19 research outputs found

    Energy harvesting and wireless transfer in sensor network applications: Concepts and experiences

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    Advances in micro-electronics and miniaturized mechanical systems are redefining the scope and extent of the energy constraints found in battery-operated wireless sensor networks (WSNs). On one hand, ambient energy harvesting may prolong the systems lifetime or possibly enable perpetual operation. On the other hand, wireless energy transfer allows systems to decouple the energy sources from the sensing locations, enabling deployments previously unfeasible. As a result of applying these technologies to WSNs, the assumption of a finite energy budget is replaced with that of potentially infinite, yet intermittent, energy supply, profoundly impacting the design, implementation, and operation of WSNs. This article discusses these aspects by surveying paradigmatic examples of existing solutions in both fields and by reporting on real-world experiences found in the literature. The discussion is instrumental in providing a foundation for selecting the most appropriate energy harvesting or wireless transfer technology based on the application at hand. We conclude by outlining research directions originating from the fundamental change of perspective that energy harvesting and wireless transfer bring about

    Holocene Provenance Identification and Climate Control of Indus Basin By Using Radiogenic Techniques and Clay Mineralogy

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    Two commonly used isotopic methods (Zircon U-Pb dating and K-feldspar Pb dating) were employed for the Holocene provenance identification within the Indus basin. Zircon grains from the upper Indus are generally younger than 200 Ma in contrast with the eastern tributaries, which show varying inputs from Greater and Lesser Himalayan sources. The Sutlej river is very rich in Lesser Himalayan-sourced sediments, while the Chenab is mostly eroded from the Greater Himalaya. Grains younger than 200 Ma in the sands of the Thar desert indicate preferential aeolian transport from the Indus lower reaches. K-feldspar Pb dating of silt and sand-sized grains from the modern Sutlej and Chenab rivers show a clear Himalayan provenance, contrasting with grains from the Indus Suture Zone, but are overlapping with Karakoram compositions. The desert dunes commonly show 207Pb/204Pb and 206Pb/204Pb values that are much higher than those seen in the rivers, most consistent with erosion from Nanga Parbat. This implies at least some origin from the trunk Indus, probably reworked by summer monsoon winds from the SW, a hypothesis supported by U-Pb zircon dating. Further, data collected from Holocene and Pleistocene buried sands on the western edge of the Thar desert were sourced from Himalayan rivers before and at 6–8 ka, but after that time the proportion of high isotopic ratio grains rose, indicating increased contribution from the Thar Desert dunes prior to ~4.5 ka when flow ceased entirely. Clay mineral assemblages are dominated by smectite and illite, with minor chlorite and kaolinite. Deltaic sediments integrate clay minerals across the basin with increased smectite input between 13 and 7.5 ka, indicating stronger chemical weathering when the summer monsoon intensified and correlating with similar trends in peninsular India

    Indus Basin sediment provenance constrained using garnet geochemistry

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. The chemical and mineralogical diversity of western Himalayan rivers is the result of each of them draining different tectonic and lithologic units, whose character is partly transferred to the sediments carried by those rivers. Garnet geochemistry was employed to discriminate provenance in the Indus River system. We characterized the geochemistry of garnet sediment grains from the modern Indus and all its major tributaries, as well as the related but ephemeral Ghaggar-Hakra River and dune sand from the Thar Desert. Garnet geochemistry displays a unique signature for the Himalayan rivers on the east of the Indus drainage compared to those in the western drainage. The trunk Indus remains distinct because of the dominant arc-type pyrope-garnet derived from Kohistan and the Karakoram. The Jhellum, which lies just east of the modern Indus has modest concentrations of arc-type pyrope garnets, which are more depleted in the other eastern tributaries. Their presence in the Jhellum reflects recycling of trunk Indus garnets through the Miocene Siwalik Group foreland sedimentary rocks. The Thar Desert dune sample contains significant numbers of grains similar to those in the trunk Indus, likely reworked by monsoon winds from the SW. Our data further indicate the presence of a Himalayan river channel east of the present Indus, close to the delta, in the Nara River valley during the middle Holocene. Sands from this channel cannot be distinguished from the Indus on the basis of their garnet geochemistry alone but we favour their sedimentation from an Indus channel rather than reworking of desert sands by another stream. The garnet geochemistry shows some potential as a provenance tool, but cannot be used alone to uniquely discriminate Indus Basin provenance

    Laser Based Energy Distribution Architecture for Decoupling Energy and Sensing Planes in WSN

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    We propose decoupling energy and sensing planes in WSN. This decoupling represents a paradigm shift as it can alleviate the fundamental problem of energy depletion in WSN and can (in theory) offer a sensor network with infinite lifetime. We present energy transference as the mode of decoupling energy by allowing energy to move between energy-rich and energy-poor nodes. We present a first practical energy distribution architecture that allows us to decouple energy supply from sensing activities. Such a separation of responsibilities enables us to utilize abundant energy sources distant from the sensing location, allowing unrestricted lifetime and resolving unequal energy consumption in WSN. We demonstrate energy transfer for practical decoupling using low-cost and low-footprint, laser μ -power beaming that powers current WSN platforms at 100 m of range. We design and implement LAMP, a tiered architecture to manage energy supply to both mesh and clustered WSN deployments using an energy distribution protocol. We evaluate our system to show that, for an additional cost of $29 per mote, LAMP can support perpetual mesh functionality for up to 40 sensors or 120 nodes in clustered operation

    Efficient Intermittent Computing with Differential Checkpointing

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    Embedded devices running on ambient energy perform computations intermittently, depending upon energy availability. System support ensures forward progress of programs through state checkpointing in non-volatile memory. Checkpointing is, however, expensive in energy and adds to execution times. To reduce this overhead, we present DICE, a system design that efficiently achieves differential checkpointing in intermittent computing. Distinctive traits of DICE are its software-only nature and its ability to only operate in volatile main memory to determine differentials. DICE works with arbitrary programs using automatic code instrumentation, thus requiring no programmer intervention, and can be integrated with both reactive (Hibernus) or proactive (MementOS, HarvOS) checkpointing systems. By reducing the cost of checkpoints, performance markedly improves. For example, using DICE, Hibernus requires one order of magnitude shorter time to complete a fixed workload in real-world settings

    Fluvial-eolian interactions in sediment routing and sedimentary signal buffring: An example from the indus basin and thar desert

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    © 2015, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology). Sediment production and its subsequent preservation in the marine stratigraphic record offshore of large rivers are linked by complex sediment-transfer systems. To interpret the stratigraphic record it is critical to understand how environmental signals transfer from sedimentary source regions to depositional sinks, and in particular to understand the role of buffering in obscuring climatic or tectonic signals. In dryland regions, signal buffering can include sediment cycling through linked fluvial and eolian systems. We investigate sediment-routing connectivity between the Indus River and the Thar Desert, where fluvial and eolian systems exchanged sediment over large spatial scales (hundreds of kilometers). Summer monsoon winds recycle sediment from the lower Indus River and delta northeastward, i.e., downwind and upstream, into the desert. Far-field eolian recycling of Indus sediment is important enough to control sediment provenance at the downwind end of the desert substantially, although the proportion of Indus sediment of various ages varies regionally within the desert; dune sands in the northwestern Thar Desert resemble the late Holocene-Recent Indus delta, requiring short transport and reworking times. On smaller spatial scales (1-10 m) along fluvial channels in the northern Thar Desert, there is also stratigraphic evidence of fluvial and eolian sediment reworking from local rivers. In terms of sediment volume, we estimate that the Thar Desert could be a more substantial sedimentary store than all other known buffer regions in the Indus basin combined. Thus, since the mid-Holocene, when the desert expanded as the summer monsoon rainfall decreased, fluvial-eolian recycling has been an important but little recognized process buffering sediment flux to the ocean. Similar fluvial-eolian connectivity likely also affects sediment routing and signal transfer in other dryland regions globally

    Fast and Energy-efficient State Checkpointing for Intermittent Computing

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    Intermittently powered embedded devices ensure forward progress of programs through state checkpointing in non-volatile memory. Checkpointing is, however, expensive in energy and adds to the execution times. To minimize this overhead, we present DICE, a system that renders differential checkpointing profitable on these devices. DICE is unique because it is a software-only technique and efficient because it only operates in volatile main memory to evaluate the differential. DICE may be integrated with reactive (Hibernus) or proactive (MementOS, HarvOS) checkpointing systems, and arbitrary code can be enabled with DICE using automatic code-instrumentation requiring no additional programmer effort. By reducing the cost of checkpoints, DICE cuts the peak energy demand of these devices, allowing operation with energy buffers that are one-eighth of the size originally required, thus leading to benefits such as smaller device footprints and faster recharging to operational voltage level. The impact on final performance is striking: with DICE, Hibernus requires one order of magnitude fewer checkpoints and one order of magnitude shorter time to complete a workload in real-world settings

    The Betrayal of Constant Power × Time: Finding the Missing Joules of Transiently-powered Computers

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    Transiently-powered computers (TPCs) lay the basis for a battery-less Internet of Things, using energy harvesting and small capacitors to power their operation. This power supply is characterized by extreme variations in supply voltage, as capacitors charge when harvesting energy and discharge when computing. We experimentally find that these variations cause marked fluctuations in clock speed and power consumption, which determine energy efficiency. We demonstrate that it is possible to accurately model and concretely capitalize on these fluctuations. We derive an energy model as a function of supply voltage and develop EPIC, a compile-time energy analysis tool. We use EPIC to substitute for the constant power assumption in existing analysis techniques, giving programmers accurate information on worst-case energy consumption of programs. When using EPIC with existing TPC system support, run-time energy efficiency drastically improves, eventually leading up to a 350% speedup in the time to complete a fixed workload. Further, when using EPIC with existing debugging tools, programmers avoid unnecessary program changes that hurt energy efficiency