19 research outputs found

    COVID-19: Are School Counseling Services Ready? Students' Psychological Symptoms, School Counselors' Views, and Solutions

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    The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of COVID-19 on high school students' psychological symptoms and to understand how ready counselors and school counseling services are based on the data we have. Therefore, this research is designed under two different studies: (A) Study 1: Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on students' psychological symptoms and (B) Study 2: Views and expectations of students and school counselors about school counseling services. The first study was a quantitative study and included 549 high school students (398 female, 151 male). A structural equation model (SEM) was created to examine the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on participants' psychological symptoms. The Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) scores showed that 107 (19.50%) individuals had a score of 50 and above pointing out that individuals in this group had severe impact of event/trauma symptomologies. The SEM analysis indicated that IES-R scores had a total effect of 0.79 on anxiety, 0.75 on depression, 0.74 on negative self-concept, 0.68 on somatization, and 0.66 on hostility scores. Furthermore, female students had significantly higher scores on anxiety, depression, negative self-concept, somatization, hostility, and impact of events variables than male students. Study 2 was a qualitative design and consisted of five school counselors and five students from different schools. The results indicated that students' difficulties during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak were educational, cognitive, emotional, physiological, relational, technological, and related to routines. Academic, social, emotional, and behavioral issues came to the fore among the difficulties that can be experienced if students start face-to-face education. On the other hand, the school counselors listed that family relations, personal-social, emotional, and academic themes were the difficulties experienced by the students at the beginning of the COVID-19. In addition, when COVID-19 started, the services offered by school counselors were discussed under (1) services for the student, (2) services for the family, and (3) services for the teacher. Finally, according to the opinions of the school counselors, if students start face-to-face education, they may experience emotional, academic, and relational difficulties. In summary, it is vital that student personality services be prepared and implemented by school counseling services for schools based on the results

    Determination of resilience factors in individuals who tested COVID-19 positive

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    The main purpose of this study was to determine the protective factors that can aid people in their recovery or help maintain their well-being in the face of collective adversity, in this case, the COVID-19 pandemic, and to examine how these factors can be further strengthened. The study included 89 participants from 14 different cities in Turkey, ranging in age from 18 to 70, 46 of them men and 43 women. In light of the findings of the study, it can be said that psychosocial support and re-adaptation programmes are needed to ease the social-emotional burden of living through a pandemic on individuals (especially those who survived the virus) even after the COVID-19 pandemic ends

    Bağımlılıkla Mücadelede Koruyucu ve Önleyici Faktörlerin İncelenmesi: Yaşam Becerilerinin Rolü

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    Gelişimsel olarak risk grubunda bulunan çocuk ve ergenlerin karşı karşıya kalabileceği bağımlılık türleri içinde madde bağımlılığı önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bilindiği gibi bağımlılık noktasında gelişimsel olarak risk altında bulunan çocuk ve ergenlerin karşı karşıya kalabileceği madde bağımlılığına yönelik farklı perspektiflere sahip önleme ve müdahale programları geliştirilmektedir. Bununla birlikte madde bağımlılığını önleme amaçlı programların daha çok bilgilendirmeye dayalı oldukları görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı ergenlerde madde bağımlılığı ile yaşam becerileri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesidir. Bu doğrultuda madde kullanımına/ bağımlılığına ilişkin olarak ergenlerin ve ailelerinin tutumları, düşünceleri ve başlama hikâyelerinden hareketle maddeye başlanma nedenleri, madde kullanmanın sonuçları ve madde bağımlılığını önlemede yaşam becerilerinin önem ve işlevini ortaya koymak amacıyla nitel bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri odak grup görüşmesi tekniği ile ebeveyn (45 ebeveyn) ve gençlerden (42 genç) oluşan toplam 87 kişi ile 10 ayrı görüşmeden toplanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin incelenmesi, nitel veri analizi tekniğine uygun olarak geliştirilen MAXQDA programı ile bilgisayar ortamında yapılmıştır Analizler sonucunda madde kullanan ergenlerin aileleri ile sorun yaşadıkları, aileleri ve arkadaşlarıyla ilişkilerinin iyi olmadığı, okul başarılarının ve okula bağlılıklarının düşük olduğu bulguları elde edilmiştir. 4H Yaşam Becerileri Modeli kapsamında yapılan değerlendirmeyle ergenlerin madde kullanımını önlemede etkili olabileceğine inandıkları yaşam becerileri arasında duyuşsal alanda sosyal beceriler, iletişim ve besleyici ilişkiler kurabilme; bilişsel alanda problem çözme, maddeye karşı koyma ve hedef belirleme; sağlık alanında duyguları yönetme ve öz disiplin gibi becerilerin ön plana çıktığı görülmektedir

    Protective and Preventative Factors in Struggling with Addiction: The Role of Life Skills

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    WOS: 000503273200018Drug addiction plays an important role in the problems experienced by children and adolescents in developmental risk groups. The programs developed to prevent drug addiction seem to be more on knowledge level. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between drug addiction and life skills in adolescents. In this context, a qualitative research has been conducted in order to demonstrate the attitudes of young people and their families towards substance use/dependence, the motivations of considering and starting narratives. the reasons of starting to drug, the consequences of drug use and the importance of life skills in preventing drug addiction. The data were gathered from 10 separate interviews with a total of 87 people, consisting of parents; (45) and young people (42) with the focus group interviews. The data were analyzed with qualitative data analysis technique using MAXQDA program. As a result of the research, it is found that young people who use drugs have problems with their families, do not have good relations with their families and friends, and they have low school achievement and school loyalty. Among the life skills that young people believe to be effective in preventing drug use are social skills, communication and nurturing relationships in affective domain; , problem solving, resistance to substance and goal setting, health in the field of managing emotions and self-discipline are the most important ones in cognitive domain

    Оцінка сейсмічних впливів на південному схилі Великого Кавказу (Азербайджан) по сценарним землетрусам: параметри і моделі прискорення переміщення грунту

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    In this paper, earthquake scenarios parameters were assessed for deterministic seis-mic hazard of the southern slope of Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan). Historically, there occurred strong earthquakes in the studied region. Series of soft and strong earthquakes occurred for the recent years on the southern slope of Greater Caucasus in Azerbaijan in Balakan (14.10.2012, M = 5,6; 29.06.2014, M = 5,3); Zagatala (07.05.2012, M = 5,7; 18.05.2012, M = 5,0; 05.06.2018, M = 5,5); Sheki (earthquake swarm 05.02.2004, M = 3,2 ¸ 4.6); Sheki-Oguz (04.09.2015, M = 5,9); Gabala 04.10.2014, M = 5,0); Ismailli (05.02.2019, M = 5,2) demonstrates the increase of seismic activity in the given region and proves once aga-in the necessity and actuality of continuation of the seismic hazard assessment resear-ches. For earthquake scenarios of various distances, average response spectrum (5 % attenuation) of surface ground fluctuation was plotted, peak ground acceleration were assessed at the maximum magnitude, series of peak ground acceleration models were simulated at respective MSK-64 intensity, and also amplification factor distribution map. The comparative analysis allows presuming that amplification occurs due to the resonance processes, that is, softer soils produce seismic wave amplitude amplification as a result of impedance differences of those layers and harder rocks. Seismic intensity increase is observed in the sites with soft-cemented sand-clayey soils, although with sands-tones, limestone and sandy marlstone of various thicknesses. It is demonstrated that ground displacements are various and not obviously oriented towards seismic source.Оценены параметры сценарных землетрясений для детерминистической оценки сейсмической опасности южного склона Большого Кавказа (Азербайджан). В историческом прошлом в исследуемом регионе происходили сильные землетрясения. Серия ощутимых и сильных землетрясений, произошедших за последние годы на южном склоне Большого Кавказа в пределах территории Азербайджана в Балакане (14.10.2012, M = 5,6; 29.06.2014, M = 5,3) Загатале (07.05.2012, M = 5,7; 18.05.2012, M = 5,0; 05.06.2018, M = 5,5) Шеки ( "рой" землетрясений 05.02.2004, M = 3,2 ё 4,6) Шеки-Огуз (04.09.2015, M = 5,9) Габале (04.10.2014, M = 5,0); Исмаили (05.02.2019, M = 5,2), показывает рост сейсмической активности этого региона и еще раз доказывает необходимость и актуальность продолжения исследований по оценке сейсмической опасности. Для сценарных землетрясений различной удаленности построено средние спектры реакции (при 5% -ном угасании) колебаний поверхности почвы,оценены максимальные горизонтальные ускорения перемещения грунта при максимальной возможной магнитуды, построено серии моделей пиковых ускорений перемещений почвы и соответствующей интенсивности по балльной шкале MSK-64, а также карту распределения амплитуды усиления сейсмической волны. Сравнительный анализ позволяет предположить, что усиление амплитуды волны возникает вследствие резонансных процессов, то есть пухлее слои почвы влияют на увеличение амплитуды сейсмической волны вследствие разности импедансов этих слоев и более твердых пород. увеличение интенсивности сейсмичности наблюдается на участках с пропластками слабозцементованих песчано-глинистых отложений, хотя существуют слои песчаников, известняков и песчаных мергелей различной мощности. Показано, что перемещения грунта не является одномерными и не ориентированы строго по направлению на сейсмическое источник.Оцінено параметри сценарних землетрусів для детерміністичної оцінки сейсмічної небезпеки південного схилу Великого Кавказу (Азербайджан). В історичному минулому у досліджуваному регіоні відбувалися сильні землетруси. Серія відчутних і сильних землетрусів, що сталися за останні роки на південному схилі Великого Кавказу в межах території Азербайджану в Балакане (14.10.2012, M = 5,6; 29.06.2014, M = 5,3); Загаталі (07.05.2012, M = 5,7; 18.05.2012, M = 5,0; 05.06.2018, M = 5,5); Шеки (“рій” землетрусів 05.02.2004, M = 3,2 ё 4,6); Шеки-Огуз (04.09.2015, M = 5,9); Габалі (04.10.2014, M = 5,0 ); Ісмаїлі (05.02.2019, M = 5,2 ), показує зростання сейсмічної активності цього регіону і ще раз доводить необхідність і актуальність продовження досліджень з оцінювання сейсмічної небезпеки. Для сценарних землетрусів різної віддаленості побудовано середні спектри реакції (при 5%-му згасанні) коливань поверхні ґрунту,оцінено максимальні горизонтальні прискорення переміщення ґрунту за максимальної можливої магнітуди, побудовано серії моделей пікових прискорень переміщень ґрунту і відповідної інтенсивності за бальною шкалою MSK-64, а також карту розподілу амплітуди посилення сейсмічної волни. Порівняльний аналіз дає змогу припустити, що посилення амплітуди хвилі виникає внаслідок резонансних процесів, тобто пухкіші шари ґрунту впливають на збільшення амплітуди сейсмічної хвилі внаслідок різниці імпедансів цих шарів і твердіших порід . Збільшення інтенсивності сейсмічності спостерігається на ділянках з пропластками слабозцементованих піщано-глинистих відкладів, хоча існують шари пісковиків, вапняків і піщаних мергелів різної потужності. Показано, що переміщення ґрунту не є одновимірними і не орієнтовані чітко за напрямком на сейсмічне джерело

    Substance Dependence: Reinforcing the Individual for a Clean Life

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, bağımlılıkla mücadelede birincil önleme kapsamında yapılacak çalışmaları betimlemek ve önleme program-larının değerlendirilmesine ve geliştirilmesine yönelik öneriler getirmektir. Bağımlılık, genel anlamda kullanılan maddenin istenenetkisini sağlamak için kişinin giderek daha fazla miktarda madde kullanması ya da aynı miktarda madde kullandığında kişide belirginşekilde azalmış bir etkinin meydana gelmesi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bağımlılıkla ilgili literatüre bakıldığında madde bağımlılığı ilemücadelede sadece adli veya tıbbi müdahalelerin soruna etkili çözüm getiremediği fark edilmektedir. Buna karşın önleme ve yaşambecerilerini geliştirme odaklı çalışmaların çözüm noktasındaki ağırlığı günden güne artmaktadır. Önleme çalışmalarında önceliklihedef, bireyi madde kullanmaya başlamadan evvel bilinçlendirmek ve güçlendirmektir. Bu çalışmalarla koruyucu faktörleri geliştir-mek ve risk faktörlerini azaltmak suretiyle bağımlılığın önlenmesine uğraşılmaktadır. Nitekim son dönemlerde madde bağımlılığıile mücadelede, yaşam becerilerini geliştirmeyi amaçlayan önleme çalışmalarının ön plana çıktığı ve daha etkili sonuçlar alındığıgörülmektedir.The aims of this study are to define studies that will be conducted for primary prevention within the framework of the struggle with addictionand to present inferences for evaluating and improving prevention programs. Addiction is generally defined as the progressive use of a substancefor providing the addictive substance’s desired effect or when a decrease effect occurs despite using the same amount of the substance. Whenreviewing the literature on addiction, forensic or medical interventions alone are unable to offer effective solutions to this problem. Suggestionsfor studies on preventing and improving life skills have been able to be provided. The primary objective of prevention studies is to raiseindividual awareness and provide reinforcement before the use of any substance is begun. These studies have attempted to prevent addiction byimproving protective factors and decreasing risk factors. Recently, prevention studies that aim to improve life skills in order to prevent addictionhave been observed at the forefront and have revealed effective results

    Substance Dependence: Reinforcing the Individual for a Clean Life

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    The aims of this study are to define studies that will be conducted for primary prevention within the framework of the struggle with addiction and to present inferences for evaluating and improving prevention programs. Addiction is generally defined as the progressive use of a substance for providing the addictive substance's desired effect or when a decrease effect occurs despite using the same amount of the substance. When reviewing the literature on addiction, forensic or medical interventions alone are unable to offer effective solutions to this problem. Suggestions for studies on preventing and improving life skills have been able to be provided. The primary objective of prevention studies is to raise individual awareness and provide reinforcement before the use of any substance is begun. These studies have attempted to prevent addiction by improving protective factors and decreasing risk factors. Recently, prevention studies that aim to improve life skills in order to prevent addiction have been observed at the forefront and have revealed effective results