15 research outputs found

    Хромато-мас-спектрометричне дослідження низькомолекулярних аліфатичних, жирних та ароматичних кислот кореневища Veronica teucrium L.

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    The aim of our research was to identify and quantify of aliphatic, aromatic and fatty acids of Veronica teucrium L. rhizomes by the gas chromatography/mass spectrometric method.Methods. The object of study was V. teucrium L. rhizomes, collected in 2015 in Kharkiv region. The analysis of acid’s methyl esters was performed using chromatography-mass spectrometer 5973N/6890N MSD/DS Agilent Technologies.The injection of sample in chromatographic capillary column INNOWAX (0.25 mm х 30 m) was performed by a splitless mode. The identification of acid’s methyl esters were performed by calculating of the equivalent length of the aliphatic chain (ECL); using data from the mass spectra libraries NIST 05 and Willey 2007 in conjunction with programs for identifying – AMDIS and NIST; also retention time of esters was compared with the retention time of standard compounds (Sigma). Internal standard method was used for quantitative calculations.Results of the Research. By means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometric method the reseach of carboxylic acids of V. teucrium L. rhizomes have been studied for first time, and in the result of the study 10 aliphatic, 16 fatty and 9 aromatic acids had been identified and quantified. The total content of identified carboxylic acids of V. teucrium L. rhizomes was 3068.06 mg/% (3.07%). Among low molecular aliphatic acids malic, citric and levulinic; among fatty acids – saturated: myristic, palmitic and tetracosanoic, and unsaturated: oleic, linoleic and linolenic are dominant. The particular importance have identified aromatic acids – benzoic; phenolcarbonic: vanillic, veratrylic, р-hydroxybenzoic, gentisic, syringic and hydroxycinnamic: р-coumaric.Conclusions. In the first time in V. teucrium L. rhizomes 10 low molecular aliphatic acids, 16 fatty acids and 9 aromatic acids had been identified and quantified by using gas chromatography/mass spectrometric methodМета. Хромато-мас-спектрометричне визначення якісного складу та кількісного вмісту аліфатичних, ароматичних та жирних кислот у кореневищах Veronica teucrium L.Методи. Об’єктом дослідження були кореневища V. teucrium L., заготовлені в Харківській області у 2015 році. Аналіз метилових естерів кислот проводили з використанням хромато-мас-спектрометру 5973N/6890N MSD/DS Agilent Technologies. Введення проби до хроматографічної капілярної колонки INNOWAX (0,25 мм×30 м) проводили у режимі splitless. Ідентифікацію метилових естерів кислот проводили на основі розрахунку еквівалентної довжини аліфатичного ланцюга (ECL) з використанням даних бібліотеки мас-спектрів NIST 05 і Willey 2007 у поєднанні з програмами для ідентифікації AMDIS і NIST; також порівнювали час утримання естерів з часом утримання стандартних сполук (Sigma). Для кількісних розрахунків використовували метод внутрішнього стандарту.Результати дослідження. Вперше проведено дослідження карбонових кислот кореневищ Veronica teucrium L. з використанням хромато-мас-спектрометричного методу, в результаті якого виявлено та встановлено вміст 10 аліфатичних, 16 жирних та 9 ароматичних кислот. Загальний вміст ідентифікованих карбонових кислот у кореневищах вероніки широколистої складає 3068,06 мг/% (3,07 %). Серед низькомолекулярних аліфатичних кислот домінують яблучна, лимонна та левулінова; серед жирних кислот – насичені: міристинова, пальмітинова та лігноцеринова і ненасичені: олеїнова, лінолева та ліноленова. Особливе значення мають визначені ароматичні кислоти: бензойна, фенолкарбонові: ванілінова, вератрова, р-гідроксибензойна, гентизинова, бузкова та гідроксикорична: р-кумарова.Висновки. Вперше в кореневищі V. teucrium L. виявлено та встановлено вміст 10 низькомолекулярних аліфатичних, 16 жирних та 9 ароматичних кислот з використанням методу хромато-мас-спектрометрі

    Care of patients with inborn errors of immunity in thirty J Project countries between 2004 and 2021

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    IntroductionThe J Project (JP) physician education and clinical research collaboration program was started in 2004 and includes by now 32 countries mostly in Eastern and Central Europe (ECE). Until the end of 2021, 344 inborn errors of immunity (IEI)-focused meetings were organized by the JP to raise awareness and facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of patients with IEI.ResultsIn this study, meeting profiles and major diagnostic and treatment parameters were studied. JP center leaders reported patients’ data from 30 countries representing a total population of 506 567 565. Two countries reported patients from JP centers (Konya, Turkey and Cairo University, Egypt). Diagnostic criteria were based on the 2020 update of classification by the IUIS Expert Committee on IEI. The number of JP meetings increased from 6 per year in 2004 and 2005 to 44 and 63 in 2020 and 2021, respectively. The cumulative number of meetings per country varied from 1 to 59 in various countries reflecting partly but not entirely the population of the respective countries. Altogether, 24,879 patients were reported giving an average prevalence of 4.9. Most of the patients had predominantly antibody deficiency (46,32%) followed by patients with combined immunodeficiencies (14.3%). The percentages of patients with bone marrow failure and phenocopies of IEI were less than 1 each. The number of patients was remarkably higher that those reported to the ESID Registry in 13 countries. Immunoglobulin (IgG) substitution was provided to 7,572 patients (5,693 intravenously) and 1,480 patients received hematopoietic stem cell therapy (HSCT). Searching for basic diagnostic parameters revealed the availability of immunochemistry and flow cytometry in 27 and 28 countries, respectively, and targeted gene sequencing and new generation sequencing was available in 21 and 18 countries. The number of IEI centers and experts in the field were 260 and 690, respectively. We found high correlation between the number of IEI centers and patients treated with intravenous IgG (IVIG) (correlation coefficient, cc, 0,916) and with those who were treated with HSCT (cc, 0,905). Similar correlation was found when the number of experts was compared with those treated with HSCT. However, the number of patients treated with subcutaneous Ig (SCIG) only slightly correlated with the number of experts (cc, 0,489) and no correlation was found between the number of centers and patients on SCIG (cc, 0,174).Conclusions1) this is the first study describing major diagnostic and treatment parameters of IEI care in countries of the JP; 2) the data suggest that the JP had tremendous impact on the development of IEI care in ECE; 3) our data help to define major future targets of JP activity in various countries; 4) we suggest that the number of IEI centers and IEI experts closely correlate to the most important treatment parameters; 5) we propose that specialist education among medical professionals plays pivotal role in increasing levels of diagnostics and adequate care of this vulnerable and still highly neglected patient population; 6) this study also provides the basis for further analysis of more specific aspects of IEI care including genetic diagnostics, disease specific prevalence, newborn screening and professional collaboration in JP countries


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    Qualitative and quantitative composition of aliphatic acids has been investigated via the method of gas chromato-mass spectrometry in ethyl acetate-alcohol extraction of white cinquefoil. 14 fatty acids have been identified. Among them 10 are saturated, 2 are monounsaturated and 2 are polyunsaturated carboxylic acids. Essential fatty acids (mg/1000g of the extract) linoleic – 704 and linolenic acids – 2193 are especially scientifically interesting


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    Examination of qualitative composition and quantitative content of fatty acids of the spreading bedstraw (Asperula humifusa (M.B.) Bess.) was carried out by the chromato-mass spectrometry method. As a result of the research 16 fatty acids, including 9 saturated (37,45% of all fatty acids) and 7 non-saturated (62,55%) have been revealed. Dominating components are palmitic, linoleic, oleic and linolenic acids


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    Examination of qualitative and quantitative content of acids of melilot (Melilotus albus L.) fruits, flowers and leaves has been performed by the method of chromato-mass spectrometry. In the current study 16 acids in fruits, 17 - in flowers and 16 - in leaves have been revealed. Dominant compounds are citric, oxalic and malonic acids

    Chromatography-mass Spectrometry Study of Low Molecular Aliphatic, Fatty and Aromatic Acids of Veronica Teucrium L. Rhizomes

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    The aim of our research was to identify and quantify of aliphatic, aromatic and fatty acids of Veronica teucrium L. rhizomes by the gas chromatography/mass spectrometric method.Methods. The object of study was V. teucrium L. rhizomes, collected in 2015 in Kharkiv region. The analysis of acid's methyl esters was performed using chromatography-mass spectrometer 5973N/6890N MSD/DS Agilent Technologies.The injection of sample in chromatographic capillary column INNOWAX (0.25 mm х 30 m) was performed by a splitless mode. The identification of acid's methyl esters were performed by calculating of the equivalent length of the aliphatic chain (ECL); using data from the mass spectra libraries NIST 05 and Willey 2007 in conjunction with programs for identifying – AMDIS and NIST; also retention time of esters was compared with the retention time of standard compounds (Sigma). Internal standard method was used for quantitative calculations.Results of the Research. By means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometric method the reseach of carboxylic acids of V. teucrium L. rhizomes have been studied for first time, and in the result of the study 10 aliphatic, 16 fatty and 9 aromatic acids had been identified and quantified. The total content of identified carboxylic acids of V. teucrium L. rhizomes was 3068.06 mg/% (3.07%). Among low molecular aliphatic acids Malic, citric and levulinic; among fatty acids – saturated: myristic, palmitic and tetracosanoic, and unsaturated: oleic, linoleic and linolenic are dominant. The particular importance have identified aromatic acids – benzoic; phenolcarbonic: vanillic, veratrylic, р-hydroxybenzoic, gentisic, syringic and hydroxycinnamic: р-coumaric.Conclusions. In the first time in V. teucrium L. rhizomes 10 low molecular aliphatic acids, 16 fatty acids and 9 aromatic acids had been identified and quantified by using gas chromatography/mass spectrometric metho

    Formation and characterization of succinoyl chitosan particles loaded with warnerin

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    This study aims to obtain nanoparticles based on succinoyl chitosan loaded with Warnerin (War-SCNPs), low molecular weight cationic peptide. The nanoparticles of succinoyl chitosan (SCNPs) were prepared by salt coacervation method, and Warnerin loading efficiency on SCNPs was reached 75% in the optimum conditions, particularly, ration (SCNPs : peptide) was equal to (1.75 : 1, μg / ml ). Formed War-SCNPs were stable, had a weak electric charge from (-4.4) to (-14,6) mV. Determining of SCNPs size showed that a main fraction of SCNPs had the size of 160 nm, and after the peptide sorption War-SCNPs size increased up to 330 nm. The experimental data of this study will likely impact War-SCNPs use as therapeutic delivery systems of the peptide to be administered parenteral

    Characterization Of Protein And Peptide Binding To Nanogels Formed By Differently Charged Chitosan Derivatives

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    Chitosan (Chi) is a natural biodegradable cationic polymer with remarkable potency as a vehicle for drug or vaccine delivery. Chi possesses multiple groups, which can be used both for Chi derivatization and for particle formation. The aim of this work was to produce stable nanosized range Chi gels (nanogels, NGs) with different charge and to study the driving forces of complex formation between Chi NGs and proteins or peptides. Positively charged NGs of 150 nm in diameter were prepared from hexanoyl chitosan (HC) by the ionotropic gelation method while negatively charged NGs of 190 nm were obtained from succinoyl Chi (SC) by a Ca2+ coacervation approach. NGs were loaded with a panel of proteins or peptides with different weights and charges. We show that NGs preferentially formed complexes with oppositely charged molecules, especially peptides, as was demonstrated by gel-electrophoresis, confocal microscopy and HPLC. Complex formation was accompanied by a change in zeta-potential and decrease in size. We concluded that complex formation between Chi NGs and peptide/proteins is mediated mostly by electrostatic interactions.PubMedWoSScopu