8 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial phospholipid homeostasis is regulated by the i-AAA protease PaIAP and affects organismic aging

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    Mitochondria are ubiquitous organelles of eukaryotic organisms with a number of essential functions, including synthesis of iron-sulfur clusters, amino acids, lipids, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). During aging of the fungal aging model Podospora anserina, the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) undergoes prominent morphological alterations, ultimately resulting in functional impairments. Since phospholipids (PLs) are key components of biological membranes, maintenance of membrane plasticity and integrity via regulation of PL biosynthesis is indispensable. Here, we report results from a lipidomic analysis of isolated mitochondria from P. anserina that revealed an age-related reorganization of the mitochondrial PL profile and the involvement of the i-AAA protease PaIAP in proteolytic regulation of PL metabolism. The absence of PaIAP enhances biosynthesis of characteristic mitochondrial PLs, leads to significant alterations in the acyl composition of the mitochondrial signature PL cardiolipin (CL), and induces mitophagy. These alterations presumably cause the lifespan increase of the PaIap deletion mutant under standard growth conditions. However, PaIAP is required at elevated temperatures and for degradation of superfluous CL synthase PaCRD1 during glycolytic growth. Overall, our study uncovers a prominent role of PaIAP in the regulation of PL homeostasis in order to adapt membrane plasticity to fluctuating environmental conditions as they occur in nature

    Cerebral mitochondrial function and cognitive performance during aging: a longitudinal study in NMRI mice

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    Brain aging is one of the major risk factors for the development of several neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, mitochondrial dysfunction plays an important role in processes of both, brain aging and neurodegeneration. Aged mice including NMRI mice are established model organisms to study physiological and molecular mechanisms of brain aging. However, longitudinal data evaluated in one cohort are rare but are important to understand the aging process of the brain throughout life, especially since pathological changes early in life might pave the way to neurodegeneration in advanced age. To assess the longitudinal course of brain aging, we used a cohort of female NMRI mice and measured brain mitochondrial function, cognitive performance, and molecular markers every 6 months until mice reached the age of 24 months. Furthermore, we measured citrate synthase activity and respiration of isolated brain mitochondria. Mice at the age of three months served as young controls. At six months of age, mitochondria-related genes (complex IV, creb-1, ÎČ-AMPK, and Tfam) were significantly elevated. Brain ATP levels were significantly reduced at an age of 18 months while mitochondria respiration was already reduced in middle-aged mice which is in accordance with the monitored impairments in cognitive tests. mRNA expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis (cAMP response element-binding protein 1 (creb-1), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC1-α), nuclear respiratory factor-1 (Nrf-1), mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam), growth-associated protein 43 (GAP43), and synaptophysin 1 (SYP1)) and the antioxidative defense system (catalase (Cat) and superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2)) was measured and showed significantly decreased expression patterns in the brain starting at an age of 18 months. BDNF expression reached, a maximum after 6 months. On the basis of longitudinal data, our results demonstrate a close connection between the age-related decline of cognitive performance, energy metabolism, and mitochondrial biogenesis during the physiological brain aging process

    Cerebral Mitochondrial Function and Cognitive Performance during Aging: A Longitudinal Study in NMRI Mice

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    Brain aging is one of the major risk factors for the development of several neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, mitochondrial dysfunction plays an important role in processes of both, brain aging and neurodegeneration. Aged mice including NMRI mice are established model organisms to study physiological and molecular mechanisms of brain aging. However, longitudinal data evaluated in one cohort are rare but are important to understand the aging process of the brain throughout life, especially since pathological changes early in life might pave the way to neurodegeneration in advanced age. To assess the longitudinal course of brain aging, we used a cohort of female NMRI mice and measured brain mitochondrial function, cognitive performance, and molecular markers every 6 months until mice reached the age of 24 months. Furthermore, we measured citrate synthase activity and respiration of isolated brain mitochondria. Mice at the age of three months served as young controls. At six months of age, mitochondria-related genes (complex IV, creb-1, ÎČ-AMPK, and Tfam) were significantly elevated. Brain ATP levels were significantly reduced at an age of 18 months while mitochondria respiration was already reduced in middle-aged mice which is in accordance with the monitored impairments in cognitive tests. mRNA expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis (cAMP response element-binding protein 1 (creb-1), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC1-α), nuclear respiratory factor-1 (Nrf-1), mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam), growth-associated protein 43 (GAP43), and synaptophysin 1 (SYP1)) and the antioxidative defense system (catalase (Cat) and superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2)) was measured and showed significantly decreased expression patterns in the brain starting at an age of 18 months. BDNF expression reached, a maximum after 6 months. On the basis of longitudinal data, our results demonstrate a close connection between the age-related decline of cognitive performance, energy metabolism, and mitochondrial biogenesis during the physiological brain aging process

    CLiB – a novel cardiolipin-binder isolated via data-driven and in vitro screening

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    Cardiolipin, the mitochondria marker lipid, is crucially involved in stabilizing the inner mitochondrial membrane and is vital for the activity of mitochondrial proteins and protein complexes. Directly targeting cardiolipin by a chemical-biology approach and thereby altering the cellular concentration of “available” cardiolipin eventually allows to systematically study the dependence of cellular processes on cardiolipin availability. In the present study, physics-based coarse-grained free energy calculations allowed us to identify the physical and chemical properties indicative of cardiolipin selectivity and to apply these to screen a compound database for putative cardiolipin-binders. The membrane binding properties of the 22 most promising molecules identified in the in silico approach were screened in vitro, using model membrane systems finally resulting in the identification of a single molecule, CLiB (CardioLipin-Binder). CLiB clearly affects respiration of cardiolipin-containing intact bacterial cells as well as of isolated mitochondria. Thus, the structure and function of mitochondrial membranes and membrane proteins might be (indirectly) targeted and controlled by CLiB for basic research and, potentially, also for therapeutic purposes

    MH84 improves mitochondrial dysfunction in a mouse model of early Alzheimer’s disease

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    Abstract Background Current approved drugs for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) only attenuate symptoms, but do not cure the disease. The pirinixic acid derivate MH84 has been characterized as a dual gamma-secretase/proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARÎł) modulator in vitro. Pharmacokinetic studies in mice showed that MH84 is bioavailable after oral administration and reaches the brain. We recently demonstrated that MH84 improved mitochondrial dysfunction in a cellular model of AD. In the present study, we extended the pharmacological characterization of MH84 to 3-month-old Thy-1 AÎČPPSL mice (harboring the Swedish and London mutation in human amyloid precursor protein (APP)) which are characterized by enhanced AÎČPP processing and cerebral mitochondrial dysfunction, representing a mouse model of early AD. Methods Three-month-old Thy-1 AÎČPPSL mice received 12 mg/kg b.w. MH84 by oral gavage once a day for 21 days. Mitochondrial respiration was analyzed in isolated brain mitochondria, and mitochondrial membrane potential and ATP levels were determined in dissociated brain cells. Citrate synthase (CS) activity was determined in brain tissues and MitoTracker Green fluorescence was measured in HEK293-AÎČPPwt and HEK293-AÎČPPsw cells. Soluble AÎČ1–40 and AÎČ1–42 levels were determined using ELISA. Western blot analysis and qRT-PCR were used to measure protein and mRNA levels, respectively. Results MH84 reduced cerebral levels of the ÎČ-secretase-related C99 peptide and of AÎČ40 levels. Mitochondrial dysfunction was ameliorated by restoring complex IV (cytochrome-c oxidase) respiration, mitochondrial membrane potential, and levels of ATP. Induction of PPARÎł coactivator-1α (PGC-1α) mRNA and protein expression was identified as a possible mode of action that leads to increased mitochondrial mass as indicated by enhanced CS activity, OXPHOS levels, and MitoTracker Green fluorescence. Conclusions MH84 modulates ÎČ-secretase processing of APP and improves mitochondrial dysfunction by a PGC-1α-dependent mechanism. Thus, MH84 seems to be a new promising therapeutic agent with approved in-vivo activity for the treatment of AD

    Les propositions de la revue à mi-parcours de la PAC sont explicitées

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    Le Commissaire pour l'agriculture Franz Fischler a soulignĂ© les conclusions des rĂ©centes Ă©tudes d'impact et les raisons qui justifient les propositions rĂ©glementaires pour des rĂ©formes supplĂ©mentaires de la PAC prĂ©sentĂ©es par l'UE au Parlement europĂ©en le 22 janvier 2003. Il a insistĂ© sur le fait que ces propositions : * supprimeraient les dĂ©sĂ©quilibres structurels sur les marchĂ©s du seigle, du boe uf et du riz ; * ne conduiraient pas, en raison du dĂ©couplage, Ă  un abandon massif de la production, mais relancerait au contraire les revenus des producteurs dans la mesure oĂč ceux-ci pourraient s'orienter vers des productions plus rentables. Il a aussi soulignĂ© deux modifications notables dans les rĂ©glementations proposĂ©es, par rapport Ă  celles de juin 2002, Ă  savoir l'adoption d'une proposition de rĂ©forme du rĂ©gime laitier et des changements importants aux accords sur la modulation dynamique. Les contraintes budgĂ©taires de l'UE n'ont pas permis de faire avancer la rĂ©forme du secteur laitier. Les propositions spĂ©cifiques formulĂ©es pour ce secteur comprennent les mesures suivantes : * extension du systĂšme de quotas jusqu'en 2014 ; * rĂ©duction supplĂ©mentaire du soutien des prix du lait et augmentation des quotas de 1% par an en 2007 et 2008 dans l'UE Ă  25 ; * rĂ©duction des prix d'intervention de 3,5% par an pour le lait Ă©crĂ©mĂ© en poudre ; * rĂ©duction de 7% par an des prix d'intervention sur le beurre ; * compensation des rĂ©ductions de prix pour les producteurs de lait Ă  hauteur de 58% des rĂ©duction de prix. Le Commissaire Fischler a estimĂ© que ces propositions devraient rendre le secteur laitier de l'UE plus compĂ©titif et donnera l'UE une plus grande marge de manoe uvre Ă  l'OMC. Les propositions de modulation dynamique comprennent les Ă©lĂ©ments suivants : * pas de rĂ©duction de paiements pour les agriculteurs qui reçoivent jusqu'Ă  5 000 € ; * 12.5% rĂ©duction pour les agriculteurs qui reçoivent entre 5 000 et 50 000 € ; * 19% de rĂ©duction pour les agriculteurs qui reçoivent plus de 50 000 € . 6% environ de l'ensemble des Ă©conomies ainsi rĂ©alisĂ©es seront affectĂ©s au dĂ©veloppement rural, le reste servira Ă  financer des rĂ©formes ultĂ©rieures et Ă  assister les agriculteurs en grande difficultĂ©. Le Commissaire a expliquĂ© le fonctionnement du dĂ©couplage en termes simples: 'Pour chaque exploitation, les versements directs actuellement dus seront regroupĂ©s en un seul versement dont le niveau sera basĂ© sur les montants perçus pendant la pĂ©riode 2000-2002 au titre des droits acquis dans le dispositif actuel. Tous les critĂšres sur lesquels ce soutien Ă©tait basĂ© pendant la pĂ©riode de rĂ©fĂ©rence seront pris en compte ( zone de paiements, tĂȘtes de bĂ©tail, paiements par tonne etc.). Ces paiements seraient conditionnĂ©s Ă  la conformitĂ© avec des standards obligatoires en matiĂšre de protection de l'environnement, de sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, de santĂ© animale et de sĂ©curitĂ© en matiĂšre de bien-ĂȘtre et d'emploi. Ce soutien serait supprimĂ© en cas de non conformitĂ©. Pour facilitĂ© le transfert des droits de paiement d'une exploitation Ă  une autre, ces droits devront faire l'objet d'un calcul basĂ© sur une division du niveau de paiement par exploitation par la taille de la zone sur laquelle les paiements Ă©taient basĂ©s. Ainsi les zones de pĂąturages, de cĂ©rĂ©ales et de d'olĂ©agineux seraient concernĂ©s, mais pas les zones utilisĂ©es pour cultiver de la canne Ă  sucre ou des pommes de terre.' Les Etats-membres seraient autorisĂ©s Ă  mettre en place ce dispositif en fonction des circonstances rĂ©gionales qui dĂ©termineront les principes de conformitĂ© croisĂ©e Ă  appliquer. Il a soulignĂ© le fait que les propositions de la Commission n'entraĂźneraient pas de dĂ©couplage dans tous les secteurs, car cela pourrait conduire Ă  des baisses de production inacceptables pour certains produits. En consĂ©quence, certaines aides pourraient continuer Ă  ĂȘtre liĂ©es Ă  la production, notamment le blĂ© dur, la fĂ©cule de pomme de terre, le riz et les protĂ©ines alimentaires. En fait, le dĂ©couplage ne serait introduit que dans la mesure oĂč il est nĂ©cessaire pour atteindre les objectifs de l'UE, s'agissant notamment de la reconnaissance internationale et de l'acceptation du systĂšme de soutien de l'UE. Quant Ă  l'OMC, le Commissaire Fischler estime que si l'UE faisait preuve d'initiative, il serait plus facile de protĂ©ger le modĂšle agricole europĂ©en et sĂ©curiser l'acceptation internationale des positions de l'UE sur les questions non commerciales. Comment: Il faut noter que le recours aux Ă©conomies sur le budget de l'UE pour faire avancer la rĂ©forme du secteur laitier signifie que celle du secteur du sucre pourrait bien ĂȘtre Ă  nouveau reportĂ©e. En soulignant que le dĂ©couplage pourrait n'ĂȘtre introduit que s'il est nĂ©cessaire Ă  l'atteinte des objectifs de l'UE, comme l'assurance d'une approbation internationale du dispositif UE de soutien, le Commissaire a clairement indiquĂ© qu'il ne permettrait pas qu'une rĂ©forme menace d'une quelconque façon des produits UE couverts par la PAC. Cela indique concrĂštement les limites qui sont mises Ă  l'extension de la rĂ©forme de la PAC et aux rĂ©ductions des aides publiques de l'UE au secteur agricole.Le Commissaire pour l'agriculture Franz Fischler a..

    Additional file 3: Figure S3. of MH84 improves mitochondrial dysfunction in a mouse model of early Alzheimer’s disease

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    Western blot analysis of A brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), B Growth associated protein 43 (GAP43), and C synaptophysin in brain homogenate isolated from wild-type mice (control), Thy-1 AÎČPPSL (control), and MH-84-treated Thy-1 AÎČPPSL (MH84) mice. Tubulin (A, C) and GAPDH (B) were used as loading controls. Data represent means ± SEM. N = 11 (six females, five males); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison post test (***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, against wild-type(control); +p < 0.05 against Thy-1 AÎČPPSL (control)). (TIFF 12802 kb