5 research outputs found


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    This paper is dedicated to the analysis of literature about video lectures and finding out the conditions and rules for planning and delivering a good video lecture for modern learning. Different publications and materials on the design and delivery experience of video lectures in learning situations have been analysed. The presented set of the design and delivery experience data of video lectures could be used to create more efficient methods of improving the instruction quality of video lectures

    Adaptation of the general care nurse in the professional environment, starting the work process

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir ā€œVispārējās aprÅ«pes māsas adaptācija profesionālajā vidē, uzsākot darba gaitasā€. Tēmas aktualitāti nosaka situācija Latvijas valsts veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pē, kurā darbu profesijā pēc studijām izvēlās turpināt vien aptuveni 80% māsu no kopējā absolventu skaita ik gadu. Uzsākot darbu ārstniecÄ«bas iestādēs, jaunās māsas saskaras ar dažādiem pārbaudÄ«jumiem, kas ietver darba specifiku, apmācÄ«bas, iekŔējo vidi darba kolektÄ«vā. Neizturot adaptācijas posmu, daļa māsu izvēlās darbu profesijā neturpināt, kā rezultātā katru gadu tiek zaudēti jaunie speciālisti. Bakalaura darba mērÄ·is ir noskaidrot vispārējās aprÅ«pes māsas adaptāciju profesionālajā vidē, uzsākot darba gaitas. PētÄ«juma hipotēze: Vispārējās aprÅ«pes māsas adaptāciju profesionālajā darba vidē, uzsākot darba gaitas, bÅ«tiski ietekmē darba vadÄ«tāja nodroÅ”inātā individuālā pieeja. MērÄ·a sasniegÅ”anai tika izvirzÄ«ti Ŕādi uzdevumi: 1. analizēt literatÅ«ru, ietverot ā€œadaptācijaā€ jēdziena raksturojumu; 2. analizēt P. Benneres teoriju par māsu kompetenču lÄ«meņiem; 3. izveidot pētÄ«juma instrumentu- anketu; 4. veikt kvantitatÄ«vu pētÄ«jumu ārstniecÄ«bas iestādēs; 5. apkopot un analizēt iegÅ«tos rezultātus; 6. izstrādāt secinājumus un izvirzÄ«t priekÅ”likumus. Darba ietvaros izmantota kvantitatÄ«vā pētniecÄ«bas metode ar pētÄ«juma instrumentu- anketa. PētÄ«juma respondenti: vispārējās aprÅ«pes māsas ar darba stāžu lÄ«dz 1 gadam. PētÄ«juma bāze: interneta vide. PētÄ«juma rezultāti atspoguļo 83% jauno māsu vēlmi pēc individuālas pieejas no darba vadÄ«tāja puses. Māsas atzÄ«mē mentora atbalsta un sakārtotas darba vietas nozÄ«mÄ«gumu, kas palÄ«dz tikt galā ar adaptācijas procesā raduÅ”os stresu un pieredzes trÅ«kuma radÄ«tajām neērtÄ«bām. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no 35 lappusēm, 6 nodaļām un 2 apakÅ”nodaļām. Darbā ievietoti 12 attēli, izmantoti 33 literatÅ«ras avoti. Atslēgas vārdi: adaptācija profesionālajā vidē, veicinoÅ”ie faktori, kavējoÅ”ie faktori, nodarbinātÄ«ba.The topic of the bachelorā€™s thesis ir ā€œAdaptation of the general care nurse in the professional environment, starting the work processā€. The topicality of the topic is determined by the situation in Latvian state health care, where approximately 80% of the total number of graduates choose to continue working in the profession after their studies every year. When starting work in a medical institution, young nurses are faced with various tests, which include the specifics of work, training, internal environment in the work team. Not passing the adaptation stage, some nurses choose not to continue working in the profession, as a result of witchnew specialists are lost every year. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to find out the adaption of the general care nurse in the professional environment, starting the work process. Research hypothesis: The adaption of the general care nurse in the professional environment, when starting work, is significantly influenced by the individual approach provided by the supervisor. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: 1. to analyze the literature, including the description of he concept of ā€œadaptionā€; 2. to analyze P. Bennerā€™s theory about nursing competence levels; 3. create a research tool- a questionnaire; 4.to conduct a quantitative study in medical institutions; 5. to collect and analyze the obtained results; 6. develop conclusions and put forward proposals. Within the framework of the work, a quantitative research method was used with a research tool- a questionnaire. Research respondents: general care nurses with up to 1 year of work experience. Research base: Internet environment. The results of the study reflect the desire of 83% of young nurses for an individual approach from the supervisor. The nurses note the importance of a mentor's support and an organized workplace, which helps to cope with the stress of the adaptation process and the discomfort caused by lack of experience. The bachelor thesis consists of 35 pages, 6 chapters and 2 subsections. 13 pictures are placed in the work, 33 literary sources are used. Keywords: adaption in the professional environment, promoting factors, hindering factors, employment

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa un Acinetobacter baumanii susceptibility against antibacterial agents

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa un Acinetobacter baumannii ir galvenie ar veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes saistÄ«to infekciju (VASI) izraisÄ«tāji. Å o patogēnu rezistence pret antibakteriālajiem lÄ«dzekļiem pēdējo gadu laikā ir strauji palielinājusies, un ir viena no aktuālākajām problēmām mÅ«sdienās. Darba mērÄ·is: izpētÄ«t gramnegatÄ«vo baktēriju P. aeruginosa un A. baumannii jutÄ«bu pret antibakteriālajiem lÄ«dzekļiem, salÄ«dzināt antibakteriālās rezistences izmaiņas divu gadu laikā. Uzdevumi: identificēt no elpceļiem iegÅ«tos izolātus ar BBLā„¢ Crystalā„¢ sistēmu, veikt antibakteriālo lÄ«dzekļu jutÄ«bas testus, izmantojot Bauer ā€“ Kirby disku difÅ«zijas testu un E ā€“ testu, fenotipÄ“Å”anu veikt pēc antibiogrammām. Rezultātus apkopot, izmantojot MS Excel 2016. Rezultāti: salÄ«dzinot abus gadus, P. aeruginosa izolātu skaits ir palielinājies, bet A. baumannii samazinājies. 2017. gadā P. aeruginosa izolātiem visbiežāk tika noteikta jutÄ«ba pret amikacÄ«nu - 90,77% (n-59), bet visbiežāk rezistence tika noteikta pret ceftazidÄ«mu - 21,54% (n-14). 2017. gadā A. baumannii izolātiem maksimālā jutÄ«ba bija pret kolistÄ«nu. Visbiežāk rezistence tika noteikta pret ceftazidÄ«mu - 66,7% (n-10). SalÄ«dzinot 2016. ar 2017. gadu, P. aeruginosa un A. baumannii rezistences palielināŔanas visbiežāk tika noteikta pret ceftazidÄ«mu ā€“ 10,18% un 30,96% attiecÄ«gi. P. aeruginosa (n-65) izplatÄ«tākais bija I fenotips (n-39), kas ir jutÄ«gs pret visiem antibakteriālajiem lÄ«dzekļiem. Kombinētā rezistence tika novērota 9,23 % gadÄ«jumā (n-6). A. baumannii (n-15) izplatÄ«tākie fenotipi bija I (n-5) un III (n-5). I fenotips ir jutÄ«gs pret visiem antibakteriālajiem lÄ«dzekļiem, bet III fenotips rezistents gandrÄ«z pret visiem, izņemot kolistÄ«nu. Kombinētā rezistence tika novērota 60% gadÄ«jumos (n -9). Atslēgas vārdi: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, antibakteriālie lÄ«dzekļi, baktēriju rezistencePseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii are the main causes of health-related infections (HAI). P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii cause various HAI, including bacteremia, pneumonia, meningitis, urinary tract infections. The resistance of these pathogens to antimicrobial agents has grown rapidly in recent years and it is the most pressing problem nowadays. The aim of the study: to determine the susceptibility of gram-negative bacteria P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii to antimicrobial agents and to compare changes in antibacterial resistance over two years. Tasks: to identify isolates from respiratory tract by BBLā„¢ Crystalā„¢ system, to perform antibacterial susceptibility tests using the Bauer-KirbyTM disc diffusion test and ETM-test, and to phenotype isolates by antibiogram. The results are summarized using MS Excel 2016. Results: Comparing both years, the number of P. aeruginosa isolates had increased, while A. baumannii decreased. In 2017 P. aeruginosa isolates most commonly were susceptible against amikacin - 90,77% (n-59), while the most commonly reported resistance was against ceftazidime - 21,54% (n-14). In 2017, isolates of A. baumannii were 100% susceptible to colistin, while most commonly resistant was against ceftazidime - 66,7% (n-10). Both pathogens showed the highest increase in resistance over two years to ceftazidime- 10,18% and 30,96% respectively. The most common phenotype of P. aeruginosa was phenotype I, which is susceptible to all antibacterial agents. Combined resistance was observed at 9.23%. The most common phenotypes of A. baumannii were I and III. The phenotype I is susceptible to all antibacterial agents, but the phenotype III was resistant to almost all antimicrobial agents but not to colistin. Combined resistance was observed at 60%. Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, antimicrobials, bacterial resistanc

    Detection of biofilm and meatallo-Ī² lactamase production among the strains of Pseudomoncas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa un Acinetobacter baumannii metallo-Ī²-laktamāžu producÄ“Å”ana ir kļuvusi par pieaugoÅ”u terapeitisko problēmu visā pasaulē, kā arÄ« antibiotiku rezistentiem celmiem ir spēja veidot noturÄ«gākas biofilmas, kas rada problēmas Å”o patogēnu izraisÄ«to infekciju ārstÄ“Å”anā. Darba mērÄ·is: noteikt Pseudomonas aeruginosa un Acinetobacter baumannii spēju veidot biofilmas, producēt metallo- Ī²-laktamāzes, kā arÄ« statistiski apkopot datus par jutÄ«bu pret antibakteriālajiem lÄ«dzekļiem starp 2017. gadu un 2019. gadu, un veikt rezistences izmaiņas salÄ«dzinājumu. Uzdevumi: identificēt no elpceļiem iegÅ«tos izolātus ar BBLā„¢ Crystalā„¢ sistēmu, kā arÄ« ar GenoTypeĀ® BC gramnegative testu, veikt antibakteriālo lÄ«dzekļu jutÄ«bas testus un noteikt metallo- Ī²-laktamāžu producÄ“Å”anu, izmantojot Bauer ā€“ Kirby disku difÅ«zijas testu, E ā€“ testu, apkopot fenotipus pēc antibiogrammām, veikt statistisko analÄ«zi izmantojot MS Excel 2016. Rezultāti: 2019. gadā P. aeruginosa izolātiem (n=75) pret ciprofloksacÄ«nu noteikta vislielākā rezistence - 17,33% (n=13). 2019. gadā A. baumannii izolātiem (n=20) vislielākā rezistence noteikta pret ceftazidÄ«mu - 55% (n=11). SalÄ«dzinot 2017. gadu ar 2019. gadu, A. baumannii rezistences palielināŔanas visbiežāk tika noteikta pret karbapenēmiem ā€“ imipenēmu un meropenēmu, kas ir attiecÄ«gi 8,78% un 11,67%, kas liecina par metallo-Ī²-laktamāžu producÄ“Å”anu. P. aeruginosa novērota rezistences palielināŔanās pret ciprofloksacÄ«nu, kas ir 6,56%. 2019. gadā P. aeruginosa kombinētā rezistence tika konstatēta 9,33 % gadÄ«jumā (n=6). 2019. gadā A. baumannii kombinētā rezistence tika konstatēta 45% gadÄ«jumā (n=9). No 15 P. aeruginosa izolātiem 9 veido biofilmas, kas ir 60%, un no 12 A. baumannii izolātiem 8 veidoja biofilmas, kas ir 66,67%. Bioplēves veidoÅ”anās pozitÄ«vi korelēja ar MBL producÄ“Å”anu.The production of metallo-Ī² lactamases by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii has become a growing therapeutic problem worldwide, and antibiotic-resistant strains have the ability to produce more stable biofilms, which poses problems in the treatment of infections caused by these pathogens. Aim of the study: to determine the ability of P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii to form biofilms, to produce metallo-Ī²-lactamases, as well as to statistically collect data on antibacterial susceptibility between 2017 and 2019, and to compare the change in resistance. Tasks: to identify airway isolates with BBL ā„¢ Crystal ā„¢ system, as well as with GenoTypeĀ® BC gramnegative test, to perform antibacterial susceptibility tests and to determine metallo- Ī²-lactamase production using Bauer ā€“ Kirby disc diffusion test, Eā„¢ -test, to summarize phenotypes according to antibiograms, to perform statistical analysis using MS Excel 2016. Results: In 2019, P. aeruginosa isolates (n = 75) had the highest resistance to ciprofloxacin - 17.33% (n = 13). In 2019, A. baumannii isolates (n = 20) had the highest resistance to ceftazidime - 55% (n = 11). Comparing 2017 with 2019, increases in A. baumannii resistance were most commonly detected against carbapenems - imipenem and meropenem, which are 8.78% and 11.67% respectively, indicating production of metallo-Ī²-lactamases. An increase in resistance to ciprofloxacin of 6.56% was observed in P. aeruginosa. In 2019, combined resistance of P. aeruginosa was observed at 9.33% (n = 6). In 2019, the combined resistance of A. baumannii was observed at 45% (n = 9). Of the 15 P. aeruginosa isolates, 9 formed ( 60% ) biofilms and 8 (66.67% ) of the 12 A. baumannii isolates formed biofilms. Biofilm formation positively correlated with MBL production


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