2,279 research outputs found

    Methodological Approaches to Modeling Information Architecture of the Organization in the Conditions of Digital Economy

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    It is significant for businesses, especially in the digital economy, the solution of theoretical and methodological justifications and the development of practical recommendations for building an organization\u27s information architecture as a holistic description of its key strategies, related to business, information, application systems and technologies, and also their impact on the functions and business processes of an organization. The article discusses issues, related to methodological approaches to modeling an organization\u27s information architectureб using information management tools to help manage innovation in information systems (IS) and information technologies (IT). The relevance of organizational provisions to determine the way, in which a business entity\u27s business model is functionally integrated with the IS architecture is substantiated. The consideration and analysis of the use of industrial standards for describing the architecture of an organization, adopted by such institutions as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), The Open Group, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), etc. reveal that none of these standards is dominant and does not provide teams, responsible for the architecture development with all the tools, necessary from the methodological point of view and from the point of view of the templates, used to describe the architecture. Recommendations are given on the theoretical and methodological substantiation and construction of the information architecture of an organization as a complete description of its key strategies related to business, information, application systems and technologies, as well as their impact on the functions and business processes of an organization

    Female Scent Signals Enhances Male Resistance to Influenza

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    Scent of receptive females as signal to reproduction stimulate male mice to olfactory search of a potential breeding partner^1, 2^. This searching behavior is coupled with infection risk due to bacterial contamination of the fecal and urine scent marks^4^. The theoretical consideration of host evolution under inevitable parasitic pressures, including helminthes, bacteria, virus etc., predicts adaptations that help protect against parasites associated with breeding^7^. In this study, we propose that acceptation of female signals by male mice leads to adaptive redistribution of immune defense directed to protection against respiratory infection risks. Our results reveal migration of macrophages and neutrophils to upper airways upon exposure to female odor stimulus resulting in increased resistance to influenza virus in male mice. Contrary to widely accepted immunosuppressive function of female sexual signals, our data provide the first demonstration of the adaptive immunological response to female odor stimulus through induction of nonspecific immune response in upper airways

    Model order reduction approaches for infinite horizon optimal control problems via the HJB equation

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    We investigate feedback control for infinite horizon optimal control problems for partial differential equations. The method is based on the coupling between Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations and model reduction techniques. It is well-known that HJB equations suffer the so called curse of dimensionality and, therefore, a reduction of the dimension of the system is mandatory. In this report we focus on the infinite horizon optimal control problem with quadratic cost functionals. We compare several model reduction methods such as Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Balanced Truncation and a new algebraic Riccati equation based approach. Finally, we present numerical examples and discuss several features of the different methods analyzing advantages and disadvantages of the reduction methods

    Estimation of qualitative and quantitative characteristics interrelation, having an impact on amount of tourists in hospitality industry

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    The article considers methods of estimation of qualitative and quantitative characteristics interrelation, having impact on amount of tourists in hospitality industry, offers the latest technologies of the given indicators calculation

    Nonlinear dynamic effect in synthetic fibres from semi- and rigid chain polymers

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    A study on elastic and relaxation properties of a set of oriented polymers in the dynamic strain mode is reported in this paper. It is established that all investigated objects show the beatings phenomenon at a certain range of stresses and temperatures. The model and possible mechanisms of the observed phenomena are offered

    Dampak Pembangunan Infrastruktur Jalan dan Variabel Ekonomi Lain terhadap Luas Lahan Sawah di Koridor Ekonomi Jawa

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    The role of road infrastructure is important for economic activity in Java Economic Corridor. Infrastructure is needed for developing economic activity, but on the other side it decreases the size of agricultural land. This research is analyzing the impact of road infrastructure development and other economic variables on the size of agricultural land in Java Economic Corridor. This research uses panel data model in 6 provinces in Java Economic Corridor 2001-2011. The finding of the research shows that variable length of road (PJ), population density (KP), and a number of large and medium industries (IND) negatively affected the size of agricultural land in Java Economic Corridor

    Analisis Efektivitas Kebijakan Publik Memihak Masyakat Miskin: Studi Kasus Pelaksanaan Program Raskin Di Provinsi Jawa Barat Pada Tahun 2007

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    EnglishObjectives of the study are: (a) analysis of effectiveness of implementation of Raskin Program in the year of 2007, (b) analysis of poor families (RTM)\u27s perception on the perspective of increasing normative price of raskin, and (c) formulation of recommendation for more effective implementation of the Raskin program. The study reveals that the program is less effective. In all study areas, RTMs paid a much higher price for raskin than its normative price (Rp 1,000 per Kg) and received amount of rice far less than its normative rice quota (10 Kgs/RTM/month). It is also found that RTMs were willing to pay if the government increased the normative price of raskin. However, their willingness to pay is subject to two conditions, namely (a) the newly-established normative price is the price at RTM\u27s house, and (b) monthly quota is raised to 20 Kgs/RTM/month as previously. To make the program more effective, this study recommends the government to develop a village-level system control for the Raskin program, to raise monthly rice quota of RTM and its normative price, and to share the program\u27s cost with district-level governments. IndonesianStudi ini mempunyai tiga tujuan, yaitu (a) menelaah keefektifan pelaksanaan program Raskin pada tahun 2007, (b) mengkaji persepsi RTM mengenai kemungkinan peningkatan harga tebus normatif raskin di masa depan, dan (c) merumuskan rekomendasi kebijakan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pelaksanaan program Raskin. Studi dilakukan di provinsi Jawa Barat. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program masih belum begitu efektif. Di semua wilayah desa yang dipelajari, RTM menebus raskin dengan harga yang jauh di atas harga tebus normatifnya (Rp 1/000 per kg). Juga, RTM menerima raskin dalam kuantitas yang jauh lebih sedikit dari kuota normatifnya (10 Kg per RTM per bulan). Para RTM tidak keberatan bila pemerintah menaikkan tebus raskin, asal dua hal berikut dipenuhi oleh pemerintah. Pertama, harga tebus raskin yang baru tersebut adalah harga franco di rumah RTM. Kedua, pemerintah menaikkan kuota RTM 20 Kg per RTM per bulan seperti dulu. Untuk lebih mengefektifkan pelaksaan program Raskin, studi ini merekomendasikan agar pemerintah mengembangkan sistem kendali pelaksanaan program Raskin di tingkat desa, menaikkan harga tebus normatif raskin, dan menaikkan kuota raskin bulanan RTM menjadi 20 Kg per RTM per bulan, serta melibatkan Pemkab/Pemkot dalam menanggung pembiayaan program Raskin

    Usporedba QSPR modela zasnovanih na vodikom-popunjenim molekularnim grafovima i na grafovima atomskih orbitala

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    QSPR models are studied for normal boiling points of alkanes, alkylbenzenes, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons, in terms of optimized correlation weights of local invariants of the hydrogen- -filled graphs (HFGs) and of the graphs of atomic orbitals (GAOs). Morgan extended connectivities of the zeroth, first, and second order of the HFGs and GAOs were employed. The best QSPR model obtained is based on optimized correlation weights of the extended connectivity of the first order of the GAO. The statistical characteristics of this model are: n = 70, r superscript(2) = 0.9988, s = 5.8 °C, F = 57437 (training set); n = 70, r superscript(2) = 0.9985, s = 6.7 °C, F = 45154 (test set).Istraživani su QSPR modeli za normalnu točku vrelišta alkana, alkilbenzena i poliaromatskih ugljikovodika, zasnovani na optimiziranim korelacijskim te`inama lokalnih invarijanti vodikom-popunjenih molekularnih grafova (HFG) i grafova atomskih orbitala (GAO). Primjenjeni su Morganovi indeksi proširene povezanosti nultoga, prvoga i drugoga reda, kako za HFG tako i za GAO. Najbolji QSPR model je dobiven na osnovi optimiziranih korelacijskih težina za proširenu povezanost prvoga reda za GAO. Statističke karakteristike ovoga modela su: n = 70, r superscript(2) = 0.9988, s = 5.8 °C, F = 57437 (training set); n = 70, r superscript(2) = 0.9985, s = 6.7 °C, F = 45154 (test set)