35 research outputs found

    Pojava ženki velikog smrekinog likotoča Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann, 1794) na vitalnim stablima kavkaske smreke u Artvinu, Turska\u27

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    SummaryDendroctonus micans (Kugelann, 1794), which was first discovered in 1966 in Turkey, has established almost in all oriental spruce forests in the Eastern Black Sea region until the late 2000s. In its expanding front it is responsible for killing spruce trees representing millions of cubic meters of wood. In recent years, oriental spruce forests have endemic population of this pest. But extreme climatic conditions that cause extreme weather circumstances may trigger suitable environment that favors D. micans outbreaks. In this study, we aimed to examine tree vitality of naturally infested and uninfested trees in the forest. Field studies were performed at a pure spruce stand in Taşlıca Forest Sub-District, Artvin Directorate of Forestry in 2016. Both infested and uninfested trees were selected in the stand closure. One core per tree was extracted from 30 naturally infested and 30 uninfested oriental spruce trees at the same stand. Core samples were taken at the second week of September. Phloem thickness, recent tree growth rates, diameter of breast height and the average number of xylem cells in a radial file formed until the sampling date were studied. Phloem thickness, recent tree growth rates and number of xylem cells were higher in infested trees. Host selection of D. micans was discussed in relation to characteristics of infested and uninfested trees.SažetakDendroctonus micans (Kugelann, 1794), koji je prvi put otkriven 1966. godine u Turskoj, do kasnih 2000-ih zahvatio je gotovo sve šume kavkaske smreke u istočnoj crnomorskoj regiji. Tijekom svog širenja, uništio je milijune kubičnih metara šume stabala smreke. Posljednjih godina šume kavkaske smreke sadrže endemsku populaciju ovih štetnika. No, ekstremni klimatski uvjeti koji uzrokuju ekstremne vremenske uvjete, mogu stvoriti uvjete koji pogoduju naglom razvoju D. micans. Ovim se istraživanjem željelo ispitati vitalnost stabala prirodno zaraženih i nezaraženih stabala u šumi. Terenska istraživanja obavljena su 2016. godine na čistoj sastojini smreke u šumskom podokrugu Taşlıca, Uprave za šumarstvo Artvin. U sklopu sastojina odabrana su i zaražena i nezaražena stabla. Jezgre su uzete iz 30 prirodno zaraženih i 30 nezaraženih stabala smreke u istom sklopu. Uzorci jezgre uzeti su u drugom tjednu rujna. Proučavana je debljina floema, stopa (debljinskog) prirasta stabala, prsni promjer stabla i prosječan broj ksilemskih stanica u radijalnom redu formiranom do dana uzorkovanja. Debljina floema, nedavna stopa prirasta stabala i broj stanica ksilema bili su veći kod zaraženih stabala. O izboru domaćina D. micans raspravljalo se u odnosu na značajke zaraženih i nezaraženih stabala

    GO containing PHBHX bone scaffold: GO concentration and in vitro osteointegration

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    Trauma, congenital abnormalities or cancer-induced bone defects can be treated with tissue engineering products. Graphene oxide-containing polymeric scaffolds are used as an artificial extracellular matrix, acting as an environment where cells can grow and turn into living tissues. In the presented study, primarily cytotoxicity of graphene oxide was determined depending on the concentration. According to the cytotoxicity results, two different scaffolds containing low and high concentrations of GO were prepared and usability in bone tissue engineering was examined. For this purpose, water uptake, in vitro degradation and mechanical properties of the scaffolds were determined. On the predetermined days, MC3T3 cells proliferation and ACTB, COL1A1, OCN, OPN, RUNX2 gene expression were determined. According to the results, MC3T3 cell proliferation was increased when the incubation time increased, and also, gene expression related to bone tissue formation was increased. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Assessment of tree vigor parameters in successful establishment of dendroctonus micans on picea orientalis in Turkey

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    Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) has caused severe outbreaks and killed millions of oriental spruce (Picea orientalis (L.) Link.) trees in the Black Sea Region of Turkey since its discovery in 1966. Besides wounded and overthrown trees, apparently healthy trees are also attacked by the beetle. In infested stands, repeatedly attacked trees and unattacked trees or trees with aborted attacks are reported. In this study, we experimentally investigated the role of some tree vigor parameters in the beetle’s successful establishment on its host. Phloem thickness, recent tree growth rate and tree size were used as tree vigor parameters. Beetle insertions were made at four cardinal points on each tree and establishment success of the beetles was investigated by ten replicates. In our experiment, D. micans females were successfully established more often on thicker phloem and they also tended to be successful on vigorously growing trees. Stressed or destroyed vigorous trees may produce epidemic populations in stand

    The Effect of Dental Paste with Herbal Content on Remineralization and the Imaging with Fluorescent Technique in Teeth with White Spot Lesion

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of Gumgumix herbal toothpaste on remineralization of white spot lesions with a laser fluorescent system called FluoreCam. It is a pilot study. Methods: The FluoreCam system was used for the fluorescence imaging of the fifteen teeth with white spot lesions. During the study, the patients continued to use the previously owned toothpastes, addition to Gumgumix. Gumgumix was applied on the lesion area with a finger pressure twice a day and was not rinsed mouth after, only a limited spit and was prevented from taking any fluid during 30 minutes. The Compare option in the FluoreCam system was used to differentiate the situation before and after the use of the paste; if the marked area were yellow No Change; blue Sound Surface; green Improving; light blue Mild Improving and red meant Worsening. Results: Of the 13 lesions that were Suspect Surface initially, 46% were identified as Mild Improving, 7% as Moderate Worsening, 30% as No Change, and 15% as Sound Surface. Two of the white spot lesions were recovered totally as 100%. Conclusion: After use of Gumgumix for one week, remineralization was observed on teeth with white spot lesion. The white spot lesions on two teeth were totally healed

    Some tree features affecting host selection by Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae): Experimental results from Artvin spruce forests

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    Bark beetles are one of the most important group in forest pests that attack trees and cause tree deaths. Bark beetles such as Dendroctonus and Ips species have built up large populations periodically and have killed millions of trees in several years in northern hemisphere. Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) that has been first discovered in 1966 in Turkey has built up outbreak populations and has killed millions of spruce trees. D. micans is present in all the spruce forests in Artvin and Giresun, and it has an expanding front in Trabzon. It has endemic population in Artvin and Giresun, but it causes tree deaths in Trabzon. D. micans attacks apparently healthy trees besides wounded trees and windthrowns. Causes of the successful and aborted attacks are the focal point of the questions about host selection by D. micans. In this study, causes that affect D. micans successful establishment to its host have been experimentally investigated. Field works have been performed at Artvin Forestry Enterprises Taşlıca Forest District, at two different pure spruce stands that were in stand closure at 1975 m and 1680 m a.s.l. D. micans females have been inserted to unattacked spruce trees. This experiment has been arranged on 37 and 36 trees in the first and second study plot, respectively. Field works have been performed through 1 June – 5 November 2015. At the end of the experiment, periodic growth, some yield parameters, phloem thickness, phloem moisture and amount of C, N in phloem have been compared statistically. As a result, it has been found that D. micans successfully establishes on the trees that has decreasing growth in the last 10 years, shorter crown length and higher N in the phloem. Results of this study contribute to the subject of host selection by D. micans. Estimating the trees that the beetle can establish successfully will ease the work of practitioners during control studies

    Transient gestational diabetes insipidus diagnosed in successive pregnancies: review of pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and management of delivery.

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    Gestational diabetes insipidus (GDI) is a rare disorder characterised by polyuria, polydypsia, and excessive thirst usually manifesting in the third trimester of pregnancy. The etiology is thought to depend on excessive vasopressinase activity, a placental enzyme that degrades arginine-vasopressin (AVP), but not 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (dDAVP), which is a synthetic form. This is a transient syndrome and may be associated with acute fatty liver of pregnancy and preeclampsia. The use of dDAVP in symptomatic cases has been proven as a safe method for both the mother and the fetus during the pregnancy. We report a case of recurrent gestational diabetes insipidus in successive pregnancies, which responded to dDAVP and subsided after delivery

    Tribological Properties of Electric Arc-Sprayed CuSn Coating for Bearing Elements

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    This study was initiated for the purpose of understanding the tribological behavior of CuSn coatings at different loads under dry and lubricant environments for an application of bearing elements. A pin-on-plate type of apparatus was used to subject the CuSn coating to sliding wear against AISI 303 counter body. The surface roughness was measured from worn and unworn samples. The surface morphology and the elemental analysis of the CuSn coating was evaluated using SEM-EDS. Phase analyses of the coating were performed by XRD. It was found that the microhardness values changed with the depth of the coating and a decrease of surface roughness under dry condition wear test is greater than that under the lubricant environment. The critical load between the coating and the substrate was found to be 11.82 mN using scratch results. CuSn coated samples had higher wear resistance under a lubricated environment than that under a dry environment. Moreover, it was observed that the effect of the environment on the friction coefficient values is more dominant than that of the load levels

    Synergistic growth inhibitory effect of deracoxib with doxorubicin against a canine mammary tumor cell line, CMT-U27

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    Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors have been shown to exert anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor activities on many types of malignant tumors. These anticancer properties make it worthwhile to examine the possible benefit of combining COX inhibitors with other anti-cancer agents. In the present study, we evaluated the potential of deracoxib (DER) in potentiating antitumor activity of doxorubicin (DOX) in canine mammary carcinoma cells (CMT-U27). DER (50-250 mu M) enhanced the antiproliferative activity of DOX by reducing the IC50 (approximately 3- to 3.5 fold). Interaction analysis of the data showed that combinations of DOX at 0.9 mu M with DER (100-250 mu M) produced synergism in the CMT-U27 cell line, with a ratio index ranging from 1.98 to 2.33. In additional studies identifying the mechanism of observed synergistic effect, we found that DER strongly potentiated DOX-caused G(0)/G(1) arrest in cell cycle progression. Also, DER (100-250 mu M) augmented apoptosis induction with approximately 1.35- and 1.37-fold increases in apoptotic response caused by DOX in the cells. DER enhanced the antiproliferative effect of DOX in conjunction with induction of apoptosis by modulation of Bcl-2 expression and changes in the cell cycle of the CMT-U27 cell line. Although the exact molecular mechanism of the alterations in the cell cycle and apoptosis observed with DER and DOX combinations require further investigations, the results suggest that the synergistic effect of DOX and DER combinations in CMT therapy may be achieved at relatively lower doses of DOX with lesser side effects. Therefore, combining DER with DOX may prove beneficial in the clinical treatment of canine mammary cancer

    Synergistic growth inhibitory effect of deracoxib with doxorubicin against a canine mammary tumor cell line, CMT-U27

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    Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors have been shown to exert anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor activities on many types of malignant tumors. These anticancer properties make it worthwhile to examine the possible benefit of combining COX inhibitors with other anti-cancer agents. In the present study, we evaluated the potential of deracoxib (DER) in potentiating antitumor activity of doxorubicin (DOX) in canine mammary carcinoma cells (CMT-U27). DER (50–250 µM) enhanced the antiproliferative activity of DOX by reducing the IC(50) (approximately 3- to 3.5 fold). Interaction analysis of the data showed that combinations of DOX at 0.9 µM with DER (100–250 µM) produced synergism in the CMT-U27 cell line, with a ratio index ranging from 1.98 to 2.33. In additional studies identifying the mechanism of observed synergistic effect, we found that DER strongly potentiated DOX-caused G(0)/G(1) arrest in cell cycle progression. Also, DER (100–250 µM) augmented apoptosis induction with approximately 1.35- and 1.37- fold increases in apoptotic response caused by DOX in the cells. DER enhanced the antiproliferative effect of DOX in conjunction with induction of apoptosis by modulation of Bcl-2 expression and changes in the cell cycle of the CMT-U27 cell line. Although the exact molecular mechanism of the alterations in the cell cycle and apoptosis observed with DER and DOX combinations require further investigations, the results suggest that the synergistic effect of DOX and DER combinations in CMT therapy may be achieved at relatively lower doses of DOX with lesser side effects. Therefore, combining DER with DOX may prove beneficial in the clinical treatment of canine mammary cancer