242 research outputs found

    Using Theory to Guide Exploratory Network Analyses

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    The use of exploratory network analysis has increased in psychopathology research over the past decade. A benefit of exploratory network analysis is the wealth of information it can provide; however, a single analysis may generate more inferences than what can be discussed in one manuscript (e.g., centrality indices of each node). This necessitates that authors choose which results to discuss in further detail and which to omit. Without a guide for this process, the likelihood of a biased interpretation is high. We propose that the integration of theory throughout the research process makes the interpretation of exploratory networks more manageable for the researcher and more likely to result in an interpretation that advances science. The goals of this paper are to differentiate between exploratory and confirmatory network analyses, discuss the utility of exploratory work, and provide a practical framework that uses theory as a guide to interpret exploratory network analyses

    Produtividade da bananeira Prata Anã sob diferentes sistemas de irrigação em condições de agricultura familiar no Semiárido.

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    Os assentamentos ribeirinhos localizados no semi-árido apresentam limitações em relação ao acesso à tecnologia de produção em fruticultura, fato que resulta em dificuldade de viabilizarem-se produtivamente e economicamente. A caracterização do perfil produtivo da agropecuária nos assentamentos é pré-requisito para o planejamento de programas de desenvolvimento que visam melhorar a produtividade a partir de investimentos em tecnologias aplicáveis à agricultura familiar, de forma a favorecer o desenvolvimento integrado e sustentável. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar três sistemas de irrigação em uma área plantada com bananeira (cultivar Prata Anã) no espaçamento de 3,0 x 2,5 m, em um assentamento no semiárido da Bahia. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, sendo que os tratamentos consistiram de três sistemas de irrigação (S1-bacia alimentada por canal revestido, S2- microaspersão adaptada e S3-gotejamento adaptado). O uso dos sistemas propostos para agricultura familiar teve efeito sobre as variáveis diâmetro do fruto, numero de fruto e peso do cacho, todavia não houve diferença entre as médias para comprimento de penca e peso de penca. As maiores médias absolutas das variáveis de produção analisadas foram obtidas do sistema S3

    Common Bean Reaction To Angular Leaf Spot Comprises Transcriptional Modulation Of Genes In The Als10.1 Qtl

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Genetic resistance of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) against angular leaf spot (ALS), caused by the fungus Pseudocercospora griseola, is conferred by quantitative trait loci (OIL). In this study, we determined the gene content of the major OIL ALS10.1 located at the end of chromosome Pv10, and identified those that are responsive to ALS infection in resistant (CAL 143) and susceptible (IAC-UNA) genotypes. Based on the current version of the common bean reference genome, the ALS10.1 core region contains 323 genes. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of these coding sequences revealed the presence of genes involved in signal perception and transduction, programmed cell death (PCD), and defense responses. Two putative R gene clusters were found at ALS10.1 containing evolutionary related coding sequences. Among them, the Phvu1.010G025700 was consistently up-regulated in the infected IAC-UNA suggesting its contribution to plant susceptibility to the fungus. We identified six other genes that were regulated during common bean response to P. griseola; three of them might be negative regulators of immunity as they showed opposite expression patterns during resistant and susceptible reactions at the initial phase of fungal infection. Taken together, these findings suggest that common bean reaction to F? griseola involves transcriptional modulation of defense genes in the ALS10.1 locus, contributing to resistance or susceptibility depending on the plant-pathogen interaction.6Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)FAPESP [2009/024112, 2010/51673-7]CAPES [6899/10-2

    Un análisis multinivel de población y deforestación en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacandón (Petén, Guatemala)

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    Este estudio examina los factores demográficos asociados con la deforestación en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacandón (PNSL), Guatemala, utilizando un análisis de regresión multinivel. Más del 10% del PNSL ha sido deforestado desde mediados de la década de 1980, a causa del crecimiento demográfico de la población campesina y su subsiguiente manejo de la tierra. Utilizando un análisis de regresión múltiple de dos niveles, este estudio examina datos demográficos y otras características de los hogares para explicar variaciones en el bosque roturado entre 241 fincas agrícolas en ocho comunidades en el PNSL. Esta metodología, novedosa en el estudio de uso del suelo en los trópicos, toma en cuenta la variación espacial entre comunidades, así como entre hogares. Al usar modelos de multinivel, se puede llegar a resultados mejores sobre los impactos de los factores, tanto a nivel de comunidad como a nivel de hogar sobre la deforestación, con implicaciones más adecuadas para políticas de desarrollo.Aquest estudi examina els factors demogràfics associats amb la desforestació al Parc Nacional Sierra de Lacandon (PNSL), Guatemala, mitjançant una anàlisi de regressió multinivell. Més del 10 % del PNSL ha estat desforestat des de la meitat de la dècada de 1980, com a conseqüència del creixement demogràfic i les pràctiques de gestió agrícola. Utilitzant una anàlisi de regressió múltiple de dos nivells, aquest estudi examina dades demogràfiques i unes altres característiques de les llars per explicar variacions en el bosc artigat entre 241 finques agrícoles en vuit comunitats al PNSL. Aquesta metodologia té en compte la variació especial entre comunitats i entre llars, i abans no havia estat mai aplicada als tròpics. El model de regressió multinivell pot ajudar a explicar millor els impactes de factors propis de les comunitats i de les llars en la desforestació, per tant, pot contribuir a millorar les polítiques de desenvolupament.Cette étude a examiné les facteurs démographiques associés au phénomène de déforestation du Parc National Sierra de Lacandón (PNSL, Guatemala) en utilisant une analyse de régression multi-niveau. Depuis le milieu des années 1980, plus de 10 % du PNSL a été déboisé par la croissance démographique de la population rurale, son besoin en surface et l'utilisation variée de la terre. En utilisant une analyse de régression multiple de deux niveaux, cette étude examine des données démographiques et plusieurs caractéristiques liées aux exploitations, dans le but d'expliquer les variations dans le parc défriché entre 241 propriétés agricoles dans huit communautés du PNSL. Cette méthodologie, nouvelle dans l'étude de l'usage du sol dans les tropiques, prend en compte la variation spatiale entre des communautés ainsi que des exploitations. En utilisant ces modèles de multi-niveaux, on peut arriver à de meilleurs résultats concernant les impacts des facteurs au niveau des communautés et des exploitations concernant la déforestation, avec des résultats plus adapatées pour les politiques de développement.The paper examines depopulation factors associated with deforestation in the Natural park of the Sierra de Lacandón (PNSL), using multi-level regresión analysis. More than 10 percent of the park area has been deforested since the mid 1980s because of rural population growth and agricultural practices. By means of a two-level regression analysis the study use dem ographic and other household data to explain variations in deforested land in 241 agricultural estates in 8 communities of the PNSL. The methodology, not applied before in the tropics, takes into account spatial variations between communities and households. Multilvel regression allows for better results on the impacts of socioeconomic factors on deforestation, both at the community and at the household levels with important implications for development policies

    Downhill Running-based Overtraining Protocol Improves Hepatic Insulin Signaling Pathway Without Concomitant Decrease Of Inflammatory Proteins

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of overtraining (OT) on insulin, inflammatory and gluconeogenesis signaling pathways in the livers of mice. Rodents were divided into control (CT), overtrained by downhill running (OTR/down), overtrained by uphill running (OTR/up) and overtrained by running without inclination (OTR). Rotarod, incremental load, exhaustive and grip force tests were used to evaluate performance. Thirty-six hours after a grip force test, the livers were extracted for subsequent protein analyses. The phosphorylation of insulin receptor beta (pIRbeta), glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (pGSK3beta) and forkhead box O1 (pFoxo1) increased in OTR/down versus CT. pGSK3beta was higher in OTR/up versus CT, and pFoxo1 was higher in OTR/up and OTR versus CT. Phosphorylation of protein kinase B (pAkt) and insulin receptor substrate 1 (pIRS-1) were higher in OTR/up versus CT and OTR/down. The phosphorylation of I kappa B kinase alpha and beta (pIK-Kalpha/beta) was higher in all OT protocols versus CT, and the phosphorylation of stress-activated protein kinases/Jun amino-terminal kinases (pSAPK-JNK) was higher in OTR/ down versus CT. Protein levels of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator 1alpha (PGC-1alpha) and hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha (HNF-4alpha) were higher in OTR versus CT. In summary, OTR/down improved the major proteins of insulin signaling pathway but up-regulated TRB3, an Akt inhibitor, and its association with Akt.1010Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)FAPESP [2013/20591-3, 2014/25459-9, 2013/22737-5, 2013/19985-7

    Atorvastatin and sildenafil decrease vascular TGF-β levels and MMP-2 activity and ameliorate arterial remodeling in a model of renovascular hypertension

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    AbstractImbalanced matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 activity and transforming growth factor expression (TGF-β) are involved in vascular remodeling of hypertension. Atorvastatin and sildenafil exert antioxidant and pleiotropic effects that may result in cardiovascular protection. We hypothesized that atorvastatin and sildenafil alone or in association exert antiproliferative effects by down-regulating MMP-2 and TGF-β, thus reducing the vascular hypertrophy induced by two kidney, one clip (2K1C) hypertension.Sham and 2K1C rats were treated with oral atorvastatin 50mg/kg, sildenafil 45mg/kg, or both, daily for 8 weeks. Blood pressure was monitored weekly. Morphologic changes in the aortas were studied. TGF-β levels were determined by immunofluorescence. MMP-2 activity and expression were determined by in situ zymography, gel zymography, Western blotting, and immunofluorescence. The effects of both drugs on proliferative responses of aortic smooth muscle cells to PDGF and on on MMP-2 activity in vitro were determined. Atorvastatin, sildenafil, or both drugs exerted antiproliferative effects in vitro. All treatments attenuated 2K1C-induced hypertension and prevented the increases in the aortic cross-sectional area and media/lumen ratio in 2K1C rats. Aortas from 2K1C rats showed higher collagen deposition, TGF-β levels and MMP-2 activity and expression when compared with Sham-operated animals. Treatment with atorvastatin and/or sildenafil was associated with attenuation of 2K1C hypertension-induced increases in these pro-fibrotic factors. However, these drugs had no in vitro effects on hr-MMP-2 activity.Atorvastatin and sildenafil was associated with decreased vascular TGF-β levels and MMP-2 activity in renovascular hypertensive rats, thus ameliorating the vascular remodeling. These novel pleiotropic effects of both drugs may translate into protective effects in patients

    Common bean reaction to angular leaf spot comprises transcriptional modulation of genes in the ALS10.1 QTL

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    Genetic resistance of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) against angular leaf spot (ALS), caused by the fungus Pseudocercospora griseola, is conferred by quantitative trait loci (OIL). In this study, we determined the gene content of the major OIL ALS10.1 located at the end of chromosome Pv10, and identified those that are responsive to ALS infection in resistant (CAL 143) and susceptible (IAC-UNA) genotypes. Based on the current version of the common bean reference genome, the ALS10.1 core region contains 323 genes. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of these coding sequences revealed the presence of genes involved in signal perception and transduction, programmed cell death (PCD), and defense responses. Two putative R gene clusters were found at ALS10.1 containing evolutionary related coding sequences. Among them, the Phvu1.010G025700 was consistently up-regulated in the infected IAC-UNA suggesting its contribution to plant susceptibility to the fungus. We identified six other genes that were regulated during common bean response to P. griseola; three of them might be negative regulators of immunity as they showed opposite expression patterns during resistant and susceptible reactions at the initial phase of fungal infection. Taken together, these findings suggest that common bean reaction to F? griseola involves transcriptional modulation of defense genes in the ALS10.1 locus, contributing to resistance or susceptibility depending on the plant-pathogen interaction6COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP6899/10-22009/024112; 2010/51673-

    Migration Within the Frontier: The Second Generation Colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon

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    Since the 1970s, migration to the Amazon has led to a growing human presence and resulting dramatic changes in the physical landscape of the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon frontier, including considerable deforestation. Over time, a second demographic phenomenon has emerged with the children of the original migrants leaving settler farms to set out on their own. The vast majority have remained in the Amazon region, some contributing to further changes in land use via rural-rural migration to establish new farms and others to incipient urbanization. This paper uses longitudinal, multi-scale data on settler colonists between 1990 and 1999 to analyze rural-rural and rural-urban migration among second-generation colonists within the region. Following a description of migrants and settlers in terms of their individual, household and community characteristics, a multinomial discrete-time hazard model is used to estimate the determinants of out-migration of the second generation settlers to both urban and rural areas. We find significant differences in the determinants of migration to the two types of destinations in personal characteristics, human capital endowments, stage of farm and household lifecycles, migration networks, and access to community resources and infrastructure. The paper concludes with a discussion of policy implications of migrants' choice of rural versus urban destinations