485 research outputs found

    Heart rate variability during high-speed treadmill exercise and recovery in Thoroughbred racehorses presented for poor performance

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    Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis measures the inter-beat interval variation of successive cardiac cycles. Measurement of these indices has been used to assess cardiac autonomic modulation and for arrhythmia identification in exercising horses.Objectives: To report HRV indices during submaximal exercise, strenuous exercise and recovery, and explore relationships with clinical conditions (arrhythmias, lameness, equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS), lower airway inflammation and upper respiratory tract obstructions (URTO) in Thoroughbred (TB) racehorses.Study Design: Retrospective, observational cross-sectional study.Methods: One hundred and eighty Thoroughbred horses underwent a treadmill exercise test with simultaneous electrocardiographic (ECG) recording. Time-domain HRV indices (standard deviation of the R-R interval (SDRR); root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD)) were derived for submaximal and strenuous exercise and recovery segments. Clinical conditions (arrhythmia (during each phase of exercise), lameness, EGUS, lower airway inflammation and URTO) were assigned to binary categories for statistical analysis. Relationships between selected HRV indices and the clinical conditions were explored using linear regression models. Results: During submaximal exercise, lameness was associated with decreased logRMSSD (B= -0.19 95% CI -0.31 to -0.06, P= 0.006) and arrhythmia was associated with increased logRMSSD (B= 0.31 95% CI 0.01-.608, P=0.04). During strenuous exercise, arrhythmia was associated with increased HRV indices (logSDRR B= 0.51 95% CI 0.40-0.62, PMain Limitations: The main limitations of this retrospective study were that not every horse had the full range of clinical testing, therefore some horses may have had undetected abnormalities. Conclusions: The presence of arrhythmia increased HRV in both phases of exercise and recovery. Lameness decreased HRV during submaximal exercise

    Naturally Segregating Variation at Ugt86Dd Contributes to Nicotine Resistance in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Identifying the sequence polymorphisms underlying complex trait variation is a key goal of genetics research, since knowing the precise causative molecular events allows insight into the pathways governing trait variation. Genetic analysis of complex traits in model systems regularly starts by constructing QTL maps, but generally fails to identify causative sequence polymorphisms. Previously we mapped a series of QTL contributing to resistance to nicotine in a Drosophila melanogaster multiparental mapping resource and here use a battery of functional tests to resolve QTL to the molecular level. One large-effect QTL resided over a cluster of UDP-glucuronosyltransferases, and quantitative complementation tests using deficiencies eliminating subsets of these detoxification genes revealed allelic variation impacting resistance. RNAseq showed that Ugt86Dd had significantly higher expression in genotypes that are more resistant to nicotine, and anterior midgut-specific RNA interference (RNAi) of this gene reduced resistance. We discovered a segregating 22-bp frameshift deletion in Ugt86Dd, and accounting for the InDel during mapping largely eliminates the QTL, implying the event explains the bulk of the effect of the mapped locus. CRISPR/Cas9 editing of a relatively resistant genotype to generate lesions in Ugt86Dd that recapitulate the naturally occurring putative loss-of-function allele, leads to a large reduction in resistance. Despite this major effect of the deletion, the allele appears to be very rare in wild-caught populations and likely explains only a small fraction of the natural variation for the trait. Nonetheless, this putatively causative coding InDel can be a launchpad for future mechanistic exploration of xenobiotic detoxification

    Acute Ozone-Induced Pulmonary and Systemic Metabolic Effects Are Diminished in Adrenalectomized Rats

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    Acute ozone exposure increases circulating stress hormones and induces metabolic alterations in animals. We hypothesized that the increase of adrenal-derived stress hormones is necessary for both ozone-induced metabolic effects and lung injury. Male Wistar-Kyoto rats underwent bilateral adrenal demedullation (DEMED), total bilateral adrenalectomy (ADREX), or sham surgery (SHAM). After a 4 day recovery, rats were exposed to air or ozone (1 ppm), 4 h/day for 1 or 2 days and responses assessed immediately postexposure. Circulating adrenaline levels dropped to nearly zero in DEMED and ADREX rats relative to SHAM. Corticosterone tended to be low in DEMED rats and dropped to nearly zero in ADREX rats. Adrenalectomy in air-exposed rats caused modest changes in metabolites and lung toxicity parameters. Ozone-induced hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance were markedly attenuated in DEMED rats with nearly complete reversal in ADREX rats. Ozone increased circulating epinephrine and corticosterone in SHAM but not in DEMED or ADREX rats. Free fatty acids (P = .15) and branched-chain amino acids increased after ozone exposure in SHAM but not in DEMED or ADREX rats. Lung minute volume was not affected by surgery or ozone but ozone-induced labored breathing was less pronounced in ADREX rats. Ozone-induced increases in lung protein leakage and neutrophilic inflammation were markedly reduced in DEMED and ADREX rats (ADREX > DEMED). Ozone-mediated decreases in circulating white blood cells in SHAM were not observed in DEMED and ADREX rats. We demonstrate that ozone-induced peripheral metabolic effects and lung injury/inflammation are mediated through adrenal-derived stress hormones likely via the activation of stress response pathway

    Adolescent testosterone influences BDNF and TrkB mRNA and neurotrophin–interneuron marker relationships in mammalian frontal cortex

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    AbstractLate adolescence in males is a period of increased susceptibility for the onset of schizophrenia, coinciding with increased circulating testosterone. The cognitive deficits prevalent in schizophrenia may be related to unhealthy cortical interneurons, which are trophically dependent on brain derived neurotrophic factor. We investigated, under conditions of depleted (monkey and rat) and replaced (rat) testosterone over adolescence, changes in gene expression of cortical BDNF and TrkB transcripts and interneuron markers and the relationships between these mRNAs and circulating testosterone. Testosterone removal by gonadectomy reduced gene expression of some BDNF transcripts in monkey and rat frontal cortices and the BDNF mRNA reduction was prevented by testosterone replacement. In rat, testosterone replacement increased the potential for classical TrkB signalling by increasing the full length to truncated TrkB mRNA ratio, whereas in the monkey cortex, circulating testosterone was negatively correlated with the TrkB full length/truncated mRNA ratio. We did not identify changes in interneuron gene expression in monkey frontal cortex in response to gonadectomy, and in rat, we showed that only somatostatin mRNA was decreased by gonadectomy but not restored by testosterone replacement. We identified complex and possibly species-specific, relationships between BDNF/TrkB gene expression and interneuron marker gene expression that appear to be dependent on the presence of testosterone at adolescence in rat and monkey frontal cortices. Taken together, our findings suggest there are dynamic relationships between BDNF/TrkB and interneuron markers that are dependent on the presence of testosterone but that this may not be a straightforward increase in testosterone leading to changes in BDNF/TrkB that contributes to interneuron health

    A hepatitis C avidity test for determining recent and past infections in both plasma and dried blood spots

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    DBS testing has been used successfully to detect HCV antibody positive individuals. Determining how long someone has been infected is important for surveillance initiatives. Antibody avidity is a method that can be used to calculate recency of infection. A HCV avidity assay was evaluated for both plasma and DBS. Study design: To measure antibody avidity a commercial HCV ELISA was modified using 7 M urea. The plasma samples were split into: group 1 (recently infected N = 19), group 2 (chronic carrier N = 300) and group 3 (resolved infection N = 82). Mock DBS made from group 1 (N = 12), group 2 (N = 50), group 3 (N = 25) and two seroconverter panels were evaluated. 133 DBS taken from patients known to have a resolved infection or be a chronic carrier were also tested. The avidity assay cut-off was set at AI ≀ 30 for a recent infection. Using sequential samples the assay could detect a recent infection in the first 4–5 months from the point of infection. Most of the false positive results (AI < 30 among cases known not to have had recent infection) were detected among known resolved infections, in both the plasma and DBS; as a result, a testing algorithm has been designed incorporating both PCR and two dilution factors. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay on plasma was 100% and 99.3%, respectively, while DBS had 100% sensitivity and 98.3% specificity. The HCV avidity assay can be used to distinguish between chronic and recent infection using either plasma or DBS as the sample type

    Systemic metabolic derangement, pulmonary effects, and insulin insufficiency following subchronic ozone exposure in rats

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    Acute ozone exposure induces a classical stress response with elevated circulating stress hormones along with changes in glucose, protein and lipid metabolism in rats, with similar alterations in ozone-exposed humans. These stress-mediated changes over time have been linked to insulin resistance. We hypothesized that acute ozone-induced stress response and metabolic impairment would persist during subchronic episodic exposure and induce peripheral insulin resistance. Male Wistar Kyoto rats were exposed to air or 0.25 ppm or 1.00 ppm ozone, 5 h/day, 3 consecutive days/week (wk) for 13 wks. Pulmonary, metabolic, insulin signaling and stress endpoints were determined immediately after 13 wk or following a 1 wk recovery period (13 wk + 1 wk recovery). We show that episodic ozone exposure is associated with persistent pulmonary injury and inflammation, fasting hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance, as well as, elevated circulating adrenaline and cholesterol when measured at 13 wk, however, these responses were largely reversible following a 1 wk recovery. Moreover, the increases noted acutely after ozone exposure in non-esterified fatty acids and branched chain amino acid levels were not apparent following a subchronic exposure. Neither peripheral or tissue specific insulin resistance nor increased hepatic gluconeogenesis were present after subchronic ozone exposure. Instead, long-term ozone exposure lowered circulating insulin and severely impaired glucose-stimulated beta-cell insulin secretion. Thus, our findings in young-adult rats provide potential insights into epidemiological studies that show a positive association between ozone exposures and type 1 diabetes. Ozone-induced beta-cell dysfunction may secondarily contribute to other tissue-specific metabolic alterations following chronic exposure due to impaired regulation of glucose, lipid, and protein metabolism

    The effect of adolescent testosterone on hippocampal BDNF and TrkB mRNA expression: relationship with cell proliferation

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    Testosterone attenuates postnatal hippocampal neurogenesis in adolescent male rhesus macaques through altering neuronal survival. While brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF)/tyrosine kinase receptor B (TrkB) are critical in regulating neuronal survival, it is not known if the molecular mechanism underlying testosterone's action on postnatal neurogenesis involves changes in BDNF/TrkB levels. First, (1) we sought to localize the site of synthesis of the full length and truncated TrkB receptor in the neurogenic regions of the adolescent rhesus macaque hippocampus. Next, (2) we asked if gonadectomy or sex hormone replacement altered hippocampal BDNF and TrkB expression level in mammalian hippocampus (rhesus macaque and Sprague Dawley rat), and (3) if the relationship between BDNF/TrkB expression was altered depending on the sex steroid environment. Results: We find that truncated TrkB mRNA+ cells are highly abundant in the proliferative subgranular zone (SGZ) of the primate hippocampus; in addition, there are scant and scattered full length TrkB mRNA+ cells in this region. Gonadectomy or sex steroid replacement did not alter BDNF or TrkB mRNA levels in young adult male rat or rhesus macaque hippocampus. In the monkey and rat, we find a positive correlation with cell proliferation and TrkB-TK+ mRNA expression, and this positive relationship was found only when sex steroids were present. Conclusions: We suggest that testosterone does not down-regulate neurogenesis at adolescence via overall changes in BDNF or TrkB expression. However, BDNF/TrkB mRNA appears to have a greater link to cell proliferation in the presence of circulating testosterone

    An asteroidal origin for water in the Moon

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    The Apollo-derived tenet of an anhydrous Moon has been contested following measurement of water in several lunar samples that require water to be present in the lunar interior. However, significant uncertainties exist regarding the flux, sources and timing of water delivery to the Moon. Here we address those fundamental issues by constraining the mass of water accreted to the Moon and modelling the relative proportions of asteroidal and cometary sources for water that are consistent with measured isotopic compositions of lunar samples. We determine that a combination of carbonaceous chondrite-type materials were responsible for the majority of water (and nitrogen) delivered to the Earth–Moon system. Crucially, we conclude that comets containing water enriched in deuterium contributed significantly <20% of the water in the Moon. Therefore, our work places important constraints on the types of objects impacting the Moon ~4.5–4.3 billion years ago and on the origin of water in the inner Solar System
