2,025 research outputs found

    Molecular dynamics simulations of the evaporation of particle-laden droplets

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    We use molecular dynamics simulations to study the evaporation of particle-laden droplets on a heated surface. The droplets are composed of a Lennard-Jones fluid containing rigid particles which are spherical sections of an atomic lattice, and heating is controlled through the temperature of an atomistic substrate. We observe that sufficiently large (but still nano-sized) particle-laden drops exhibit contact line pinning, measure the outward fluid flow field which advects particle to the drop rim, and find that the structure of the resulting aggregate varies with inter-particle interactions. In addition, the profile of the evaporative fluid flux is measured with and without particles present, and is also found to be in qualitative agreement with earlier theory. The compatibility of simple nanoscale calculations and micron-scale experiments indicates that molecular simulation may be used to predict aggregate structure in evaporative growth processes

    Shear flow pumping in open microfluidic systems

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    We propose to drive open microfluidic systems by shear in a covering fluid layer, e.g., oil covering water-filled chemical channels. The advantages as compared to other means of pumping are simpler forcing and prevention of evaporation of volatile components. We calculate the expected throughput for straight channels and show that devices can be built with off-the-shelf technology. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that this concept is scalable down to the nanoscale.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Static Torsion Testing and Modeling of a Variable Thickness Hybrid Composite Bull Gear

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    Torsional strength of a variable thickness hybrid gear web was measured by performing static testing on the part in a large torsion test frame. The outer rim of the hybrid gear web was fixed to the bottom of the test frame and loading was applied to the web through a shaft. The test setup included the installation of digital image correlation (DIC) systems to obtain deformation and strain measurements from the surfaces of the hybrid gear web and the mechanical test equipment to ensure reliability of the test. The results indicated that the variable thickness hybrid gear web achieved approximately twice the torsional strength compared to that of previous hybrid gear designs. The DIC analysis showed significantly more straining of the loading shaft than the actual test article. Additionally, the results demonstrated the importance and affect that the metallic, lobed interlock features had on the principal strain and out-of-plane displacement fields. The analysis revealed that the fixed outer rim was in fact rotating and a rigid body motion compensation (RBMC) function was computed to determine the actual rotation of the hub and composite web relative to the outer rim. Modeling simulations were performed for the variable thickness hybrid gear web and correlated well with the RBMC rotational deformation seen in the DIC analysis. In addition to benchmarking the load capacity of the hybrid gear web, measuring its strength is useful information to define the parameters needed for dynamic, endurance, and other testing of the part

    Harnessing post-translational modifications for next-generation HIV immunogens

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    The extensive post-translational modifications of the envelope spikes of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) present considerable challenges and opportunities for HIV vaccine design. These oligomeric glycoproteins typically have over 30 disulfide bonds and around a 100 N-linked glycosylation sites, and are functionally dependent on protease cleavage within the secretory system. The resulting mature structure adopts a compact fold with the vast majority of its surface obscured by a protective shield of glycans which can be targeted by broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs). Despite the notorious heterogeneity of glycosylation, rare B-cell lineages can evolve to utilize and cope with viral glycan diversity, and these structures therefore present promising targets for vaccine design. The latest generation of recombinant envelope spike mimetics contains re-engineered post-translational modifications to present stable antigens to guide the development of bnAbs by vaccination

    Radial Temperature Profiles of X-Ray--Emitting Gas Within Clusters of Galaxies

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    Previous analyses of ASCA data of clusters of galaxies have found conflicting results regarding the slope of the temperature profile of the hot X-ray gas within clusters, mainly because of the large, energy-dependent point spread function (PSF) of the ASCA mirrors. We present a summary of all ASCA-determined cluster temperature profiles found in the literature, and find a discrepancy in the radial temperature trend of clusters based on which PSF-correction routine is used. This uncertainty in the cluster temperature profile in turn can lead to large uncertainties in the amount of dark matter in clusters. In this study, we have used ROSAT PSPC data to obtain independent relative temperature profiles for 26 clusters, most of which have had their temperature profiles determined by ASCA. Our aim is not to measure the actual temperature values of the clusters, but to use X-ray color profiles to search for a hardening or softening of the spectra with radius for comparison to ASCA-derived profiles. The radial color profiles indicate that outside of the cooling flow region, the temperature profiles of clusters are in general constant. Within 35% of the virial radius, we find a temperature drop of 20% at 10 keV and 12% at 5 keV can be ruled out at the 99% confidence level. A subsample of non-cooling flow clusters shows that the condition of isothermality applies at very small radii too, although cooling gas complicates this determination in the cooling flow subsample. The colors predicted from the temperature profiles of a series of hydrodynamical cluster simulations match the data very well, although they cannot be used to discriminate among different cosmologies. An additional result is that the color profiles show evidence for a central peak in metallicity in low temperature clusters.Comment: 39 pages, 15 embedded Postscript figures, uses aaspp4.sty, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Parallel TREE code for two-component ultracold plasma analysis

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    The TREE method has been widely used for long-range interaction {\it N}-body problems. We have developed a parallel TREE code for two-component classical plasmas with open boundary conditions and highly non-uniform charge distributions. The program efficiently handles millions of particles evolved over long relaxation times requiring millions of time steps. Appropriate domain decomposition and dynamic data management were employed, and large-scale parallel processing was achieved using an intermediate level of granularity of domain decomposition and ghost TREE communication. Even though the computational load is not fully distributed in fine grains, high parallel efficiency was achieved for ultracold plasma systems of charged particles. As an application, we performed simulations of an ultracold neutral plasma with a half million particles and a half million time steps. For the long temporal trajectories of relaxation between heavy ions and light electrons, large configurations of ultracold plasmas can now be investigated, which was not possible in past studies

    Multipartite entanglement in the 1-D spin-12\frac{1}{2} Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    Multipartite entanglement refers to the simultaneous entanglement between multiple subsystems of a many-body quantum system. While multipartite entanglement can be difficult to quantify analytically, it is known that it can be witnessed through the Quantum Fisher information (QFI), a quantity that can also be related to dynamical Kubo response functions. In this work, we first show that the finite temperature QFI can generally be expressed in terms of a static structure factor of the system, plus a correction that vanishes as T0T\rightarrow 0. We argue that this implies that the static structure factor witnesses multipartite entanglement near quantum critical points at temperatures below a characteristic energy scale that is determined by universal properties, up to a non-universal amplitude. Therefore, in systems with a known static structure factor, we can deduce finite temperature scaling of multipartite entanglement and low temperature entanglement depth without knowledge of the full dynamical response function of the system. This is particularly useful to study 1D quantum critical systems in which sub-power-law divergences can dominate entanglement growth, where the conventional scaling theory of the QFI breaks down. The 1D spin-12\frac{1}{2} antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model is an important example of such a system, and we show that multipartite entanglement in the Heisenberg chain diverges non-trivially as log(1/T)3/2\sim \log(1/T)^{3/2}. We verify these predictions with calculations of the QFI using conformal field theory and matrix product state simulations. Finally we discuss the implications of our results for experiments to probe entanglement in quantum materials, comparing to neutron scattering data in KCuF3_3, a material well-described by the Heisenberg chain.Comment: 8 pages and 3 figures; 1 page and 1 figure of the appendix; typos corrected; references adde

    Report of the panel on geopotential fields: Gravity field, section 8

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    The objective of the Geopotential Panel was to develop a program of data acquisition and model development for the Earth's gravity and magnetic fields that meet the basic science requirements of the solid Earth and ocean studies. Presented here are the requirements for gravity information and models through the end of the century, the present status of our knowledge, data acquisition techniques, and an outline of a program to meet the requirements

    Book Reviews

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