671 research outputs found

    Extreme Electron-Phonon Coupling in Boron-based Layered Superconductors

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    The phonon-mode decomposition of the electron-phonon coupling in the MgB2-like system Li_{1-x}BC is explored using first principles calculations. It is found that the high temperature superconductivity of such systems results from extremely strong coupling to only ~2% of the phonon modes. Novel characteristics of E_2g branches include (1) ``mode lambda'' values of 25 and greater compared to a mean of 0.4\sim 0.4 for other modes, (2) a precipitous Kohn anomaly, and (3) E_2g phonon linewidths within a factor of ~2 of the frequency itself, indicating impending breakdown of linear electron-phonon theory. This behavior in borne out by recent inelastic x-ray scattering studies of MgB2 by Shukla et al.Comment: 4 two-column pages, 4 figures. Equations simplified. Figure 4 changed. Comparison with new data include

    Resistivity of a Metal between the Boltzmann Transport Regime and the Anderson Transition

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    We study the transport properties of a finite three dimensional disordered conductor, for both weak and strong scattering on impurities, employing the real-space Green function technique and related Landauer-type formula. The dirty metal is described by a nearest neighbor tight-binding Hamiltonian with a single s-orbital per site and random on-site potential (Anderson model). We compute exactly the zero-temperature conductance of a finite size sample placed between two semi-infinite disorder-free leads. The resistivity is found from the coefficient of linear scaling of the disorder averaged resistance with sample length. This ``quantum'' resistivity is compared to the semiclassical Boltzmann expression computed in both Born approximation and multiple scattering approximation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 embedded EPS figure

    Electronic structure and dynamics of optically excited single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    We have studied the electronic structure and charge-carrier dynamics of individual single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and nanotube ropes using optical and electron-spectroscopic techniques. The electronic structure of semiconducting SWNTs in the band-gap region is analyzed using near-infrared absorption spectroscopy. A semi-empirical expression for E11SE_{11}^{\rm S} transition energies, based on tight-binding calculations is found to give striking agreement with experimental data. Time-resolved PL from dispersed SWNT-micelles shows a decay with a time constant of about 15 ps. Using time-resolved photoemission we also find that the electron-phonon ({\it e-ph}) coupling in metallic tubes is characterized by a very small {\it e-ph} mass-enhancement of 0.0004. Ultrafast electron-electron scattering of photo-excited carriers in nanotube ropes is finally found to lead to internal thermalization of the electronic system within about 200 fs.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Applied Physics

    Topological (Sliced) Doping of a 3D Peierls System: Predicted Structure of Doped BaBiO3

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    At hole concentrations below x=0.4, Ba_(1-x)K_xBiO_3 is non-metallic. At x=0, pure BaBiO3 is a Peierls insulator. Very dilute holes create bipolaronic point defects in the Peierls order parameter. Here we find that the Rice-Sneddon version of Peierls theory predicts that more concentrated holes should form stacking faults (two-dimensional topological defects, called slices) in the Peierls order parameter. However, the long-range Coulomb interaction, left out of the Rice-Sneddon model, destabilizes slices in favor of point bipolarons at low concentrations, leaving a window near 30% doping where the sliced state is marginally stable.Comment: 6 pages with 5 embedded postscript figure

    Toward one-band superconductivity in MgB2

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    The two-gap model for superconductivity in MgB2 predicts that interband impurity scattering should be pair breaking, reducing the critical temperature. This is perhaps the only prediction of the model that has not been confirmed experimentally. It was previously shown theoretically that common substitutional impurities lead to negligible interband scattering - if the lattice is assumed not to distort. Here we report theoretical results showing that certain impurities can indeed produce lattice distortions sufficiently large to create measurable interband scattering. On this basis, we predict that isoelectronic codoping with Al and Na will provide a decisive test of the two-gap model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Phonon Hall effect in ionic crystals in the presence of static magnetic field

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    We study phonon Hall effect (PHE) for ionic crystals in the presence of static magnetic field. Using Green-Kubo formula, we present an exact calculation of thermal conductivity tensor by considering both positive and negative frequency phonons. Numerical results are shown for some lattices such as hexagonal lattices, triangular lattices, and square lattices. We find that the PHE occurs on the nonmagnetic ionic crystal NaCl, although the magnitude is very small which is due to the tiny charge-to-mass ratio of the ions. The off-diagonal thermal conductivity is finite for nonzero magnetic field and changes sign for high value of magnetic field at high temperature. We also found that the off-diagonal thermal conductivity diverges as ±1/T\pm{1/T} at low temperature

    An Interesting Case of Recurrent Small Bowel Obstruction

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    Sclerosing mesenteritis is associated with a spectrum of diseases which include mesenteric lipodystrophy and mesenteric panniculitis. This inflammatory and fibrosing disorder can affect the small and large bowel wall and mesenteric vessels by exerting a mass effect. The following case highlights the difficulties with diagnosing and managing this unusual disease. A 64-year-old man presented with acute central abdominal pain, radiating to his back, and profuse vomiting. He was diagnosed clinically with small bowel obstruction. He had had an episode of small bowel obstruction 6 years earlier. At this time, he underwent an exploratory laparotomy, and a mass was identified in the small bowel mesentery. The features were thought to be in keeping with sclerosing mesenteritis. He had a dramatically favourable response to the initiation of prednisolone. He continued to be well and asymptomatic for a further 5 years on long-term maintenance low-dose steroids and 6-mercaptopurine. He re-presented in 2009 (six years after initial presentation) with very severe acute abdominal pain and vomiting. He had no recent change in weight or appetite, and had not had time off work. He underwent a second laparotomy and the tissue diagnosis was of metastatic carcinoid tumour involving the small bowel mesentery. This is the first case to our knowledge where sclerosing mesenteritis has been confirmed histologically on biopsy and then subsequently diagnosed with histologically proven carcinoid tumour. For this particular reason it must be always remembered that sclerosing mesenteritis is a ‘pathological’ and not a radiological diagnosis and that a large proportion of cases are associated with neoplasia

    Superconductivity near the vibrational mode instability in MgCNi3

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    To understand the role of electron-phonon interaction in superconducting MgCNi3_{3} we have performed density functional based linear response calculations of its lattice dynamical properties. A large coupling constant λ% \lambda = 1.51 is predicted and contributing phonons are identified as displacements of Ni atoms towards octahedral interstitials of the perovskite lattice. Instabilities found for some vibrational modes emphasize the role of anharmonic effects in resolving experimental controversies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures, replaces the older versio

    Polaronic Signatures in Mid-Infrared Spectra: Prediction for LaMnO3 and CaMnO3

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    Hole-doped LaMnO3 and electron-doped CaMnO3 form self-trapped electronic states. The spectra of these states have been calculated using a two orbital (Mn eg Jahn-Teller) model, from which the non-adiabatic optical conductivity spectra are obtained. In both cases the optical spectrum contains weight in the gap region, whose observation will indicate the self-trapped nature of the carrier states. The predicted spectra are proportional to the concentration of the doped carriers in the dilute regime, with coefficients calculated with no further model parameters.Comment: 6 pages with 3 figures imbedde

    Self-Trapped Exciton Defects in a Charge Density Wave: Electronic Excitations of BaBiO3

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    In the previous paper, it was shown that holes doped into BaBiO3 self-trap as small polarons and bipolarons. These point defects are energetically favorable partly because they undo locally the strain in the charge-density-wave (Peierls insulator) ground state. In this paper the neutral excitations of the same model are discussed. The lowest electronic excitation is predicted to be a self-trapped exciton, consisting of an electron and a hole located on adjacent Bi atoms. This excitation has been seen experimentally (but not identified as such) via the Urbach tail in optical absorption, and the multi-phonon spectrum of the ``breathing mode'' seen in Raman scattering. These two phenomena occur because of the Franck-Condon effect associated with oxygen displacement in the excited state.Comment: 5 pages with 7 embedded figures. See also cond-mat/0108089 on polarons and bipolarons in BaBiO3 contains background informatio