BiSON CD-ROM data store

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    The organization of the BiSON CD ROM Data Store is described. The procedures for adding data to the maintaining the Complete Dat Archive are prescribed

    Parent report of exclusive breastfeeding after attending a combined midwifery and chiropractic feeding clinic in the UK: A cross-sectional service evaluation

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    This service evaluation investigated an interdisciplinary allied professional health care strategy to address the problem of suboptimal breastfeeding. A clinic of midwives and chiropractors was developed in a university-affiliated clinic in the UK to care for suboptimal feeding through a multidisciplinary approach. No studies have previously investigated the effect of such an approach. The aim was to assess any impact to the breastfeeding dyad and maternal satisfaction after attending the multidisciplinary clinic through a service evaluation. Eighty-five initial questionnaires were completed and 72 (85%) follow-up questionnaires were returned. On follow-up, 93% of mothers reported an improvement in feeding as well as satisfaction with the care provided. Prior to treatment, 26% of the infants were exclusively breastfed. At the followup survey 86% of mothers reported exclusive breastfeeding. The relative risk ratio for exclusive breastfeeding after attending the multidisciplinary clinic was 3.6 (95%CI 2.4-5.4)

    BiSON data-file formats

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    The RAWDATA, DAT, CMP, SM1, DATA, IZDATA, BBC, and RES file formats are defined

    Are Hospital Quality Characteristics Consistent Over Time?

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    We conduct a study of a large sample collected from hospitals to extend the knowledge of quality indicators in the healthcare profession and to determine if results are consistent over time. Findings show that, over time, the hospital size and teaching status were consistent indicators of higher rates of error as shown by several patient safety variables. This is contrary to conventional wisdom, which holds that the best care is provided by large teaching hospitals. As a result, context variables are shown to influence quality indicators in a healthcare setting that could also offer implications for quality in other industries

    BiSON Data-File Formats

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    The Relationship Between Patient Safety Outcomes and Hospital Characteristics

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    To augment the discussion of the extent to which quality is universal, this study presents the results of an analysis of 13.5 million inpatient discharges from 1,640 general hospitals from 16 states. Factor analysis was performed on 588 general U.S. hospitals and 18 PSIs were reduced to seven factors. Hospital tiers were profiled utilizing demographic variables. Contrary to expectations the best quality hospitals tended to be smaller, non-teaching hospitals whereas larger, teaching hospitals tended to be poor quality performers. This analysis provided evidence patient safety quality rates may not be universal and organizational context may be an important influencing factor

    Toward integrated conservation of North America's crop wild relatives

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    North America harbors a rich native flora of crop wild relatives—the progenitors and closely related species of domesticated plants—as well as a range of culturally significant wild utilized plants. Despite their current and potential future value, they are rarely prioritized for conservation efforts; thus many species are threatened in their natural habitats, and most are underrepresented in plant genebanks and botanical gardens. Further coordination of efforts among land management, botanical, and agricultural science organizations will improve conservation and general public awareness with regard to these species. We present examples of productive collaborations focused on wild cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon and Vaccinium oxycoccos) and chile peppers (Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum). We then discuss five shared priorities for further action: (1) understand and document North America's crop wild relatives and wild utilized plants, (2) protect threatened species in their natural habitats, (3) collect and conserve ex situ the diversity of prioritized species, (4) make this diversity accessible and attractive for plant breeding, research, and education, and (5) raise public awareness of their value and the threats to their persistence

    Leveraging very-high spatial resolution hyperspectral and thermal UAV imageries for characterizing diurnal indicators of grapevine physiology

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    Efficient and accurate methods to monitor crop physiological responses help growers better understand crop physiology and improve crop productivity. In recent years, developments in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and sensor technology have enabled image acquisition at very-high spectral, spatial, and temporal resolutions. However, potential applications and limitations of very-high-resolution (VHR) hyperspectral and thermal UAV imaging for characterization of plant diurnal physiology remain largely unknown, due to issues related to shadow and canopy heterogeneity. In this study, we propose a canopy zone-weighting (CZW) method to leverage the potential of VHR (≤9 cm) hyperspectral and thermal UAV imageries in estimating physiological indicators, such as stomatal conductance (Gs) and steady-state fluorescence (Fs). Diurnal flights and concurrent in-situ measurements were conducted during grapevine growing seasons in 2017 and 2018 in a vineyard in Missouri, USA. We used neural net classifier and the Canny edge detection method to extract pure vine canopy from the hyperspectral and thermal images, respectively. Then, the vine canopy was segmented into three canopy zones (sunlit, nadir, and shaded) using K-means clustering based on the canopy shadow fraction and canopy temperature. Common reflectance-based spectral indices, sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), and simplified canopy water stress index (siCWSI) were computed as image retrievals. Using the coefficient of determination (R2) established between the image retrievals from three canopy zones and the in-situ measurements as a weight factor, weighted image retrievals were calculated and their correlation with in-situ measurements was explored. The results showed that the most frequent and the highest correlations were found for Gs and Fs, with CZW-based Photochemical reflectance index (PRI), SIF, and siCWSI (PRICZW, SIFCZW, and siCWSICZW), respectively. When all flights combined for the given field campaign date, PRICZW, SIFCZW, and siCWSICZW significantly improved the relationship with Gs and Fs. The proposed approach takes full advantage of VHR hyperspectral and thermal UAV imageries, and suggests that the CZW method is simple yet effective in estimating Gs and Fs

    Promoting Community Health Research Partnerships Through a Small Grants Program: Processes and Lessons Learned

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    While there are multiple ways to engage communities in health research, one approach is through partnership-based research in which community representatives are involved as intentional partners in the research process, from conceptualization and co-creation to implementation, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination. However, there remain numerous challenges to supporting and sustaining such partnerships. Since its launch in 2019, the integrated Translational Health Research Institute of Virginia (iTHRIV) has sought to foster community engaged health research among its four research/clinical institutions through a community partnership-based grant program. Over five funding cycles, iTHRIV has awarded 14 one-year research grants addressing topics such as opioid use disorder, cancer, hepatitis C and autism. Each funding cycle has provided valuable experience and feedback toward iterative program refinements. Key lessons have included: 1) the Request For Proposals (RFP) must be very clear and community-vetted; 2) transparency regarding administrative burden required for compliance is critical to inform cost-benefit decisions; 3) giving different modes of communication, adequate and creative marketing of the RFP is necessary; 4) establishing a centralized program officer for all grantees facilitated post-award procedural navigation; 5) one year is insufficient to carry out most studies involving human subjects. Additionally, while the program anecdotally promoted collaborative partnerships, the true impact may be difficult to evaluate
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