45 research outputs found

    Traces of `Sub-creation': Applicability of Life Experiences to J.R.R. Tolkien's Literature

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    Whether the English author J.R.R. Tolkien is present in his works, and if so, how, has been a very thoroughly discussed issue concerning this author and his literary work. This dissertation is an attempt to try and find examples that deal with the potential applicability of the life of the author J.R.R. Tolkien in some works of his ‘sub-created’ mythology. In order to do so, the biography of the author is going to be compared to three stories by him: The Lord of the Rings, The Children of Húrin and Of Beren and Lúthien. The main body of the essay has been divided into two sections, since each of them seems to be influenced in a different manner by the life experiences of the author. The results that have been drawn from the comparison of the texts mentioned above has suggested that, in fact, there are reasons to think there could be echoes of Tolkien’s biography in his mythology. These similarities appear to be related mainly to the portrayal of nature in The Lord of the Rings and to the shape that is given to very relevant characters in the legendarium of Tolkien like Túrin Turambar and Beren, apart from other ‘secondary’ characters. Concerning the treatment of nature, it can be seen that it is Tolkien’s beliefs and thoughts about it that are mostly portrayed in his work. As for the characters of Túrin and Beren, as well as for some others in those same stories, they seem to be an attempt on behalf of Tolkien of shaping them according to specific passages and experiences of his own life. On the light of this, it is suggested that Tolkien could have made use of what is known as ‘autofiction’ when constructing such characters. Finally, some concluding remarks have been made

    The problems of progress in anglo-american canonical high-fantasy 1889-2001: Ursula K. Le Guin's revision of William Morris And J.R.R. Tolkien's Legacy.

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    304 p.A lo largo de su existencia, la literatura de género fantástico ha buscado encontrar explicaciones yproponer alternativas al modo en el que la sociedad humana ha vivido en distintas épocas. En el casode los tres autores que se analizan en el presente estudio se puede ver que una fuerte crítica hacia elprogreso y sus consecuencias negativas, estimulada por los contextos sociales e históricos de losautores, forma un pilar central en sus obras. Así, este estudio buscará trazar la evolución de dichacrítica en este género literario a lo largo de tres siglos diferentes y en dos naciones distintas como sonel Reino Unido y los Estados Unidos de América. Para ello, se considerarán The House of theWolfings de Morris, The Silmarillion y The Lord of the Rings de Tolkien y el ciclo Earthsea de LeGuin. En el caso de Morris y Tolkien el análisis de su contexto nos servirá para determinar la razónde ser de esa intranquilidad producida por la manera en la que el progreso estaba destruyendo elmundo como lo conocían. En cuanto a Le Guin, metodologías como la ecocrítica, con autores comoJonathan Bate, Michel Sérres o David Abrams, y los estudios poscoloniales, siguiendo las ideas de,entre otros, Homi Bhaba, Franz Fanon o Edward Said, nos permitirán ver cómo su crítica delprogreso, muy condicionada por su experiencia en California, se articula en torno a la relaciónhumanidad-naturaleza y los problemas identitarios que un individuo puede sufrir por causa del progreso

    Zuzenbide Penaleko eta Zuzenbide Zibileko Koadernoak

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    Los profesores universitarios Jon-Mirena Landa Gorostiza e Itziar Alkorta Idiakez acaban de editar dos manuales en euskera, uno sobre Derecho Penal y otro sobre Derecho Civil, dirigidos principalmente a los estudiantes, dada su marcada vocación didáctica. A resaltar que ambos cuadernos se han editado en formato electrónico y que se encuentran disponibles en Internet.Jon-Mirena Landa Gorostiza eta Itziar Alkorta Idiakez unibertsitateko irakasleek eskuliburu bana prestatu dute, Zuzenbide Penalari buruzkoa lehenak, eta Zuzenbide Zibilaz bigarrenak. Beren didaktikotasun eta argitasuna dela-eta, bereziki Zuzenbide ikasketak euskaraz egiten ari diren ikasleei daude zuzenduta. Koaderno hauek badute ezaugarri berezirik, gainera: Interneten daudela eskuragai.Les professeurs d'université Jon-Mirena Landa Gorostiza et Itziar Alkorta Idiakez viennent d'éditer deux manuels en basque, l'un sur le Droit Pénal et l'autre sur le Droit Civil, adressés principalement aux étudiants, étant donné leur vocation didactique marquée. Il faut souligner que les deux cahiers ont été édités en format électronique et qu'ils sont disponibles sur Internet.University professors Jon-Mirena Landa Gorostiza and Itziar Alkorta Idiakez have just published two manuals in Basque, one on penal law and the other on civil law, both mainly destined to students, given their markedly didactic orientation. It is worth mentioning that both manuals have been published in computer format and are available in the Internet

    Towards the automatic analsis of sentiments in Basque: the creation of basic resources and the identification of valence shifters in different language levels

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    243 p. (eusk) 139 p. (eng.)Tesi-lan honetan, hizkuntzalaritza aplikatuaren ikuspegitik, euskarazko sentimendu analisian lehenurratsak egin dira. Bi helburu nagusi egon dira tesi-proiektuan. Alde batetik, sentimendu analisia egitekooinarrizko baliabideak sortu ditugu euskararentzat. Zehatz esanda, Euskarazko Iritzi Corpusa, Sentitegiizeneko euskarazko sentimendu lexikoia eta dokumentu-mailako sentimendu sailkatzailea garatu ditugu.Corpusak sei domeinuetako 240 iritzi-testu biltzen ditu. RST hurbilpenaz baliatuta, corpusekodiskurtso-informazioa etiketatuta dago. Gainera, iritzi-testuen orientazio semantikoa ere etiketatuta dago.Sentimendu lexikoiari dagokionez, 1.237 hitzez osatuta dago eta bertako sarrerek -5 eta +5 artekosentimendu balentzia dute. Sentimendu lexikoia sortzeko itzulpen metodologia zehatz bat jarraitu dugu.Azkenik, dokumentu mailako sentimendu sailkatzailea ere garatu dugu. Tresnaren oinarrian aurretikaipatu dugu sentimendu lexikoia dago eta, horretaz gain, baditu beste zenbait erregela ere.Beste aldetik, sentimendu analisiaren lanketa teoriko bat ere egin dugu. Sentimendu sailkapena lexikoianoinarrituz egin nahi bada, hitzen sentimendu balentzia jakitearekin ez da nahikoa, izan ere, testuetanbadaude zenbait fenomeno hitz horien sentimendu balentzia eragiten dutenak. Horiei testuinguruzkobalentzia aldatzaileak deitzen zaie eta horiek euskaran nola agertzen diren landu dugu. Gramatika mailabakoitzeko balentzia aldatzaile mota bat landu dugu: fonologian, bustidura adierazkorra; morfologian,morfemak; sintaxian, ezeztapen-markak eta, azkenik, diskurtsoan, diskurtso erlazioak eta unitate zentrala.Emaitzek erakusten dutenez, balentzia aldatzaileek hitzen edo sintagmen sentimendu balentzia indartuedo ahuldu egiten dute. Ahultze horren intentsitatearen arabera, sentimendu balentziaren zeinuan aldaketagerta liteke, positiboa dena negatibo bilakatuz edo alderantziz. Azkenik, kasu batzuetan, balentziaaldatzaileak ez du eraginik sortzen

    Traces of `Sub-creation': Applicability of Life Experiences to J.R.R. Tolkien's Literature

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    Whether the English author J.R.R. Tolkien is present in his works, and if so, how, has been a very thoroughly discussed issue concerning this author and his literary work. This dissertation is an attempt to try and find examples that deal with the potential applicability of the life of the author J.R.R. Tolkien in some works of his ‘sub-created’ mythology. In order to do so, the biography of the author is going to be compared to three stories by him: The Lord of the Rings, The Children of Húrin and Of Beren and Lúthien. The main body of the essay has been divided into two sections, since each of them seems to be influenced in a different manner by the life experiences of the author. The results that have been drawn from the comparison of the texts mentioned above has suggested that, in fact, there are reasons to think there could be echoes of Tolkien’s biography in his mythology. These similarities appear to be related mainly to the portrayal of nature in The Lord of the Rings and to the shape that is given to very relevant characters in the legendarium of Tolkien like Túrin Turambar and Beren, apart from other ‘secondary’ characters. Concerning the treatment of nature, it can be seen that it is Tolkien’s beliefs and thoughts about it that are mostly portrayed in his work. As for the characters of Túrin and Beren, as well as for some others in those same stories, they seem to be an attempt on behalf of Tolkien of shaping them according to specific passages and experiences of his own life. On the light of this, it is suggested that Tolkien could have made use of what is known as ‘autofiction’ when constructing such characters. Finally, some concluding remarks have been made

    The Basque Model of Social and Labour Inclusion

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    107 p.The Basque Model of Social and Labour Inclusion, managed by social and public initiative organisations from the Basque Country with over 40 years of experience in the sector, has become both a national and European reference in the employment of people with disabilities. The aim of this report is to carry out a study that analyses the employment of people with disabilities, to then focus on the characteristics of the Basque Model of Social and Labour Inclusion, a distinct model with a long history in the area that has been developed by organisations from the Basque Country. We must not forget the progress for the sector made by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which is why the study will conclude with the analysis of the Basque Model in light of this international convention

    The Basque Model of Social and Labour Inclusion

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    107 p.The Basque Model of Social and Labour Inclusion, managed by social and public initiative organisations from the Basque Country with over 40 years of experience in the sector, has become both a national and European reference in the employment of people with disabilities. The aim of this report is to carry out a study that analyses the employment of people with disabilities, to then focus on the characteristics of the Basque Model of Social and Labour Inclusion, a distinct model with a long history in the area that has been developed by organisations from the Basque Country. We must not forget the progress for the sector made by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which is why the study will conclude with the analysis of the Basque Model in light of this international convention

    Sliding mode control of an active power filter with photovoltaic maximum power tracking

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    Nowadays, the increase in solar energy installations as a source of energy is growing considerably. The connection to the grid of these installations generally injects all the power obtained from the panel as active power, making zero the reactive power. The same power injection system can be used to achieve a unit power factor if the active filter feature is integrated in it. In this paper, an active power filter (APF) that can control both, the MPP (maximum power point) of a photovoltaic system (PV) and the power factor of a nonlinear load connected to the grid using a three phase DC/AC power inverter with new sliding mode controllers is presented. Perturbation–observation (P&O) is the used MPPT algorithm and three Sliding Mode Controllers (SMC) are used to regulate the DC voltage of the PV and the current d and q components of the active filter using the PQ theory. With a SMC, no exact knowledge of the model parameters is required and it offers good behavior against unmodeled dynamics, insensitivity to parameter variations and good rejection of external disturbances. The space vector pulse wide modulation (SVPWM) of 7 and 5 segments is implemented in order to check the efficiency and grid current ripple. Several experimental tests have been carried in different conditions, concluding that the presented system provides an efficient maximum power tracking and a good power filter characteristic.The authors are very grateful to the UPV/EHU by its support through the project PPGA18/04, to the Basque Government by its support through the project ETORTEK KK-2017/00033 and to the Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia by its support through the project Etorkizuna Eraikiz 2019

    Grid Frequency and Amplitude Control Using DFIG Wind Turbines in a Smart Grid

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    Wind-generated energy is a fast-growing source of renewable energy use across the world. A dual-feed induction machine (DFIM) employed in wind generators provides active and reactive, dynamic and static energy support. In this document, the droop control system will be applied to adjust the amplitude and frequency of the grid following the guidelines established for the utility’s smart network supervisor. The wind generator will work with a maximum deloaded power curve, and depending on the reserved active power to compensate the frequency drift, the limit of the reactive power or the variation of the voltage amplitude will be explained. The aim of this paper is to show that the system presented theoretically works correctly on a real platform. The real-time experiments are presented on a test bench based on a 7.5 kW DFIG from Leroy Somer’s commercial machine that is typically used in industrial applications. A synchronous machine that emulates the wind profiles moves the shaft of the DFIG. The amplitude of the microgrid voltage at load variations is improved by regulating the reactive power of the DFIG and this is experimentally proven. The contribution of the active power with the characteristic of the droop control to the load variation is made by means of simulations. Previously, the simulations have been tested with the real system to ensure that the simulations performed faithfully reflect the real system. This is done using a platform based on a real-time interface with the DS1103 from dSPACE.This research was funded by the Basque Government through the project SMAR3NAK (ELKARTEK KK-2019/00051), the Diputación Foral de Álava (DFA) through the project CONAVAUTIN 2 and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) through (PPGA20/06)

    Sentimenduen analisia euskaraz: lexiko-mailatik erlaziozko diskurtso-egiturarako proposamena

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    Nowadays, opinion texts play an important role, in fact, people read opinions before they do an activity, buy a product or take a decision. However, the amount of opinion text is increasing rapidly and reading all opinions about a subject is unfeasible. ‘Sentiment analysis’ is a part of Natural Language Processing whose aim is to process opinion texts. This work is a part of ‘sentiment analysis’ and presents a first approximation to the assignment of polarity to texts written in Basque. Rhetorical Structure Theory has been used to assign different weights to text spans and an analysis has been performed at the lexical level. This method has been compared with other approaches and the results are promising