3,805 research outputs found

    Enhancement of pigmeat quality by altering pre-slaughter management

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    End of project reportThe studies presented in this report were conducted to investigate the effect of breed, slaughter weight, castration of male pigs and strategic feeding strategies on the performance of pigs to slaughter and on their carcass quality. The effect of breed, gender and feeding regimen on the performance of pigs and their carcass quality was examined in the first study (Section 3). From weaning to slaughter Landrace-sired pigs grew at a similar rate but had a better feed conversion efficiency compared with Duroc-sired pigs. Landrace-sired pigs also had a higher carcass lean and greater muscle depth than Duroc-sired pigs. Entire male pigs grew more efficiently, had lower lean content in their carcasses and had a reduced kill out yield when compared with gilts. The eye muscle depth was greater for gilts than entire males. Diluting the diet with grass-meal (GM) reduced growth rate, caused a deterioration in feed conversion efficiency, reduced back fat thickness, reduced eye muscle thickness and reduced kill out yield compared to the control feeding regimen of a cereal based diet. Compensatory growth was observed during a re-alimentation period following a period of diet dilution with grass-meal. However, where it did occur, in most cases it was only partial. Adding 5% rapeseed oil instead of lard to the finisher diet increased nitrogen utilization efficiency and phosphorous utilization efficiency. The effect of gender (boar, castrate, gilt) and slaughter weight (80 to 120kg) on pig performance, carcass quality, meat quality, and nitrogen excretion was investigated in the second study (Section 4). Boars grew faster than gilts and more efficiently than castrates or gilts. Castrates had a higher kill out yield than boars. Nitrogen excretion from castrates was similar to gilts which were both higher than that from boars. The processing value of carcasses from castrates may be higher than that of boars and gilts. In particular castrates had heavier loins and bellies than either boars or gilts. Carcasses from castrates and gilts had a higher temperature (recorded 24 hours post slaughter) than boars. However, pH24 was not affected by gender. The intramuscular fat content of the l. dorsi in castrates was higher than that of boars or gilts, however at 1.65% this was well below the level (2.0%) above which any noticeable sensory attributes might be detected. Feed intake increased with increasing slaughter weight and feed conversion efficiency deteriorated. N excretion also increased with each increment in weight. Carcass lean content increased up to 90kg live EOP 4939.doc 4 25/10/2005 weight then reached a plateau and declined after 110kg live weight. Heavier carcasses yielded more product for approximately the same slaughtering cost and the associated larger muscles could make it easier to use seam butchery techniques that result in lean, well-trimmed, attractive cuts and joints. The pH45 and pH24 were reduced with increasing slaughter weight and drip loss increased. Heavier pigs may be more prone to the development of PSE than lighter pigs as their carcass temperature remains higher for longer than that of lighter pigs

    Tunneling and delocalization in hydrogen bonded systems: a study in position and momentum space

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    Novel experimental and computational studies have uncovered the proton momentum distribution in hydrogen bonded systems. In this work, we utilize recently developed open path integral Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics methodology in order to study the momentum distribution in phases of high pressure ice. Some of these phases exhibit symmetric hydrogen bonds and quantum tunneling. We find that the symmetric hydrogen bonded phase possesses a narrowed momentum distribution as compared with a covalently bonded phase, in agreement with recent experimental findings. The signatures of tunneling that we observe are a narrowed distribution in the low-to-intermediate momentum region, with a tail that extends to match the result of the covalently bonded state. The transition to tunneling behavior shows similarity to features observed in recent experiments performed on confined water. We corroborate our ice simulations with a study of a particle in a model one-dimensional double well potential that mimics some of the effects observed in bulk simulations. The temperature dependence of the momentum distribution in the one-dimensional model allows for the differentiation between ground state and mixed state tunneling effects.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Mechanical Regulation of Endocytosis: New Insights and Recent Advances

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    Endocytosis is a mechanosensitive process. It involves remodeling of the plasma membrane from a flat shape to a budded morphology, often at the sub‐micrometer scale. This remodeling process is energy‐intensive and is influenced by mechanical factors such as membrane tension, membrane rigidity, and physical properties of cargo and extracellular surroundings. The cellular responses to a variety of mechanical factors by distinct endocytic pathways are important for cells to counteract rapid and extreme disruptions in the mechanohomeostasis of cells. Recent advances in microscopy and mechanical manipulation at the cellular scale have led to new discoveries of mechanoregulation of endocytosis by the aforementioned factors. While factors such as membrane tension and membrane rigidity are generally shown to inhibit endocytosis, other mechanical stimuli have complex relationships with endocytic pathways. At this juncture, it is now possible to utilize experimental techniques to interrogate theoretical predictions on mechanoregulation of endocytosis in cells and even living organisms.Endocytosis involves extensive remodeling of the plasma membrane. Physical forces such as membrane tension, membrane rigidity, substrate stiffness, and physical properties of cargo play a role in this remodeling process. Recent advances in microscopy and mechanical manipulation at the cellular level have led to new insights into the mechanoregulation of endocytosis. These experimental techniques are being used to interrogate existing models to study the mechanoregulation of endocytosis.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155473/1/adbi201900278.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155473/2/adbi201900278_am.pd

    Titan: Aerosol photochemistry and variations related to the sunspot cycle

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    A photochemical theory is proposed for producing complex polymers in a methane atmosphere. It is argued that the polyacetylenes (C_(2n)H_2) are the most likely precursor molecules for the formation of the stratospheric haze layer on Titan. The production of polyacetylenes involves a strong positive feedback, leading to more production of polyactylenes. The thermosphere of Titan may undergo substantial expansion and contraction over a solar cycle, with important consequences for the chemistry of the upper atmosphere

    Photochemistry of the atmosphere of Titan: comparison between model and observations

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    The photochemistry of simple molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms in the atmosphere of Titan has been investigated using updated chemical schemes and our own estimates of a number of key rate coefficients. Proper exospheric boundary conditions, vertical transport, and condensation processes at the tropopause have been incorporated into the model. It is argued that the composition, climatology, and evolution of Titan's atmosphere are controlled by five major processes: (a) photolysis and photosensitized dissociation of CH_4 ; (b) conversion of H to H_2 and escape of hydrogen; (c) synthesis of higher hydrocarbons; (d) coupling between nitrogen and hydrocarbons; (e) coupling between oxygen and hydrocarbons. Starting with N_2, CH_4, and H_20, and invoking interactions with ultraviolet sunlight, energetic electrons, and cosmic rays, the model satisfactorily accounts for the concentrations of minor species observed by the Voyager IRIS and UVS instruments. Photochemistry is responsible for converting the simpler atmospheric species into more complex organic compounds, which are subsequently condensed at the tropopause and deposited on the surface. Titan might have lost 5.6 × 10^4 , 1.8 × 10^3, and 4.0 g cm^-2 , or the equivalent of 8,0.25, and 5 × 10^-4 bars of CH_4, N_2 , and CO, respectively, over geologic time. Implications of abiotic organic synthesis on Titan for the origin of life on Earth are briefly discussed

    Theoretical Study of Electronic Structure and Superconductivity in Nb_(1-x)B_2 Alloys

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    Using the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker coherent-potential approximation in the atomic-sphere approximation (KKR-ASA CPA) we have studied the changes in the electronic structure and the superconducting transition temperature T_{c} in Nb_{1-x}B_{2} alloys as a function of x. We find that the variation in the electronic structure of Nb_{1-x}B_{2} alloys as a function of x is consistent with the rigid-band model. However, the variation of T_{c}, obtained using the Allen-Dynes equation within the Gaspari-Gyorffy formalism to estimate the electron-phonon matrix elements, does not follow the expected trend. We associate this disagreement to the use of a constant \omega_{rms} in the Allen-Dynes equation over the whole range of vacancy concentration, thereby indicating the importance of lattice dynamical effects in these systems.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    The eating quality of beef from young dairy bulls derived from two breed types at three ages from two different production systems

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    peer-reviewedExpansion of the Irish dairy herd has led to more dairy breed male calves being available for beef production. This study investigated the physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of beef from Holstein-Friesian (HF) and Jersey × HF (JEX) young bulls fed pasture grass only or pasture grass plus 2 kg concentrate during their first grazing season and slaughtered at 15, 19 or 22 mo of age. Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscles were collected from 67 carcasses. Postmortem pH, ultimate pH (pHu), meat colour, chemical composition, collagen content and solubility were evaluated. After ageing for 21 d, Warner-Bratzler shear force and cooking loss were determined, and assessments by a trained sensory panel were conducted. Meat from older animals was darker. The pHu, moisture and ash contents decreased, while residual roast beef flavour length increased with age. However, increasing age to slaughter did not negatively influence tenderness. JEX beef had lower cooking loss, was darker and redder, in addition to having higher sensory scores for initial tenderness and fattiness than HF beef. Warner-Bratzler variables were positively correlated with cooking loss and chewiness and were negatively correlated with intramuscular fat (IMF) content, soluble collagen and initial tenderness. In summary, most young dairy bull beef samples were acceptably tender after 21 d of ageing and half of them had acceptable IMF content. Slaughter age affected beef colour, pHu, chemical composition and flavour length. The eating quality of meat from the JEX breed type was considered to be superior to that of the HF breed type. Diet during the first season had no effect on meat quality traits

    Two-dimensional Nanolithography Using Atom Interferometry

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    We propose a novel scheme for the lithography of arbitrary, two-dimensional nanostructures via matter-wave interference. The required quantum control is provided by a pi/2-pi-pi/2 atom interferometer with an integrated atom lens system. The lens system is developed such that it allows simultaneous control over atomic wave-packet spatial extent, trajectory, and phase signature. We demonstrate arbitrary pattern formations with two-dimensional 87Rb wavepackets through numerical simulations of the scheme in a practical parameter space. Prospects for experimental realizations of the lithography scheme are also discussed.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figure