4,880 research outputs found

    Millimeter-wave studies

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    Progress on millimeter-wave propagation experiments in Hawaii is reported. A short path for measuring attenuation in rain at 9.6, 28.8, 57.6, and 96.1 GHz is in operation. A slant path from Hilo to the top of Mauna Kea is scheduled. On this path, scattering from rain and clouds that may cause interference for satellites closely spaced in geosynchronous orbit will be measured at the same frequencies at 28.8 and 96.1 GHz. In addition the full transmission matrix will be measured at the same frequencies on the slant path. The technique and equipment used to measure the transmission matrix are described

    The Effects of Title IX on the Athletic Program at Ralston High School from 1972-1977

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    Since the opening of the new Ralston High School in 1968, the student enrollment has increased and new programs have been developed. The period of 1968 through 1972 was a period of rapid growth.and development in the athletic program. More students were being involved in athletics. In particular, the boys\u27 athletic program was making big strides. With the involvement of more boys, junior varsity and sophomore teams were created, and additions were made to the coaching staff. However, the girls\u27 athletic program was struggling for survival. The budgets for the respective programs were not proportionate. The boys\u27 coaching staff out numbered the girls\u27 staff by about two to one Also, the boys used the school facilities during prime time, while girls got what was left over. (Table I

    The effects of Title IX on the athletic program at Ralston High School

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the changes in the Ralston High School Athletic Program in Ralston, Nebraska, since the enactment of Title IX Legislation, and to determine what additional facilities, staff, and budget are needed to provide equal opportunities for boys and girls in athletics by 1980. In addition to this, is is the intention of the investigator to determine wheather or not the Ralston School District is in compliance with Title IX regulations

    An Examination Of Correlation Between Preadmission Indicators Of College Readiness And Clinical Performance Of Nursing Students

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    A significant body of literature supports the proposition that the development of a culturally competent healthcare workforce is enhanced by diversity in the cohorts of students graduating from post-secondary educational programs related to careers in health and healthcare. However, increasing diversity in these programs is contingent upon increasing acceptance rates of historically disadvantaged students, such as students from racial/ethnic minority groups and/or low socioeconomic status, into highly selective post-secondary institutions, such as state flagship universities, and highly selective majors such as nursing. A significant barrier to increasing enrollment of disadvantaged students at more selective post-secondary institutions is the combined effect of admissions practices which rely heavily on scores associated with a group of pre-admission indicators of college readiness and generally lower scores on these indicators by students from disadvantaged backgrounds as compared to their more affluent counterparts. A growing body of research is emerging concerning relationships between the traditional indicators of college readiness and subsequent academic performance; however, to date, little research exists concerning the relationships between the pre-admission indicators of college readiness and the clinical performance of students enrolled in clinically based health related majors. This study utilized a retrospective cross sectional observational design to examine the relationship between pre-admission indicators of college readiness at a state flagship university in New England and the clinical performance of nursing students in senior year clinical practica. The results of linear regression analysis failed to identify any statistically significant correlation between any of a group of five commonly used pre-admission indicators of college readiness and student\u27s clinical performance. The findings raise new questions concerning the usefulness of these commonly used criteria in the selection of students for admission into programs of nursing

    Commercial Bank Exposure and Sensitivity to the Real Estate Market

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    In this study, we assess the balance sheet exposure of commercial banks to the real estate market, and develop a hypothesis on the potential systematic effects of real estate conditions across banks. By applying a seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model to bank portfolios, we test for the relation between bank values and a real estate market proxy after controlling for general market and interest-rate conditions. We find a positive relationship between monthly bank returns and the real estate index, even after accounting for general market and interest-rate movements. The sensitivity of bank values to the real estate market has increased over time, and the bank-specific sensitivity coefficient is positively related to the bank's balance sheet exposure to real estate.

    An assessment of the reactions to the guidance program at Missoula County High School by certain selected affected persons

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    Geomagnetic variations in the Northwest Atlantic : implications for the electrical resistivity of the oceanic lithosphere

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution October, 1975A geomagnetic variation study on mature oceanic lithosphere in the North Atlantic just south of Bermuda has revealed the presence of at least one layer of low electrical resistivity. The low resistivity layer of approximately 10 ohm-m has been found at three widely spaced seafloor sites with crustal ages of 85, 110 and 150 million years. There is also evidence that the resistivity increases to greater than 20 ohm-m below about 100 km. Apparent resistivity and phase versus period are calculated using the vertical gradient of the horizontal magnetic field variations to estimate the seafloor electric field. The vertical gradient method assumes that the seasurface magnetic variations can be estimated from a nearby land station and that no local magnetic induction occurs at either reference or seafloor site. Both assumptions are critically evaluated during the analysis. Seafloor observations are modeled using the Monte Carlo technique. Estimates of the smoothed resistivity structure as well as the resolution and precision of the estimates are made using the Backus-Gilbert method. Models are shown to be severely data limited. Resolution is found to be poor in the upper 30-40 km of the lithosphere due to the lack of reliable data at periods shorter than 30 minutes. The uncertainty involved in estimating the magnetic field at the seasurface and the large error estimates combine to give low overall precision. The diurnal results do not agree with the continuum results if the continuum is corrected for latitudinal variations of the source field between the reference station and seafloor sites. Data at periods as short as 10 minutes are required to resolve structures in the upper 30 km of the mantle. Artificial source fields may be necessary to obtain periods short enough to resolve crustal features. Periods longer than diurnal will be required to study sub-lithospheric resistivity variations.Most of this work was supported through the National Science Foundation Grants GA 42651 and DES74-l2730, Office of Naval Research Contracts N00014-66-C-0241; NR 083-004 and N00014-77-C-0262; NR 083-004, and the Education Office of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Adaptive sampling in digital control

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