888 research outputs found

    The effects of an eight-hour affective education program on fear of Aids and homophobia in student nurses

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    Research was conducted to determine the relationship between fear of AIDS and homophobia, and to determine the effects of an eight-hour affective education program in reducing homophobia and fear of AIDS in associate degree nursing students (n = 22). The Neuman Systems Model guided the study and a portion of Bandura\u27s social learning theory provided the framework for the education intervention; A quasi-experimental time-series design (pretest/posttest I/posttest II) with a control group was used. Instruments to measure homophobia and fear of AIDS were the Homophobia Scale and the Fear of AIDS Scale developed by Bouton and colleagues (1987); Within group comparisons of fear of AIDS and homophobia were made utilizing Pearson r. There was no statistically significant correlation found between measures of homophobia and fear of AIDS. To determine the effects of an eight-hour affective education program on homophobia and fear of AIDS, paired t-tests were computed. There was no statistically significant decrease of homophobia or fear of AIDS in the experimental group (n = 11) or the control group (n = 11). The hypothesis was that homophobia and fear of AIDS would be decreased in the experimental group as a result of the affective education program. Instead, the experimental group actually had an increase in homophobia and fear of AIDS

    The literary utopians

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 1939. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Foul and Fair by Frances Allen, First UND Commencement: June 13, 1889

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    Text of the speech delivered by Frances Allen, a member of the first graduating class, at the first UND Commencement on June 13, 1889. Allen entitled her remarks: Foul and Fair. (Text reprinted from the Grand Forks Daily Herald (evening edition), June 13, 1889.

    Psychological Distress in Adolescents: The Role of Coping Response And Perceived Emotional Support

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    ABSTRACT Title of dissertation: PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS IN ADOLESCENTS: THE ROLE OF COPING RESPONSE AND PERCEIVED EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Frances D. Allen, Doctor of Philosophy, 2003 Dissertation directed by: Professor Sharon Desmond Department of Public and Community Health Adolescence is the developmental period that serves as the bridge between childhood and adulthood. It is a time of rapid physical and psychological growth and provokes changes in social functioning. The adolescent faces increased demands and stress and must learn to successfully and positively adapt to a variety of increasingly complex situations. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of the type of coping and the level of perceived emotional support in mediating the relationship between levels of stress and symptoms of psychological distress. A secondary data analysis was carried out on data gathered from the administration of a confidential questionnaire (N=889) at an urban high school with a predominantly African-American population (77%). Frequency distributions were used to place subjects into high and low categories for levels of perceived stress related to school, levels of perceived stress outside of school, symptoms of psychological distress, type of coping and perceived emotional support. Chi-square analyses involving gender, ethnicity and grade level and each of the five variables produced six statistically significant findings (p < .05). Levels of perceived stress outside of school differed by gender and grade level, symptoms of psychological distress and level of perceived emotional support differed significantly by gender with females reporting higher levels of both. Problem-focused coping was also associated with gender (more females used problem-focused coping than males) and with grade level (12th graders used more problem-focused coping than all other grade levels). Subjects were then placed into adjustment groups based upon levels of perceived stress and symptoms of psychological distress. Four adjustment levels were identified (“adapters”, “at risk”, “positively adjusted” and “negatively adjusted”) in an effort to examine differences in the type of coping and level of perceived emotional support used by each group. Chi square analyses were performed with adjustment groups and type of coping and adjustment groups and perceived level of emotional support. No significant relationship was found for either adjustment group with type of coping or with level of perceived emotional support. Possible explanations for the findings were discussed along with recommendations for future research

    Lehren, die aus den Fehlern in DSM 5 zu ziehen sind

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    Dieser Artikel ist ein Nachruf auf DSM 5, das an seinem Ziel ist, einen Paradigmenwechsel innerhalb der psychiatrischen Diagnostik zu vollziehen, gescheitert ist. Der Entstehungsprozess von DSM 5 war durch so viele Fehltritte gekennzeichnet, dass wir heute nicht mehr viel mehr tun können als aus diesen Fehlern zu lernen. Ich benenne in diesem Artikel einige besondere Schwächen des DSM 5 und ziehe daraus jeweils Lektionen für die Zukunft. Ich schließe mit einem Appell für das bio-psycho-soziale Modell. Biologische, psychologische und soziale Faktoren gleichberechtigt in die klinische Praxis miteinzubeziehen erscheint mir der einzige vernünftige Weg um für besser Fürsorge für Patienten und Patientinnen zu kämpfen statt für die Hoheit eines einzigen Paradigmas.This article is a post mortem on DSM 5, which has failed its aim to instigate a paradigm shift within psychiatric diagnosis. The revision process was characterized by so many mistakes that all we can do today is to learn from these failures. In this article I describe some particularly grave mistakes of DSM 5 and the lessons that can be learnt from them. I conclude with a plea for the bio-psycho-social model. Including biological, psychological, and social factors in clinical practice seems to me the only sensible way to struggle for better care for mental patients instead of fighting for a single psychiatric paradigm

    Probing defectivity beneath the hydrocarbon blanket in 2D hBN using TEM-EELS

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    The controlled creation and manipulation of defects in 2D materials has become increasingly popular as a means to design and tune new material functionalities. However, defect characterization by direct atomic imaging is often severely limited by surface contamination due to a blanket of hydrocarbons. Thus, analysis techniques are needed that can characterize atomic scale defects despite the contamination. In this work we use electron energy loss spectroscopy to probe beneath the hydrocarbon blanket, characterizing defect structures in 2D hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) based on fine structure in the boron K-edge. Since this technique is performed in a transmission electron microscope, imaging can also be used to assess contamination levels and other factors such as tears in the fragile 2D sheets, which can affect the spectroscopic analysis. Furthermore, by locally probing individual areas, multiple regions on the same specimen that have undergone different defect engineering treatments can be investigated for systematic studies at increased throughput. For 2D hBN samples irradiated with different ions for a range doses, we find spectral signatures indicative of boron-oxygen bonding that can be used as a measure of sample defectiveness depending on the ion beam treatment

    A Novel Report of Hatching Plasticity in the Phylum Echinodermata

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    Hatching plasticity occurs in response to a wide range of stimuli across many animal taxa, including annelids, arthropods, mollusks, and chordates. Despite the prominence of echinoderms in developmental biology and more than 100 years of detailed examination of their development under a variety of conditions, environmentally cued hatching plasticity has never been reported in the phylum Echinodermata. Here we report plasticity in the timing and stage of hatching of embryos of the sand dollar Echinarachnius parma in response to reductions in salinity. Embryos of E. parma increased their time to hatching more than twofold in response to ecologically relevant salinity reductions, while maintaining an otherwise normal developmental schedule. Embryos that experienced the greatest delay in hatching time emerged from the fertilization envelope as fourarm pluteus larvae rather than hatching as blastulae or early gastrulae. Salinity manipulations across multiple male-female pairs indicated high variability in hatching time both within and among clutches, suggesting significant intraspecific variation in developmental responses to salinit