215 research outputs found

    Bridging the Divide White Paper on Medication Abortion: Overview of Research & Policy in the United States

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    Medication abortion (also called medical abortion) is a safe method of abortion available for the past 15 years in the US. The Bridging the Divide white paper summarizes the scientific evidence related to the current medication abortion process and potential changes to the process that could make it even safer and more accessible for patients, as well as policy considerations and directions for future research. In the fall of 2000, the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved the drug Mifeprex© (generic: mifepristone) for use in medication abortions. That approval included requirements that affect both patients and providers and that are far more specific than typical requirements for prescription drugs. The package insert (also known as the product label) indicated procedures for mifepristone prescribers to follow, based on the regimen used during the drug’s pre-approval clinical trials. FDA has not approved any other abortion drugs besides Mifeprex. Fifteen years later, in March 2016, the FDA approved an updated label for Mifeprex, marking an important step forward for access to abortion care and for evidence-based policy. Although the new label is progress toward policy that is informed and driven by scientific research, the change came many years after research data had demonstrated the safety and efficacy of widely used evidence-based protocols. In the intervening years, some states took advantage of the outdated requirements in the product label and implemented restrictive policy measures that prevented their residents from accessing care based on the latest evidence and best practice. The Bridging the Divide white paper on the current state of medication abortion evidence and policy can be found below, along with a shorter summary document for policy-makers and a recently published commentary from the journal Women’s Health Issues

    Kajian Yuridis terhadap Dasar Hukum Hakim Membatalkan Hak Tanggungan yang Disebabkan oleh Batalnya Jual Beli Obyek Hak Tanggungan Karena Diperoleh Secara Melawan Hukum

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    Pengikatan obyek jaminan kredit bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian hukum bagi bank dalam menguasai obyek jaminan kredit sepanjang dilakukan melalui lembaga jaminan. Setelah Undang-Undang Hak Tanggungan diberlakukan, UU No. 4 Tahun 1996, setiap debitur yang menjaminkan tanah dan/ atau bangunan kepada kreditur sebagai jaminan pelunasan kredit yang diterimanya wajib untuk menandatangani Akta Surat Kuasa Membebankan Hak Tanggungan (SKMHT), atau Akta Pemberian Hak Tanggungan (APHT) yang kemudian didaftarkan pada Kantor Pertanahan tempat tanah tersebut didaftarkan. Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai dasar putusan hakim dalam membatalkan Hak Tanggungan yang disebabkan oleh batalnya jual beli Hak Tanggungan yang diperoleh secara melawan hukum. Upaya yang ditempuh oleh kreditur (bank) untuk menghindari hal tersebut karena pengikatan atas obyek jaminan kredit bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian hukum bagi pihak bank dalam menguasai obyek jaminan kredit, sepanjang dilakukan melalui lembaga jaminan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif yang bersifat deskriptif berdasarkan argumentasi. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan dengan menganalisis peraturan perundang-undangan, yaitu UU Hak Tanggungan No. 4 Tahun 1996 dan pendekatan kasus dengan meneliti putusan pengadilan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, yang menjadi dasar hukum hakim membatalkan Hak Tanggungan yang disebabkan oleh batalnya transaksi Hak Tanggungan yang diperoleh secara melawan hukum adalah adanya transaksi pura-pura dari obyek Hak Tanggungan yang dijadikan sebagai obyek jaminan oleh debitur karena obyek tersebut terbukti milik pihak lain. Upaya yang harus ditempuh oleh bank untuk menghindari pembatalan Hak Tanggungan tersebut adalah dengan menanyakan kepada pihak yang menempati obyek jaminan bila obyek jaminan ditempati oleh pihak lain pada saat bank melakukan survey lapangan. Pihak Bank seharusnya membuat surat pernyataan untuk mengetahui status pihak yang menempati obyek jaminan tersebut apakah sebagai peminjam atau penyewa rumah

    Aurore Chaigneau, Le Droit de propriété en mutation

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    Dans cette analyse minutieuse de la théorie du droit en Russie, Aurore Chaigneau nous expose le cheminement de l’idée et de la pratique de la propriété en Russie pendant plus de deux siècles. L’ouvrage présente un récit historique culminant dans une discussion  des solutions possibles en matière de droit à la gestion, la maîtrise et l’appropriation des biens complexes, particulièrement les ressources naturelles. Cet approfondissement est particulièrement bienvenu dans un contexte global de re..

    Le Droit de propriété en mutationAurore CHAIGNEAU

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    Aurore CHAIGNEAU, Le Droit de propriété en mutation, Essai à la lumière du droit russe, Paris : Dalloz, 2008, 683 p. Dans cette analyse minutieuse de la théorie du droit en Russie, Aurore Chaigneau nous expose le cheminement de l’idée et de la pratique de la propriété en Russie pendant plus de deux siècles. L’ouvrage présente un récit historique culminant dans une discussion des solutions possibles en matière de droit à la gestion, la maîtrise et l’appropriation des biens complexes, particuli..

    Bridging the Divide White Paper: Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) in the United States

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    Long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) methods – specifically, intrauterine devices (IUDs) and subcutaneous hormone-releasing implants – demonstrate great potential in reducing unintended pregnancy. Although LARC methods have had a rocky history in the US and use rates have remained low here in comparison to other countries where the methods are available, there has been a significant increase in uptake of newer LARC products in recent years. Researchers have identified this change as a likely contributor to the declines seen in unintended pregnancy, abortion, and teen pregnancy rates. Decades of research have shown that current LARC methods are highly safe and effective, yet research has identified many barriers that may prevent a woman who chooses a LARC as the contraceptive method that best meets her needs and preferences from getting it. These include inadequate provider knowledge and training, lack of awareness and education among potential users, and financial and health system barriers. There are also, however, encouraging research findings from assessments of interventions designed to reduce these barriers. Despite the recent advances, some barriers to full, voluntary, and successful use of LARC methods remain but have the potential to be addressed through policy: implementation of insurance coverage for LARC insertion and removal, both under private plans and public programs, such as Medicaid; development of clinical performance measures for clinicians and/or health centers; and establishment of practices that ensure confidentiality and non-coercive provision of LARC methods, particularly for vulnerable populations

    Bridging the Divide White Paper: Pregnant Women and Substance Use: Overview of Research & Policy in the United States

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    This paper examines the current literature and policy implications of substance use and substance use disorders among pregnant and parenting women. While this is not meant to serve as an exhaustive literature review on this topic, it seeks to describe: current research on health effects of substance use and substance use disorders on pregnant women1 and their children; policies and programs that help ensure that pregnant women who use substances have access to the highest quality healthcare, including prenatal care; the current barriers to accessing treatment for substance use disorders for pregnant women, including those who are incarcerated; and the impact of laws and policies regarding substance use on pregnant women and families

    Legalitas Impor Vaksin Covid-19 Perspektif Maqashid Syariah

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    This article aims to determine the legality of importing Covid-19 vaccines by the Ministry of Health from sharia maqasid perspective. This article is a literature study using literature review as the primary legal source. The results of the study show that the legality of importing Covid-19 vaccines in maqshid sharia aims to make people believe and obey the government's vaccination program to decrease the spread of the Covid-19 virus and the death rate to protect the lives (hifẓ al-nafs) of the Indonesian people. The legality of importing the Covid-19 vaccine using salam contract mechanism is known to have unfulfilled conditions, namely the object specification requirements.The object specifications in this case include halal assurance, thayib and safety guarantees of Covid-19 vaccine products. Therefore, the audit process from BPOM and halal certification from MUI used as the basis for the legality of importing the Covid-19 vaccine, make the object specification requirements fulfilled. If in the process of importing the Covid-19 vaccine there is force majeure, the agreement can be renewed or canceled and if there is a dispute, it can be resolved through arbitration
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