388 research outputs found

    British Students in the United States: motivations, experiences and career aspirations

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    Twelve years ago, the British educational press, and indeed the mainstream media, were consumed by the story of Laura Spence, a super-bright pupil from a Newcastle comprehensive school who, despite having five straight-As at ‘A level’ (the final secondary school exams), had been refused a place to read Medicine at Oxford after an interview there. General outrage at Oxford’s snobbishness ensued, with politician Gordon Brown, amongst others, weighing in with the criticism that Oxford favored applicants from the UK’s fee-paying independent schools (which include the elite but perversely named ‘public schools’), thereby excluding excellent applicants from state schools like Laura – especially if they come from deprived parts of the country with strong local accents. Laura instead went to the US to Harvard on a funded scholarship, completed her biochemistry degree there and returned to do postgraduate medical training at Cambridge – the other UK university which constitutes the top duo known collectively as ‘Oxbridge’. How typical is Laura’s story? Are there many British students who, as Oxbridge ‘rejects’, or fearful of being turned down for a place at the UK’s two most ancient and prestigious universities, apply abroad to widen their chances of success at other globally recognized institutions? Brooks and Waters (2009a) argue that there are indeed those like Laura who apply to US universities as a ‘second chance at success’; but our research suggests that there are many other explanations of the upward trend in favor of international study. Since the US is the most important destination for people from the UK studying abroad, the findings of this chapter are particularly important in producing a more robust understanding of the key drivers of international student mobility between one advanced economy and another. We suggest that there are some movers for whom study abroad is part of a carefully strategized plan of international career enhancement, while for others it is a product of their class habitus and family networks (see Bourdieu 1977). We would also argue that there are those who are looking for ‘something different’ yet, at the same time, desire a ‘knowable’ destination, familiar to them for example from film and television and without any great linguistic challenge. In the next section we describe our research project and its aims and methods. The main body of the chapter is made up of three sections which correspond to our three key research questions: about motivations for study in the US, about experiences there, and about future career plans. The conclusion emphasises the motivational and strategic nature of UK student migration to the US, targeted especially at universities perceived to be of high international standing. In terms of the link between study abroad and future career plans, fears about a putative British ‘brain drain’ are shown to be largely unfounded, since most students plan to return to the UK

    Efficient Internet Topology Discovery Techniques

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    Current macroscopic Internet topology discovery projects use large numbers of vantage points to conduct traceroute surveys of Internet paths. These projects send billions of unsolicited packets to millions of routers within the Internet. Due to the structure of the Internet, many of these packets are sent without gaining any new topology information. In this thesis, we implement and extensively test a largescale doubletree system designed to increase the efficiency of topology mapping projects and reduce the load that they place on the Internet. Also, for all of the effort that current projects put into gathering data, the methods used do not discover, with confidence, the entire set of paths. We propose, implement and critique a novel algorithm, economical MDA traceroute, which is designed to discover a comprehensive topology in a manner which is more efficient than the current state of the art. We show that, compared to current methods, well over 90% link coverage can be obtained while reducing the number of probes used by over 60%. We also evaluate alternate methods for making large scale topology discovery projects more efficient and comprehensive; such as using BGP routing data to guide probing

    From XML to XML: The why and how of making the biodiversity literature accessible to researchers

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    We present the ABLE document collection, which consists of a set of annotated volumes of the Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). These follow our work on automating the markup of scanned copies of the biodiversity literature, for the purpose of supporting working taxonomists. We consider an enhanced TEI XML markup language, which is used as an intermediate stage in translating from the initial XML obtained from Optical Character Recognition to the target taXMLit. The intermediate representation allows additional information from external sources such as a taxonomic thesaurus to be incorporated before the final translation into taXMLit

    Gas Concentration Measurements in Underground Waste Storage Tanks

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    Currently over 100 underground tanks at the Hanford facility in eastern Washington state are being used to store high-level radioactive waste. With plans for a long-term nuclear-waste repository in Nevada in place (though not yet approved), one promising use for these underground storage tanks is as a temporary waystation for waste destined for the Nevada repository. However, without a reasonable understanding of the chemical reactions going on within the tanks, transporting waste in and out of the tanks has been deemed to be unsafe. One hazard associated with such storage mechanisms is explosion of flammable gases produced within the tank. Within many of the storage tanks is a sludge layer. This layer, which is a mixture of liquid and solids, contains most of the radioactive material. Radioactive decay and its associated heat can produce several flammable materials within this layer. Two components of particular concern are hydrogen (H2) and nitrous oxide (N2O), since they are highly volatile in the gaseous phase. Though the tanks have either forced or natural convection systems to vent these gases, the possibility of an explosion still exists. Measurements of these gases are taken in several ways. Continuous measurements are taken in the headspace, which is the layer between the tank ceiling and the liquid (supernatant) or sludge layer below. In tanks where a supernatant layer sits atop the sludge layer, there are often rollovers or gas release events (GREs), where a large chunk of sludge, after attaining a certain void fraction, becomes buoyant, rising through the supernatant and releasing its associated gas composition to the headspace. Such changes trigger a sensor, and thus measurements are also taken at that time. Lastly, a retained gas sample (RGS) can be taken from either the supernatant or sludge layer. Such a core sample is quite expensive, but can yield crucial data about the way gases are being produced in the sludge and convected through the supernatant. Unfortunately, the measurements from these three populations do not seem to match. In particular, the ratio r = [N2O]/[H2] varies from population to population. r also varies from tank to tank, but this can more readily be explained in terms of the waste composition of each tank. Since H2 is more volatile than N2O (and since there are more sources of oxygen in the headspace), lower values of r correspond to more hazardous situations. This variance in r is troubling, since we need to be able to explain why certain values of r are lower (and hence more dangerous) in certain areas of the tank. In this report we examine the data from three tanks. We first verify that the differences in r among populations is significant. We then postulate several mechanisms which could explain such a difference

    Homogenous esterification of cellulose pulp in [DBNH][OAc]

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    Cellulose acetate is widely used in films, filters, textiles, lacquer and cosmetic products. Herein we demonstrate the production of cellulose esters under homogeneous conditions using 1,5-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-5-ene acetate ([DBNH][OAc]) as solvent. The reagents have been chosen such that the system is recyclable, i.e. by-products are low boiling and easy to remove. It is demonstrated that cellulose acetate can be synthesized with different degree of substitution (DS) values, and that some commonly used acylation regents, like vinyl carboxylates react well without additional base catalyst. Low to high DS values are possible with good recovery of high purity ionic liquid (IL). A linear correlation method of two separate methods, IR and P-31 NMR, is proposed to reliably assess the DS of the products. The recyclability of the solvent is demonstrated by acetylating cellulose with isopropenyl acetate to high degree and regeneration into water. After regeneration of cellulose acetate from the IL with addition of water, the residual water was entrained using n-butanol to minimize hydrolysis of [DBNH][OAc], to allow for high recovery and high purity of the ionic liquid. Thus, an overall scheme for batch cellulose acetylation and recovery of [DBNH][OAc] from aqueous solutions is proposed.Peer reviewe

    Using information above the word level for automatic speech recognition

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    This thesis introduces a general method for using information at the utterance level and across utterances for automatic speech recognition. The method involves classification of utterances into types. Using constraints at the utterance level via this classification method allows information sources to be exploited which cannot necessarily be used directly for word recognition. The classification power of three sources of information is investigated: the language model in the speech recogniser, dialogue context and intonation. The method is applied to a challenging task: the recognition of spontaneous dialogue speech. The results show success in automatic utterance type classification, and subsequent word error rate reduction over a baseline system, when all three information sources are probabilistically combined

    Differentiable Grey-box Modelling of Phaser Effects using Frame-based Spectral Processing

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    Machine learning approaches to modelling analog audio effects have seen intensive investigation in recent years, particularly in the context of non-linear time-invariant effects such as guitar amplifiers. For modulation effects such as phasers, however, new challenges emerge due to the presence of the low-frequency oscillator which controls the slowly time-varying nature of the effect. Existing approaches have either required foreknowledge of this control signal, or have been non-causal in implementation. This work presents a differentiable digital signal processing approach to modelling phaser effects in which the underlying control signal and time-varying spectral response of the effect are jointly learned. The proposed model processes audio in short frames to implement a time-varying filter in the frequency domain, with a transfer function based on typical analog phaser circuit topology. We show that the model can be trained to emulate an analog reference device, while retaining interpretable and adjustable parameters. The frame duration is an important hyper-parameter of the proposed model, so an investigation was carried out into its effect on model accuracy. The optimal frame length depends on both the rate and transient decay-time of the target effect, but the frame length can be altered at inference time without a significant change in accuracy.Comment: Accepted for publication in Proc. DAFx23, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 202