38 research outputs found

    Evidence of high-n hollow ion emission from Si ions pumped by ultraintense x-rays from relativistic laser plasma

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    We report on the first observation of high-n hollow ions (ions having no electrons in the K or L shells) produced in Si targets via pumping by ultra-intense x-ray radiation produced in intense laser-plasma interactions reaching the radiation dominant kinetics regime. The existence of these new types of hollow ions in high energy density plasma has been found via observation of highly-resolved x-ray emission spectra of silicon plasma, and confirmed by plasma kinetics calculations, underscoring the ability of powerful radiation sources to fully strip electrons from the inner-most shells of light atoms. Hollow ions spectral diagnostics provide a unique opportunity to characterize powerful x-ray radiation of laboratory and astrophysical plasmas

    Using X-ray spectroscopy of relativistic laser plasma interaction to reveal parametric decay instabilities : A modeling tool for astrophysics

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    By analyzing profiles of experimental x-ray spectral lines of Si XIV and Al XIII, we found that both Langmuir and ion acoustic waves developed in plasmas produced via irradiation of thin Si foils by relativistic laser pulses (intensities ∼1021 W/cm2). We prove that these waves are due to the parametric decay instability (PDI). This is the first time that the PDI-induced ion acoustic turbulence was discovered by the x-ray spectroscopy in laser-produced plasmas. These conclusions are also supported by PIC simulations. Our results can be used for laboratory modeling of physical processes in astrophysical objects and a better understanding of intense laser-plasma interactions

    Identification of the chromosome complement and the spontaneous 1R/1V translocations in allotetraploid Secale cereale × Dasypyrum villosum hybrids through cytogenetic approaches

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    Genome modifications that occur at the initial interspecific hybridization event are dynamic and can be consolidated during the process of stabilization in successive generations of allopolyploids. This study identifies the number and chromosomal location of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sites between Secale cereale, Dasypyrum villosum, and their allotetraploid S. cereale × D. villosum hybrids. For the first time, we show the advantages of FISH to reveal chromosome rearrangements in the tetraploid Secale × Dasypyrum hybrids. Based on the specific hybridization patterns of ribosomal 5S, 35S DNA and rye species-specific pSc200 DNA probes, a set of genotypes with numerous Secale/Dasypyrum translocations of 1R/1V chromosomes were identified in successive generations of allotetraploid S. cereale × D. villosum hybrids. In addition we analyse rye chromosome pairs using FISH with chromosome-specific DNA sequences on S. cereale × D. villosum hybrids

    X-ray spectroscopy of super-intense laser-produced plasmas for the study of nonlinear processes. Comparison with PIC simulations

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    We present X-ray spectroscopic diagnostics in femto-second laser-driven experiments revealing nonlinear phenomena caused by the strong coupling of the laser radiation with the created plasma. Among those nonlinear phenomena, we found the signatures of the Two Plasmon Decay (TPD) instability in a laser-driven CO2 cluster-based plasma by analyzing the Langmuir dips in the profile of the O VIII Lyϵ line, caused by the Langmuir waves created at the high laser intensity 3 1018Wcm-2. With similar laser intensities, we reveal also the nonlinear phenomenon of the Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) of the laser frequency by analyzing the nonlinear phenomenon of satellites of Lyman δ and ϵ lines of Ar XVII. In the case of relativistic laser-plasma interaction we discovered the Parametric Decay Instability (PDI)-induced ion acoustic turbulence produced simultaneously with Langmuir waves via irradiation of thin Si foils by laser intensities of 1021Wcm-2

    In-depth study of intra-Stark spectroscopy in the x-ray range in relativistic laser-plasma interactions

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    Intra-Stark spectroscopy (ISS) is the spectroscopy within the quasistatic Stark profile of a spectral line. The present paper advances the ISS-based study of the relativistic laser-plasma interaction from our previous paper (Oks et al 2017 Opt. Express 25 1958). By improving the experimental conditions and the diagnostics, it provides an in-depth spectroscopic study of the simultaneous production of the Langmuir waves and of the ion acoustic turbulence at the surface of the relativistic critical density. It demonstrates a reliable reproducibility of the Langmuir-wave-induced dips at the same locations in the experimental profiles of Si XIV Ly-beta line, as well as of the deduced parameters (fields) of the Langmuir waves and ion acoustic turbulence in several individual 1 ps laser pulses and of the peak irradiances of 1-3 ×1020 W cm-2. Besides, this study employs for the first time the most rigorous condition of the dynamic resonance, on which the ISS phenomenon is based, compared to all previous studies in all kinds of plasmas in a wide range of electron densities. It shows how different interplays between the Langmuir wave field and the field of the ion acoustic turbulence lead to distinct spectral line profiles, including the disappearance of the Langmuir-wave-induced dips

    The source of X-rays and high-charged ions based on moderate power vacuum discharge with laser triggering

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    The source of X-ray radiation with the energy of quanta that may vary in the range hv = 1÷12 keV was developed for studies in X-ray interaction with matter and modifi cation of solid surfaces. It was based on a vacuum spark discharge with the laser triggering. It was shown in our experiments that there is a possibility to adjust X-ray radiation spectrum by changing the confi guration of the electrode system when the energy stored in the capacitor is varied within the range of 1÷17 J. A comprehensive study of X-ray imaging and quanta energy was carried out. These experiments were carried out for the case of both direct and reverse polarity of the voltage on the electrodes. Additionally, ion composition of plasma created in a laser-triggered vacuum discharge was analyzed. Highly charged ions Zn(+21), Cu(+20) and Fe(+18) were observed