20 research outputs found

    El Estado en la sociedad de la informaci贸n

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    This paper has the goal to inform the reader about the new role of Information technology has in citizen麓s every day life, and the way that the State offers new services for the citizens on the web.It shows also, the relationship between the state and the customers with the goal to improve the communication and to help the citizen in the resolution of administrative procedure

    La formaci贸n de profesionales en el 谩rea de las Ciencias de la Informaci贸n

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    This paper addresses the problems of teachers in the field of information science. It will appeal to ideas from sociology. Departuring from modern times, we are able to see how the librarian, in the context of changes given for society,improves his practice, until the Postmodernity. In this age, he has to face the challenge relating to the informatization of all knowledge field

    Mercado de trabajo, capacitaci贸n continua y trayectoria laboral de los profesionales de Ciencias de la Informaci贸n

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    The issue developed in the present work is the librarian麓s market job. Together with this subject, there is a survey, made with a quantitative method, about the salary problem in Latin America. From the data collected, it will make an inference about if the professionals who asked the questionnaire,are satisfied or not, with the salary level they get according to the task they make in their jobs, and with the business hour that they have to perform weekl

    La formaci贸n de profesionales en el 谩rea de las Ciencias de la Informaci贸n

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    This paper addresses the problems of teachers in the field of information science. It will appeal to ideas from sociology. Departuring from modern times, we are able to see how the librarian, in the context of changes given for society,improves his practice, until the Postmodernity. In this age, he has to face the challenge relating to the informatization of all knowledge field

    El Estado en la sociedad de la informaci贸n

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    This paper has the goal to inform the reader about the new role of Information technology has in citizen麓s every day life, and the way that the State offers new services for the citizens on the web.It shows also, the relationship between the state and the customers with the goal to improve the communication and to help the citizen in the resolution of administrative procedure

    驴C贸mo nos ven y c贸mo nos vemos en el mundo de la informaci贸n? Del bibliotecario burocr谩tico al profesional Web 2.0

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    In the Information Society, based in the digital access to information released from physical carriers, the new information professional麓s role must orientate to active information management and requires to leave behind the traditional librarian麓s stereotype as a passive knowlegde custodian. A survey was made and the results suggest the librarians thinks that their images is perceived as irelevant by society, while they perceived their own image as trascendent as mediators between information source, print and electronic, and the users. In order to achieve the change of this negative image, is necessary to emphasize the educational information professional麓s role in the use of the new information technologie

    Mercado de trabajo, capacitaci贸n continua y trayectoria laboral de los profesionales de Ciencias de la Informaci贸n

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    The issue developed in the present work is the librarian麓s market job. Together with this subject, there is a survey, made with a quantitative method, about the salary problem in Latin America. From the data collected, it will make an inference about if the professionals who asked the questionnaire,are satisfied or not, with the salary level they get according to the task they make in their jobs, and with the business hour that they have to perform weekl

    驴C贸mo nos ven y c贸mo nos vemos en el mundo de la informaci贸n? Del bibliotecario burocr谩tico al profesional Web 2.0

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    In the Information Society, based in the digital access to information released from physical carriers, the new information professional麓s role must orientate to active information management and requires to leave behind the traditional librarian麓s stereotype as a passive knowlegde custodian. A survey was made and the results suggest the librarians thinks that their images is perceived as irelevant by society, while they perceived their own image as trascendent as mediators between information source, print and electronic, and the users. In order to achieve the change of this negative image, is necessary to emphasize the educational information professional麓s role in the use of the new information technologie

    Capacitaci贸n in library: un nuevo dispositivo de capacitaci贸n laboral

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    The present work takes in consideration the importance of librarian麓s professional education.For this purprose, several issues related with the conformation of educational groups, professional competences, Information Unit needs and needs of the bigger institutions, will be treated. Finally,the paper develops the issue of a capacitation device, called "in library

    La biblioteca, un espacio de encuentro

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    Our intention is to make a bibliographic review of the history of Argentinian Libraries. We consider that it is very important to know our past in order to face our future. In this paper, we'll see how our professional history begins with the First National Government. We can also assist to the birth of our National Library and ,with Sarmiento's Government, to the birth of popular libraries, too. The question to the current professional is how the libraries task will be in the future in Argentinan librarie